What does Sup Forums think about this?

What does Sup Forums think about this?

...... so boy clothes is heavily (((branded))) clothes.....

there isnt really boy clothes in 2017. girls can wear whatever they want while boys cant wear pink dresses without being a fag. .... sometimes i just want to feel pretty.....

also not politics


My little sister wanted to be a garbage truck driver. Now she's studying to be an engineer.

Don't give in to the stupidity of your kid.


Let's hope it doesn't go any further than that. I watched a documentary on "trans kids" last night and there was a 12 year old taking hormone blockers. I am so glad that no decision I made when I was 12 years old continues to affect my life.

They're calling people who dislike this "transphobic". My question is, how can a 4 y/o kid know she wants to change her gender?

She shouldn't even be allowed to buy those things

virtue signaling parents ruining a childs life

when I was that age I said I wanted to be a dog an walked around on all fours and my parents didn't take it seriously and make it my lifestyle due to not being fucking retards

did u just gender my shirt?

White people are sick in the head. They mentally scar there kids in the name of liberalism. Why are whites so subhuman

Loli reverse traps are a cute. But it becomes kinda gross once they get older.

>not old enough to drink alchohol
>not old enough to smoke cigarettes
>not old enough to drive
>not old enough to vote
>old enough to make life-changing, bodily harming decisions

what did they mean by this

They're gonna make babies go vote, drink, drive and smoke cigarettes in the name of liberalism

Gtfo pedofag. You fuckers should get jail time

It's not white people. It's libtards

Rare? There are literally a goriillion of Ghanaians.

i believe its called genocide

kek, here comes the bf to the rescue

>misgendering that sweet little four-year-old boy
Literally child abuse

I also liked to play with dolls when I was 3yo. Although I had non retarded parents and that's why I'm still a dude. When I was 3 I didn't even know that boys and girls existed. I though I was the only person with a dick in the world. But as long as that girls dresses like a boy it's ok. It's her style. Now if her retarded parents want to be special snowflakes and give her pills just call social security.

I think it's somebody on social media appealing for attention and approval, like 95% of the people on it these days. It's the 21st century drug of choice.

Yeah pretty sure they'd love to make kids vote

I wanted to be a magic tiger when I was a kid and I still resent my parents for not putting me on human blockers, I've been on alchemy for about a year now and soon ill be getting snout surgery soon.


Munchausen's Syndrome By Virtue Signalling Using Your Kids.

>tfw everyone is looking for (You)s today

>these days

>boy clothes

are people this retarded

>Used to like dressing up as a girl when I was a kid
>Later stopped on my own accord
>Were I a kid now with parents more lefty I'd be encouraged to chop my dick off

tomboys have been a thing forever

i doubt she actually wants to be a boy, she just likes the more boyish stuff like guns and fighting

there is literally nothing wrong with this, most of them don't even turn out to be lesbians

though i don't approve of using your child to push some shitty LGBT agenda

>Not starting her on drugs to delay puberty onset

Textbook half-assed parenting

what if she wants to become a porn star or prostitute? what then? nowadays a tomboy=tranny. fuckin stupid liberals.

Hungry over there bud?

>back the fuck up ?!?!?!

Whats boy clothes

I think it's just a little kid thing. Just be it for like for a few hours or for a day. If it extends then she's fucked.

Fucking liberals, they are the fucking scum of the earth. SHES A FUCKING CHILD YOU FUCKING CHILD ABUSERS.

Social media has been that way pretty much since it dawned on everyone that they could spout unwanted opinions and find someone that would agree with them.

Here, have one of my (you)s so that you may invest and make your own fortune.


Exactly, most kids don't even know what each other has or why they're different. Also letting a kid decide what they want to be when they haven't fully developed is warped beyond belief. I'll almost certain if i taught my girl to be a man 24/7 she would think she is. A dog doesn't know it's a dog until 6 weeks of age. They learn this through socialization with their brothers and sisters.

Fucking saved. Thanks m8

>taking orders from a 6yo girl


I bet you'd look cute in a tutu.

