Does Trump actually think climate change is a hoax invented by China, or is he just saying that to appeal to uneducated Bible Belt retards?
Does Trump actually think climate change is a hoax invented by China...
kys faggott
he said it as a joke, urban retard.
Well he is a rich, educated city dweller
And not some rural, or suburban retard
>trump says something stupid
>his army of cucks come out of the woodwork
>"h-h-he was j-j-j-j-joking"
Anthropogenic climate change is a constantly moving goalpost that feelgood lefties push to the effect of overregulting our carbon output
In effect it makes us less competitive than the countries that ignore their whiny leftists
He meant it as in "China isn't bound by environmental over-regulation, so they take advantage of US being somewhat constrained this way."
He worded it the way he did because it would go down well with his base.
I believe his official position is that "no one knows exactly what is going on."
He knows more than he lets on, like how a foolhardy push into the UN Goodboy Economic Neutering Club would be dumb and have bad consequences while China and India continue to pollute at extreme levels
Oh so he's one of those "pretending to be retarded" people.
Prove him wrong.
Pro tip: you can't.
he doesnt think its a priority right now
and hes largely correct
sure it may fuck up africa, but that doesnt really matter to the US
our debt is a huge issue, and our economy is still weak imo
Sweet, posting in a shariablue thread!
If I say NIGGER will you screencap me for your next tweet?
Trump is a smart man.
>rising sea levels won't effect the USA
>where an enormous percentage of the population lives at sea level
>everyone who understands climate change is a shill
Laughing my ass off and shaking my head to be honest family.
>Overwhelming scientific support by Climatologists, Oceanographers, Geologists and Glaciologists who have decades in their field who have seen the effects on Climate Change happen in real time over their lives
>Oil companies such as Exxon and Shell were some of the first to actually conduct climate change research, found out that it is absolutely catastrophic to the environment and biodiversity of the planet which keeps us all alive, decide to hide it anyway because money
>Dumb, borderline autistic man children on /pol who probably haven't read a book since highschool think that anyone who believes that Climate Change is real are shills, and have no idea what they are talking about
Retards, specifically in my home country of the USA, don't believe what is happening because it hasn't directly affected them yet. All will soon become clear as this planet is literally dying and collapsing under the weight of 7.5 billion people who all want a life style like Americans. As a civilization we have been fooling ourselves for a long time about what is sustainable, and we are all going to find out first hand what happens when you choose to deny reality. The normal in the future will be filled with famines, droughts, civil strife, and endless war for the last remaining resources on Earth. Have a nice day you dumb climate change denying faggots, you've doomed us all, and people like Donald Trump and his pure capitalist scum cabinet are just leading us to the slaughterhouse.
Western civilization is going to find out very soon that money is not the most important thing, and that you certainly cannot eat or drink it. I am not denying the benefits of Capitalism, but it was never designed to be a long term socioeconomic system, and will never work with so many people now on the planet. It's literally impossible, there just aren't enough resources.
>expecting people to read your fucking book
Quit sensationalizing things, sweetie
It makes you less credible
>be Trump
>be President
>have Twitter with millions of followers
>be known troll
>decides to fuck with normies
>plays 6-d chess with climate
Pretty sure the man is actually dumber than a door-nail when not making business deals or being a socialite. So who knows.
>It may fuck up Africa
No, it's going to fuck the whole planet up, and is right now. My god, how stupid are you people? Do you really think that the shorter winters and hotter, dryer summers in the last decade are just an anomaly? The planet is changing before our very eyes, and you still refuse to see it. It's only going to get worse. The Earth is a self sustaining system, and human industrialization has destroyed all of the safe guards that normally prevent all of what we have caused.
Are you really so fucking brain dead that you think droughts and famine can't happen here in the United States? Are you really so fucking retarded that you think rising sea levels won't affect coastal cities where the majority of the US populations live? I don't get you people, it's like you're children who have never read a book about biology or ecosystems at all. I can't believe I actually share a planet with people this dumb.
