Are Americans and Eastern Europeans the only manly whites left? Here in Western-Europe everything and everyone is so fucking emotional and sentimental.
Are Americans and Eastern Europeans the only manly whites left...
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Americans, Canadians and Aussies are all massively cucked. However we do have masculine people in the poorer, more rural areas.
Blabla I'm obviously not talking about niggers, jews, tatars, gypsies and albos
Americans are all talk
The western Euro countryside is pretty red pilled too but not in the same manner as the American. Americans have guns and are more willing to stand against their government. I found that all right wing Europeans do is just complain about stuff but once you propose that's it's all the fault of the government and the elites they say you're an extremist
American men are mostly pussies outside of the South and the Midwest.
Yeah but the manly ones are much more red pilled that most yuros will ever be... I think the USA are very divided between left and right and both factions can be pretty extreme; whereas the European left is less extreme (yet), but much more people lean to the left. Traditional conservatives like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence wouldn't stand a fucking chance in western Europe, even worse, they would be sued for civil rights infringements because of what they are preaching
Unfortunately, we in the US are the only manly whites left on the planet.
Doesn't help that you're living in a literal non-country, there's no sense of nationalism in belgium.
True. It doesn't help either if you're known as the most liberal country in the world
Yeah, you wish. You people are surrounded by untermenschen and you still kiss their feet.
You'd think the average American would be more redpilled when literally half the country is a non-white.
I love when euros bicker. I AM ENTERTAINED
You're easily entertained, Cletus.
Germany! Your Lebensraum is getting upitty again!
70% of white American men voted Trump.
Exactly. This is why we are the last bastion of white manhood in the world.
>Americans not emotional and sentimental
hahaha get the fuck out of here non country
you are the weakest of them all german
the entirety of the strong in your population emigrated to america in the 1800s and left you with nothing but weak minded and weak willed individuals
even your claim to fame wasn't even an actual german. he was a strong minded man from another country that saw a population of weak people and took over.
See, this would never happen here. It would be the other way around (and I'm being generous)
Yes they are, and emericans are cucks to, good night west side.
see all those countries with red? All those are cancer cunts and subhuman weaklings. That includes your "country".
Italians and Spaniards aren't as feminine I think
Dammit I thought that was Romanian flag again.
>Belgium / Romania
remind me whats the difference again? Oh yeah right Romania at least go some history.
Oh, definitely. Voting for Trump really shows how manly and redpilled you are.
Literally any other dem candidate would have beaten him.
We're not you retarded faggot kill yourlsef
Think before you post.
Belgium should just stop existing and proof to Europe that multiculturalism doesn't work. Especially not when a bunch of lazy Frenchmen are involved
huh? Whats that? Back to your Koran Ahmed
>bow before your slavic overlords
t. stanislav ivanoslavski slavov
Are you intimidated by my manly presence?
If you dont whant to bow before slavs you can bof before balts.
Implying we are white.
REMINDER to fellow Eastern Europeans that white cucks will only call us white when it's expedient for them. They consider us inferior at best and subhuman at regular
You were talking about history. What does that have to do with one's current GDP per capita? Greece, Italy, Spain and France all have lower GDP's than northern European countries but their history is much richer. Stick to the topic and don't start throwing in pretty irrelevant data.
How are you going to deal with Turkey? Just be cucks and submit? I fully expect that.
Kek, are you really bragging about papers per capita? US is at the bottom, and yet still responsible for most significant inventions/science progress of the last century. You're second after Switzerland, and what have you contributed in the last century other than legos?
>implying i should bow before nordic/slavic mix
And? What's your point?
Compared to the Dutch yeah.
Amerifats are the only ones left desu. Nobody cares about Eastern Europoors or about Europe in general. Europe is like a skansen, full of meme people most of whom are beginning to die out, nothing happens here, it's just an extension of America at this point.
>Nordic/slavic mix
We literaly had nothing to do with slavs untill 14th of century, we arent a mix, unlike americans, we are our own thing.
We are not nordic
We are not slavic
we are not spaniards
we are not germanic
we are not romance
WE ARE BALTIC and we are not mix of any kind.Mybie a bit of german blood from Livonian Order but otherwise no.
you posted a picture of Scientific achievements nigger and I just posted a picture showing that Denmark owns you in that department while also reminding you that you are poor.
>Papers Per Capital*1000
>Denmark: 2.109
>Non-country: 1.446
>Are Americans manly
You must be mad? They adopt niggers and ignore race
>Eastern Europeans
If we talk Czechs, Poles, Belorussians and Balts sure. Subhumans Bulgarians, serbians and other dirt is not European
You are not Slav, you are subhuman turk
nobody gives a shit, you care about your ethnicity because you have nothing else to be proud of in your life.
prove me wrong.
protip: you can't
Wallonia is as poor as Greece. Flanders is rich and on par with the Netherlands.
That's like entire Sup Forums mate
>you care about ethnicity? wow must be a loser lolool
>you don't like faggots? wow must be a faggot yourself lol xD
You hate people with natural instinct of in-group preference and purity minded views, because your race is lost long ago and you are jealous of genetically wholesome people. Prove me wrong? No one can't. Serbians are worthless subhumans
we got our country by being walking bastions of "Fuck you, I do what I want". that spirit still remains within us outside of the cities and universities that where subverted by the soviets in the 1960's. I feel sorry that you don't have that philosophy, it's very nice
Honestly I found them quite feminized.
>Magnetic Storage
>The Loudspeaker
>The Dry Cell
>The Atomic structure
and on it goes.
mostly I only posted it because the literally non-country was speaking against his betters
Exactly this. Europeans are docile and complacent. The American concept of the political is very different.
What part of the country did you go to?
