What the fuck is wrong with education these days?

I have a 6 year old cousin who's put in a special program and being fed pills just because he tried to do as boys do. This kid didn't even pull half the shit I did. I seldomly got away with it, but it was accepted. It pained my heart to see his parents actually agreed with this shit. Whenever he's over to visit, I try to make him into the little hellraiser he was before but it's just not the same. This is why I hate liberalism. Misdirected? If you're going to hate someone, it might as well be liberals.

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hey man, watch thx 1138 to understand why this is happening and the direction we are going in.

What'd they put him on?

>didn't even pull half the shit I did

basically 0 replies to the thread
you both should be probably euthanized

weaken the men
easier to conquer





Dumping some redpills about modern education

Nothing you are just dimb lol .
If education is flawed why do Indians intellectuals outperforming you guys EVERY fucking time .
Prove me wrong protip you can't

No it's all false rote learning is the sign of master race

You all sound like a rebellious teens who dont want to go to school.

....Is that some kind of...circus school?...seriously?

No idea. He has to take it before his meal when he comes over to visit. Just like a good goy. His parents are quite happy with it. He gets better grades and just sits in front of the television. Imagination and initiative have all but evaporated from this kid. Sounds like a movie, but it's real. He still looks at me from time to time though, like he knows what's going on. There's nothing in him anymore. At times like that, I'm glad I have none of my own. I fucking hate pills.

unnecessarily dangerous

It's just really old playgrounds, back when kids were allowed to be themselves and occasionally break their legs and arms.

So it's like a ritilin/adderal (sp?) typa thing I guess.

This is

>I dont know nothing about pharmaceutics


If scientists still dont know about drugs a doubt a retarded russian does

According to a /pol user scientists dont know what are they doing, just randomly mix chemicals.

I don't know since I don't have any experience with this kind of thing. I know Rilatine is pretty widespread here, even to the point where kids are dealing it on the playground. But it's the first time I'm seeing exactly what it does. People talk about it lightheartedly almost, but the effects are quite in your face.


You can know side effects and either great general things or very specific things about mind altering drugs, not much about anything else is known

Children are noisy and active because they have very weak self control and cant resist their impulses.

Ritaline just give them better control of themselfs.

It is pretty simple.

It's like a patch. It's the wrong way to cure our modern society. ' Zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden'. If you halfass the problem, it's going to come back and bite you in the ass twice as hard eventually.

why exactly is your cousin being medicated, what exactly did he do

>not much about anything else is known

What do you mean by this? What exactly we need to know according to you?

I don't think it's Rilatine. Looks heavier.


Does not matter, these kind of simulators are basically the same.

The only thing bad about them that they are addictive as fuck.

Being a general nuissance. A little sociopath lacking any empathy at all, which is like the definition of children right? I grew out of it, so why wouldn't he. I know this is a no-go in USA parenting but I got a lot of beatings as a kid. Never gratuitous. But the way adults reasoned with me afterwards is what stuck. Empathy can be taught, but not through pills. It's lazy parenting and lazy teachers, that's all.

since when is liberalism about pacifying kids? i think your anger is misdirected.

man I had a dream that was mocking of school and of teaching institutions along the lines of this first video's dudes feelings.

There is so much reverence given to schooling institutions, so many people have this "well because I managed to get this diploma I am cooler than you", well in a way it is somewhat true since they are allowed to get better jobbo's.

But that gnawing feeling that something is wrong with it all, that perhaps there is no value in these places anymore, it only became bigger and bigger over time until eventually it did manifest itself in these useless kike controlled feminist studies, or in people not finding employment outside, to the schools being indoctrination centers that do not teach you actually useful things like combating cultural marxism.

>I've literally cried watching this, there's still hope

I can speak for hours on education. In the usa it needs a major overhaul. The problem is they want every kid to fit a mold that not every kid fits...now thanks to poor diets and the acceptance of mentality challanged kids we have this issue where they dont all fit while the system trys to force them to fit. Top that off with drug companies and lazy union teachers that are more concerned with making more money on the backs of tax payers.

5.00 mark is bretty good. What the hell kinda good is supervision going to do at this point anyway. Truly cucked. I enjoyed it though.

>that pic

What if you're afraid of heights

I still remember not doing group reading with a friend and I was just messing around, could read fine for first grade level, was put in special reading class. They never even asked to listen to me read, just bam, isolation center kek

Seriously though, kid on the left falling to his death