>I am not denying the benefits of Capitalism, but it was never designed to be a long term socioeconomic system, and will never work with so many people now on the planet. It's literally impossible, there just aren't enough resources.
>you've doomed us all
>Quit sensationalizing things, sweetie
>It makes you less credible
Praise kek, the Earth will end and so will my suffering.
>will never work with so many people now on the planet. It's literally impossible, there just aren't enough resources.
Great. Show us how much you believe in what you're preaching and kill yourself then. It's for your Earth Goddess Mother, she demands your sacrifice.
Yes, facts are now sensationalism. Kill yourself. The old adage 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink' has never been more true than it is now. Tens of thousands of scientists, research papers, and books have been written on the topic of the changing climate and the apocalyptic implications it has for Western civilization and the majority of the planet, and you still can't just admit that you are a scared child who is denying reality. Civilizations die when their world view no longer matches up with reality, it has happened to all the worlds great Empires, and it will happen to us too because of people like you. I'm sure all those scientists are just shills though.
KYS Faggot, and stop this campaign aimed at discrediting President Trump.
Compared to most republican Presidents, Trump is one of the smartest and he plays 4d chess to get 8 more years, thats why the whole climate change thing.
The politics of profiting from climate change is what I think he was referring to. The Paris Accord was just another shitty deal that would tie our hands behind our back while China and other developing nations ignore the restrictions. China are the dindus of the economic community.
>Kill yourself
I think that's what we're trying to tell you to do. If you're so worried about living in an apocalyptic world of heat and death, why stick around? I'm pretty sure that even if the USA swore off all carbon emissions and became kumbaya land of the hippies, there would still be 3 times the amount of shit coming out of China and India to make up for us swearing off everything that makes us a 1st world country.
As for civilizations dying, I'm pretty sure Western civilization is going straight down into the second dark ages due to mass immigration fracturing of the republic. Look up the Roman Empire and its fall and I think we can both agree that climate change is the least of our worries right now.
I like how you don't have anything to say other than 'kill yourself, hippy'. Yeah, it's such a radical idea to think that we should have kept better care of the ecosystems which thrive on each other and keep us all alive and allow us to grow food and have clean water. But hey, with people like Trump in office, who needs things like clean water or the EPA? After all, all those pesky regulations affect the profits of corporate business owners who don't give a fuck about you, so just let them dump toxic chemicals into our drinking water to save a few dollars. The entire problem with our socioeconomic system and way of life is that if there is no money in it, we don't do it. Unfortunately there is a very dear price to pay for destroying the very things that keep us all alive, but I guess you're just too short sighted to see that.
It literally is a hoax tho
Haha Trump would never say that you stupid shill.
Neither. He was addressing how regulations aimed at combating climate change, in which the proponents of such have failed to model how said regulations would actually help, would harm American businesses while Chinese businesses would still just do whatever they want.
It's funny that you bring up immigration, you think that the refugee problem is bad now? The Middle East is seeing temperatures that make the hottest days in Texas look like a walk in cooler, leading to further droughts and famine, which will make the populations there be forced to move. It all goes back to climate change. You're not thinking big enough, you're not seeing how your own countries actions are effecting the world. Nature doesn't care about countries or borders or whatever ridiculous system we use to manage our populace, it will kill us off all the same, and I don't get how you don't see that.
>who needs things like clean water or the EPA?
The largest contamination of fresh water in the country was caused by the EPA.
>tfw Trump is actually right
good one fellow Sup Forumsster!
This. Because we can be good stewards of our own clay all we want, but if the poos and slants are just going to dump heavy metals and toxic emissions into their air, rivers, and land so much that it's going to effect the world, then all the feel good hippie bullshit in the world isn't going to stop negative effects on the climate because Asians don't give a shit about anything but short term profit gain.
Yeah, I'm sure it wasn't decades of all sorts of industrial companies dumping toxic chemicals into the rivers and oceans. Even if you could objectively prove that statement, it is cherrypicking at it's finest, and does nothing to further your argument that climate change isn't real.
