ANCHOR BABIES...are they real citizens?
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Constitutionally, NO.
Caught up in something they don't wanna be in. Yes, they're citizens.
those boobs are gross because they are too big and they clearly sag
It used to be cheaper to brand every kid born in this country as "american" than to check if they were born "under the jurisdiction" of the united states, specially as nobody has defined what exactly that means.
here is the exact wording:
>All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside
good call! now go back to kindergarten before you get cooties.
Big boobs are a treasure and they should be worshipped
>.are they real citizens?
Sure, citizens of whatever third world shithole they belong in.
Hot picture
You're such a fag
Tits in general are shit. A real man seeks glorious egg laying hips.
This is a slide thread.
No, they're not. They're anchors for their illegal parents, and they almost always hold the same views about the host nation that their parents hold.
And usually, when they're illegals, they hate their host country, and only live here for money.
If I had my way, we wouldn't even send them back.
We'd just shoot them all and be done with it.
These faggots want to take our country from us.
We should change it so only children with American fathers are Americans.
who cares? baby will inherit citizenship of parents anyway so they're just along for the ride when you deport the parents
girls not being funny meme status: debunked.
and sexy at the same time.
A real ape, more like.
Tits is the civilized and patrician taste.
Go shitpost in one of your threads that belongs on Sup Forums or some e celeb thread faggot
kys faggot
>too big
Someone has small titays
Yes, unfortunately. If we could stop that it'd be great, although not even many cuckservatives would be onboard with revoking citizenship post-birth and having lived here, it would be an extremely fringe belief.
Also girl is Angela White and she's a porn star.
I like how Egypt is the only civilized Arab /African country
Yeah. That ammendment was inteded to keep people from saying ex-slaves weren't citizens and not backdoor a bunch of migrants, but birthright citizenship is the law of the land.
when did it switch from "child-bearing" to "egg-laying"? Am I the only non-reptilian left?
>Am I the only non-reptilian left?
Seize him!
What about kids with unknown fathers or kids with two moms and no father?
Found the fag.
Yeah, I don't know about that one. I was going to ignore it. Too spooky for me.
t. non-white merimutt
So, Constitutionally, YES.
>specially as nobody has defined what exactly that means.
Had something to do with making sure that free slaves could have citizenship.
Well, for two mom's then biological father, and for unknown father's, well bastards don't deserve to be citizens.
Just kidding if anybody thinks that idea makes any sense they aren't American
Neither are non-whites and those with black blood
If they were born in the United States or its territory, then they are a citizen. It's not rocket science.
If they were born in the united States, they are a citizen. It's not a matter of opinion. Also do you have a source to back up your claims?
Which amendment in the Constitution states that anchor babies are not real babies?
Why did you post Angela White?
Holy shit she is perfect.
Most of them are not White and constitution means White only citizenry. Stupid subhuman mulatto
The real question is if they are really people...
They're invaders pure and simple, line em all up against the big beautiful wall.
>although not even many cuckservatives would be onboard with revoking citizenship post-birth
>not many
None of them would, they're cuckservatives.
They either return with their children, or they're deported and their children are turned over as wards of the State.
Farm school. Pick muh strawberries. Mandatory Military Service. Citizenship. Technical School Certification. Guaranteed to contribute to the economy. It's a win win either way.
I bet a child has a higher probability of contributing to society if they're an orphan rather than born from a single mother.
>no bra
>no self respect
>crazy eyes
No thanks to that. Dumb bitches need to go extinct. As to the question their citizenship is based on a flawed understanding of the law. They are persona non grata and need to be expelled to their parents country.
>constitution means White only citizenry
What did he mean by this.
She's fucked niggers.
Constitutionally no. They must fulfill two major caveats to be citizens: born or legally immigrated, and be under our jurisdiction. Even if they are born here, they were born here outside of the US jurisdiction and are therefore NOT CITIZENS.
The 14th Amendment clearly shows they shouldn't receive birth certificates, SSI numbers, or any sort of US ID - they do not come under US jurisdiction until they go through immigration; they aren't even covered temporary visitor laws. Back in the day, if you tried a mass invasion to oust a country's population, you'd be met by the State Militia or military.
Send them all back - only legal immigrants allowed.
>To become a citizen at birth, you must:
>Have been born in the United States or certain territories or outlying possessions of the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; OR
>had a parent or parents who were citizens at the time of your birth (if you were born abroad) and meet other requirements
From the official source.
It's not rocket science. They are citizens.
>They are citizens.
Current year +2 still not laying eggs...
Also milk is racist didn't you get the memo..
yuuuuge fag!
>MUST fulfill
What the fuck am I reading.
Fuck no. Where is that comic of Trump sending a spic back anchor baby first?
>boob choke
A new wrestling technique?
not an argument
Thanks based user
If one of your biological parents is at the least not a resident, then you should not be a citizen by birth.
Once a beaner always a beaner. No.
>United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that a child born in the United States of Chinese citizens, who had at the time a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and who were carrying on business there other than for the Chinese government, automatically became a U.S. citizen.[1] This decision established an important precedent in its interpretation of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
Again it isn't rocket science people.
