Is this book worth reading?
If you've read it, how would you rate it 0-10?
Is this book worth reading?
If you've read it, how would you rate it 0-10?
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Fuck internationalism.
Sieg Heil.
Do It Yourself Guide to City Home Improvement
Also can someone provide a good translated English version?
I tried to buy it yesterday but there is so many version of it!
Read those too
Sure, worth reading. Read "Hitler's Private Library" to get a better sense of what shaped his thinking. "Mein Kampf" is propagandistic in intent.
I ordered it a few days ago, apparently the Pilico (i think) edition is the best translation.
That was my preconception of it -- and still how I expect it to be.
I read a lot, but I've skipped Mein Kampf because I expected it to be purely propaganda
Read the ralph manheim translation, which is conveniently the most widely available, but ignore the translators shitty jewish notes. Ive been blacking out the irrelevant notes as I go along
I rate id 8/8
>Makes us look incompetent
>Didn't talk about half the things we do
>Assumes we can just be defeated using "friendship" or something
It was insulting really
Get out, kike.
14 on 88 rating for your review.
It's okay. Pretty dry in spots. If you're looking for a lot of Hitler speech style rhetoric it does not have a great deal of that.
7/10. Writing was not his thing really.
I give it a nein out of 10
I put it down after chapter XIV. Rude.
He was a worse writer than Hegel and that should tell you something...
its honestly pretty boring
Depends on the translation,
It can be either complete garbage, or brilliant poetic inspiration depending.
10/10 Still waiting season 2.
Read Albert Speer's Inside the Third Reich instead desu.
One of the greatest books ever created.
I sort of agree with you. I could write reams and reams on how the Jews have preserved the history of Europe, about how German Jews were the most German Germans, just as they are the most British Brits. Then when it comes to inventions of the 20th century almost all the important ones were done by Jews or British, and frequently British Jews. However, Hitler was very insightful and his plans for government were very good. Whilst reading it I could not see why the hell he didn't like Jews. He spoke of pride, honor, loyalty etc The Jews have these traits in huge abundance. He never once gives good reason for his Jew hatred, it just seems to be a blind loathing.
Couldn't he see that even people like Shakespeare loved the Jews? People think Shylock is an anti semitic portrayal, this is because they are uneducated morons who know nothing of symbolism. Shylock is the most honorable character for starters, he gets all the best lines, his pound of flesh was the result of his oath to God, this must be taken seriously. Oh and what about the casket story? Lead is known as a Shy metal, and it was the lead box that was unlocked to reveal the picture of Portia. They shy lock was the right one. For fuck sake, this is such genius. The whole play is a Spell!
More recently there was an English Kabalah discovered which proved the Jews are the crown of creation and they are indeed chosen (Israel is chosen) but Israel is not what the Goyim think it is either. For details of this just look up cipher 6 or the ALW cipher.
If Hitler did one thing, he proved the divinity of the Jews. It's just a shame it took so many lives to prove it. However, the Jews are the King's of the earth and the King's shall be Kings forever.
Honestly he drops a lot of red pills and good philosophical ideas and such,
But the book feels very much like a propaganda piece. It hits the ground running very quickly with what comes off like an autistic screeching of "fuck the Jews!" and this notion is strategically reinforced throughout.
Just realize that this was an intended hook and barrel through it. It's important to read.
I read it. 2/10, would not read again and skipped several pages in between because of the pure autism that was in there.
Literally zero story and no real coherent message.
It's worth reading and is a solid 10/10
It feels like a personal biography written by Hitler himself when he tried to sell his idea to masses. It filed with his memories, thoughts and narrativ of the book is very wide - it comes from natinal issues to his economical views. I didn't like it to be honest. But the begining of the book was good.
I prefer White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell. It's more relevant to the third world invasion and degeneracy we face today.
>This whole post
The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
Whoa. How many shekels did you get for this post?
Holy shit, that is one hell of a claim. Hegel is meth head hobo tier
fucking sandnigger
I read most of the "Ford" translation. It's pretty boring and repetitive. It's basically one long propaganda piece explaining why he should be dictator of Germany. There's also a strange fixation on Jewish pimps and their STD laden prostitutes.
fucking skinheads dont understand the fuehrer wanted nationalism and not racism
I've read maybe 1/3rd of it, out of order, various passages. I give it maybe a 2 or 3 out of 10.
