Why does everyone from both sides of the political spectrum hate this man?
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Nice suit Mr President.
Nice garage also, you took this shot yourself?
He's ugly, he has no charisma and he's pretty stupid
I don't hate him.
He does seem pretty dumb though.
He's a fuccboi
disagree about his attractiveness
he'd be in the 90th percentile if we were ranking Sup Forumssters with him included
he is rather uncharismatic and stupid tho
He has a fat face and acne
I kinda like him, his haircut is silly though.
He's a try-hard.
The left hates him because he's a white man.
The right hates him because he's paid to make the right look bad.
Have you even seen his speeches or read anything he wrote?
I feel like most of the spence hate comes from nu-Sup Forums faggots who didn't even know about him before the election cycle and judge him primarily on screencaps of tweets he made.
shit eater punches nazi
I dont.
He is retarded socialist.
For the mainstream left he is the single most right wing person they know, while for the right he is not extreme enough
he's to handsome, I'm jealous of his looks
#no homo
>Claims to be a white nationalist
>Has an Asian wife
>that haircut
>that suit being so out place with it
He's very bland and boring. He has no personality, and no charisma.
I'm speaking out of my ass, but that's what his appearance is telling me.
He is a reasonable good person.
Actually right winger here, not /r/thedonald scum. Love this guy
before the grammar nazis start punching me
you've answered your own question. no doubt he's smarter than about 98% of us.
He's an obvious agent, controlled opposition, to make young people tired of the dichotomy of politics veer towards conservatism. He tipped his hand too much with his Nazi salute, and the shiteating sub beta faggot who punched him was obviously hired.
You are speaking out of your ass. Spencer is a mighty hypocrite and very much fighting for an entirely lost cause, but the man has a lot of charisma and diction.
Because he's controlled opposition. The lefties hate him because they're supposed to hate him, and we on the right hate him because he's a shill designed to make us look back
>Oh look, this election is going poorly for Mrs Clinton
>Watch as he goes to parodic lengths to confirm that everyone's a Nazi by literally doing a Nazi salute and saying "Heil Trump"
What a fucking joke
>russians are asian now
I keep wondering if faggots like you are just trolling or legitimately believe in the "no one heard of him before" meme because of how much of a newfag you are.
>No name recognition
>No followers
>Has about 7k people following him on Twitter
>Media picks up the alt-right narrative and starts to run with it
>(((Coincidentally))) Spencer is suddenly cast into the mainstream by the leftist media
>They pretend he is some leader of the alt-right and how big a deal he is
>Offering him chances to speak, book deals, and attention
Ah yes, this is all (((coincidence))).
Either he is a plant or the most useful idiot of all time.
>He's an obvious agent
You're obviously new.
>to make young people tired of the dichotomy of politics veer towards conservatism
This sentence doesn't quite make sense, I think you formatted it incorrectly. Even so I think I see what you're getting at. What's wrong with finally making a break from bland conservatism? We need ethno-nationalism now more than ever. We won't have the option soon.
>He tipped his hand too much with his Nazi salute
You didn't even watch the video, did you? Spence didn't "salute" anyone.
>shiteating sub beta faggot who punched him was obviously hired
Yeah maybe, but not by Spence or anyone he knows. Why would he hire someone to punch/humiliate him? That's retarded.
>american education
>Slav wife
Even worse
Because he is a faggot
He was the first to use the term 'alt-right'.
It's not. Your new is showing.
He was a nobody before this election you dumbfuck, and then all of a sudden he "represents" the alt right. Kike tricks if you ask me
Because he's a plant who sig heils and parrots memes
Good goyim, you're right!
He is literally just like David Duke. Long-term plant (or useful idiot) for the leftist to use as a strawman for their arguments.
The only reason you're defending him so much is because you are either shareblue, or you're realizing that you've been had and are in the denial stage.
maybe he can get his act together but
what you're saying right now is stupid, the reason no one had heard of Spencer before the election was because he's a retarded LARPer and so are his friends, they've never been relevant because they're incompetent autistic idiots writing shitting blogs no one reads. They had nothing to do with the emergence of the "alt right" meme, it was dead and shit until Bannon mentioned it and the (((media))) thought they could use it.
the alt right timeline is basically
-spencer and friends being impotent useless larpers
-bannon and breitbart mention the alt right
-the (((media))) think they can use this to tie bannon and trump to kkk nazis
-spencer sieg heils like a good goy
-anglin says the alt right is explicitly nazism like a good goy
-everyone but spencer jumps off the sinking alt right ship
he's ugly af senpai
Every single one of you who didn't know dickie before the election needs to go right back to r/the_donald.
Poor dress choices yet thinks he's slick.
>muh shareblue
People usually hate the truth and the man bold enough to speak it.
More bullshit
The facts show how wrong you are.
Prior to Spencer getting attention from the (((MSM))) he had 7,000 followers on twitter. Do you really think that is any sort of significant following? His website was dead and defunct.
You can take other ethno-nationalists like Golden One, and he has 40k subscribers. Other people who are often thrown into the alt right have 100,000+ subscribers on youtube. They have much more reach and presence than Spencer ever did.
I knew who Spencer was before the election, and he has always been a (((David Duke))).
The most base and retarded view of anyone more right than Republicans. He exists to be controlled opposition.
the left 'hates' him because he is the evil racist white boogeyman, the right hates him because they understand he's just controlled opposition being given a platform by the left to make the right look bad
Who exactly 'jumped off the alt right sinking ship'?