And the fights go on

This. They even think it's some kind of game. When they get to puberty they'll realise that their life is fucked up beyond repair and then they'll kill themselves.

There's an end to this though. My daughter spends a lot of time with me . However i have the due diligence of teaching her to be a woman and a lady. She also spends a lot of time with her mom and other girls, dance, and so on

early penis envy


The joke is on her. Those clothes are unisex.

She's lying, the woman I mean. She's just farming irl and online (you)s on the expense of her little sister, hell I wanted to be a restaurant as a kid, doesn't work that way, no kid is ever persistent, one second she wants to be a boy, next she's playing with her barbie. Plus girls don't wear frilly dresses all the time, they wear tshirts and jeans/pants/knickers like any other normal fucking kid, they're already fucking wearing "boy clothes".

God the length these mentally ill people go for attention.

when she realizes boys can beat up other kids...

Yeah let's let kids decide how they should be raised what could go wrong

Exactly, kids are fucking mean. Can't do this that early. Kids operate by laws of the jungle. Growing up you knew who was off a bit and generally assumed what they would become. However they dressed according to their gender and everyone got along. If some mother flucker would of come dressed up like ET in drag the flood gates would had of opened. The amount of shit they would of had to endure lmao.

When I was that child's age I wanted to be Batman so my parents bought be a Batman costume.
I see nothing wrong with this alone.
Her sister obviously tweeted this because trans bullshit, I hope the parents aren't lunatics too.

Kek so she wants to be a boy to be able to beat other kids up?


the hero comes to the rescue.

They mean:
>haha you're not gonna believe me jerry but get this

child abuse by twitter.

that's cyberbullying.

that's almost a hate crime.

I can tell that teenage girl totally has her whole family around her finger and she has them all manipulated. She has been through indoctrination and it's girls like this who then convert the whole family.

Keep us updated!!!

>"Why aren't you defending mm?!?!"
>"Oh, alright, I'll say something."
>"Thanks sweetie, I love you!"

Do people really not have the self-awareness to moderate the cringe?

Of course she wants to be a boy, who would want to be niggertier gender.

10-20 years ago she'd be called a tomboy and get a lot of male friends

Now they're going to put her on hormone treatment and slice off her vagina.

Cool, the network in finnish train is considered britbong. Im not Achmed I swear.

Since when were boy clothes just a fucking shirt?

Those are sports clothes. Not boy's clothes. Why are her parents and siblings so fucking sexist. Can't women wear sports clothes? Is it because they think women are not as capable and sporty as men?

Its 2017 people

soon porn star and prostitute will be supported by libtarded parents as it is in Germany (prostitution is legal at $10 a BJ) and Italy (some porn start politician).

there is a European country where the prostitutes have a washroom to clean up at and there is even a love room to fuck in.

Wearing boys clothes != being transgendered

It appears that's the only thing they did, they just bought her some boys clothes to wear. This is a far cry from the crazies that throw out the kid's entire wardrobe and toy collection and proceed to buy stereotypically boy stuff for the girl while simultaneously scheduling her first appointment for HRT. My parents bought me a white Ranger outfit because he was my favorite Power Ranger at the time and I wanted to be one, doesn't mean I grew up as one.

I believe they fooled her...kek.

Going to be a day when a little girl asks to dress like a boy and you buy her a dress.

"But Mommy, I want boys clothes."

"Well, Honey, boys wear these clothes. See that queer on TV? He's a boy and he wears a dress."

You can make a kid happy by giving them endless candy and cake too, but you don't because you know what it does to their mind.

>fighting on twitter

>4 year old can consent to gender changing surgery
>Feminists want to raise the age of consent to 25

what the fuck is wrong with lefties?

the easiest way to encourage a girl to be a man is to beat her daily.

almost every woman who became a lesbian, mentions physical abuse as the reason they abandoned the heteronormative propaganda.

the only side effect is the risk of her also developing a drug habit due to "low self esteem" issues.

>My kid does usual kid shit but y obey and do what ever my little master tells me to do

they just gave away the secret sauce to tricking your kid.

Most hetero chicks where t-shirts and pants these days.

It's fucking disgusting.