I didn't say it wasn't real?
>climate change
>((((climate change))))
hello mr goldberg
Yes? move and/or vote differently next year. If you're really feeling torn-up about it, get off 4-chan and donate to an organization or do your part. (which I'm sure you do already)
Become the proselytizing shit-lord you complain about on social media by preaching the fire and brimstone of climate change, and if you don't change your ways, you're turning the world into a literal fire-y hell for the next generation.
Listen, I'm sure you mean well, somewhere deep under all the elitism, but coming onto Sup Forums to shout down 4-chan peeps was a terrible use of your time.
To trigger feminized nu males like you.
as long as the niggers go extinct along with me it's fine
I didn't say you were a shill, but now I'm sure of it.
You should fucking kill yourself. Until china, India and south amer. actually do something themselves, anything through western world does won't matter one fucking bit.
But please, keep droning on about how evil us white western Europeans and their progeny are.
Fuck you you filthy fucking hippy scumbag
Once that was so. Now, the Chinese are forced to deal with pollution - esp. of air over Beijing - to keep the populace happy (well, happier). So, they are cleaning up, building wind & solar farms, closing down the dirtiest coal power plants, etc. Yes, they are still building new coal plants, but not as many as they had planned.
Considering that he's gutting out the EPA, NASA and NOAA of all climate change research, pulling all their studies and data offline to make it unavailable to the world, and appointing some of the worst of the worst drooling mad mouth-breathing troglodytes possible to fuck the administration of those agencies into the mud ....
Pretty sure he is all of that much retarded. He spends so much time huffing his own fart juice in his tiny little bubble, it's pretty clear he actually believes this shit, and that he's "the smart one."
Literally, the Dunning-Kruger President. Doesn't even have a grasp of the most basic high school science, thinks he knows more than professionals who have spent decades of their lives researching and understanding this shit.
The only thing he sees is money, for himself and his "friends." The only things he hears is the shit Bannon whispers in his ear.
He's nothing more than a micropenis coward born with a solid gold diaper. The poster child of why wealth accumulation across generations needs to be made illegal. there should be an inheritance cap of $5 million, everything over that is taxed at 100% and folded into social, health and educational programs for the entire society.
If you inherit $5 million and somehow can't get your life together with that, you deserve to die in a gutter somewhere.
Again, they've been living in similar arid conditions for 100's if not thousands of years. If they need the help, then the song of global trade should have called them to the table so they can trade with agricultural giants like the US. No, what we're seeing here is the death song of western civilization because what the Turks and Ottoman empire could not accomplish in 1100's-1300's is happening faster than we ever thought possible due to open boarders and the taking in of young, ideological males in their 20's who are only going to Europe for free stuff. They don't come to America as much because less free stuff and our own migrant crisis with the southern border, plus a literal OCEAN between us and them.
The unfortunate truth is that the changes occuring will hurt people living on and near the equator, but be an agricultural boost to places like the US midwest. That's the real redpill to understanding why our politicians don't care
EPA ignores the big dogs like Dupont and fucks with small fry like construction companies. I worked at #2 reactor at Brookhaven when I was in college. They knew that the spent fuel canal was leaking into the groundwater but did nothing. Dupont was pumping dioxin into the Delaware river for years at the Edgemoore plant, and EPA did nothing.
Trump would be unlikely to know what the words you wrote even mean.
Man made climate change isnt real and no amount of namecalling will make it so
Of course not. What kind of idiot believes that? He thinks it's a hoax invented by the Jews but he can't say that or his family reunions would be awkward.
Uh, China & India ARE doing things: building solar & wind farms, closing the worst coal plants, building fewer new coal plants than they had previously planned. The other region you named, I know very little about.
there is no climat change , actualy earth is geting cooler , 1 volcano eruption fiew years ago generated more co2 than all cars combined before 1985
more co2 means more green on planet cos its food for plants.
the real problem is that we running out of sweet water .we should be afraid of china when they start running out of it (soon)
also deforestation
He is saying it to appease the coal and oil industries that are going to lose money if people switch to solar and wind energy.