The courts and Constitution have already spoken on this issue. Anyone saying otherwise does not know shit about the laws of this country, kind of like an illegal immigrant.
You guys really should educate yourself. There's 0 reason to debate for this.
Stupid Kiwi knows nothing about the US Constitution.
Dumbass, check the congressional notes when the 14th Amendment was drafted.
The way I read that, an ESTABLISHED alien who has lived here for long enough to establish a business and EARN AN INCOME can be a citizen.
Simply stepping across an imaginary line and pooping out a baby is not equivalent.
Do you read English?
Wong Kim Ark was born when his parents were in the US legally and under the jurisdiction of America.
If they aren't 18 and employed or in school when the parents are deported, deport them too.
>The way I read that
It's not up to you though, it's up to the supreme Court, who stated way back over a hundred years ago that a person born on US soil is a citizen. Are their parents citizens automatically? No, that is not what this is saying. The second you step foot in the united States, you are subject to their laws, which makes you under their jurisdiction
Deport their parents. and make them go through the process.
This is a non issue. It's been decided on already. Only retards on the internet who have a poor understanding of the law because they learned about the laws through Sup Forums think otherwise.
Did you continue reading?
>Do you read English?
Probably isn't his first language jej
Milk for days
This, "Dreamers" absolutely despise America and what America stands for. Thats should be reason enough to deport each and every single one of them.
Hope Trump ends DACA and DACP.
Dreamers are not the same as anchor babies. Anchor babies are citizens. Dreamers are illegal and need to be deported.
If their parents came here illegally, don't speak English, and will raise they're children with the same shitty principles that they lived by, then why should we consider them one of us?
"They were born on our soil!"
This argument is used by the same cucks that call for open borders and think that a border is an imaginary line that doesn't mean shit.
The hypocrisy is out of control it's fucking ridiculous.
The goyim knows...
Why is Angela White so good?
>Then why
Because, the Constitution and the Supreme Court have both ruled on the matter. It's not rocket science you mouth breathing faggot. You really don't want them to become citizens ? Then deport the mother when she is pregnant. Im not even against deporting both their parents right after their born. Get "muh emotions " out of it. The law is the law correct? And the law already established over hundred years ago that if you were born in the United States or its territories, then you are a citizen. If you are in the United States, you are subject to their laws and under their jurisdiction.
Have I said anything about imaginary lines? No on the contrary, I have said the laws should be strictly followed. And if we're going to do that and not cherry pick the laws we follow, then anchor babies are citizens. Get your emotions out of it you faggot.
>says the russian
We should have nuked you when we had the chance
>Egypt is whiter than ameriga and romania
That chart only displays the preferences of those who are degenerate enough to use porn. So naturally it only represents the desires of sub humans.
>Because, the Constitution
Nope, try again schlomo.
The supcom ruled on it, and it will hopefully be overturned eventually, but the constitution makes no mention of illegals suddenly becoming legal. The 14th only applies to the children of legal immigrants conducting legal business and legally residing in the US when the child is born, mexican illegals are exactly none of those criteria.
>kim jong un prefers butts
The more you know
As an addendum, the case the scotus ruled on way back was for the children of legal chinese immigrants having kids in the US, so it actually doesn't even apply to illegals, jewbergs have just been using it to get their pet socialists citizenship.
Ayyy :D
>United States United States: The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."[31] The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" excludes children born to foreign diplomats and children born to enemy forces engaged in hostile occupation of the country's territory.[32]
Tyrone please learn how to read, because you read like a nigger. They aren't illegal in the first place once they are born. It's not rocket science. Google it.
Wrong nigger.
Illegal aliens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. They are subject to the jurisdiction of (wherever the fuck they are from).
Thus they cannot grant citizenship to America to their bastard spawn if neither parent is a citizen because they cannot give something that they don't have.
That's how it works as written and as intended, but somewhere along the line people just decided to not follow laws 'n shiet anymore.
No and none of them should receive benefits of any kind from this nation.
>t.retard that doesn't know what sag actually is
We have a saying in Turkish: Exceptions don't falsify the claim.
According to the constitution yes. However their parents are not so, the option is.. they go back to where their parents are citizens of (and they would also be citizens of that country), and they would still have proof of their birth in the US and therefore citizenship of the US, and when they're adults they can freely immigrate to the US as legal US citizens...
Or.. they can be separated from their family and raised under foster care/adoption if they're lucky, but they'd be in the US.
This isn't about your desired ethnostate.. that's just what the law is.
How can a child born of non citizen parents, automatically become citizens of a foreign country? If my wife and I went to Australia and she was eight months pregnant, then she gave birth after we got through customs, would that make the baby Australian? Even if we were both American and had no immigration status in Australia?
based burger
Check the laws in Australia then.
>degenerate enough to use porn
Look at Mr. Righteous Conservative pants over here...
Every single guy has watched porn in their life at least once.
>Even if they are born here, they were born here outside of the US jurisdiction and are therefore NOT CITIZENS.
Confirmed idiot.
>tfw in war with millions of roaches
>tfw so white you are considered European depsite being in Asia
How's 7th grade, fagnon?
t. Delusional Gayreek.
Turks are whiter than Greeks.