When I was this kid's age my cousin/best friend was a tomboy like this. She was fuckin yuge, played football and beat up boys all the time and she was very masculine looking.

I'm so glad my family aren't insane and society wasn't in Hell at that point or who knows what could of happened to her.

Let the kid be a kid. It's probably a phase.


Women shouldn't be allowed to use social media.

The Saudis were right.

I remember some "tomboy" I had a crush on in middle school.

She was taller than me, had big breasts, but she always dressed in cargo shorts and t-shirts.

I hugged her once and pressed my face against her boobs, she liked it, too. Hugged me back. Almost kissed her before she punched me. She looked like she was going to grow up to be hot.

Too bad we went to different schools after that. If I would have gone to high school with her, I'd probably would have boned her.

I can't believe Sup Forums actually has a problem with this girls bf stepping up and telling a few people to fuck off.

What would Sup Forums have said if he had done nothing?

>hahaha low T nu male cuck xD

I can't believe what a bunch of sensitive little faggots make up the bulk of this board. No wonder you're all sad little virgins.
I love some of the banter here but the more i browse this board the more it just seems like another shitty version of Sup Forums or /r9k/. Get a fucking life the lot of you

It's cute but it had better end by the time she's 13.

Society fucking had a good thing going, Jesus Christ. People were pretty much color blind and judged people by their actions. We were teaching kids to learn to accept each other and themselves. We didn't take ourselves too seriously and could practice discretion when it came to jokes, words, and conversation.

Where did it go so wrong?

this is why i failed to get married: i anticipated that my kids would have had me wrapped around their little fingers.

however, f2m hulked on steroids should never ever get their no-no parts turned into a penis because of the risk that your surgeon couldn't move your g spot cos the prostate is missing.

so like your orgasms would be more shitty than if you kegled and kept your vagina and uterus.

IMHo this is why a few women commit suicide: they never learned how to give themselves an orgasm.

stfu fucktard
HE is a handsome young lad

Go cry somewhere else you utter faggot.

in some countries, woman hitting man is foreplay.

in America, it is called "BDSM."

I think these people are batshit insane and make me hate the world. I wouldn't be surprised if they put her on hormone therapy


i doubt this 4 yr old is gonna think she is a boy unless u abuse her some more on twitter.

she's 4, she probably also wants to touch a hot stove and stick a fork into an electrical socket

She'll be a tomboy when she's older. Good amount of dudes are into that. Good for her.

That fucking 4-year-old isn't mentally capable of understanding how the genders work other than the stereotypes of boys (sports, the color blue is for them, other boy shit). This is probably why she wants to be 'a boy'. It's more likely so that she wants to play with the boys and they refuse her because she's not one of them.

And the girl's parents probably refuse to accept that most young transgenders switch back because it's a dumbass childhood decision that affects them in adulthood. explains it well.

I can understand why he'd do this but ultimately, the sister did put a photograph of her four year old "sibling" on the internet for all to see.

This is one of the biggest issues surrounding this social media boom, in my opinion. The chances are this little girl wanted to wear more comfortable clothes, or something different from her normal attire. It probably has nothing at all to do with her gender, yet as per usual, the trans agenda is being pushed onto it. Even if she wasn't doing it because she wants to be a boy, the positive attention she will be getting for this choice will probably influence her into doing similar things in future.

If this was a gender related choice and the child genuinely does want to be a boy, and this is the first instance of her discovering this, why did her sister plaster it all over the internet for likes and shares? Why not just allow it happen and not parade it around for attention? It's a personal thing and should be kept as such.

And better yet, why not just accept that you've put the photographs out there for gratification and judgment? Of course you're going to get people criticising this kind of thing, as it's a very controversial subject. This is what the older sister wanted, attention for her sister dressing like a boy - why is she crying about it not being the type of circle jerk positive attention she was expecting?

Hope she finds out how "privileged" she'll get to be wanting to become a boy!!

Don't talk to me or my girlfriend's younger sister ever again!

>wants to play life on hard mode
Good. Try to not kill yourself too quickly, kid.

My kid brother wanted to be Superman ...we didn't throw him off a roof