>bunch of fat virgin NEETs on Vietnamese spear fishing forum memed a fucking reality star celebrity dumbass the president of the most influencial and powerful country in the world
Literally why?
Bunch of fat virgin NEETs on Vietnamese spear fishing forum memed a fucking reality star celebrity dumbass the...
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Y not lol
Yes, "lol"
because his tweets were funny lel
Yeah wtf, I was shilling hard for based dr. Carson during the primaries
Because we can.
I don't care about Trump I just did it for the liberal tears.
this is clearly a fucking shill thread. dont fucking reply to this BULLSHIT. its on the FRONT page and its fucking SHILL thread. saged
Yeah, criticizing VERY important part of our society is "shilling"
For the lulz.
We live in global world and especially in the West
Because they liked higher co pays.
m8 80% of americans can't find finland on a map. We live half way across the world from you. We ain't europe.
Obamacare is working great for me, I have no coverage and I pay a fine every year. It's great
he won tnx to all the old rednecks in burgerland
you are retarded if you really think the internet helped drumpf
>Obamacare is working great for me, I have no coverage and I pay a fine every year. It's great
Instead of paying the government you will pay insurance companies :)))))))DDDDDDDDDDDD
Because he was the only one against immigration
You can get out of that fine now. Trump is letting anyone who says they have "financial hardships" out of it 100%.
If only Finland had built a wall. Could have kept the Mongols out. Saged. As they say.
Because we willed it.
Probably not, I technically could afford to get fucked in the ass every month, I just choose not to because the fine is cheaper
You're retarded if you think cheeto will last until the fall. He is an old illiterate old geezer who is got completely disoriented with what he as a president is supposed to be doing. He will be removed from the office after the stroke hits him.
For the lulz
Ignorance, boredom. Probably boredom.
But yeah, this guy is a fucking idiot. He's proposing to take away people's medicaid, has stocked his cabinet of people that brownnosed him, only had good things to say about him, gave him a lot of money, or used to work at Goldman Sachs.
Seriously, Michael Flynn was paid $500K by Turkey in order to promote their soundbite that their failed coupe was orchestrated by a Turk in like New England. I mean that's....this guy is supposed to watch out for Americans, despite the fact that he's taken money from foreign governments to promote their speaking points? Even if you're alt-right, you know this is wrong.
It was funny and it made smug libtards/centrists upset.
But seriously, we can't allow this guy to get the nuclear codes.
Because it's funny
Memes and fuck the establishment.
He hates micromanagement obviously so thats one thing to like
It was a joke, it was never supposed to get this far.
jokes on the establishment, next time don't be so shit
If you go to r/the_donald, there is literally nothing of substance there. Random John Podesta Pedo links, Netherland riots, attacks on Joe Scarborough, Clinton Money, praise for Sean Spicers's military service, etc. Just totally random, anti-globalist (what the hell does that mean? I mean, isn't the internet globalist?) crap.
They can never truly defend their candidate without attacking someone else. And they get so worked up wheneever someone goes there and shits on their reality.
These guys, many with no skills or education or in training whatsoever, expect to be better off with Trump and his lol "ben carson" style picks?
I bet when he wrecks medicare and social security, they'll be climbing over each in order to praise him.
what's more probable:
>Sup Forums is relevant, Sup Forums creates memes, memes influence reality
>reality influences memes, memes influence Sup Forums, Sup Forums is irrelevant
feels good, man
Trump has taken the teeth out of the individual mandate. Now you can request an exemption for the months you were not covered and basically 100% you're given the exemption. He did with pretty much as soon as he was swore in via executive action.
spoken like a true blue pill
HE was literally better than every single other candidate on both sides by a country mile.
>They can never truly defend their candidate without attacking someone else. And they get so worked up wheneever someone goes there and shits on their reality.
Define better.
>HE was literally better than every single other candidate on both sides by a country mile.
You took the short bus to school as well :)))))))DDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
They didn't.Stop being delusional.
Let's meme this guy to become the Prime Minister of Finland.
I prefer to think of it as the "long car"
Seriously, explain to me how you are better off with Trump in power?
Healthcare? I mean, ok, you don't get penalized, and aren't forced to get it (I'm guessing sometime in the future). So you're cool with paying $2,000 out of pocket for a EMT ride to the hospital?
Keep that pacemaker charged bro. The moment you get sick or break a bone or have stomach, bone, eye, muscle, etc/ issues, anything serious, you're absolutely fucked if you don't have insurance.