Good list, thanks
Worth reading to understand what it really is.
Now it`s like "hurr durr hitler holocaust". While in fact it`s just a butthurt of Austrian mason about best people of Europe (Russians) democratically taking power from anglosaxons for better living of the People.
I'm whiter than you cuck. Don't you have a Somali nigger waiting to fuck your wife?
It's a dictation and not a book really. I listened to the audiobook (the Nazi version aka Ford)
It's really repetitive. Hitler could have said what he wanted to in no more than 300 pages or 8 hours of audiobook.
He makes some argument errors but it's a motivating text (as it was written to be)
He's a smart guy but gets a lot wrong and refuses to point out when his reasoning fails. For example, he assumes Germanics are "pure Aryan" and did not mix with local inhabitants. But linguistic, archeological, and now genetic evidence points to the origin of the Aryans to be near Turkey or Ukraine (two main hypotheses)
So he's wrong about that and his assumption that the Aryan created all civilization and history. Which China is a huge exception, since it created a history and culture before contacting Aryans.
I'll tell you what's it's good for....
>Propaganda techniques
>Swaying public opinion
>Designing a political platform centered around Nationalism (and Racialism if you choose to incorporate that)
>nice proxy.
inta soori? keef?
ولدت ب سوريا ف صرت سوري. كيك
من نين انت؟
checks out
والدي من حلب
لقد ولدت في امريكا
>those digits
>those tits
>that braid
>Guns germs and steel
Ohhh. Thanks god you never been to Syrian
Because it will piss off Lolbertarians.
I've heard the Stalag translation is good
Didn't bother to check all but I spottet more than 10 brilliant works.
Good contribution my friend.
I'd say 8/10
What he says in it is super rad but his style of writing sometimes just makes you have to read something one or two times. In addition it does have its dry spots, like any book.
So yeah it's good overall but I wouldn't say he was a sensational writer.
The book is fine.
Its boring but he makes a great case against drinking alcohol.
The Jewish Problem by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
it's a fiction book presenting itself as non-fiction written by someone who doesnt even have a background in anthropology.
It's like bill nye the television engineer guy pretending to be a biologist/climatologist .
Hitler's Table Talk is way more interesting and even entertaining
>Africa is a shithole because you cant tame zebras
Ahhh... science.
Unless you're a history fag, or a storm weenie, you won't get it.
He basically talks about stuff that happened in the early 20th century.
Going to spoil the ending for you: it was the Jews all along
been there twice but last time was 1998
visited relatives in Beirut now for obvious reasons
You're literally a cuck.
>Aryans originates from Turkey or Ukraine
>Despite the fact that Aryan was a traditional term for a pseudo-religious concept of a spiritual race
>Even if aryans did originate from these places he thinks Slavs aren't white , and he thinks Hitler's views on Slavs didn't change a lot, and thinks that the modern Turks were similar to the ancient "Turks" in any way
Wew goes in all fields desu
Wew I didn't claim that modern Slavs/Turks were ancient Aryans. The ancient Aryans (Proto-Indo-European speakers) were in the area today known as Turkey or Ukraine.
There is no true Aryan today, they all mixed with locals when they invaded.
How do I know what translation I have?
Mines from Jaico publishing house, and I always thought the translation was shit.
Never knew there were multiple translations.
fuck germany
Indo European =/= Aryan it's an ancient religious term. Second of all how is it impossible that a people expanded into a territory without mixing, and how is it that a language group is not already "mixed"
time to post my shitty list again because I have no life
Literally everyone needs to read it.
>mfw Hitler talks about religious tolerance and negs intolerance
I stabbed in the dark for twenty years to come up with such an excellent reading list. Love that youngfags have such advice...
Sup Forums really helps with the reading lists, I'm not even remotely finished yet as well. Only thing that's an issue is the money. I have a friend who has all these and like 50 more
I'm and oldfag and would be happy to buy some books for those in need.
Also, you can go to your local library and ask for an "inter-library loan" and get ANYTHING.
It's also a linguistic term. PIE language reconstructed better than religion.
