it was already paid for the night before, HE DINDU NUFFIN
Michael Brown Dindu nuffin
didnt he assault someone on camera the day of?
yeah cuz he had his shit he'd already paid for.
basically a noob store attendant didn't know the deal michael brown had with others
it was a miss understanding
Yep, he grabs the shopkeeper by the throat for trying to stop him from leaving the store with things he hadn't paid for
he HAD paid the night before they were holding it for him the night before
can't deal with evidence, it doesn't fit the narrative?
you sound like a snowflake
What the fuck kind of store can you pay the night before for something like this and then come in a later time and try and get them?
Either way, assault is not excusable.
well it's the nigger iq, you can't do anything about it.
but he DIDN'T steal. narrative is WRONG
Which is worse, theft or trafficking?
So if he hadn't stolen anything, why did he try to assault a cop?
Why did he strongarm the store clerk?
So he reached through the window of a cop car and tried to steal a gun because he -didn't- have reason to believe an arrest would send him to jail for robbing the store?
That makes this confusing, but doesn't change the meat of it.
maoa gene he's naturally reactive, it's not his fault he's a nigger
Trafficking should be legal
he's just defending himself, he's black he knows police is jut gonna shoot him.
it's just survival!
How fucking retarded do you have to be to assign a fucking video from 12 hours before as justification for him strong-arming the store owner at noon?
Niggers are so fucking stupid. I am so glad that ape is dead
Excuses are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Attacking a cop is plenty of reason to get shot. Even if the cop is unknowingly wrong about a suspect and I'm not even saying thats the case here. Mass media has been lying to us for so long that I don't listen most of what they say anymore.
He's black.
>weed isn't legal tender
>even if that was the deal between an employee and brown, it doesn't mean it was with the owner who he grabbed by the throat
>even if it was, to anyone observing it would look like a strong arm robbery
>ultimately none of it actually matters because Brown thought he could fight a cop and try and take his gun
This guy has to be a fucking retard
>hey let's buy some cigs tonight I'll get them tmr
>gets cigs
>shop owner asks what he's doing
>chokes him instead of just explaining
>leaves, cops are called
>sees cop, assaults him and attempt to steal his weapon
>get shot
dude you have affirmative action why don't you give blacks another free pass.
If a black breaks the law he/she get 3 strike beofre going to court, it's only fair they are so reactive
Michael Brown defenders are about as logically sound as flat earthers.
he's black he get a retard pass 3 strikes max. society is so unfair to blacks. get them a break
He is going to be the next saint
>Be Me
>goto bank
>cash my paycheck
>Ask teller to hold a 100 bill for me til tomorrow
>go back next day
>different teller
>snatch money from register
>try to walk out
>assault bank manager
>run into cop
>try to beat up cop
>get ventilated
He Did Do SomeFin. He went to Watermelon Valhala. Taxpayers are saved having to pay for his future incarceration and 10 welfare kids.
>basically a noob store attendant didn't know the deal michael brown had with others
That's obviously not a reason for assault.
he gave a cashier weed, he did not pay for them
Bullshit. It's a fucking convenience store. I don't know how things work over there where Kangaroos are in charge but over here you don't pay for stuff in advance at a convenience store and pick it up later.
weed economy bro it's the FUTURE
bartering systems are as primitive as economies can be
this story is nothing
so are they, they don't understand principles behind money. we have to get along
>selling people what they want
>taking from people what you want
i wonder
Yeah, that seems like some absurd sort of fuckery.
>Yo, here's my money
>I'll be back tomorrow
That's not how it works.
You're joking right?
I've been going to the same gas station for 4 years.
Not only will they let me pay for stuff tomorrow. But if they're out of something I want I'll pay for it than, and they'll hold it for me later.
You must be the A typical white person with holier than though syndrome.
Does this at least destroy the gentle giant meme?
>But if they're out of something I want I'll pay for it than, and they'll hold it for me later.
Why don't you go somewhere else or just buy it later? Why would you pay for something before you receive it?
