It seems that their sultan erdogan would love to mess with Europe.
I guess this would be an excellent time to reclaim Constantinople.
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>Still butthurt even after 500 fucking years
So, how is life going in Ottoman Balkans Komşu?
Not going to happen
you're welcome to try
>greeks acting all tough but without any european or US support they are worse than syria
careful there Turk
Slow and steady wins the race, remember you almost lost Carigrad in 1913
Wanting a shitholle filled with 20million Turks
That's what we all said in our house too
"Hey this means constantinople will probably come back to us soon"
Obviously you cleanse the place.
>without any european or US support
Check the news, mehmet. It's coming.
Just wait and see.
Good luck with that , roaches are able to survive a nuclear holocaust
>Looking this comfy like some Italian city or Greek island
You ever visited this hellhole desu ?
It's full blown Middle Eastern at this time, it has no value to Southern Europe anymore
We could just flush out the roaches not like they are doing us any good
Agree. We will assist with land forces and navy and forget most of the dembts.
Only dembt related to pension of old germans is what we need.
Also all land claim goes to greece for konstantinopel and all aegis islands.
dumb turk
I'm waiting, it's pretty chill here
Time for a good old purge.
Why stop there? Just remove kebab and divide it between russia germany and greece
Here too.
We should all make the most of it before the war comes.
Good we are comming. Some of our assets are already there. Your military is wortles after the erdoshit purge.
let's assume shit happened and turkish army done did it this time and we are invaded
>massive city
>massive population
>literally a gun behind every door
if you think fighting against guerillas in desert is hard try doing it in a city. before you can make any progress your people will whine and cry and you will return home lmao.
Sorry, you had your chance, but you stabbed us in the back in a Crimean war. We are Turks' greatest ally now.
And who else is left? Both the EU and America are too busy with internal conflicts.
To much trubel for no rewenue.
Greek get there rightfull clay. So do the kurds.
Let the rest bath in there own shit.
Hey dumbass putin is backing greece
istanbul would be one of the most stunning cities in the world if it was owned by europeans desu
literally nothing is happening, did you guys lie to me
is this just another Sup Forums wet dream :(
How the fuck did a roach get a brain
We use bug bombs now.
>accusing me for being Anatolian after I stated the fact that the Middle East has shit-tier architecture
Error 404: Logic not found.
The city is big desu, I mean at least Europe could try
If you think we do some hearts and minds shit your drasticly wrong.
Gas, fiere a tottal purge.
We set the rules not you.
We decide when to attack.
We have the initative. Fuck.
We have to be thankfull for erdo shit he cleansd the miltary from all the smart guys.
Constantinople is a lost cause, unless you plan to force repopulate the entire population
What a stupid post.
there are lots of us here boo.
we hate islam.
Yes. Thats the goal.
Leave roachville and go be a productive member of society
Can non-muslim turks segregate and establish their own country
did they call him ata turk like ata boy?
As an Assyrian, I hope Turkey goes into civil war. That will be the most beautiful event I will ever witness in Constantinople's history in my lifetime, you almost cleansed my people and now it's the roaches turn.
Its calld kurdistan. Eu has to support them with everthing we got.
Constantinople is a shithole with all of the shit going on there we should just final solution the sand niggers there
I shagged an Assyrian chick once. You lot are alright.
>calling non-muslim turks, kurds
I'd really like to be in the same mindset as you guys and hate on my own country for what it has become but retards like you are making me look the other way
how tho; aren't they all strict muslims
All roaches need to be genocided
whats not to hate about turkey? You have the most childish, dishonest, victimcomplex dictator as a leader...
Too bad the eternal Anglo did not give it to Greece after World War 1 like they were supposed to, I mean fuck the hundreds of thousands of Europeans who fought and died against the Muslim menace for hundred of years.
