Why do white people suck at having babies?
Why do white people suck at having babies?
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Birth control
They're smart enough to know when it's not a great idea.
Why doesn't the US have something like that Do it For Denmark?
Hell why don't any of us! Maybe a long time of 3rd trash being imported. Business oweners will realize only whites are reliable, and demand white people start fucking so they can have some damn reliable employees!
Prove it.
Sup Forums keeps telling them not to have kids if they can't afford it, and then votes for people and policies that make it harder to afford.
happens to every population as it becomes more wealthy. you see the exact same thing in india, africa, south america. you see the exact same thing among latinos in the US, for example.
if you want fewer dark skinned people, make them wealthy pretty much.
not only is this false, but having a steady population is the sign of a first world nation. if we kept fucking non stop we would run out of resources
Because white people actually care for their children. Same with the high developed Asian countries like Japan.
Good schools and college are very expensive. Some hobbies, tuitition, a proper apartment, etc. as well.
Mudslime children don't learn more than the Qu'ran and Black people only the phrase "he didn't do nothing!". Therefore they can get as many children as they want.
>Be shitskin
>Too poor for kid
>Have 7
>Uncountable amount of nonprofit organizations stealing taxpayer's money for you + goverment gibs because muh racism
>Be white
>Too poor for kid
>Have 1
>Social services take it away because you're poor despite being privileged and white
Gee I wonder why
>Why do white people suck at having babies?
because the mexicans will see it and start having 20 babies a kid
seriously though beaners breed like rabbits
>Switzerland: 8 million population, 685.4 billion USD GDP
>Nigeria: 173.6 million population, 521.8 billion USD GDP
quality > quantity
It's sad to think about. The desire for all people to live in their own country and to prosper. Taking in half of their population will only ruin us, and it will be replenished quickly due to their rabbit like birth rates. He have to teach a man how to fish instead of using our tax dollars to buy him a fish for the rest of eternity.
I would love to have a few kids in the future. Whites have to have what, three kids to match the replacement rate going on?
Pretty much this.
Shouldn't the European population be far higher in 2100? I mean if it's going to be all blacks and Arabs who have higher birthrates.
No, because whites are dying out while being replaced with Arabs.
Tbh its for multiple reasons, but adding on top of that i personally cba i rather work and then chill
>Why do white people suck at having babies?
White people are more affluent so they have a larger chance of having a cell phone in their pocket during the day and cell phone radiation is another median for population control. I can feel in my stomach area and genitals when my cell phone is close.
Whites are like the Great Panda. They'd rather sit around eating and not mating in spite of the fact that they're endangered. Asians love white cock and try to save them but their efforts in crossbreeding only speed up white man's extinction.
In 100 years, White Man will no longer exist.
because muh white guilt muh racemixing
>natural decreases in the white population
The decreasing white population is as natural as a circumcision. Fucking kikes.
liberals have less kids
white women are not worth it these days
It's a UN prediction. Do you think it takes into account all the migration from Africa to Europe that will inevitably happen (and that is already happening)? In that case the population of both continents will probably be more or less same, except the Europe will be 90% black.
It kills far more blacks than whites
That's why we have Planned Parenthood in the first place. Project Prevention also is helpful. But there are top many idiotic Republicans who don't understand this stuff.
>Among whites, conservative-liberal fertility difference twice as large as Democrat-Republican difference
Extremely liberal (2.5%) -- 1.61
Liberal (12.7%) -- 1.72
Slightly liberal (11.3%) -- 1.58
Moderate (39.9%) -- 2.14
Slightly conservative (15.6%) -- 2.03
Conservative (14.3%) -- 2.34
Extremely conservative (3.7%) -- 2.62
America's future is a polarized one. Soon the only whites left will be right wing as fuck.
we can only hope
whites really need to rally together soon
the sooner the better, but I feel many will have lose their comfortable life before they start taking action. what we really need are more black supremacists to knock whites off the fence.
She want da master's babays.
>posting a waifu for ants
Extremely liberal (2.5%) -- 1.61
Liberal (12.7%) -- 1.72
Slightly liberal (11.3%) -- 1.58
Moderate (39.9%) -- 2.14
Slightly conservative (15.6%) -- 2.03
Conservative (14.3%) -- 2.34
Extremely conservative (3.7%) -- 2.62
huWhite conservatives have kids above replacement levels while liberals are not. When you factor in that political views tend to get inherited, both through genetics and upbringing, you're going to see whites become more conservative in the future.
i always ask why black people are even permitted to breathe.
then i remember the jews...
> conservative whites
> aborting their babies
user I...
They are too (((educated))) to have children.
I am conservative, but c'mon dude it's Sup Forums, so I have to post it youtube.com
They want their children to have better lives than they did, which is hard to do when the west is on the verge of collapse
Yeah, higher education and pursuing a career while young will have a depressing effect on the amounts of kids a woman has. Not so much for men.
>those eyes