Coffee is actually bad for you

>gives more stress and anxiety than actual energy
>bring acidity to your stomach
>increase your heart speed and blood pressure
>can cause sleep disturbances and insomnia

It seems harmless at first but in fact coffee is almost as bad as tobacco and alcohol. Glad i stopped drinking it.

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>Coffee is actually bad for you

No shit faggot. I don't think anyone thought otherwise

Drugs like coffee, tobacco, pot, ibuprofin, I feel like they work best when you use them constantly. I don't like coffee that much, but I've gotten into grooves during summer jobs where everybody drank it every day, and it became a fun part of regular.

>No shit faggot. I don't think anyone thought otherwise

If only this was true. I'm sure the majority of anons here are still unaware about the caffeine jew.

1. Coffee Can Make You Smarter

2. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat and Improves Physical Performance

3. Coffee May Drastically Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes

4. Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Was häsch grad zu mir gseit, du chlini Schlampä? Du weisch scho dasi dä bescht Militärpolizeigrenadier vodä schwiz bi, im Kosovo gsi bi mitem KFOR und über 200 ufem Gwüsse han? Ich bi ich Guerillachriegsfüehrig usbildet wordä und bi dä bescht Militärpolizeigröni vo üsere Armee. Du bisch für mich nüt als es witers Ziil. Dich wirdi mitäre bis etz ungsehne Präzision vo däre Welt wägblase. Du meinsch glaub du chasch im Intärnet so Chabis über mich usälah und chunsch no dämit devo? Dänk bessär numal drüber nah, du Lappi. Während dem mir eus da unterhalted hani scho es gheims Netzwerch us Spion kontaktiert, und dini IP wird gad zruggverfolgt, mach dich besser uf es riise Puff parat, du Füdlibürger. Das Puff, wo das erbärmliche chlinä Ding, wo du als „Läbe“ bezeichnisch, uslösche wird. Du bisch verdammt numal murks, Chlinä. Ich chönnt überall sii, ich chönnt dich uf siebehundert verschideni Arte abmurkse, nur mit dä Händ. Aber ich bi nöd nur im unbewaffnete Kampf usbildet, nei ich han au Zuegriff uf Züghüser vo de ganze Schwizer Armee, und ich wirds usschöpfe, zum dis elände Füdli vo dem Kontinänt zblase, du chline Wixer. Wänn duu gwüsst hettsch, was füre apokalüptischi Rache din chline „luschtige“ Kommentar provoziert hät, hettsch wahrschinli dini verfiggti Schnurre ghebät. Aber nei, du häschs nöd anebracht, du häschs nöd welä, und etz wirsch dadäfür zahlä, du huere Tschumpäl. Du wirsch ih mim Hass versuufä. Du bisch tot, du Pajass.

pls R8, isch OC

>drinking the caffeinated jew

You deserve to be riddled in self inflicted ADHD.

was zum fick...?!

>Tried to make the switch from coffee to tea
>I just really fucking hate tea

Now I just drink neither....


>>gives more stress and anxiety than actual energy
I actually feel better when I drink coffee. Starbucks makes me nervous and jittery, but I drink organic coffee and I feel calm and fine

>>bring acidity to your stomach
i guess, i dont know

>>increase your heart speed and blood pressure
not really

>>can cause sleep disturbances and insomnia
if you drink it til 5pm ! Sometimes when I am tired coffee actually helps me sleep better

Catalyst mints are better!!!

Only if you're a weak beta cuck
>>gives more stress and anxiety than actual energy
>>bring acidity to your stomach
So consume stuff that isn't so acidic to balance it out
>>increase your heart speed and blood pressure
Not a problem if you don't neglect your cardio
>>can cause sleep disturbances and insomnia
So don't drink it before bed.

Han denkt ich übersetz mal dnavy seal pasta, was denksch?

I've been gradually lowering my intake

I used to have instant with breakfast, cafe-bought mid-morning and afternoon, and coffee when I came home from work

Needless to say I never feel well-rested

Fuck you.

I rarely drink and quit smoking. I'm keeping coffee.


Might as well take low doses of pharmaceutical grade amphetamines

thats dumb

you dont drink coffee because real men eat coffee beans raw in the morning

> bring acidity to your stomach
That`s actually good, if you have no physiological stomach problems. Acidity kills diseases.

> can cause sleep disturbances and insomnia
Less than electrical light.

Most importantly - it helps you, when you consciously chose you need it.
Of course other hot drinking substances should be developed or stopped from being destroyed by industry. Every nation has dozens of herbal teas and now they are are replaced by chinese daisy bush, because it`s preferable for anglo.

I agree and I've always felt that way.

No. You want your body to be slightly basic

> almost as bad as tobacco and alcohol

Not even in the same league, you blithering fuckwit.

Coffee in moderation (about one or two cups a day, about five days a week) is very good for your health. Also, use moderation in what you put in it. Skip the sugar, maybe use 1/4 teaspoon honey instead, use a small amount of milk. Even grind a bit of nutmeg into a cup once or twice a week.

Your body will thank you.