They decided to do anglo things instead
it is a bit strange when foreigner scum praise gülen and his people. they are as bad as erdoğan and they weren't the smart guys otherwise their coup would work. their internal hierarchy is about merit but it doesn't project well into other establishments they are in when they promote "their" people above people with merit. which was their downfall when they felt safe enough because they had good numbers in a lot of government establishments and started making wrong desicions about who moves up.
their coup plan was on par with kindergarten "best vacation" drawings, it was asinine.
that and keep dreaming bruder :-) there will be no war and you'll keep venting in pol because you can't do anything about the might of turkish nation :-))
I don't disagree with you
Where the fuck are Turkroaches even from originally? Do they occupy any land that they originated on?
Nah, Christian
If I remember correctly, "ethnic Turks" only make up about 10% of Turkey.
They're originaly from central asia (as far as i know)
Ein Döner, ohne Tomaten und mit Joghurtsoße, bitte.
no Turkey is the secular state
it was founded as such and we aren't cucks why would we move
we need to drive out islamies from our beautiful great nation
ne mutlu turkum diyene
fuck any self-hating cucks
fuck the honour-killing k*rdshits
long live secular Turkey
long live Mustafa Kemal Pasha long live
yaşa yaşa!
m8 it's like most turks that come over here are all ultranationalists roaches, and the normal turks stay back home and try not to get arrested
they live in comfort and welfare there and still vote for erdoğan while the secular minority is fighting for their rights here
you need to deport them
What are those minarets still doing in the background?
Why not, send those kebab sheep fucking muslims go back to Mongólia.
Shame, it's such a beautiful city. By rights it belongs to the West
>their sultan erdogan would love to mess with Europe
reminder that this is all a blatant ploy by RJE to get yes votes from the nationalist party MHP
They have to go back.
>alteast the Turks took good care of it
If only they would
turks were orginally from central asia, they migrated to west for various reasons (climate, chinamen, wars) anyway some of them came to anatolia, byzantium was tired fighting the persians and got rekked by turks and various other peoples that got rolled into their group and they settled anatolia.
back then turks were heavily insipired by persian culture and islam and after byzantines fucked off back to west natives of anatolia basically said "ehh we'll speak turkish and praise Allah instead?" it was a process but it eventually happened and natives were "turkified".
people who live in anatolia have lived here since the first civvies, their original civilizations either failed at some point or melted into greek/persian/armenian/georgian cultures (you can think about the cultures of pretty much every modern nation who borders turkey atm) because those two were the dominant ones of their time. when turks came they came with their tribal warrior culture with the backing of islam so it was the dominant culture and byzantine hold over anatolia was gone and here we are.
Are all Turks blindly nationalist over their country which really shouldn't have any legitimacy as they are on rightful christian turf?
>Destroyed mosaics older than their pedophilic religion
>covered it with ugly shit and no art
>took care of it
culturally and demographically constantinople was greek all the way through ottoman times. it's only with the (proto-) turk genocides of christians that roaches took over the cities.
This is true
There is no ethnic turk only turkified something in the west turky its turkified greeks
In the east its turkified Armenians
Real turks are in the russian stepps
there's no building in the world that has ever been improved by giving it to muzzies
Will you just remove kebab altogether or should I begin learning basic Greek?
That was the point, they've managed to fuck up one of the great buildings in the world.
It would have rivaled, had it stayed in Greek hands.
As byazantiboo
I am praying for the day christians take back the Hagia Sophia so we can see again the church that made vikings convert to Christianity
Only Crypto-Greeks will be allowed to stay.
It's a good idea, but we cannot hand it over to Greece.
There just aren't enough Greeks in Greece to fill up todays Constantinople.
I home Erdogan becomes a full on dictator and starts to "intervene" in Syria to occupy land , starts to invade Cyprus , etc. Basically doing the same as Saddam.
I cannot wait for that to happend so US to demand an "intervention" in Turkey. I will enlist in a heartbeat to serve .
because he was an "ata good goy"
>Neo byzantium when
If this genuinely happens i want to join, free tour of the wonders of antiquity
Smart man