Some redpilled men confront some basic bitches
Seems Like Black British Are Redpilled
Why do they talk so retarded????? What is wrong with their mouth??
u wot m8
british with a touch of their whatever native language was. Still interesting tho.
It's the lips.
I don't believe they speak any other language than british. no? Its most likely they try to mimic their ethical heritage?
can anyone give me an insight
Their parents probably talk with accent and they've picked it up too
Well, I do believe me that they at least speak one more langauge than English, not sure how fluenty they are to whatever their parents/grandpa's langauge is.
i guess that makes sense
Sociolects nigga
Think ebonics, it's just that but on a British accent.
>50 apes
A lot of good moments in this vid.
that's why I posted. It's hilarious actually.
The brightness on my phone was down and I could only see the eyes in the photo
I'm glad youtube doesn't have smell yet.
>They come across like a boss
Implying that they are NOT the boss, because they lack the intelligence to BE the boss.
I am a man, I deserve my respect regardless"...
I Think the African dude, Lucas, is the most redpilled out of them
Thanks for linking this, my fellow Oriental. And you're right, Lucas seems to be the clearest in his head.
The one that said 50 apes know that americans are fucking degenerate cucks
Britain trully is america of Europe
It's a mixed accent of Caribbean, low class British and African oogabooga language.
there's an eposide where they are talking ''who's going to pay on the first date?'' and all girls say men should pay, cause ''they are traditional and respect gentlemen'' Lucas dude usually calls them out for their bullshit
start from 5:00. He even went to say ''this feminism bullshit''
Most niggs aren't that long around.
Interestingly by the way they talk German you can actually tell whether they are from the former British or former French speaking colonies.
In Germany there are not that many Africans, but the few who are are either from Ghana, Senegal, Kamerun or Ethiopia most of the time. I have no idea why these particular countries.
>43 seconds in and the video hasn't started yet
It's weird seeing how people from so different backgrounds come to the same conclusion
>mfw the acknowledgement of roasties and the cock-carousel unites us
U wot
Why would anyone wear those ridiculous hoops? There are so many different types of earrings. Someone could rip your ear off.
Plus they look ridiculous.
Fucking hell this sounds like my college
Our diversity is better behaved thanks to all the police state surveillance
>roasties like men should pay the first date
>Black dude, ''if I'm going to pay and spending my money at the first date, then it must be guarantee that I'm banging you at the first date
>White beta dude, '' I prefer not to bang on the first date''
>Roasties clap and lauughhh
Why fucking most white dudes has to be beta as fuck weakling cucks?
Lucas is redpilled
>I need to be tamed
what the fuck is wrong with you
are you an animal or a creature of individual thought
fuck these pushover people are so depressing
> Gets BTFO by LUCAS
Nobody from Namibia? You know, it being your only african ex colony
I met a namibian guy in Düsseldorf two years back, friendly man with a way too big of a smile
Actually, hes probably more of a romance guy than anyone else in that room. He's the kind of guy that wont enjoy sex unless theres some romance involved, which is probably why he needs more than 1 date
unless you're absolutely smitten
This is literally a depiction of London culture. Its fucking revolting. Shanking and shotting means Stabbing and drug dealing. I know so many niggers like this its not even funny
black people with british accent is the weirdest thing in the world
LMAO! The African in him strikes.
From now on, I'm not even an African, but I'm gonna use that line ''the african in me'' when dealing with obnoxious feminist roasties in my college.
>looking romance from a roastie
We need to exam his fucking standards
well I think he means like generally speaking, in that, if a guy is going on a date(him) that he wants some romance involved
he might not know the girl is a legit dickjumper
that guy in the green shirt.
his face lmao
>dose horseteeth of hers
>Black Brits are better than American Nigs in almost everyway
wider range in accents too
I wonder if theres an america version of this, so I can compare them
our nogs have different accents based on where in the country they are, but not on their ancestry
compare a new york nog accent -
It's a mix of Caribbean accents and native English.
The majority are pretty based by the time they reach the age of 30. It's only when they're teens and they are interested in American culture and rap music and BLM that they're a problem.
>American culture and rap music and BLM that they're a problem.
Yeah i gotta agree.
Working retail you get all sorts, but these 2 rudeboys got stabbed up the other week
Nice guys at work, but i can imagine how it went down
Their grandparents are probably Jamaican immigrants who came over in the 60s. Their parents and themselves have a watered down accent that has mingled with the native English.
You can have black people with working class London east end accents. It's bizarre in a way.
it called jafacian. Half the white kids in London speak like this aswell. The guy with the thicker accent is probably nigerian
Yeah more white kids speak like this than black sadly
british culture is a problem
stfu degenerate
you are a cuck
Holy shit episode one
>Bruv I don't care if yoo got a side ting yeh just keep dat giyl in line every mandem cheats you get me just let dem know I am boss
Blacks have such a different relationship structure
Damn this is classic female hamstering...
holy shit what the shit is going on in that image
Ah yes the brits and there negroes
cus they aren't force fed that equal rights shit since they're born
it doesn't unite shit you fucking nigger, that's just the truth you fucking pathetic cùcks
>g-guys nigs are based, they hate roasties just like us!
>m-muzzies hate fags too, they're the saviors of western civ!
shut your mouths you fucking kikes, brownies are afraid of wolves, we're afraid of wolves, that doesn't mean they're based or that they're our allies, that's just common fucking sense
fucking hell are you people actual niggers, kikes, or just fucking retarded?
>Monogamy = Equal Rights shit
Nigger spotted
easy there leopold II calm down
>1 post by this id
go be a ctr shill somewhere else
>Not knowing that most men used to have wife and mistress
Also single mums are bitches
DMX is the only real redpilled black.
because they're fucking animals, they'd never be able to create and sustain a civ like ours the nuclear family is a core value of western civ
ok tyronne silverstein
African name
Jewish name
>Pick one and only one.
At least my country could actually win a World War. Kek.
So degenerate.
I am not watching that.
you're worse than a nigger and a kike combined you neocon shit
>women think people change
>im not a whore anymore user
>raise my interracial children user
>you want your own kid
>im not putting my body through pregnancy again user
>but I love you forever
another 30 minute video of stupid ass talking
the only thing i heard of value was the nigga who said men don't have to accept women who've hopped off the cock carousel and say they want a man to take care of them and their kids
he's just describing the wall and beta bucks
free range negros are of a higher calibur than battery negros
Yes the aristocracy often had this, doesn't negate the fact that the nuclear family is still the basis of why we are civilised at all
He's right you know