You do realize that the #1 reason for going bankrupt pre-ACA was medical debt?
Double fucked if you have any allergies, PTSD, or any other pre-existing conditions. Good luck getting AETNA or Blue Cross to accept your broken-down ass.
But what the fuck do you know, you're probably like 19 and have never experienced any real hardship outside of your parents basement.
because reddit spacing is not an argument
improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement).
"bettering his previous time by ten minutes"
synonyms: surpass, improve on, beat, exceed, top, cap, Trump, eclipse
"he bettered the record"
>the memes made Trump president
Sure thing, Pekka.
M8, young men are the healthest people on the planet. They finance insurance. If they wanted insurance they could get it. Cheaper, on the open market before obamacare raised premiums and deductibles 100%.
Because the alternatives were complete cucks or literally whos.
My Obamacare didn't cover ambulance rides and my annual deductible is 3000$
Bankruptcy is a debt protection process for the consumer. "Oh no you went bankrupt" means jack shit. Okay, you can't get a good loan for a few years, it's not the end of the world.
Better than obamacare. :^). Also the first bill of many.
If we elected Hillary we'd be a fat Sweden by 2020. Fuck that. I'd rather have a steak salesman than that piece of shit.
>Better than obamacare. :^). Also the first bill of many.
You deserve everything you get fago :)))))))DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
kek vult
>defunds planned parenthood
You're saying that as if it's a bad thing
I guess if vox says it's bad. It must be bad! :)
Define "worse coverage". I'm pretty sure I will still get my prescriptions and a cast rather than leeches and a splint.
>You're saying that as if it's a bad thing
So you like paying for nigger and spic babies :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Go get a job shareblue shill.
>I guess if vox says it's bad. It must be bad! :)
I guess if fox news says it's good. It must be good! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Roger Ailes is gone, Fox is okay.
I didn't cite anyone, dummy. You just posted an infograph filled with options of far left wingers. Post your own opinion so I can refute it. If you have one.
>with options of far left wingers.
Or "facts" as everyone else calls it.
To have our federal income taxes lowered you idiot.
Yes. When you stop forcing people to get health insurance.......they choose not to get heath insurance.
Man.....Thinking sure is hard. Gona go for a water break.
>To have our federal income taxes lowered you idiot.
Yes goy let me and my tribesmen loot your country blind!
>When you stop forcing people to get health insurance.
Read Trump's healthcare bill faggot.
You are paying to insurance companies now and taxing old people.
Because fuck you Finnejävel! that's why
he was the better candidate, hillary bombed my country being a corrupt, soulless nwo robot, and most importantly
I said lowered.
I don't care what the government does with its money, but I'm tired of it taking 25-28% of mine every year.
You mean like health insurance used to be? Before costs skyrocketed and deductibles we're just for a huge crisis? Before uncle sam? W.o.w.
>The moment you get sick or break a bone or have stomach, bone, eye, muscle, etc/ issues, anything serious, you're absolutely fucked if you don't have insurance.
Maybe you should try getting a job.
>I bet when he wrecks medicare and social security,
Not much of value to be lost.
Welfare and reliance on services from budget is amphetamine of nations. You are fully aware it's making you dependant and addicted to it, but you'll still spend money for it, since every cell screams for another dose.
Take it from nation that got annihilated by authoritarian countries after tolerance and concessions turned central authorities useless.
Don't even try to begin to argue that it was fine before. It wasn't and it isn't now. We need something different and you know it. This new bill is Obamacare without teeth. It is nothing, and it will be used to show it as a "failure" that must be completely destroyed. That's how right wing politics work. Gut policies, blame the policies for not working, then destroy them. Just admit its shit. If it is getting disapproval on both sides when we're this polarized it means its dog shit beyond belief.
>both sides
Did you pay attention to politics at all last year?
Wow I guess I'm voting for Hillary now...
slow clap**
Like what, you probably already get a grand or so bad during federal taxes.
It's make or break for you to get another $50 at the end of the year, meanwhile the road you take to work is full of potholes? Retard.
Yeah, seriously, besides the WH and a few of his stooges, who really supports it? Like outside the beltway?
Mongols never got to Finland, troll.
no, actually he is showing paranoid delusions now. the obama spied on me crap has been debunked.
he actually was referring to breitbart fake news..
yeh flynn is a turkey shill who propagandized about it.
it makes the turkish failed coup look extremely false flagged.