Brit/pol/ - Lazy British Sunday edition

>Hotels and restaurants will need 10 years to replace EU workers because '[lazy] Brits don't want the jobs'

>Former Aussie PM Abbott: UK and Australia Should Have Free Movement Zone Based on ‘Western Culture’

>David Cameron begged Abbott to keep quiet before Brexit vote

>Brexit: David Davis warns MPs to leave bill unchanged

>UK political parties at risk from Russian cyber-attacks, GCHQ warns

>MPs slam Theresa May over lack of a plan if Brexit talks collapse

>‘Tip of the Iceberg’: UK Records 1,428 Forced Marriage Victims in 2016


>Are Nige on Sunday Politics [from 6:10]

Other urls found in this thread:



>putting some german/hindi shit in the middle of are flag
At least make it something English.

>women aren't funn-

Big Soup.

Fookin' preach it, lad. Students are the most annoying gobshites around.

New threads are so fresh and nice

But inevitably ruined


Nah i checked :^)

Yeah thinking about it, though doing nofap/porn means that my dick is doing far more of the driving than usual

>Labour Party historians see his years in office as lost opportunities for major reforms. However, in keeping with the mood of the 1960s his government sponsored liberal changes in a number of social areas; they were generally not his initiatives. These included the liberalisation of laws on censorship, divorce, homosexuality, immigration, and abortion; as well as the abolition of capital punishment


What happened to him?



Imperial Leather.

The Swastika is a European symbol.

It was used by Anglo Saxons, its a very English symbol, as it is a very Slavic, Celtic or Nordic symbol.

Its a symbol of European nationalism.

>men aren't funn-

Got btfo by this lad

no idea, you tell me.

Anyone have anything new to add to this? Latest links are from 2014.



Christ the Russian World Cup is going to be a huge fuck up isn't it

It's going to kick off


Isnt that the Goy, i mean guy out of Maroon 5?


This is a pretty good laugh lads, endless quotes:

I find it odd how a sub that has consistently answered surveys as being overwhelmingly NEET or low income/student is now apparently full of business owners who're going to pull out of the UK and the rest claim to be married to someone from the EU.



even more annoying living with them. they all unironically think gommunism is cool and being against immigration is racist. clearly never taken a fucking history class in their lives. one of my flatmates is one of those "borders don't even exist duuuude" types. unreal.

just go to the pub/town and talk to someone else, get your mind off it

fuck me. balls of steel that lad.

Pretty sure something about that pic is illegal to someone somewhere in our government.

How did you let your capital become immigrant and nigger?

Hindu neighbours down the road have them on the sign of their house name

Put deep heat rub on both hands.

Same lad.

Where's this?

Yes, we will reclaim the swastika and make Europe NatSoc again.


Stop asking.

Stop masturbating.

Is that dorset?

No its Wareham




Should we kick Turkey out of NATO?


You posted a picture of Bristol last time I asked

Caption this.

Blair innit

What a dick

Which is a town in Dorset. Looks too cosy. Needs CULTURAL ENRICHMENT i think.

Friend is from just down the road from there.

Bristol is my quasi home city given that I lived there for 4 years.

>Bristol Cathedral and the Shrouds that represent soldiers killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme

>when a white man resists the genocide of his people

We should kick them out of Cyprus.

Someone hit me with a few Huwhite Pills

> Only saw them at Christmas
> Not going back until the Summer

Kek students

>I am looking to leave the UK and will likely not return

>tfw trying to escape NEETdom, we're gonna make it lads

>being so heavily indoctrinated and consumed by ideology that you reject your own fucking family forever based on how they voted in a referendum

fuck these plebs

>tfw never firmly squeeze rimmer's glutes

>I genuinely screamed

>i'm leaving the uk to a better european nation
>you know they will choose the whitest nation possible like norway

When are the McCanns going to FUCK OFF


What a bunch of traitorous cucks, the fucking quislings should renounce their British citizenship.

Good luck getting rescued by the RAF and Royal Navy when Europe is ablaze.

>I believer we'll be alienated from the rest of Europe, shunned and looked down upon

He should come onto Sup Forums, hating us is dress code and has been for years.

>one day day

>And we couldn't hug each other b-b-because we're British!
>Oh the horror!!!
>Miranda quotes

>Good luck getting rescued by the RAF and Royal Navy when Europe is ablaze.

Good luck getting rescued by them regardless.

i want all you paki cunts in this thread to listen and listen GOOD.
if i catch a single one of you fucks here i will chop off your fucking balls and feed em to my pet rabbit...

These cucks actually think 'Albion perfide' is a brand new meme.

so lonely

When they finally get locked for child neglect

>the knowledge that the future is going to be less good than the recent past
But this was a concrete inevitability regardless of political decisions even as big as Brexit. You'd have to either be a child or incredibly sheltered to not see the basic downhill trajectory of the West.

These same people always bemoan the destruction of the NHS, graduate unemployment and the state of the housing market, so how is any of this suddenly a shock?




>I want the EU to stand up to China and the US
If EU weak men bureaucrats don't stand up to China now, they never will.

Why would anyone want to move to the Valleys?

literally never

They are puppets dancing to the media's strings. It's a shock because the nice man on the BBC told them it was a shock and he's never lied to them before has he?! Has... he?

And we barely have any fluoride in the water.

Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off Brit/pol/

>All that scrap metal rusting away

It's been like 10 years, hasn't it? Why is this still a story?

just saying stay the fuck away

So when are you going to join the Conservative Party? There is literally no reason to vote for any other party. Become a member and support /OurMay/

>tfw not bilingual

we are the plebs of Europe when it comes to languages desu.

If they had been working class or doalies they would of.

Gotta love the humour in wanting the EU to stand up to China but I'd bet the poof wouldn't say a peep about the humanitarian atrocities of Islam.

looks like a rough part of Chechnya...

thanks for the answer. my business model generates income and doesn't have any outlandish expenses besides the bottomless marketing pit, so i hopefully won't need any investment.

do you have an opinion of Incubators/shared space for startups? i see and read a lot about these but they always seem to be full of people who i wouldn't like to be around. my scottish misanthropy means i can't be doing with having to be around twats. i don't think i'd need to enter into one of these, but keen to hear peoples experiences with them. so far it is people talking about how great it is to listen to others and share ideas and how it is inspiring to catch a coffee with X. seems like a good lifestyle when you're spending others money, but when it is my own money i don't have time for that(,excepting shitposting on pol of course).

Article 50 when?

Hey, it may be a rusting shithole, but it's his home.

Police just announced they're going to drop a bunch more cash into the case

It is quite shameful

However, fuck foreigners and their gibberish monkey talk

So lads once we have Brexit secured what shall be our next meme front?

I propose we push for a referendum on "sensible migration". Migrants will only be allowed in if:
> Possess a Degree
> Speak English
> Clean criminal record
> Clean bill of health

Basically gets rid of 90% of the terrible migrants trying to get in and is reasonable enough to pass


Tuesday lad