Why should we keep cultures alive?

Why can't we have, for example, a big United States of Europe, where everybody speak one language (possibly english since we all speak it now)? Wouldn't it be better? Less conflict if everyone shares the same culture, we could mix like in the USA.

We've already done it a lot here in France with receding the cultures of Britanny and Occitania. Now everyone speak french and any independantists movements is ridiculised, for the better. I know what you're going to respond : Yugoslavia, USSR... but look at India, China or even the USA, they're not doing that bad, do they? In Europe it will be way easier since we all share a common culture already. We can improve it, generalise it even more. And don't talk about the wars fought in the past that could, as you like to think here, happen again, we all now well that they cannot be repeated anymore. I mean, we had two world wars in the same continent in less than 35 years, no one want such things to happen ever again. Ask a french to fight a german and this will make no sense to him, there's no reason to fight your neighbor anymore. There is so little difference between us today.
We know what nationalism led us to in history: only war, and nowhere else. And if you're not convinced, the nukes will make it impossible to fight each other. That's why an EU army is also a good idea.
This is a region world now, not a nation world, and we have to get used to it. I mean, we cannot compete with China, Russia and the USA if we stay separated.

So again, what's the point of preserving cultures when it's just making things complicated?
I know I'm gonna get a lot of hateful comments but please let's have a civilised thread with only intelligent debate.

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Fuck off Macron

I'm serious here. Can I have serious answers in return ?
I mean can we have some serious debate on this board instead of just stupid memes ?

Some cultures are doomed to fail like Islam. We have to preserve diversity.

Also, both world wars were due to the globalists and not the nationalists. Don't be delusional.

If Islam is doomed to fail then why hasn't Muhammad's stupid religion died yet?

Why do you want us to all be the same? Just let everybody be how they want to be, including their language and culture, as long as they aren't harming others.

Fucking Eurocuck dipshit

They already failed. They are an evolutionary hole where anyone evolving into atheism is murdered. They will keep going millions of years until they are wiped by a virus or asteroid.

>suggesting cultural suicide is necessary to keep the peace
son, if you don't know shit about history, don't dream big on politics.

>We have to preserve diversity
Why ?

>Also, both world wars were due to the globalists and not the nationalists. Don't be delusional.
The only globalist aspect of WW1 so far was Austria who wanted to smash the serbian independantist movement.
WW2 was purely nationalistic, see Germany.

>We know what nationalism led us to in history: only war
Wrong. Globalism and imperialism caused wars.

>what's the point of preserving cultures when it's just making things complicated?
This is so bluepilled i dont even know where to start.

If you remove culture and identity people become atomized consumers, which is exactly what the (((financial elite))) wants.
You dont know who you are so you dont defend your people.
You dont know where you're from so you dont protect your lands.

Its all a scheme to transfer power to the financial elite. Its sole purpose to remove resistance to mass immigration.

Oh its shitskin pretending to be French episode

>Wouldn't it be better?
no it would be as cancerous as the original united states
but of course that was the intention when they came here 45

>everyone shares the same culture
>we all share a common culture already

Thats where you are wrong, kiddo.


>Also, both world wars were due to the globalists and not the nationalists.
that's a weird way to spell germs

Start off by killing the nigger language and culture, then move on and get rid of the mudslime sandnigger culture, followed by the kike culture, then I might be onboard with this.

It's only causing conflict. And for the little differences between us I don't think we can call it culture, at this point it's just social codes and habits.

Nice argument.

I'm not talking of cultural suicide, more like cultural evolution by assemblage.

>Wrong. Globalism and imperialism caused wars.
Post examples to prove your point please.

>If you remove culture and identity people become atomized consumers, which is exactly what the (((financial elite))) wants.
>You dont know who you are so you dont defend your people.
>You dont know where you're from so you dont protect your lands.
>Its all a scheme to transfer power to the financial elite. Its sole purpose to remove resistance to mass immigration.

I didn't say removing identity, I talked about EUROPEAN identity. I'm all for Europe for europeans.

My family did research and I'm 100% french, try again.

The original US is made of the worst of Europe. Here it is different.