Then why is he worried about destroying the EPA instead of trying to advance better international agreements?
Nice le epic maymay.
>"posting in a Shariablue thread!"
>I n-n-never said you were a sh-sh-sh-shill
You are thoroughly retarded.
The reason he scrapped the EPA
>EPA stands for
generally they were not helping at all, the big corporations would pay them off while little guys would get huge fines and put out of business or jailed if they couldn't pay the fine.
The EPA did only the bare minimum to protect anything, all just a show while a bunch of fat cats got fatter
but according to AGW theory, user, hotter weather should cause more rain, not less. and the sea levels have been rising at the same rate for a few thousand years now. the problem with you retards is that you look at any single aspect of weather, be it warming or cooling, wetter or drier, and call it AGW. you are all just a bunch of hysterical little hissyfit sissy faggots wanting to control how other people think and live. if it's so bad, contribute and abort your worthless life.
the big oil corporations IF they got fined would simply take thee money from what the gov already gives them in subsidies. So who is paying the fines? the Tax payer.
That doesn't change that it's a poor use of your time as well to be here instead of doing something about it.
You can't just pattern-match climate change to 'sensational' and 'apocalyptic' and then dismiss it. Something like the rapture or doomsday cults do not have their messages based in science, this does.
Understand that things are allowed to go badly. This isn't a movie where no matter what good guys save the day and humanity pulls through.
u know, he talks alot, but he hasn't said one wrong thing.
there was that time he said "the situation in sweden" and the media had some REE-orgasm saying that he was saying there's terrorist attacks. but they just lied again.
perhaps you hate him because you believe the media...
>muh sea level
and we were going to have a Katrina every year too
fuck off idiot
its been shown a slight warming helps the US and Europe
From what I gather, the big issue is energy. This is balanced by the massive infrastructure loss that rising ocean levels will cause.
We need plentiful energy to remain a first world country. That means gas, oil, coal. It was too late almost 3 decades ago to stop ocean rise IF CO2 is the culprit. The only thing putting the brakes on energy will do is allow China and other developing countries to close the tech and infrastructure gap. They are generating CO2 at incredible rates.
Ocean levels will rise either way. There are no feasible measures that don't involve drastic global cooling. The current administration accepts that flooding will occur. If you take that out of the equation the real question is how to obtain more cheap energy.
Cue Rex Tillerson working to ease relationships with big energy producers and open up access to Russian and arctic fields.
The next big crisis will be National Flood Insurance going belly up.
I saw that shitty vice piece
You'll never understand, user. You and me, we're not even the same species. I used to be you, then I evolved. From where you're standing, you're a man. From where I'm standing, you're an ape. You're not even an ape. You're a drumpftard person. Drumpfism's like the weather, only it's man-made weather. Global warming? It's true. You're the one made it untrue. You're buying and selling lies. You say "why?" I say "why bother?"
>the sea level isn't really rising you guys
It's... it's like the most obvious, observable evidence for climate change. And you're pretending it's not happening.
inb4 your employers tell you to reply with
The guy is really a true wildcard that way
>We need plentiful energy to remain a first world country
You have enough coal & oil to last 1 million years. The US has more than enough energy. That's much safer and cheaper to use than nuclear shit.
Co2 vs net downward forcing is logarithmic relationship. Real issue is methane from organic waste decomposing in anaerobic environments (ie landfill), toxic waste disposal (see mercury levels in fish), and herbicide/pesticide use (see the chemical that turns male frogs female). Industry producing co2 has almost no affect on climate anymore.
He used to be a democrat, wouldn't he have believed it? To him, it's not the greatest priority, fixing financial debt is.