The linguistic (for Germanic see Grimm's Law), and genetic (sequencing of bronze age genomes) suggest that there was a group of people living in modern day Germany before the Aryan invasions. And that modern Germans have some ancestry with them
I mention Grimm's law because it's a later split from PIE language. Latin, Sanskrit, and Greek share some features that Proto-Germanic does not. One explanation is that a group of nonspeakers of PIE had problems with certain pronunciation and it slowly drifted into Proto-Germanic (like Mothers who are not PIE teaching their kids to speak a IE language)
Yeah the libraries here in the UK certainly dont have books like Culture of Critique, that's for certain
>no Oswald Mosley
mate please
But quite good collection.
$USD 0.01 deposited
Look what I'm arguing is that Hitler's take on history is wrong. It doesn't matter since the narrative of his history motivated people, it served its purpose.
I'm arguing from a standpoint of whether or not Hitler was right about some of his claims. And I think the evidence suggests he was wrong about Aryans creating civilization and purity of Aryans. Some SS officials believed the Atleantians were Aryans. It's pure fantasy that inspires people.
From Russia with nazi love
Ill Give It A NEIN out of NEIN
The fuck are you talking about? Hitler flat out says in Mein Kampf super early on how he noticed how Jews would never truly integrate into German society. They would always wear non-German clothes, speak a non-German language, follow a non-German religion, start groups that were wanting communism to destroy German society, and stay insular in their own group and never try to become closer to the native Germans. The Jews were far from the most German Germans. They refused to integrate even in the slightest into German society in even the smallest ways.
From russian immigrant with любoвь
Or random hermit Anons championing a cause that would quite literally put them to death for being useless.
You can always get a pdf and read it.
go to twitter and on the bio of @wcsoto and @eBookExtremist they have links.
On wcsoto use the second link, the one that has "flavors" and then click on "Avant-Garde Reactionary Book Collection (Box)"
the one from ebookextremist it's the Mega link that you have there
I think everyone here can agree that reading the physical copy is much more enjoyable than reading a pdf.
Plus it is much nicer to have a physical library which enhances your room.
Yes, everyone should read it.
>Live in an area
>Pick up new language
Again Aryan wasn't a term referring to genetics it was a term referring to way of life and a certain pseudo religious ideal to pursue.
Also, no, the Nazis didn't think they were Atleantians, I think you're thinking about the Thule Society which believed in the ancient German pagan myth if Thule, a society which was disbanded by Hitler but which some of Hitler's pagan officers loosely followed it (none of them being members btw but there is evidence that Himmler and Rosenberg visited sparsely) None of them were actually Thulean Society folk.
The Nazis themselves were not even as strict for racialism as they pretended to be when they had things like the Mischling program.
Being Aryan was being of a certain moral character and the Nazis believed behavior was partially genetic. That's really about it.
If you are willing to buy the book version, it will be censored and you will give your money to the jews.Im currently reading it in Dutch from a pdf version.
I absolutely agree. And I notice that when I read something on my tablet or pc I get distracted more often. But unfortunately lots of people can't get their hands on a physical edition.
For example I couldn't find a physical edition of the book with the quote on my pic, I had to get the version scanned by google
True, Hitler hated the Habsburgs as much as he hated the Jews/Marxists, if not more.
here's the stalag edition (see the link in the pic, Sup Forums thinks it's spam)
I've read it and it literally sounded like stuff an edgy teenage browser would say. Fatigue generalizations with literally nothing solid evidence to back it up.
2/10. To being the fact German language has a very rich vocabularies
Yes, some books are very expensive. I want to read Democracy - The God that Failed by Hoppe, but it's £30 on Amazon alone, really not worth it for a 300 page book.
I want to buy a book with all of Salazar's public speeches. It's €89.90 but it's at least 600 pages, it's 40 years of speeches
I would definitely recommend For My Legionaries instead.
Both are worth reading, but in terms of quality I much prefer Codreanu.
I have to agree
I've been meaning to read it. Mein Kampf is weird in that parts of it is really interesting but then other parts is really dry. Even Hitler himself admitted if he knew it'd gain the popularity it did he would've written something better.
This is as good a thread as any to ask,
I want to read about National Socialist economics. I don't give a fuck about racialism, I consider myself more of a Strasserist. I want to read every minute motherfucking detail about their economy and what was so awesome about it to change Germany from Zimbabwe tier to World Power in three years flat.
Someone hook me up.