I probably average 7 cups a week (and not the 64 oz. Starbucks Big Gulp cups). About the same in black tea, and about the same again in jasmine green tea. Most of my black tea consumption is in the morning with breakfast (sweetened with honey, add a bit of milk), coffee during morning break or lunch, and jasmine green tea, unsweetened or with minimal honey, usually in the evening when relaxing to a book or a movie, with emphasis on weekends.

Coffee is great for your health, so long as you don't swill down a gallon of truckstop coffee every morning to wake up for your slave wage job.

>not grinding it and smoking it


or simply meth micro doses, as we call it on the street.

If I drink coffee every day, I get a bad case of reflux. Also I don't think it makes me more awake, it simply makes me feel uncomfortable and nervous, but I can be extremely sleepy at the same time. So basically I have no idea why people like to drink this shit.

been reading quack websites have we? hahahaha.

>them may mays

I stopped using coffee a few years ago after drinking it daily about a pot a day for ~10 years.
the addiction is subtle but very noticeable if you know what to look for.

i think years of caffeine use wires your brain to be dependent on it so you'll feel like a zombie without any intake, and it doesn't really go away with time either, only lessens to an extent.

I started drinking loose tea ~a year ago. it gives all the benefits you'd get from coffee and more.
also comes in million different kinds, compared to the very few coffee actually has.

Yeah but it helps me shit

Coffee is red pilled, you filthy bogan.

Need to drink cortado or espresso rather than a massive cup of milk and sugar with a token dribble of coffee

It's a work meme to benefit he boss.
Coffee make you less resistant to authority.

Dont drink coffee with your meal. Wait an hour or two to let things digest. Caffiene is a decent stimulant if u do it right.

coffee is utter shite as a stimulant unless you brew it strong & drink multiple cups worth, in which case it is unhealthy.

No shit, coffee is pretty much fucking crystal meth absorbed into brown water.

Coffee without milk is actually very good for you.

Also the oldest living cats were given coffee

unless you are a snownigger and do not want Alzheimer.

If you guys drink coffe to help shitting you should really try making kefir (or any other homemade probiotic) if you really have problems with that. Look it up, seriously.

99% of immunologic and digestive problems come from a lack of probiotics due to all food being nowadays practically sterilized for preservation. All the probiotic stuff you can buy in stores isn't really worth it because it's pasteurized making it pointless. For true health you must make it at home. You'll never have cancer and will probably live well into your 100's if you consume that.

It's stilly how common coffee comsumption is at an office. My coworkers and boss already scolded me, because I don't go to coffee breaks with them. But I told them to fuck off, because I don't drink coffee and I don't see why I should waste my free time on a coffee break. I told my boss, if he wants me on those breaks he needs to pay me for it. Haha he is such a cuck, you should have seen the face he made.

Dude, just drink something else that is not coffee. Like tea or whatever else.

You're just putting excuses not to socialize.

Moderate (1 cup / day) coffee consumption is linked with longevity though.


Yes I will do so, as soon as I get paid for that time. I'm a fucking whore and will do anything for money. But I'm very serious about my free time. I also don't go to any office events or parties. I can understand that my coworkers don't appreciate my behaviour, but I do not owe them anything and they are stupid cucks. If they want me to be their friend, they need to pay me for it.

No. Sweets, fats, anything would fit this category.
You don't have to drink 10 cups a day.
>gives more stress and anxiety than actual energy
No. Also try decaffeinated.
>bring acidity to your stomach
Not a bad thing, it keeps parasites out.
Humans have always been consuming bitters to cure diseases.
>increase your heart speed and blood pressure
Decaffeinated. Blood pressure is a lie like salt.
>can cause sleep disturbances and insomnia
You don't have to drink it in the evening, you know?

tl;dr: It's fucking retarded to call coffee unhealthy when most of you faggots gulp down chocolate bars, pancakes, etc like water.

Hell yes. I just went 48 hours without coffee and I had a nasty headache like a hangover. One cup of coffee and now I'm back to normal.

The physical addiction is real.

Anyone who says coffee tastes good without shit tons of creamer is a Fucking liar

>It's fucking retarded to call coffee unhealthy when most of you faggots gulp down chocolate bars, pancakes, etc like water
I cannot speak for the whole board, but I'm on a pretty paleo / slow food diet. Basically I only eat things without additives and no flour, sugar or milk. I think many people on here take their diets pretty seriously and try to better themselves.

>Blood pressure is a lie like salt.
blood pressure is mostly a meme, but salt really can be a problem. You don't need to completely leave it out, but moderation really is key. Same goes for glutamate. Ideally you don't need to artificially add those things to your food. Just choose foods that already have enough of it in them.

>Not a bad thing, it keeps parasites out.
What do you mean by parasites? If you are talking about stomach bacteria, you really want to preserve those. They play a key role in your immune chemistry. Also bitter doesn't necessarily means that it's acidic. PH is something you need to measure, you can't taste or feel it. Acids and bases have more or less the same experience to offer to your body. It's sour and burns away your cells.

>If they want me to be their friend, they need to pay me for it.
Are you paid for family reunion?