>he really thinks people are paid to post on Sup Forums
>the best he cant link to is wikipedia
im sure the oceans are rising a little bit, but its not the Apocalypse
and the farming benefits for the US and Europe are worth it
sucks for those tiny islands that dont matter though
>6-d chess
more like 6!-d chess
>coal is safer than nuclear
Definitely one of the dankest memes. And the best part is that republicucks and democucks both agree on it.
Climate change was a hoax invented by the USA so that the can use the eletric power generated by coal and nuclear in eletric cars, in order to reduce the amount of oil imported from the arabs and the ruskies.
There you go, redpilled.
You're so stupid. They won't go extinct they will come to Europe and everywhere rape and steal first
kiketrails are a jew thing.
>urban retard
Have fun getting hit by tornadoes, country folk
stupid are the people who let africans invade europe
Why is no one mentioning that all is lost anyway due to fukushima meltdown?
The entire pacific ocean is fucked.
Its raising the temperatures and causing the storms. Easily verifiable with a $15 radiation detector.
>Thinking this isn't the eternal Jap taking sweet revenge
S&P is full of shit.
They show this so investors won't be scared
JEWS have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies. The Jews have mass murdered hundreds of millions of non-Jews over the centuries but they've seized control of the media so you'll never find out.
9/11 was an inside JEWISH job - a pretext to go to war and destabilize Israel's neighbors. It's all for the establishment of 'Greater Israel' and the Jew World Order.
some scientist probably cried when he published this
I agree. Nuclear is only safe so long as procedures and regulations are followed.
On a longer time line there will always be failures.
This map tells me the climate change is a good thing!
Man-made climate change IS a hoax perpetuated by China to hurt our manufacturing jobs. The left (big-government cucks) want us to believe the coal and fossil fuel industries are destroying the earth so that we eventually outlaw them, giving the government full control over energy production.
The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company
"The International Jew" by auto magnate Henry Ford, is comprised of newspaper articles printed in 'The Dearborn Independent" during the 1920's.
At the apex of his business career Henry Ford sensed that a terrific effort was being made to take his business from him and manipulate it into the hands of the money-changers. Henry Ford, who had the impression that these manipulators were being engineered by powerful Jewish financiers, called to his office the most intelligent research men within his acquaintance. He commissioned them to make a thorough study of the International Jew and publish their findings in "The Dearborn Independent," which at that time was the official organ of the Ford Motor Company. No expense was spared, and it is estimated that literally millions of dollars were spent by Mr. Ford on this project.
The original articles were carried first in "The Dearborn Independent," and then published in book form. This book, "The International Jew," provides a hard-hitting, easy-to-read introduction to what the renowned American automaker and industrialist called "the world's foremost problem." This influential and much-discussed collection of essays, packed with facts and insights, is an eye-opening survey of the enduringly vexing "Jewish question." Whether readers agree or disagree with the content of "The International Jew" and Ford's approach to the "Jewish question," the book provides an important historical record that remains of interest today.
- - - -
Henry Ford's Resistance to Jewish Power
you can find the same result from dozens of sources
Climate change is a fear mongering myth for guilt and $$$
Climate change isn't real you subhuman urban retard.
see its great for europe
Climate change is Jewish hoax and geoengineering is actually them altering the atmosphere so the lizard overlords can land here physically and live here
based on what hes done so far in office he clearly doesn't believe in climate change.
>I believe his official position is that "no one knows exactly what is going on."
>tfw that one time you actually wish you could give user gold
climate change is a cyclical pattern that happens no matter what we do. Correlation does not imply causation. WAM, I just shattered your stupid anthropomorphic climate change theory.
How does it feel to know that you're so retarded that you fell for it in the first place?
The sea level is rising and has been since the last ice age, long before the industrial revolution.
The rate that it's rising makes it 100% a non-issue.
no, there is no way someone this stupid could become president
he is saying it because he has been bought out by big oil and big coal
He believes vaccines cause autism, so I wouldn't put it past him
Jesus will save us, the climate can go to Hell!
So much shilling, so little achieved