How long will it be before Mardi Gras / Spring Break is banned for being old fashioned, rapey and degenerate?
How long will it be before Mardi Gras / Spring Break is banned for being old fashioned, rapey and degenerate?
hopefully now
i live in fl and im in college on break and i want them all gassed
That must be an old pic. No blacks
When it stops making (((them))) money.
Looks 10 years old
You must be shit at where's wally
>a woman showing her breasts is bad111
Sup Forums really are the SJWs of the right
Why don't you crackers know how to have fun? All you fuckheads know how to do is bitch and complain. Be a pagan for Christ's sake.
I never understand Mardi Gras and Spring Break and all that. Who wants to look at a pair of titties while surrounded by 400 other men with erections? That's gay as fuck.
the cameras are a dead giveaway
Just introduce spring break to Islam, that mess will work its self out.
Never, they only call it that if its convenient. In this case they will say its freedom and empowering to do whatever you want etc
Dont expect consistency of idiots.
t. degenerate
Literally what? We dont want your shitty traditions here.
>black people
>college vacation
why would they possibly ...
Have you seen the recent pics?
They really are, though. Everyone in the world takes a semester off in Spring, but only Americans turned it into a gigantic overblown degenerate slutfest, and keep propagating it in the movies and television.
I bet if look at the dates it will turn out to be some ancient Jew Caananite feritility ritual or some shit like that.
>1 post by this ID
Probably 1999-2002 or so, and blacks existed back then sonny
never. they have different standards for chads.
Never, women will always be sluts.
never, chad goes there
lol @ those hobbit feet
That's a future NEETs mum
Lots of white girls experience BBC for the first time during this period. It is progress