It's not even that. I know stores that let me do that too I live in jersey. But try to fight a different clerk who had no idea of our deal? And then a cop ? Na I'm glad this niggers dead
>Police keeping me down cause I'm black
>If I attack him, he'll stop oppressing me and my brothers and sisters
>muh gas station
What kind of bigger doesn't go to a grocery store like a human being
So the NYT is trying to kick off more riots that will lead to the inevitable race war?
They can fuck off.
black logic idk y but they do it. we have to accept ppl for who they are
it's black logic, we have to accept them for who they are
>He paid ahead of time in a drug deal
No they dont. It just makes logical sense to increase patrol and officers in high crime areas, which are black.
We were told he was out spreading the word of God tho...
That poor sweet innocent boy.
He was just a child.
Hey faggots maybe read the article instead of replying to a bait thread.
Paid for.... Weed trade... Paid for....
nah man its too steep of a learning curve you gotta a let them be, they'll learn God will guide them
Exactly. If you know the other guy so well call his ass and have him verify to owner. Also weed trade is not paid for
>Pull off a drug deal with one guy
>Decide to collect payment later for some reason
>Ask different guy than who you did the deal with, despite that making absolutely no fucking sense
>Get mad at that guy and beat him up
>Cop tracks you down
>Try to assault the cop
>Get shot
It not only sounds retarded and illogical, but it also doesn't change anything from the cop's perspective.
This obviously
The only retard was the guy trying to do drug deals with a nigger and expecting them to understand the subtleties of such a bargain.
>took them three years to come up with this in hopes that niggers get fired up again in time for spring
Let me get this straight
>Mike trades weed with store clerk for smokes. "An illegal transaction"
>Mike leaves smokes there to pick up tomorrow
>Mike goes back the next day and asks for his smokes
>Store owner unaware of the illegal deal made between mike and the store clerk refuses to give mike the smokes.
>Mike says fuck you, assaults the store owner and steals the smokes
>NYTIMES releases an article arguing that it was not theft, just a misunderstanding
WTF is wrong with western media, since when is weed considered legal tender now?
Do you live in a high % white location where the honor system will actually work?
why does any of that mean he can assault the store owner?
muh store loyalty.
This would have been a funny joke before Current Pope. These days it's not even far-fetched.
to clear up it would be a legit transation, i'm assuming that brown trades the weed, the guy that gets the weed trades items, and then the guy with the weed pays into shop it legit
>Trade skittles for stores stock of cigarillos
>Tell clerk to throw them away because they are bad for people
>Keeping my community healthy
>Come back and find them not thrown away like we agreed
>Try and dispose of them my self
>Call cops and tell them whats going on
>Cop gets jealous I'm doing job better than him
>Shoots me
>everyone just assuming that he paid for something later
>read the article
>the store and their lawyer says he tried to steal that night too and then came back to do it again
so this is how the left breeds misinformation.
cuz he's a nignog and gets a free pass
Can't tell if nigger or Aussie shitposter.
Are you proud, Australia? Are you proud of the reputation you've created for yourself?
the owner doesn't understand to weed economy, either does the lawyer
Did he pay for the Police Officer's gun the night before, too?
As if its the store owners responsibility to know that.
3 crimes "Trafficking, money laundering and possession of an illegal substance then fat mike walks in the next day and adds two more crimes, assault and theft.
There is no way the transaction was "legit" as in legal.
Pol so cucked.
Make a business deal. The other guy tries to renege. Pol just walks away a loser.
>Mr. Pollock said Mr. Brown left the cigarillos behind the counter for safekeeping
Yeah that sounds reasonable.
I know that once when I was a kid I traded some comic books for some MTG cards. I took the other kid's whole pile of Magic cards, then handed him his Black Lotus back, for safe keeping.
Then the next day I came back, leaned on the kid and threatened to beat him up, then just took the Black Lotus like I was supposed to all along.
Thanks NYT for figuring this out. It totally makes sense.
