How do we reverse Brexit? 28% of the British people didn't even vote, not to mention the Brits in other countries. This is bullshit, I doubt the result would be the same with a new referendum. Old people shouldn't decide the future of young people. Brits are turning their back to the largest tax free market in the world, this a tragedy for them.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't we get that nice Dilma lady back into the presidency?
Most of the brazilians didn't vote for the impechment.
Why would third world countries want britain under globalist rule
How do we reverse retardation? 80% of the world population has succumbed to the jewish propaganda. Should we gas everyone? Isn't there any other option?
Old people: Knew a time before EU
Young people: EU is the only thing they know
You can't.
The Tory Government is eyeing-up a fifteen year term of absolute, unassailable majority if they deliver Hard Brexit. Which they are doing.
In real money, Sterling is sitting at around $1.17 down from pre-Brexit average of $1.34. This is not the exact exchange rate (that's higher) this is the "can buy dollars with sterling on the High Street" rate. It's not that big a drop at all. It's not nearly big enough to be described as a disaster.
The EU has no leverage. Not one thing to hold over the UK, especially now that May has very sensibly decided that the UK will not apply to join the Common Market.
The Global Banking System is still under our favour following the insane bailout in 2008. That's a very important factor that no pundit on TV ever even mentions. The City will support us during the transition period where for other countries this may not be true.
The only strange thing about the whole affair is why we didn't do it sooner.
>old people shouldn't decide the future of young people
old people did something for the country unlike young people, if anything only they should be able to decide
I know right, people democratically elected her, that was a coup!
Before you call me a hypocrite: it's completely different to elect people and to radically change shit like in brexit.
>globalist rule
Old people are senile user.
Remainers have to force the government to redo the whole thing.
What about iq? We millennials are simply smarter than baby boomers.
> 28% of the British people didn't even vote, not to mention the Brits in other countries.
Not voting means you don't care eitherway. It doesn't magically mean they vote for your opinion.
>The EU has no leverage.
You know what Passporting is?
fuck globalism
dumb Brazilian monkey.
>shilling for EU
kys my man
Odds are you are a jobless neet and are living off socialist cash. I can see why you're afraid of what might happen after Brexit. It's also a common modern mistake for the younger generation to believe they are wiser than their elders, it's what the media teaches them growing up.
Frankly if you want another nation making your laws and running yours for you, you don't even deserve to live in Britain. You're trash.
fuck off shill
>I know right, people democratically elected her, that was a coup!
a lot of people wanted it m8 you fucking monkey
Because nowadays the average brazilian male is a mestizo libertarian protestant midget who smokes pot.
Just ignore this guy, he'll go away.
You can't reverse it, it's too late now.
I can't wait for hard brexit.
Kill yourself.
>Old people shouldn't decide the future of young people.
I had just turned 18 and voted leave, as did two of my friends.
Thanks for your input Johnny Foreigner.
Why would you want to reverse Brexit? It's going to make the Pound strong again and (maybe) begin to reverse Britain's major cities from becoming hell-on-earth playground for barbaric Islamist migrants. Staying in the EU is a death sentence
stop using Kumiko for your shitposting needs, por favor
Why do you care monkey?
>I can't wait for hard brexit.
Yeah, it'll be interesting. On one hand, I'd have no problem with you arrogant limeys getting knocked down a peg or two - on the other hand, the EU getting btfo'd by you, sounds swell as well. A most delicious win-win situation.
>Old people are senile user.
Some old people are senile so old people vote should not count...
Fix your own shit first.
I wonder who's behind this post
People care, they just didn't think brexit would win. Also, a lot of people changed their minds:
True democracy allows people to fix their mistakes.
This is irrational hatred. Rethink your beliefs.
Dumb Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell poster
I'm a NEET because my parents have enough money to give to me, but there is literally nothing wrong with helping poor people with welfare.
>It's also a common modern mistake for the younger generation to believe they are wiser than their elders
In this case it's true tho.
>Frankly if you want another nation making your laws and running yours for you, you don't even deserve to live in Britain. You're trash.
You know very well it's not only about that.
>t-temer is honest, i swear!
Most people don't want it.
What happens to UK affects my life too.
Remainers have to show their strength for it to happen.
Statistics user.
2008 will look good in comparison to UK's future if they don't reverse it
>from becoming hell-on-earth playground for barbaric Islamist migrants. Staying in the EU is a death sentence
Fear mongering much?
I love her
I think it count less than the votes of young people, the young are the most interested in the result.
Me passa teu endereço que eu vou aí agora mesmo te arrebentar na porrada, afeminado do caralho.
Yeah totally man. Reality is a vote is a vote and you can't keep having do-overs until you get the one you like. If we have another vote and remain wins by 1% do you honestly think they'll say "oh lets have another vote" ? ofcourse not.
>Implying we support the vice-president who assumed the office after the impeached president.
No matter what country, the left always seem to be composed of retarded shills.