I'm impressed. Considering you're like 50% white, that's not bad... not bad at all.
But Srb subhuman is no Slav
t. Czech
Based Russky
At least American White is usually of good Western stock, not like yours White, which is not a thing, ciganko
Everyone gets a bit more conservative when put out in the woods for a week or three and told to survive with only their wits. Even if they bitch out, they still have respect for those that can.
Try to sell the biographies of Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt to your countrymen and they will be so impressed that they might just hold a bit of respect for conservatism.
>Racial pride is stupis, pride should only be based on personal achievements*.
>*only applies to whites, racial pride is normal and healthy among all other races.
You need some new material Rosenberg.
>Goes to San Francisco for sex tourism
>Thinks the US is feminized
Have you ever met Srb subhuman? Manlet, bad hygiene, fucked up teeth, gypsy and turkish "heritage", low IQ, ugly and jealous. Croats and Hitler did nothing wrong when they tried to exterminate them
>Srb subhuman
>Manlet, bad hygiene, fucked up teeth, gypsy and turkish "heritage", low IQ, ugly and jealous
Preach on. Worthless imbecile mongrel race
I was in the army with a Serbian who had blue eyes, brown hair and was jacked. Put most of us to shame when it came to PT desu. Is this not what Serbians are like?
How to bring manliness (not only) into the West:
>reinstate true free speech - this is the most important
>mandatory military service - every man should know how to shoot a gun and have some basic survivalist skills
>legitimize gun ownership for self-defense (I think Czech or Swiss gun laws could be a good example to follow)
Depends where you go here. I'd argue that you won't find that many real men in cities, they're all rural and suburban
Half of Eastern Europe is not White and most American Whites are polluted with negro, redskin or wog blood
>Have you ever met Srb subhuman? Manlet, bad hygiene, fucked up teeth, gypsy and turkish "heritage", low IQ, ugly and jealous.
True. Also applies to Croatshits
>Telling someone else he has bad teeth...
>inb4 hurr durr if you go to northern Texas, you'll find a manly man who hunt their own food.
Sure that might be true, but doesn't change shit, most American males are 5'5 manlets.
>You hate people with natural instinct of in-group preference
Yes... because they usually lead to deaths of about a quarter of a billion people... pic related.
Get a life losers, and achieve something with other than 'muh whiteness'. Take up painting, learn a skill.
Higher IQ invariably leads to altruistic tendencies, to the point of self harm in "the west."
Too much of anything is a bad thing
All of this + a restoration of traditional family values
No fucking shit you'd think Americans are feminized from going there. That's like saying London is representative of the rest of the island.
Czech immigrant and rich. Stay mad Srb subhuman. Based Ustase did nothing wrong
Okay, good for you, you go girl.
Although, I probably make more money than you do desu.
Serbs are not worthy enough to be called subhumans desu. All "life" in the balkans should be exterminated for the sake of common good
nice divide and conquer, shaim.
>divide and conquer, shaim.
End this meme
It's the truth though. In Western-Europe it's impossible to have a normal debate about issues like abortion, gay marriage and transgenders. If you are a conservative you will be an absolute pariah. In fact, conservatives in Western-Europe all are supporting this progressive agenda now...
Real conservatives have no forum anymore
Good. Trash should not breed more
>gay marriage
Who cares when you don't let them parade
Legit serious mental illness. Even Trump sucks trans cock in the US.
You seem to be a subhuman immigrant from the East as I see it. In Benelux there is a strong conservative Calvinist movement. You've been found out untermensch
jokes on you, denying communist's crimes against humanity is a crime here too.
>let me tell you about your country
We are catholic - at least where. The Dutch calvinists live north of the Rhine
Kek, you can freely speak about Hitler not knowing about Holocaust here. You can siegheil live on TV, and nothing happens. You can larp as a subhuman neonazi (ONR) and still nothing happens to you.
>good old Western stock
How many people in those 60% are white trailer trash?
How many people in those 60% are 'White' Hispanics?
How many people in those 60% are 'potatonigger' Irish?
How many people in those 60% are 'subhuman' Slavs?
How many people in those 60% are 'medshit' Italians, Spaniards and Portugese?
How many people in those 60% are Arabs?
faggot detected
>how many people in those 60% are white trailer trash?
not an argument
>How many people in those 60% are 'White' Hispanics?
>How many people in those 60% are 'potatonigger' Irish?
Nothing wrong with the Irish m8
>How many people in those 60% are 'subhuman' Slavs?
Not too many.
>How many people in those 60% are 'medshit' Italians, Spaniards and Portugese?
Very little
>How many people in those 60% are Arabs?
Like 1% maybe.
>Nothing wrong with the Irish m8
Irish are honorary slavs
according to the census there are 1.7 million sand niggers here. They were probably imported by Minnesotans to cuck their wives desu.
Considering how much angrily you're shitposting something tells me that you're not Czech, probably a certain neighbour to our southwest, or a pedophile worshiper perhaps?
We are talking of Western stock with which inferior goblins of Southern Europe/Balkans have nothing to do with. I say it's about 30-40%? And that includes us Czechs, Slovaks, Balts and Slovenes in America and pre-WWII Europe. we have our own communities and you can eart well, unlike in cigan Srbshitia where you still drink beer out of plastic bottles. You are truly subhuman
I don't like Croats either, but at least half of their country is still White and they can keep their food and country in shape. Here's redpill we West Slavs hate slavophile leeches and Balkaniggers because you want to look good at our expense. Fuck off
yeah fuck that, the idea of marriage and the nuclear family is what cucked america in the first place
living communally (two lovers, parents/children, /grandparents, /other relatives, just friends/roommates, etc) with strong supportive male and female role models, yes, that I can get behind