I have an SJW coursemate who always glare at me and my chinese girlfriend whenever we hang out
Why are feminists so buttblasted when white men date asian women?
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Because you're a race traitor.
But Hollywood has a lot of wmaf
>have asian gf
>white cunts give me the death stare when they see us together
yup can confirm
One less cash machine in the sea for them to try and nab
Why has a (((British))) lad made at least 10 WMAF threads in the last 5 minutes? I mean, I'm all about having a yellow waifu, but give it a rest.
Same honestly
I don't get it. They're all about diversity and shit until Mika gets the man.
how many of these threads are you going to make
well they are the closest thing we can get since white women are converting to islam by the masses
No, women of all races when men show interest in any other woman, no matter what race the woman is.
Fuck, women are even jealous of their own friends ffs. Have you ever been around a group of young women?
feminism is a sexual market strategy for unappealing women. they're like unionists, and they see asian women as scabs.
meanwhile, we asian men with big cock get white cuites and give them ultimate happiness and love that are the world's truest and purest things
Why are there so many racemixing threads on here today?
because they think you're fetishizing them. theyre probably right 1/2 the time
>jap and white female
lol does this even happen? never seen it irl
Probably bisexual although I personally believe that to be a faze. ;)
Friendly reminder to report all gook racemixing/WMAF slide/bait threads.
I am allready starting to like that girl.
I acctually think hardcore SJW-girls may be turned right as there are some things we agree on.
No porn for example and no one night stand culture.
for fucks sake dont summon that r/asianinsecurity cuck
The CIA are here trying to tell people race mixing is fine.
they can't accept that they've been replaced by superior women
White women only marry chinks for that bank account. I don't know why nips get doki doki for white girls. Looks ain't everything.
>have White gf
>Spanish cunts give me the death stare when they see us together
white men are finally opening their eyes and realising that their true female equivalent is asian women.
No it's just a silly nip fantasy
Pic not related it's just a woman and her Turkish boyfriend
Because they know you're small dick can only get small asian pussy?
Asian women are plastic gold digging whores who will dump you as soon as you have no money.
They make white women look like saints in comparison
SJWs know deep down they are incapable of making money and want to enslave you. So they're mad you found a way out.
That said Asian women are not a long term solution. Hapa children are abominations.
They wouldn't mind if it was a white money grubbing lardass being fetishized. Or even a black woman. What they hate is you rallying with everything they fight: an ancestral representation of femininity, order and loyalty. Everything that they fight to end.
Asian and White mix is only opposed by idiots who take Richard Spencer as a serious person
The WM-AF mix movement is a real thing.
Unless she's mixed with white Asian girls really don't look like that.
Bullshit. You're aware that genetics vary between Asian countries right?
The whole point of the SJW tirade is to force you to play their game, not yours.
By circumventing their demands, you are still playing your game and they have not won anything.
ALL women are materialistic inside, it's an animal instinct. I'm sick of seeing people say "Women from X are materialistic whores".
It's not special to a margin/race of women.
Women get butt blasted about fucking everything
I see it all the time, white girls with asian men
And unlike black people, they score pretty ones
Women don't racemix as much as men on average so they're probably just mad at male race traitors, even if they don't want to admit having racist thoughts.
I had a black GF in Africa, and got the nastiest looks from some black men, though most didn't care.
I had a different black GF in Ireland, and got surprisingly many nasty looks from white women. Especially the urban social justice types you expect to be preaching about racism.
>small pussy
roastbeef sandwich has been found
Are you chinese as well?
Pedo detected. Im not even female, but nice try hun
Why are there so many chink diaspora promoting WM/AF relationships?
Are you chinks that desperate for white features?
you fucking cheeky bastard
SJW'S are repulsive in every sense of the word and probably hate her beauty. If she was short and fat they would find the whole thing completely tolerant
Because you're playing on the "white master race" meme when you're actually just a loser.
that's a dumb stereotype
go to /gif/ and you'll find lots of thicc asians
it's simple honestly
literal, pure envy
and a lot of subconscious cognitive biases in action, too
look at this beta roastielover
Because Asian women break the feminist stereotype of modern women not wanting to be caring, feminine and cute.
yellow fever
It's sexist for men to like asian women
The same reason they want to ban porn and extend age of consent regulations to fictional characters.
Jealousy, power and control, and a lust for revenge against white cis scum are the core tenets of feminism. Any man that doesn't get on their knees and fellate the strap-ons of the interest group of femists (which is the whores themselves) is their enemy and any competition for that undivided worship is haram and must be destroyed.
White man crash the puss puss market with no survivors.
The Rooskies did sum puss puss crushing back in 1945
Hope this is true bro. Sick of seeing fellow pathetic white betas with crazy asians
>not having a qt brown gf
> Can confirm
I have an Asian gf, and my white wife hates her. ...Women :/
Post pics of half-Asian women please
that "hapa" is a downie, not an actual hapa