Does eastern Europe prove that whites are not the master race?
Does eastern Europe prove that whites are not the master race?
We are the masterrace
Pic related my city in the balkans with no crime
They are white niggers
Irish aren't white either
Southern Italians aren't white
Yes. If our weakest form still kicks ass against 80% of the world that proves it
Hey Paco!
You have to go back!
>first human in space was a slav
>edison got cucked by a slav
>most famous scientists,inventors,artists are slavs
>nuclear power
>slavs cucking western europe for 50 years
Also dont forge that ''anglo master race'' can only go to space via using russian equipment...
Best muslim removers are slavs.
I've been to Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Croatia, and they're all fucking awesome countries
Amazing architecture and culture; also amazing countryside, for example Lake Balaton in Hungary, the largest freshwater lake in Europe, which is a great summer destination (summer is when I went)
Food and beer are really cheap in these places. You can have an amazing holiday for not much money.
So yeah fuck off basically
Does subsaharan Africa prove that blacks are not human?
then move over here and work for 700e/mo
Nice try, you still cannot come Jamal, we are full.
Yes and romanians.
Orthodox christians more specifically.
Pic related is an estonian girl. Does she really look less white than a german to you?
Also, eastern europe was cucked by 50 years of communism, which was a retarded ideology with massive amounts of wastefulness, corruption and defective economy. Before that, in the 1930's, or economy was on-par with the finnish one, actually exceeding them a little.
He was kinda psychotic and removed plenty of his own, does not count.
Well to be fair things are cheaper there right? So your €700 will get you much further than it would over here.
why? the worst countrys that are white are still better than the best nigger countries
That's your minimum wage? can i come?
> The worse off part of Europe is still far, far better off on average than literally everywhere else in the world that hasn't been colonized or influenced/co-opted by them
Yeah, no.
The Turks and Magyars made him that way
Balkans also had no problem ending the migrant bull shit. Western Europe are the globalist cucks.
Does not change anything i said.
thanks for that post, britbro
> edison got cucked by a slav
He cucked/fucked Tesla over though
>most famous scientists,inventors,artists are slavs
There are a lot and it's impressive but there are more famous Northern/Western European ones and the most accomplished ones are Western European, not to diminish their accomplishments of the Slavs
>nuclear power
I guess to an extent it was developed further in Eastern Europe but it was heavily the product of Enrico Fermi and mostly Western and Northern Europeans and American Jewish scientists.
>slavs cucking western europe for 50 years
Minimum wage is 800e, 550e after taxes so it get's up to 650e after the bonuses, renting a small apartment in Ljubljana costs around 300e, food prices are pretty much the same as in Austria, our heavy taxes mean that if you get free shipping you're better off ordering electronics from Germany
not here
>Germans are "master race"
>Slavs fucked Germany in WW 2
>Slavs are the new master race.
but slavs are not white
we want destroy white race
>Czech Republic
>Eastern Europe
>western europe is master race
>also western europe lets hordes of sandnegros into their country to leech their welfare and fuck their women
Always kill a traitor first jimbo
No it proves that even white people cant make communism work.
Mainly criminals, scummy boyars and people unwilling to work, nobody of value was lost, senpai
But it does work. Yugoslavia was one of leading world forces until our nigga Tito died.
She looks like a mount and blade character
frick off
we are central
>mount and blade character
>not knowing the only good thing Turkey has provided the world in the last 500 years
>blaming Eastern Europeans for being infested with the Semitic plague.
... Eastern Europeans are probably closer to pure Aryan genetics than Western Europeans (mixing with Iberians, or the alpine races[less proof is too be found for the latter]).
>Orthodox christians more specifically.
Serb doesn't consider Iberians also kebab removers
Me cry more.
Iberian's are honorary orthodox Christians
pic related, we have lots of blondes in here still, this "eastern europe is not white" meme is seriously misguided
pic related, some estonian female TV choir, we have lots of blondes in here still, this "eastern europe is not white" meme is seriously misguided
Is Vlad, dare I say it /ourguy/?
He removed thieves and murderers. I don't think he ever spiked innocent people. Then again, those were some fucked up times, we will never know.
>double roman salutes
oy vey
I love you, Estonia.
