>op being this retarded
Not an argument
Not an argument
>liberals think this is a valid argument in the current year
Kek bless this timeline!
> hurr hurr everybody is at risk of having their house burn down
> therefore everyone needs to be covered for birth control, mammograms, etc.
Not an argument
If my house is on fire, I'll pay the firefighters to put it out. Why should you have to pay to put out someone else's fire? If you can't afford to pay the firemen, then your house deserves to burn down.
House fire is a terrible analogy. Home repair is a better on.
Imagine a world where we were forced to pool our money into home repairs for everyone. Then, certain people turned their homes into meth labs, threw house parties constantly, never cleaned up, never changed their air filters, never paid for routine maintenance like termite inspection, never cleaned gutters, and let mold collect in the crawlspace before putting a moisture barrier down.
Then, these people asked for money from the home repair money pooling fix their homes.
That's what the health care system is like. Obese fucks don't do basic maintenance on their bodies then expect others to foot their astronomical bills.
I feel for victims of medical "house fire". That's why charity funds exist at every hospital. That's why St. Jude's exists. But FUCK fat people who don't take care of themselves. They don't deserve a single one of my shekels.
And fuck socialists. All of them need to go for helicopter rides.
What if you go on vacation, your neighbor sees your house is on fire, but they don't call the fire department in the dumb fuck world you live in because it's not their decision since they aren't the ones paying for it and don't want to be held liable.
Just pay the fire department when your house is on fire, just like paying for whatever health issues you have.
"Free" healthcare is garbage, our hospitals are shit and the queues are so long that we die while waiting for organs and operations.
>your neighbor sees your house is on fire,
Then he pays for everything.
>your house could burn down, that's why you should pay for my abortions
Actually there is a good libertarian reason for this
Houses burning down causes externalities
If your neighbors house was burning down and he didn't pay the fire fee or w/e, you would be at risk of having your house catch fire.
So you should care that everyone has the fire department
Why? They didn't set it on fire. According to this logic it's the home owners responsibility.
Um, the fire department is volunteer-based where I am. It runs off of donations.
Seems like perfect logic to me
But i cant get pregnant so why do i have to pay for abortions and birth control?
Simply saying "not an argument" is also not an argument.
>DEMOCRAT LOGIC: Two people have had their house destroyed by a meteor in the last 50 years, so ALL Americans must have their homes insured against meteors, even if you don't own a home.
This is a really good point. Good thing medicine doesn't have externalities.
Yeah, not arguing for a right to Healthcare though, except obviously in some cases of epidemics I suppose
not an argument either
What's even better is most fire department respond to medical calls with idiots thinking that is their home doctor. I've seen a goy go by ambulance for a pimple on his head which is a 600 bill to Medicare plus ER expenses
In Australia you will be charged for a truck call out if it's a false alarm. $2000 a truck and they never respond with less than 2.
why are liberals so stupid
Having good routines for electricity and heating appliances as well as general maintenance will make the risk of a fire basically zero. Having a sprinkler on top of that or even a fire hose indoors and you can handle fires yourself.
What generally will happen though, is those who have good routines and no fires will end up sponsoring those who have very poor routines, which is bad because smart folks should not be forced to pay for other people's dumb mistakes. Which is also true in other areas when it comes to socialism.
The conservative states have shit for businesses, the lowest IQs with the highest obesity rates. Liberals are just too stupid to comprehend the benefits of alternative facts.
>terrorists aren't going to attack america. Why should I pay for a military that will never get used
>when the premise of an agreement is to stupid to even bother so people just make fun of it.
Maybe I want to die. That's my choice.
>why should i pay for the fire department cutting people out of the wreckage from a car crash - I dpont even own a car
>Tfw too smart to win the election
"My house was on fire and now it's burnt to the ground. I should be able to buy insurance NOW and force them to pay to rebuild my house."
This is actually a good plan. New York City spends an inordinate amount of money on a fire department that spends all day sitting around - Houses don't burn down anymore because all of our appliances are built to be safe.
Why should they have to pay for a fire department when they already paid for products that don't catch fire?