If a terrorist attack doesn't happen the week of the election she will lose.
If a terrorist attack doesn't happen the week of the election she will lose
ugh.. she'll lose no matter what, we don't take fascists kindly here dude. the only people who like FN is old racist fucks who are gonna die soon anyway
The worst thing is that elites have no power to stop it.
Thank you T. Achmed.
Hey just saw you in the other thread, another reminder to kill yourself!
lying piece of shit
Pls Ahmed, the most people who want to vote for the FN are young people between 18 and 24 years old.
Wrong. Young people vote FN, a lot.
Get out of the sociology college and see the truth.
wrong, the only electorate she's missing is 60+ years olds, because they don't want to get out of the euro and lose their shekels
Nice bait desu
Old racist fucks ? if for you 18-24 are old racist what are you ? A toddler ?
Fucking cuck frog. This is why you lost to Germany. And this is why you will lose to the Muslims. Charles "the Hammar" Martel would be ashamed of you. Your ancestors fought and died in vain.
I really like France
Probably your kind will die sooner than you think, inshallah.
Agitate the muzzies french bros, like what happened in the netherlands
>I really like the cliche of France
Vive la Fralgérie
I say we use our meme magic to make a happening in France for her
Does Le Pen have the support from feminists?
or blacks?
Shes against mass immigration of brown skinned people.
So no
shes' a white woman what kind of question is that?
No she will win regardless of what happens and if she doesn't civil war will happen in France and the elites will be dragged out in the streets and beaten by the French people for rigging the election.
fair enough
Le pen will win
WTF I love terrorists now
She cant win since theres a ballot and everyone who gets against her will get the votes of all the people who dont like her, which is the ample majority of the frenchs.
There is no chance for her to pull a TRUMP ELECTION in france since the electoral laws are much different.
It won't happen in France but somewhere else. Kek wills it!
Then it will happen in France?
Yeah nigga, I'm holdin'.