>kikes create communism
>eradicate the best amongst Slavs:intellectuals, doctors, scientists
>many good quality people escape to France or USA
>give power to the worst: lumpen proles and degenerated
Yep. Looking at those states one clearly has to conclude that Asians are at least as good as Whites. Unless you count Eastern Europe as White
you too, romania, step up on the gypsy removal
No it just proves that decades of communism turn your country into a shithole, spic
muh kebab
Hi brother
I love you too, Moldova.
Too bad the ruskii stole you.
They are stealing us again
Yugoslavia was leeching off of western (mainly USA) gibs that invested stupid sums of money into the country because they wanted us on their side in the cold war.
And even with that the unemployment was so bad that around a third of the population was categorized as "surplus workforce", resulting in an emigration wave comparable to the ones post ww2 and in the 90's.
And today you have a shitload of commie grampas telling you how comfy Yugoslavia was, when they were living off the state without lifting a finger.
It was a nation of parasites exploiting the global political situation to live off of foreign gibs. On its own it would have collapsed within a decade, soviet style.
also I'm going to move to Brasov with my family soon
very good, Brasov is a nice & chill city.
> crimea
> ukraine
eastern Europeans were always the vanguards of western civilization, they kept the Arabs and mongols away from central/west Europe while we were tossing each others bollocks over petty squabbles
I know right? I've been there before and I have to say, it's very beautiful during both winter and summer
Well good for you. Brasov is quite nice.
Estonia is closer to being Nordic than some Eastern European shithole. Don't get so triggered Eerik
Eastern europe is exciting look into what would europe look like (demographically and in their attitudes) without cultural marxism.
Pretty much this
Not all intellectuals made the escape to the west. Pic related, our first president from 1992-2001. He was a writer and documentarist in the soviet times, but as our country was created, became a president and basically put us on the map with his tireless diplomatic efforts. He also was very watchful to keep our country free from ex-communist scum, many other eastern euro countries didn't succeed in that and elected former commies back into office on the premise that these former commies promised to be less communist or some shit. Man on the pic related didn't buy this crap and Made Estonia Great Again, as much as it would be possible.
>Estonia is closer to being Nordic than some Eastern European shithole
I disagree, when I lived in Denmark for 8 months, that quickly redpilled me on the "Eesti is nordik" meme and I realized that we are more eastern europe in very many ways. Yeah, we are better off than Poland or Romania, but nowhere we are close to Finland or Norway.
Eastern Europe was subjugated to the huge shit called Soviet Union, the reason they're poor is because of post-communism. Hopefully they will recover from this blow. Either way, they are Orthodox and based, sacrificing themselves to the Ottomans.
lol can these Western subhumans even compete?
Yeah, probably
still a hero tho
How is Albania dumber than Turkey? What happened?
>grr, look at that poorfag shithole
>where's the high-rise apartments
>where's the advertisements
>they need a loan and black people, right away!
I hope you realize these statistics aren't really accurate.
>Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth
>Russian Empire
t. Tyrone
>implying Kosovo is a country
thx , croatia
Glorious eastern Europe. If only they could forget the past and align with Russia, Pan-Slavia would be an unstoppable force against islamification and globalist kikery.
Take it
great idea but you know it would be Soviet union 2.0
I love you Estonia too
We're doing just fine, nigger
No, Western Europe proves that whites are not the master race. Eastern Europe is shitskin-free.
this is we wuz tier
We have fuckton of gypsies here and our time is gonna be over soon if west doesnt do anything about muslims, our countries are slowly degenerating
>gypsie family murdered young white girl for audi
yup gypsies are the main problem in europe
they are like mexicans
It proves that communism is not the master ideology.
All these mad Balkancucks make me so happy that my ancestors raped their women.
>un-ironically liking that commie agent and not knowing his past.
wow, how does it feel to be a blue-pilled fuck?
you people from Eastern Europe get it, gypsies are much much worse than moors or niggers.
They bring drugs , kill their own children , illegal cigarettes etc
Don't forget they spawn donkeys out of nowhere.
We have this meme about them stealing horses
Well, he had to train somehow ... right ?
>that my ancestors
You're on Sup Forums, if someone didn't arrange your ancestors marriage, they'd have died foreveralone.
You are the genetic dead end that should have occurred eight hundred years ago.
how can you be mastercuck, if you let yourself get raped? hm?