>Why ?
People percieve life differently because THEY ARE different. Everything is based in nature. Different groups will produce different systems that fit them.

There is no one size fits all system.

No one will belong anywhere. Everyone will be equally miserable.

In a world where everyone is the same you cant experience anything new either. All you get is shopping chinese junk, coca cola, mcdonalds and degenerate hollywood culture.

Your vision is sickening.

Fuck off nigger. You want that just becuase you are not european.

germans did not cause of the wars

you're right it was the jews who declared war, you retarded sperg

>Post examples to prove your point please.
Both world wars were a result of imperialistic expansion

>Why ?
The Marxian ideology has for ultimate goal to make the whole world individualist, alone and weak. Only a handful of people, the globalist jews, would brainwash the mass to keep control of everything. If this isn't already the case.

>see Germany
I'm sorry but this is lie. They only attacked Poland because over 100 thousands of germans were persecuted there. In fact the war went out because they isolated themselves from the international dept and the Rothschild.

Pic related is the world without Hitler. A pretty shitty place where anyone with freewill is killed.

germans did not cause of the wars

Actually the Poland jews did genocide the german first. So yeah, they started it. :^)

Culture is not causing conflict, multiculturalism and mass immigration into eastern Europe is causing ocnflict

France has one of the most beautiful architecture and cultures on this plant imo, it's a shame to get rid of it.

An unique culture doesn't have to be degenrate, you know.

>It's only causing conflict. And for the little differences between us I don't think we can call it culture, at this point it's just social codes and habits.
I think some amount of conflict is unavoidable if you want the freedom for everyone to be how they want to be. I don't consider this a good enough reason to force everyone to abandon their lifestyle and native toungue.

>I don't consider this a good enough reason to force everyone to abandon their lifestyle and native toungue.

because then there would be no conflict that's what im saying

Okay retard can you answer me this. If you are so concerned with war can you give me a historical example where there were no nations and there was no war? Why was there war between Soviet Union and Finland if Soviet Union was non-nation state like EU would be? Do you have any single proof that this would cause no war or are you just spouting unproven rhetoric?

>China, India, USA
retard detected, did you not learn of history or even recent politics? Remember Paki-Indian conflict? Know what is going on in Kashgaria? Does American civil war ring a bell?
>independantists movements is ridiculised, for the better
still in Corsica or you gonna pretend that is not a thing anymore?
>We can improve it, generalise it even more
how about you shove it up your ass? Its not improving, its distilling everything until its common shit thrash

>because then there would be no conflict that's what im saying
>be no conflict

Just isolate the Jews and there would be absolutely no conflict.

Answer me, who would govern the united states of europe?

And are you willing to get paid less than half what you are making now?


There would still be conflicts.
I have conflicts with people who grew up on the same street, speak the same language, have the same skin-colour and culture, etc.
If your goal is a world without conflicts, it will be a world without differences or freedom.

>Less conflict if everyone shares the same culture, we could mix like in the USA.

1. Europe has mixed cultures and is becoming one culture: Islam.
2. Thank you for agreeing that the USA is better than the EU.
3. Without preserving your culture, there is no "common culture" to rally around.
4. Generalizing cultures is what results in bombings in France and Europe in "general".
5. If history is not learned from, it will be repeated. By "not talking about the wars from the past", Europe will split into Nation-States; and the whole thing starts again.
6. "There is so little difference"- Except for religions, traditions, language, heritage. The things that are an integral part of culture.

Is this "civilized" and "intelligent" enough?

>Europe has mixed cultures and is becoming one culture: Islam.
You have literally no idea what you are talking about.
I see no muslim people or people with brown skin on most days.

Because your replacement is shit. The American culture works because everyone can identify with economic independence and the pursuit of their dreams. Note that this culture also does not exclude other cultural values. Europe wants to erase local cultures and does not have a good replacement for it.

>Why can't we have, for example, a big United States of Europe, where everybody speak one language (possibly english since we all speak it now)?

No Índia and China are overpopulated shithole, and americans i can only really trust white americans.

