Sup Forums humor
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That looks like its going to go in a lewd direction.
Also I don't get why france is a mongol?
Extreme case of weabooism: it turned us Japanese.
Hilarious how reality will keep thundering onwards despite what some retard writes in a newspaper.
Oy vey this thread.
What a nice prayer.
>feels bad man
100% kek
Want a joke?
Here is one.
I'm not fucking laughing.
Pretty accurate
Is this a troll account?
> Fucking shounen anime moment right here.
Imagine all the montage of peope who's believing in trump in his final blow.
Did the creator of that picture killed himself after Hitler took Paris?
Thats hilarious acctually.
why is muslim TV so redpilled?
Delet this
>on Wensdays we kode
Why the fuck did she spell code with a k?
I don't get it
Karlie Kloss Koding
wtf I love nasa now
everything on the gov/russia/iran side is evil and war production and propaganda and on the "moderate rebell" side is rainbows and sunshine.
>muh ebil assad
>muh peaceful rebels
libtard logic, no one truly get it
im not laughing
Oh sweetie.
That's very nice of him to campaign for Wilders, didn't expect this from a roach
This is some OC just forr this thread
Here's some more
Fun fact: They picked the childs corpse from another place and placed him on the beach to get some nice dramathic photos for the media. There are some video/pic in which you can see clearly that child in a rocky place, not that beach.
top kek
Why does it take so many words to simply explain " designated shitting place" ?
she is thick, men love thick girls
de niro is a dumbass and hasn't been in a good movie in years