We have good reasons to think that the result would be different, that's why it's reasonable to ask for another referendum.
Expect you aren't asking him to be impeached too, are you?
Ok, and if the results are different then i suppose we can keep having them until we get the result i personally want as it's ok to keep having them until we get the results you personally want.
>28% of the British people didn't even vote
Who cares about those faggots?
You're probably right, it would be bad for democracy. The results are still revolting though.
>The results are still revolting though.
Only to the minority in the UK, and nobody cares about the opinions of those outside on the issue.
>Only to the minority
You're wrong. You know brexit would lose if they did it again.
Nah. Opinions vary on where you ask, and the majority of reporters like to go to London (where their bubble is), one of the only places to vote majority remain or some little labour stronghold which is a party that supported remain. It's all smoke and mirrors just like the US election.
Brazil why do you care about brexit?
Maybe it should be about how to disintegrate the EU !
How would you do that op
brazil should be nuked.
>Brazil why do you care about brexit?
I'm brazilian and an european citizen. But even disregarding my personal interests, I think it's pretty sad brits are throwing away their future because of dumb nationalism.
>Maybe it should be about how to disintegrate the EU !
That would be awful user! Only evil people want that.
This is some tasty looking bait
>1 post by this ID
fucking idiots
kill yourself
my id changed.
>always the same butthurt """brazillian"""
Beerly made me drink.
>tfw we hate everyone even ourselfs
uh oh
BR with Italian passport hoping to migrate to glorious United Kingdom detected.
My country is objectively better than yours because our nation was formed under the necessity of Christs teachings; yours from arabs raping chink monkeys.
>I know right, people democratically elected her, that was a coup!Before you call me a hypocrite: it's completely different to elect people and to radically change shit like in brexit.
Ah I see, your in-favor of politicians radically changing shit by deciding to give up sovereignty without a popular vote. Your a fucking retard user.
I don't want to now, but it would be nice to have the option. Anyway, it's not about me, it's about what's good for british people.
Did Jesus order the genocide of native people? What a cunt.
This is a meme.
Powerful. I am BTFO.
shut the fuck up retard.
Please kill yourself, OP.
Pretty please.
Do brazilians actually care about this or did intelligence agency shills just get a block of brazilian IPs?
People in general don't even know brexit is a thing, but I personally do care.
Fantastic, my man.
Well its nothing to do with you, so fuck off
The majority of voters disagree with you
Fuck the EU - the new USSR
The UK can bring a financial collapse to the world, everyone should be shaming the old brits who voted leave because of their dumb nationalism.
People voted a protest vote for leave, they don't think that is a good idea for real.
Stop being dramatic.
It also means you are content to go with whatever result occurs.
the Brits in Canada i talked to said they would've voted to leave
you guys bitch about #notmypresident and shit but you still whine about brexit, something democratically voted in
Your opinion is invalid, hue
>How do we reverse Brexit?
we? It's nothing to do with you.
>28% of the British people didn't even vote
>not to mention the Brits in other countries
British citizens all over the world voted.
>I doubt the result would be the same with a new referendum
irrelevant, that's not a basis for a do over because you don't like the outcome.
>Old people shouldn't decide the future of young people.
A vote is a vote, you can't discriminate.
>People care, they just didn't think brexit would win. Also, a lot of people changed their minds
Speculative, unfounded and irrelevant. just because a few people claim they voted one way and regret it doesn't matter, radically wrong polls and interviews with random people shaped by bias media isn't a vote. The referendum was the vote and it's over.
>True democracy allows people to fix their mistakes.
That's why we're leaving the EU.
>What happens to UK affects my life too.
Not our problem. You have no power here.
>I think it count less than the votes of young people, the young are the most interested in the result.
see above, this is retarded logic.
>You know brexit would lose if they did it again.
No we would probably win by a bigger margin.
>it's about what's good for british people.
and the British people decide whats good for them, and they chose to leave.
>muh dumb nationalism.
not an argument
Every argument you put forward is hugely flawed.
I think people weren't aware brexit could really win, that's why they didn't vote.
At least americans can correct their mistake in 4 years if they want to. Brexit on the other hand is much more serious.
>I think people weren't aware brexit could really win, that's why they didn't vote.
It really doesn't matter what you think.
And if the people didn't realize it could win its because of the lying media and wildly inaccurate polling data you're using to try to justify a do over.
We had the weight of the whole establishment against us and we still did it.
>At least americans can correct their mistake in 4 years if they want to.
And it's taken us almost 45 years to correct our mistake.
kill yourself
your country has way more problems, let's talk about you
>In this case it's true tho.
Do you really feel you're so special you can make that judgement, where billions of other idiot teenagers just like you have been wrong before?
>non-voters suddenly matter
All of them would have voted for Brexit.
I mean, and this applies to anyone, if you ever find yourself thinking:
>Yeah, I can acknowledge that people who thought like this and did exactly what I'm doing before were idiots, but *I'm* different!
Then you need to fucking engage in some self-reflection.