The eu wouldnt do for me at least, because my country should be turned to the atlântic, like it always was. Not europe, we really have no power or say on europe as country, culture or economie, but we do just fine on the ocean

easy when a culture dies, a stronger one take its place instead, look at the big governmental changes in history. All were events that broke the status quo.

The worst part is that the only "strong" culture that would fill the gap is Islamic, and Islamic culture would mean the death of western civilization as we know it

I wish I could say the same.

I like eu (you).

Don't get angry dude.
The soviet Union wanted Finland to integrate their Union. It was supposed to be a war that will end other war between the two sides.

I don't need proof i mean it's pretty simple to understand that it makes sense. Is there war in France here ? No. We don't give a shit about Occitans, Crosicans because their nations are inexistent. And it works better this way

The US of E would be governed by a parliament of europeans. There won't be a fight for wh'os gonna govern if everyone's the same.

>I have conflicts with people who grew up on the same street, speak the same language, have the same skin-colour and culture, etc.
good education can fix this

>Generalizing cultures is what results in bombings in France and Europe in "general".
This is badly made generalisation of culture. I'm only talking about Europe here. Cultures around the world are too diffrent but here it's almost the same
>"There is so little difference"- Except for religions, traditions, language, heritage. The things that are an integral part of culture.
Religions is already decreasing, traditions have almost disappeared, language no ones cares, i mean we all speak english here and it's better this way, and heritage is what is holding us back.
You CAN'T deny that.

>good education can fix this
So you just do want all of us to be the same and have no freedom
No thanks

I don't think you realize mankind doesn't need to be united to successfully be a space civilization. Like literally any country could start small with asteroids mining and grow exponentially from there.

Because you will have a chaotic mix instead

>The soviet Union wanted Finland to integrate their Union. It was supposed to be a war that will end other war between the two sides.
>if I wage war on you, pacify you, take you over there won't be any war between us
Are you trying to sound retarded on purpose? Is this poorly disguised anti federation thread?
>I don't need proof
>I don't need proof to try to argue for a concept that will require you to give up something you love just because I am a huge faggot
>i mean it's pretty simple to understand that it makes sense. Is there war in France here ? No. We don't give a shit about Occitans, Crosicans because their nations are inexistent. And it works better this way
Occitans were always a fucking meme. They never had a country of their own. I don't doubt some jew made up how they became French or something after revolution, seen that delirious garbage posted here before. Corsicans are still have their own independence groups. Oh by the way forgetting that Catalonia might be a thing and Scotland too hmmmm seems those nation that were in union might separate, would you look at that. Its almost like you are full of shit.

Because fuck you,thats why.

Reminder that people said that when we will become secular there will be no war
Its always the same Jew shit, use your brain and don't give an inch to their narrative

The problem of the mixing of culture is always this. Since we have to live within one culture, the mixing of several of them always implies the destruction of most, at which point the question becomes: which of the several culture should be adopted in this mono cultural world?

Should, for instance, Islam dominate or some other form of life like a liberal order? Presumably, there is no rational way to decide between the two (or three, four...) yet one must dominate over the other. Yet the advantage that would accrue for the mono cultural world would obtain no matter what culture is chosen, yet the choice of culture remains highly problematic, not to say impossible.

Suppose you have group A from culture A and group B from culture B, and that you seek to create a mono cultural world. Why is it that the members of A should renounce their culture in favor of that of B, or that the members of B should renounce their culture in favor of that of A, or that both should renounce their cultures in favor of some third one?

You should take a knife and rip your own bowels out of your gut.

Now fuck off.

You need to calm down.

Exactly. Stop resisting and fighting for your survival. Be a communist.


Fuck off faggot.

I don't know where you live but in west germany I see at least five hijab wearing women and tons of shitskins everyday

The truth alot of Eurocucks cant stand is the simple fact that BRITAN AND FRANCE ARE SUPERIOR TO THEM IN EVERY WAY, thats why they want to be unified because they are sick of being left behind these two nations who dont even need them. Unified Europe? Good for who? The lesser countries that amount to shit thats who this benefits not France and Britain.