Wow. The spin makes me dizzy! A botched drug deal is twisted by media to make Brown seem like less of a criminal? Then blame the cops for character assassination, because they did not disclose the guy was dealing?!?!
Typical internet, not just pol. All words, no balls to do anything.
>dealing in weed
thats the other thing
criminal through and through
should have been aborted.
come on give the guy a break he's learning transactions, not everyone has the iq to figure out that money HAS to be exchanged with an item at a store. So far what he has figured out was something of value for something of equal value, he's a smart black boy too not just a good boy. so sad that's as far as he got he could have been so much more
it's just weed bro it's about to become legal in the future, the impatient nig just jumped the gun
Doesn't matter if he literally paid for it on his way to church and was stopped by the police because they're racist. Brown fought with a cop and lost.
>3 crimes "Trafficking, money laundering and possession of an illegal substance then fat mike walks in the next day and adds two more crimes, assault and theft.
Yeah, I don't get how this is supposed to make him look any better. It doesn't make the act not theft, it just adds other layers of illegal behavior to it.
It's like some liberal legal horseshoe theory where if a nigger racks up enough crimes, he somehow flips back over into innocent.
Today is International Larp Hard Day
Congrats on celebrating, OP. Still a faggot, but getting those You's!
LOL jumped the gun. I kek'd
You've got a good head for law on your shoulders. It shouldn't be such a rarity these days but it is and praise where it's due.
and it cost him his life
that and the strong arm robbery
good riddance.
Even if it was legal tender, if you trade your weed for swishers, your still back at square one with nothing to actually smoke on. This deal makes no sense. Sad!
Brown was a nigger. Niggers aren't human, ergo all that happened was a rabid animal was rightfully put down.
Fuck your 20+ b8 posts ausfag, niggers aren't people, they are like your abbos
it goes in the options field...
So, he has an exchange where the shit-tier night clerk steals store merchandise in exchange for weed. Then Brown, in typical dindu fashion, belives that everyone knows that he has a line of credit in this fashion. The actual store owner, obviously not knowing or wanting transactions like this tries to stop him, and gets assaulted for it.
The mental gymnastics of dindus will NEVER stop surprising me.
>be mike brown
>go to store
>secretly deal with your homies who work in the store to give you free cigs in exchange for weed
>the store owner is not aware of this and would not have approved
>leave the cigs overnight
>try to get them the next day when the owner is there
>owner calls Mike Brown out on his bullshit
>Mike tries taking cigs by force, assaults owner
>taking something he DID NOT PAY FOR
>weed is not currency
>this was an illegal deal
>leaves after having committed a strong arm robbery, assault and probably another felony the night before
>encounters cop later
>refuses to cooperate
>attacks said cop and tries to take his gun
>nig is put down like the animal he is
muh he dindu nuffin. He was a good boy paying in weed currency nigguh
This new evidence makes him even more eligible for a free helicopter ride...
Stupid nigger loving faggot Jews are just trying to stir things up again.
shitty forced bait
aussie has lost his banter skills
>Try to exonerate Michael Brown of committing strong arm robbery
>Prove him guilty of drug dealing
Way to go, progressives.
How do you know that's the store owner?
Also, how retarded do you have to be to give weed to someone and be like, "eh, you can pay be later"
yea see michael brown didnt do anything wrong
he was just dealing drugs the day before
Hood stores do weird shit like that especially if they are run by pajeets or ahmeds. They do credit, check cashing, all kinds of shit because the nigs dont have cars and have no choice but to use them and pay high ass fees for it.
Who gives a fuck that this thug paid for his candy bar. How does that change the fact that he was being aggressive and non-compliant with a police officer?
Thank Kek we have Australia to explain criminal activities.
Who cares, he's just another dead nigger.
>dindu put a down payment on some dutchies and came back at a later date to get them
HAHAHAHA oh man im starting to love mentally ill leftcucks again.
they are brilliant sometimes
This is a dumb troll
He wuz gud boy