It has always been a fringe umbrella of various personalities and ideologies. If you're referring to Milo or Gavin, neither of them were ever 'Alt Right' nor was Cernokike. None of them identified as much and none of them were/are welcome by others in the Alt-Right. Spencer is still kicking, ass is AmRen, MW, you name it. Libertarians aren't alt-right. Sargon isn't alt-right. The common theme within the alt-right is a gradient of racialism or white nationalism, ranging from mild/'race realism' to outright ethno-fascism.
>the right hates him because they understand he's just controlled opposition being given a platform by the left to make the right look bad
This, but I also just hate his face
can you stop using the CNN narrative label "alt-right"?
Jesus Christ this faggot needs to be gassed.
Okay, lets clear the air then. What exactly about Spencer's views do you find retarded? Is anyone you disagree with "controlled opposition"? Do you not see how this delusional mentality is just as off-putting to other people as any perceived strangeness on Spencer's part?
His "Hail this and that" ensures normies will never listen to him, and his lack to relatability/charisma ensures Sup Forums will never rally around him.
It's not a "narrative label". Again, back to r/the_donald.
I would have to agree objectively with what you said regarding population of Sup Forums. Maybe 10%? 15% would be more attractive than him, the rest are non-white non-entities or neckbeard (or even hairless haha) anime people.
Jesus Christ
Fuck I almost had 1488
Based on your posts in this thread, you seem to be fresh from there, yourself.
>all this idiotic larp bullshit
you aren't smart enough to have this discussion.
Sup Forums is full of shills, shills post neutral threads about Spencer and people like him and then shills start hating on them, some people fall for it and start hating spencer for no reason.
>all the nazi pepes gasing jew memes
>one toast that had 3 people seig heil
How am I LARPing? I'm making arguments and explaining/clarifying the term alt-right which you seem to have confused. If you don't have any real points, just don't post.
What the FUCK Australia
He's a fucking Larper.
Nice get my dude0
>Start Richard Spencer thread
I don't dislike him.
He use to be good looking, before he got fat.
he finds it retarded because he's finally called up to the spot where he needs to defend and promote his enthocentralism openly and he doesn't know how to.
It isn't about Spencer's views, it's about how he portrays them.
I pointed out Golden One as an example of an ethno-nationalist who isn't a retard. Spencer runs around with his literal nazi haircut throwing out roman salutes while screaming about "HEIL TRUMP! HEIL OUR PEOPLE!"
It's literally the least intelligent and most simplified form of ethno-nationalism. It's roleplaying as a Nazi. He purposefully tries to find race in everything so he can flip it around and be "pro-white." He offers up no interesting ideas or solutions, and boils everything down to "White = good."
Either by choice or inadvertently he exists for the left to use as a figurative (and literal) punching bag.
The time for action is NOW.
Also, the insults here resemble the swedish leftists insults against right wingers very much. Coincidence?
fucking czeched cunt!
Richard Spencer is a great thing. Only shills hate him.
I think he's pretty good at debate and speaking. Usually the only response he gets is moral outcry, or appeal to humanism/univeralism etc and the crowd goes with it.
I praise the one true god for granting me this get.
Holy shit he sounds gayer than Milo
good doubles
all amerifats sound gay to me
anyone wanting a racial basis for America gets derided as LARPers by shills because they think it's a good insult right now
no surprise its frequency has exploded since the election
>Golden One
The Golden One is a reddit-tier softie and a hypocrite. He's less articulate than Spencer by a mile.
>throwing out roman salutes while screaming about "HEIL TRUMP! HEIL OUR PEOPLE!"
Again, you haven't watched the video. He didn't salute anyone, and he said hail, not heil.
>It's literally the least intelligent and most simplified form of ethno-nationalism. It's roleplaying as a Nazi.
Not a single Swastika, not a single goose-step. You haven't read anything he wrote, you haven't watched to any of his presentations. You're basically regurgitating media talking points and frothing at the mouth to purge perfectly capable people from the right.
There are lots of valid reasons to dislike Spencer, but to call him Ugly and stupid makes me think you are a shill....or non white and scared of him ....
Well, obviously. A plant has to reflect the values of the group it's being a plant within. The idea is they represent them in the worst possible way to everyone else so as to make the group look bad.
Arguing with shills is useless
>writing articulate material, calmly and peacefully arguing for your cause in public settings and in professionally and legally organized conferences
>making the group look bad
Making the group look bad compared to you fucking sitting in a basement? Sick and tired of people hating on others for achieving things that they could never do because they are so pathetic.
He's some literal who that is in no way qualified to be representing a political movement. It's like some neet going up on stage and telling everyone what they should do.
Even if I agreed with him 100% I don't want a retard like him telling me what to do or what's in my best interest.
Every time he says something I agree with it makes me reconsider that position since agreeing with an idiot like that makes me think I might not have thought my ideas out properly
It's important to engage them and disarm their bullshit so other people don't fall for it. Eventually they'll give up and leave. Ignoring the problem will never solve it.
I'm not making a group look any which way, because I have no (((media))) giving me exposure.
How is he "unqualified"?
Strange, I remember a very similar argument being made about Trump during the general election. Hmm...
Come again?
And actual nazis hate him because of muh purity
Extremists on both sides judge him based on their own morality instead of intellectually analyzing what he has to say.
Hey tana umanga everyone in the movement is a fucking 'literal who?' at this point?! What do you want Mel Gibson to come out and take up and lead the alt-right cause?