Has anyone else noticed the lack of happenings since Trump was elected? We've literally gone 5 months uninterrupted with zero major happenings.
What is going on? Where is kek? Has he forsaken us?
Has anyone else noticed the lack of happenings since Trump was elected? We've literally gone 5 months uninterrupted with zero major happenings.
What is going on? Where is kek? Has he forsaken us?
the faggot christians and pizza gate morons have leeched the boards value becasue pussy starved autists think "muh traditionalism" and hero worship is going to get them laid. SAD!
kek has gone dorment due to lack of worship and digits , im sad to say that kek has departed and will be back after the maintenance.
also jesus christ > kek
The major redpill is realizing Kek is Satan.
The final redpill is realizing that it isnt a bad thing.
KeK did what he did, we were never in control. His last appearance was the 7's get.
Smile because it happened, don't cry because it's over.
Fuck off
what are you talking about its been non stop. don't take these chaos times for granted. When was the last time the deepstate and CIA niggers tried to take a president out so overtly.
>Has anyone else noticed the lack of happenings since Trump was elected? We've literally gone 5 months uninterrupted with zero major happenings.
u mean the world stabilizing?
No, Kek is here. He's watching.
Like it or not we did it, we saved the world.
Don't worry lads. Kek has something up his sleeve.
No happenings? Like president accusing the ex-president of wiretapping him? These are happenings, trump, his associates and opponents just spewed so much shit out lately that you've become numb to all the drama going on
Worry not my friend, after the election of Trump kek is not wasting his time in minor happenings, his plan is complex, and during 2017 we have a lot of major election in europe, France and Germany in the lead. So, he will make it happen again, just praise him and keep believing in meme magic.
>No happenings
If you're here Kek, grant me doubles or higher?
Please Kek, we need you!
Kek has spoken. You are not the chosen one. Delete your browser and never log on to the internet ever again.
Kek is dead.
Fools, how can you doubt Kek after all he's granted us? There are huge happenings just around the corner that he will preside over, so be patient and wait for the fullness of time to reveal them! Praise you, mighty Frog God!
the frog god is a false prophet! We follow bestkorea's stickman!
This is true. Kek has not forsaken us, we have forsaken him and took him for granted after Drumpf was elected.
Proven wrong by your own digits, like pottery
Praise Kek
Moloch is drek
Kek is still here. He has not forsaken us. We must put our faith in Kek. Only small things have been happening that we overlook that have been influenced from Kek. I do believe some big things have happened under Kek, like the GETs with Obongo's surveillance scandal.
Best Korea 4eva
I know what Kek plans to do. But I wont tell you.
Praise Kek
incoming happening this month...
Trump's election drained most of his power, now he needs to rest for a few centuires.
He's regaining energy for the Dutch elections
Kek has powered down, to recharge so that he can unleash his full energy into the Netherlands, France and Germany!
Kek is among us, praise Kek!
You should worship me.
I have 3 names each of them has seven letters. I found out that they form a sentence if you read them as their original meaning and this is not intentional since my parents are dumb lefties and they randomly named me after their hippy friends.
The sentence is "A brave man gift of god"
I'll be 33 on 15th march.
I think this means that Kek likes me and he has a plan for me. Maybe I'm his avatar, idk.
Ah another shill attacking Kek.
He was busy with hwndu this weekend, which was fairly immense.
Anons will unite at some point a worthwhile happening is needed, but probably will be procrastinating in the meantime.
Saving up meme magic for the KEKNUKE
>what he did, we were never in control. His l
WTF are you talking about, Trump has been agitating the lib's almonds nonstop for months and there is no end in sight.
LePen might bring the happenings to France
South Africa is on the brink of actual Race War (Gas the Kikes)
and AMD is releasing some of the finest hardware for GPU's and CPU's in a decade.
just because you are paying less attention doesn't mean it's not happening.
OP is a pleb. Kek deliverth a Trump presidency, the true miracle of our time, with (((them))) BTFO all over the place in his wake, and OP asketh: is that all? wot next m8?
Kek is observing the board of peace, studying us to note how quickly we question our faith in him. Ask not wot Kek can do for u, ask if u belongeth on Plebbit, faggot. The rest of us must moveth against the (((MSM))) and offer Shia La Beouf as a sacrifice to Kek, just as Moloch must be fed gentile children.
If not Shia, then another (((subversive))) must fall, before Kek showeth his full power level, and unleash The Happening of Happenhnnnngs.
The terrorism happenings were all CIA and FBI false flags. They stoped when they were clearly helping Trump and hurting Hillary. After the election they've not had time to set them up because they are getting BTFO daily.