Be honest.
This guy is 1000% more productive than you ppl
and worked his ass off to reach this level of success.
All hate accepted. Let the hate reflect your shitty life.
>pic and video related
Be honest.
This guy is 1000% more productive than you ppl
and worked his ass off to reach this level of success.
All hate accepted. Let the hate reflect your shitty life.
>pic and video related
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn losers don't even want to accept their
Milo got everything he deserved.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
>muh dick
I though you were better than this, India. Why, I have no idea, but I did.
Just accept your failure
Bible won't help you son
Bible is for those who can't get happy in real life.
I like Justin.
>Bible is for those who can't get happy in real life.
Exactly. I'd rather be with God than be a nigger trampling on people so I could have a tiny bit more of things that won't last.
i bleach my hair and get laid more because of it
nope he got a free ride to the top
We don't hate the successful. We are not communists
i thought this was a victoria beckham thread when i cliiecked it :^(
>hand picked and groomed by Hollywood Jews to be the next heart throb
>Got passed around like a Tea Cup by Usher and his nigger cohort
>Exposed his true form as reptilian at Perth Airport a few days ago where 100 fans ran screaming as he shapeshifted and PerthNow (2nd largest news site) had their article on his shapeshifting scrubbed.
Small dick maple nigger didn't do shit, paid $10K to a brazillian prostitute just to sleep next to her the fucking cuck LMAO
Wtf I love Hannah Montana now
Looking like Milo 0.5 here
Lolwut, archive?
does not belong on Sup Forums saged
>This guy is 1000% more productive than you ppl
If I got paid millions of dollars for doing something, I'd be 1000% more productive too.
He's the OG premier youtube star.
Tell me more about lizard Bieber.
He's not productive. Entertainment makes so much money because it's bottom tier appeal to the masses.
Basically this
Entertaiment has always been the lowest haning fruit on "succes"
You bring nothing but still have a title.
we just don't care you dirty monkey
rita ora is not good looking
also nobody should give a fuck about this
I unironically like his newest music
he's a good singer. He just got all the hate because of the shitty songs (((they))) made him do, and insecure online fags. Now he just looks like a lesbian
Check out
that some great indoctrination by your religious forefathers
That's not a Sup Forums thread.
>Also we wouldn't hate J.B. if he wasn't a cuck but he is.
Hows that Einstein ?
I thought canada lost all men.
There you are
Oh i like these kinds of reasoning
(((jew))) this (((jew))) that
Great way to relieve yourself of pain
Forgive the obviously shitty website link as they are all the same but the layout of the picture and dates match up Bieber being here in Perth, quick rundown is he was swamped by fans as he was leaving Perth after his show (nothing ever happens in Perth) and he got mad and shapeshifted, lashing out at people, the article on PerthNow (A very reputable, noted site for Western Australia) had the article on this up for about an hour before it was deleted and scrubbed from the site but the screencaps of the header are there.
Pajeet, please.
JB is a pampered limp wristed phony thats never had to do anything hard in his life. He's constantly surrounded by bodyguards because he's a pussy.
That pretty boy fag's legs would fold up if I connected clean with a two piece hitter quitter upside his melon.
>rita ora
yah she look like daughter of rihana and whitest Texas man alive.
He went down the nihilism path some time ago.Was kinda expected.He peaked too soon.
You shit in the streets and build shrines around clean toilets, wild boars pick up dead indian niglet babies on your trash covered streets and you all smell like rotting carcasses because you bathe in the Ganges as bloated bodies pass by.
Indian smell like shit. Indian look like shit. Indian smell like shit.
Fuck India. Nuke will come soon.
Why does it say penis on his neck?
You think you'll be a superpower in the next decade and you can't even read past a link that excuses the fact I linked it. I'd call you useless but that would be too much of a compliment.
I read it and it was fake.
World doesn't work according to these claims.
We would be in never ending war if it were true.
I'm a psychiatrist and practically have a fun day everyday and get to turn people with liberal mindset and homosexuals into vegetables. I think I'm good
Who gives a shit?
>The razor sharp wit of Pajeet
WOW IT WAS FAKE?!?!? REALLY? Getting trolled in your own abortion of a thread, I would cave your fucking head in with a cricket bat because that's the only thing you literal walking pieces of shit care about, what call centre do you work at? I want to abuse you tomorrow.
this tbqh desu.
Beibs is apparently dating kourtney Kardashian right now. Shes 37! The fuck is he thinking? I mean yeah I'd slam it till my dick fell off but why would you date a woman so much older? And one who has kids no less?
Why not fuck a hot tropy for fun when you can?
Anyway I am settling in Canada soon;not less than a year late.
Your country is beautiful. The french girls are hot!!!
Who's this ugly manly looking hoe Pahjeed?
I unironically like this song.
I realize that makes me a faggot. No need to point that out.
I scam rapefugees and illegals, so I'm more helpful for our society
He was also likely pimped out to old men and cougars back when he was new. So he needs all that money to hide the mental scars.
This isn't 2010 anymore, nobody gives a shit about Bieber jokes.
Sounds like Trump
Bieber is a based Trump guy. He's basically "Sup Forums: The Person" but with a huge following and tons of money.