In France we all drink espressos, that is a small cup of plain black and bitter coffee, to the point that "un café" means an espresso.
I love my coffee after a meal, we don't need to sweetened things as much as Americans do, you're always diluting the taste of food with fat and sugar

I don't believe that it would actually work in reality. But we should try to get as close to it as we possibly can.
>Are you paid for family reunion?
No I actually like one branch of my family and I enjoy sharing time with them. I also have a decently large circle of friends. I'm not as anti social as I might sound. I simply don't like to hang out with random people from work.

Es ist nicht 2013

>In France we all drink espressos
No bob, you are not france.
French people drink robusta for the effect, not the taste.
And globalist bobos drink their meme drinks.
Go tell an italian it's an esspresso, plz go.

>Not injecting coffee with a dirty needle directly into the jugular
>thinks he is a man

Not for the taste ? Are you an idiot or what ? Even the decaffeinated coffees are espressos ( and i mean a small cup of plain strong black coffee, i don't care of what shitalians would think about that denomination )
>And globalist bobos drink their meme drinks.
Found the parisian

Your plastic cup coffee doesn't count.
What coffee will french drink at home?
Esspresso? lol no.
It will be robusta for almost all of them, the sales do not lie.

Bring dich um Alter

One glance and from the size and feel of it... Is this the gorilla warfare pasta?

I stopped drinking the caffeinated Jew not too long ago and haven't really noticed anything yet

>not drinking the ultimate redpill
>not ingesting based antioxidants
>not having the mild energy boost without the resulting stomach cancer
Tell me Sup Forums, why haven't you started drinking tea instead of that bitter brew?

Coffee with a bit of milk and no sugar is a decent pre workout.

I'll never give up the nicotine and caffeine lads.


Coffee is comfy


ughh i just want my adrenal glands to work again so i dont feel like i have lyme disease all the time

fuck you coffee

I have issues with blood vessels despite being a healthy weight and lifting regularly. It's really easy to keep track of how my blood vessels are doing by the size of erection. Can confirm it improved after I stopped drinking coffee.

uhhh yeah you got any?

im over here tryin to grow my own ephedra and cast off the beanwater jew


I'll give you the redpill. Squeeze a lemon in a cup and add 350 ml of water then drink it. Do it everyday first thing in the morning. Goodbye stomach problems, acne, bad breath, the list goes on.

Unless you take it up your ass enema style. Then it cleans out your liver.

I'm tired as fuck of having to drink it every morning just to feel normal. I've tried to kick caffeine a couple times and I always end up back where I started. help me out guys, why can't I kick the bean?

caffeine doesn't seem to work for me, all it does is keep me up at night

t. Red Bull

Post scientific studies to back up your claims and post arguments that refute the evidences of the positive effects of moderate coffee consumption.

Otherwise fuck off.

wot, pls explain

>not smoking while drinking espresso
what's the point of living if you're gonna deny yourself the good things?

>drinking coffee

>good things

how indoctrinated do you need to be to believe something like this.

>mfw I drink 5-6 cups of coffee a day and atleast a litre of beer a day and I am perfectly healthy and functional

Good bye enamol

It's like with leaves.
1-loouk up the flag
2-don't answer

German are braindead now, you can't save them.

>what do you mean it feels good
>no it doesn't, you're just indoctrinated to think it does
okay famalam

X is actually bad for you

>gives more stress and anxiety than actual energy
>bring acidity to your stomach
>increase your heart speed and blood pressure
>can cause sleep disturbances and insomnia

It seems harmless at first but in fact X is almost as bad as Y and Z. Glad i stopped *verb* it.

caffeine is really fucking addictive dude, first of all

second of all it's not retarded to point out when something is bad for you. you win the award of being the dumbest post in this thread, I hope you're happy you dumb g*rman

Everything you are doing is addictive

>cigarettes are bad for you
>cigarette companies do billions in sales

what part of this do you not understand, Leo?

Fuck it I'll bite

Coffee offers more benefits to human health than problems. There's the obvious cognition improvement from caffeine, but it also lowers risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's, and is a fantastic natural laxative. There isn't any overwhelming evidence to suggest that it causes an increase in risk of cardiovascular disease.

The only people who should drink it with some caution are kids, the elderly, and pregnant women.

Drink it in moderation (1-2 cups a d day) and you'll be fine. It's fucking ridiculous that you'd even compare it to tobacco and alcohol.


>Semitic traitor juice
>responsible for the seditious nature of Near Eastern peoples


>effeminate, highly bluepilled
>consumed exclusively by chinks and gooks.

Sort yourselves OOT

Only the inferior are afraid of coffee.
In sweden we drink 5-8 cups a day on average.

Only insecure weirdos avoid grains and moderate sugar consumption. Real men engage in rigorous physical and mental activity

You are right. So are sodas with coffein in them.
A lot of people don't understand how negative this whole shit is for them.

A brit doesn't know about brushing his teeth, what a surprise.

>not drinking
>drinking Mediterranean dishwater

You are a horrid traitor to your nation and your race, Anglo.


I think coffee is moderately harmless in reasonable doses, if by coffee we mean simple black coffee, not that liquid diabetes thing Americans drink all the time.

Top kek I wouldn't want you as my friend anyway.