What is a redpilled hairstyle Sup Forums?
Sup Forums style thread
Bateman for fall/winter
Amon for spring/summer
>the average polturd
If you've got a decent chin and jawline you can maybe pull off a HY, but I generally don't recommend it.
Pic related is pretty tried and true.
Liberty spike mohawk for ancaps like me. (pic related, r8)
im a lazy fuck so i cut it all
short and hygienic
no faggy man buns here
This. In fact i am going to renew my haircut right now, Nothing beats nazi haircuts.
would this go good with a maga hat?
Nice suicidal tendencies shirt user
Everything that's short and low maintenance
DId (((Redpill))) already became a /pol brend?
Because you autistic fucks use this word everywhere as synonym for word "good"
Fucking rat's nest.
The skullet.
>tfw you will never hold Bastogne under the command of Major Winters
Daily reminder that Londo did nothing wrong.
I always ask my huge titty monster of a hair dresser for the Dean Winchester.
Certainly not one that requires a hairtie
I have a vegeta hairline so no hairstyle looks good on me. I can't even cut it short otherwise I look retarded.
i bring this to my barber
Do something normal, don't try to be a special snowflake about it
Does nobody read the sticky anymore?
Fag here: I'd sleep with him.
Thanks m8. Know any other good libertarian punk? I like anarchist shit that isn't lefty. Hippiekiller by them is a good example of this.
I also like TSOL, Black Flag, Bad Brains, and The Misfits.
I don't know but I started thinning on top. I'm gutted
Don't forget "redpill me on X"
Once buzzwords get stuck in rotation they quickly loose their charm.
I'm fucking sick of hearing the word cuck personally.
Gay as fuck
A man's cut. Too bad he's a manlet.
WWII era Captain America, it's masculine and attractive (excuse the fact the actor is a pathetic cuck)
This, all seasons.
Do you bottom? If so I'd be down you dressed like a girl and lived in Florida.
Now that's some hardcore faggotry
This /thread
Just had renewed it.
Most easiest, comfy, cheap and best haircut in existence for alpha male.
Most dudes in my gym have it.
>all these faggots who buzz off the sides of their head
I just have short hair matted to my head
never comb it because I don't care
Shouldn't it be the opposite?
Aka *I am insecure as fuck* hairstyle
not sure if this haircut would match my face.
I also have really thick hair
I personally like the Carlson
He's 6'2. Most likely, he's taller than you.
I just wait a couple of months then get it cut super short when it gets too long. Doesn't cost me a fortune and I don't give a fuck about looking good.
>the things I've seen would destroy your soul
The christian keks all believe in lucifer
this is not a coincidence
peter the (((pharisee))) was the first pope
jupiter/lucifer is NOT satan/saturn
seak the gospel of philip and the gospel of egypt
know the fire of gnosis and song of sychronicity that (((they))) have taken from you
take the nazirite oath as samson, christ and hitler before you
we the men of the west will shatter the demiurg
Completely bald, taking a blade to the skull every other day is the way to go. Not to mention your body gets less polluted than others because your hair isn't grabbing everything in the air.
many people do it (have it) there it must be right/good.
nice group think there Latvia
This one!
I only swing gay for traps though so you are like 1/4 right.
I like pussy too much to date a guy for over a day though.
1 post by this ID
haircuts? GTFO saged
PSA that faggots what men to have these faggot hairstyles because they find them attractive.
Don't grow your hair out very long, don't put lots of effort into maintaining it every morning/ getting a special cut every week. Just have a standard haircut you think looks fine and professional.
none of this shit matters. You have to actually be the change you want to see in the world not just look it like some virtue signaling larper looking for good boy points.
Skinhead baldness?No thank you.
Never seen hulk without his mustache before
I'd get one of these in a heartbeat, I've got a strong jaw, but the back of my head is kinda flat so it would look funky.
Speaking of groupthink, when are you gonna break the chains of the holocaust myth?
I just use standart short haircut like this.
long unruly curls of hair down to your shoulders but no further
>russian aesthetic
buzzcut at the start of every season but winter
caesar cut (buzzcut grown out) in winter
you guys are gay for sure. no man should have a fucking scrunchie in his hair and applying hair jelly is exactly the same as applying makeup you fags
Literally the haircut for 10 year olds from poor families.
It wouldn't look good on me. I don't have the germanic look. Is there another fashy haircut, for an untermensch like me?
It's a great move though, it makes it easy to pick people out who you want in your life.
A lot of people judge people by their looks, and you can't see that until your completely bald. Plus degenerate chicks love it if you're a gym rat.
Sry this is best haircut
>not worshipping Crom
Hans, Sven please...
It's ok Ivan.
>put smallest guard on clippers
>stand in front of mirror
>cut hair
>take guard off of clippers
>touch up around ears, temples, back of neck
>shave with razor
I don't fucking care, I don't even own a comb or brush.
Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet.
Long hair against the cold and shorter hair for the heat why would it be the opposite?
I get enough chicks who judge my personality daily, I don't need to be bald at 20 either....
This is the only redpilled haircut in the thread
That's not a hair cut.
That's a hair style.
I'm actually agreeing with a swede.
ok, Mohammed.
I da know, people used to grow their hair out in spring/summer back in 07.Guess I never got used to it....
>mfw I had this hairstyle growing up
Shut the fuck up you closeted neckbeard.
Who is this? Can i get a quick rundown?
Long hair and beard, stop having the hair cut of lesbians
Who /skinhead/ here? Where are my bald-bros at
Is this even achievable natty?
Soul glo is the ultimate redpill
found OP haircut
This style is probably the simplest and most easy to maintain, although it is not as flash and fashy as the others. Also what is the source on the photo bc this guy is like an Arayn model hot as fuck.
Your a decent looking young man but you need to ditch the juvenille hair style with the gelled spikes, and look at the styles here for inspiration.
So is a haircut thread secretly hot white guy thread? This is great we should do this more often, lots of sexy pics keep them cumming.