>compete with China, Russia, and the USA
Europe lost the instant the USA was formed

You need to learn how to argue, how to think through your arguments and actually present a well thought through idea and not just spout what you heard some dumb liberal faggot or a Jew say on TV/internet
Oy vey listen to this goy

I agree Britain is superior but french is finished.

I would be ok with it if we kicked out all the non-whites.
Also Hitler tried with this.

aww whats the matter? babby hungry?

fuck you antisemite


Reminder that antisemitism is about knowing what (((they))) have done and has nothing in common with hatred.

wow what a well constructed reply and clever / witty too

>Reminder that antisemitism is about knowing what (((they))) have done and has nothing in common with hatred.
Well yes its meant to shut down conversation. Really what I am saying is what most Jews would agree with me and would be proud of it too.

I would be willing to look into this idea if we agreed to kick out all the non whites and make a promise to never accept any non whites in the European ethonstate for all time to come.

the irony

Fuck off you cheese eating surrender monkey.
Non Finns will NEVER, EVER be my kin.

Diversity and a love of belonging. Your world seems boring and bland. Do you think the US is that great culturally? It's bland as fuck there culturally compared to Europe.

Fuck you France. No one likes you.

You cannot blame nationalistm for the wars, after the unification of Germany by Bismarck the balance of power on europe by the peace of Viena was broken.
The world was in need of reform, we had the allied democarcies, the axies, the commies, after the axies were defeated the war of ideologies went on as the cold war.
The west only won not because muh capitalism, but because adopted a few pro socialist reforms. Taking the appeal of the soviet dictatorship of proletáriat.
Now those reforms eat them from inside.

The reason europe cant be United its because its europe.
Unlike the usa were its founding fathers toke inspiration on the roman empire, unlike China wich is a surviving clássical, empire (Rome of Ásia), Índia wich is a shithole and a artificial construct.
Europe and europeans can relate to a specific common culture, but trough invasion or emigration all of us had their spefic antesetors to.
Like the French had the Franks and latin-gauls, we had the suebians and the latin-lusitans, the English had normans-anglo-jutes/celt melting pot. And those event leave scars and shape the legal sistems and mindset of those people.

>Muh culture

For Christ sakes, Cultures change for better or worse. You think you're "protecting your culture" by instead you're becoming a society of paranoid shut ins. Just look at isolationist Japan. Samurai and WW2 soldiers died to preserve "Japanese culture" and now Japan is full of virgins who watch anime and Jack off to hentai all day. The culture they fought to protect charged without immigration getting involved.


Yes,..exactly. And here, not everyone blends and mixes. For instance,..What I have seen over many years (I'm 71 years old)....most "country" white folks just stay within their own cultural groups. Been white..."small town/country all my life. Children are too. Grandkids are too. I live in an area that is still mostly white,..Christian values..etc. etc. Some Mexicans (they blend in,..and are actually pretty nice)...some Blacks (pretty nice, also). In other words,...even the Latinos and Blacks pretty well blend into the dominant culture of white/Christian/conservative here.

Without all the efforts made for war anime wouldn't be as great. Elitism is the cure against degeneracy.

Britain has fallen

And yet Japan still has a different culture than the rest of the world. Just because it no longer has Samurai doesn't mean that's all Japan was about.

virgins who watch anime > sluts racemixing

I would rather NO ONE has sex than only niggers having sex.

It's time to eradicate the black plague.

I know there is a meme that the US has no culture, but America has many different cultures that have developed over its existence. You are never going to have a single culture with populations that big and spread out. Globalists fail to realize this.

Maybe because you nuked them twice and fucked them up?

I feel like Texas is an example of American culture. The cowboy is yours, and only yours, America. Embrace it.

Prove that the changes you want are superior to the changes I want.

Pro-tip: you can't.

The view that all changes are good is incoherent.

Why not celebrate diverse culture? I thought you liked diversity?

That doesn't make sense though. Capitalist economic depends on large, young working class. If people stop having children, like in Japan, the society will slowly collapse and the culture along with it. So you have two choices, let your culture die or hopefully integrate immigrants into your society. Choose wisely.

Because if we shared the same fucking culture, I'd wave the white flag as soon as I saw the enemy, just like a fucking frenchie.

