How does the government respond?
Oh No! Godzilla is attacking your country!
>Don't worry, its just a 9 year old child from Syria that needs education.
I don't remember if they tried chemical warfare in the movie, so that.
They hire a dindu task force from some shitstain country to deal with it
Throw a bunch of rocks and sticks at him then run away
giant lizards have rights too
>I'm a faggot; the post.
Nuke it, making it stronger. It eventually grows to be immortal and kills the whole world.
the same thing they always do when they discover wild animals.
dumping it in Frisia
>Wow don't lump every giant monster in the same basket, like that's so teratophobic? We don't know his motives yet but our experts are on it.
stop being such an intolerant godzillophobe, it's just a refugee
We don't retaliate. Aggression will make it angrier. We must be tolerant of its nature and accommodate the beast with our wealth and women.
grant it citizenship and painstakingly try assure ourselves our cultures are compatible in one giant pit of denial
Russia did this.
Somehow blame the paramilitary and the right
if he has blue/green eyes the government will trow the red carpet
Feed him Mcdoubles till he's too fat to do anything useful. Put him on social aid programs and let him bitch about the gubbermint.
The Liberals pass a "Godzilla protection bill"
Send in the Fukushima boars.
Accept it into the country to appease it. Then when the rest of the world manages to come defeat it, we act like we were actively resisting.
Worked before!
Our government takes a selfie with Godzilla and then proceeds to invate all of Godzillas friends (Mothra, Rodan etc.) to our country. They will destroy our country and receive more welfare than an unemployed German for it.
Invade another middle eastern country
Tony Abbott engages the filthy immigrant in a f-35 and shows him a place were you don't need roads.
By not being a racist nazi and welcoming it's destruction with open arms. It's his culture, nothing we can do about it but he deserves to be here.
Have some children for breakfast dear Godzilla.
Depends on whether or not he applied for citizenship.
Give him a warm welcome by a good bunch of qts clapping for him.
Give him free housing and quite a bit of money.
Monster Island is a turmoil zone and Godzilla is seeking asylum outside of it. WE NEED TO HELP just look at this poor orphan on monster island
honorable members
Connect to the news station from FaceTime and unleash hordes of backwards rednecks on it, trust me it works.
Kaiju lives matter rallies nationwide, PETA releases an official statement advocating equal treatment for Godzilla
At least 3 days need to pass before they acknowledge Godzilla is attacking us.
It Fucks about saying its dealing with it when it isnt.
invade another country for cheap oil
maybe blow up some civilians with a drone
Raise energy prices x2, ask for more credits, give more power to oligarchs, blame Russia
really? In Texas?
"Wir schaffen das!"
we beg america for help
That's Alabama dumb ass.
Deport him to Mexico.
yeah thats true
"What Godzilla? Fucking conspiracy theorists thinking movies are real."
Probably tell us we need to take more immigrants because the monster keeps killing us so we need more workers.
holy shit, wish it would have released in tacoland...
Life stops as everyone is filming it.
>Aprove a law to spend 2 billion dollars on a weapon. Spend 1 million on a hand granade that doesnt works, steal the rest,
>Godzilla dies anyway cos he it a nigger from the hoodlums and die of intoxication.
>Government took the glory.
>8 more years.
>Messi is invited to the gala for the fallen argies.
Fuck my country up sempai
By giving him $43000 per year and telling us we need to be more tolerant
Surrender and allow it in, just like immigrants
adopt it
>If you kill your enemy they win
Let Godzilla rampage through our cities