Keep your culture, but let me keep mine.

>If people stop having children, like in Japan, the society will slowly collapse and the culture along with it

Yeah no. What you want is adequate GDP per capita, not absolute GDP. The people is not there to serve the economy but rather the reverse. There is no absolute goal to maximize GDP, especially if GDP per capita is maintained, or if social harmony is maintained as a result.

Immigrants are generally worthless. (Not in the sense that they have no economic value, but in the sense that they have no social value.) So are you.

And one giant government to go along with it.

We'll call it the one world government! What could go wrong??

>Choose wisely.
A true Japan would choose DEATH over shamefulness. So I hope Japan chooses death over immigration.

Or you know, they could just have sex and problem solved. They need to remove women's rights and then breed with them. You have to do same, and so does Europe and every western nation. Women rights were a mistake.

>The only globalist aspect of WW1 so far was Austria who wanted to smash the serbian independantist movement.

You fucking retard, both world wars were due to economy. The "west", i.e. the countries already subverted by big money, Britain, France and the US, wanted to spread their system and open all possible markets for maximum profit and maximum controll. The old monarchies were in the way and had to be removed because they still could keep the bankers in check.

Later, the west didn't like nazi germany because they started to remove this system step by step, where the international banks for trade got replaced by a barter trade system. To spread this capitalist system further, i.e. "keep the markets open through the banking system", Nazi Germany had to be destroyed. If the Nazis wouldn't have been so successful and would not have taken over the other non european markets with that barter trade system, then barely anyone would have cared.

I fucking hate bluepilled retards like you who have no idea what they are talking about.

>Nearly 100 replies
>Nobody has posted the image of that 'we're all one culture' Euro faggot.


let's take a group of people who not only feels neither connection nor any responsibility towards us but also believes in its own superiority on every level and give them stupidly enormous amount of power hoping that despite their disdain for common people they will work towards better future for all mankind instead of focusing exclusively on their own intrests despite it making no sense from their perspective

what could possibly go wrong?

If you're scared of conflict and act in a way to try and escape or minimize it, people will pick up on this and use their willingness to wage conflict against you to back you into a corner where they will accept all concessions from you and you will become a slave or be subjugated and removed from the Earth. You cannot escape conflict and the idea that you can is as foolish as the Enlightenment project to reshape man and society in terms of rationalist principles. You must instead seek to win whatever inevitable potential conflict will happen on your own terms, or else you will crumble into the sea like a sandcastle.

In really simple terms: your cowardice is contemptible and we should not accept to be ruled by weak people such as you.

It will happen one day. One day in the far distant future, 100s of years after all the nuclear dust has settled the survivors from the north american continent will rebuild using the knowledge left behind by us in old nokia telephones. They'll begin creating villages, towns, citys... All to recreate the now mythic USA. Many more years later, young explorers will sail the seas and eventually come onto european land and meet the european people. The european people are brown savages. They have bountiful land as far as the eye can see but they just destroy. So we must take it from them, and we will. And thats how the American Empire lives on forever and ever as its always ment to be. Amen.

Why so silent all of the sudden OP? Got BTFO?

the eu you want isnt the eu the rop brass want pierre

i was all for a united europe that had all of our cultures enshrined and was all glorious and shit

but the problem is the eu wants to cuck us all and turn us into a brown mess via 3rd world immigration

No user, if people in Japan stop having kids their lines die off, those that had debts disapear, those that had riches go to the state in case there is no final will. With this "purges" young couples can start to afford living and new terrains are given or sold to make new houses. The olding of western societies is caused due to increased life expetancy not because of lower growth rates, the lower growth rates on the other hand are a consequênce ir the high life expetancy, since the wealth being distributed to old people was wealth (both by the state and families) put in for more children.

What is a problem is that África os the only place population os increasing, with all theyre poverty the should stop and thinks "will i bring a baby to the world sharing my poverty with him?"

>Why should we keep cultures alive?
stupid question, we don't keep anything alive, it survive or it doesn't. The evolution continue.

that pic is offending
fucking niggers

Fuck off Hans, stop posting from France