Just a friendly reminder, if Trump fails, then white nationalism fails and no other like Trump or Hitler will ever get elected again. Oh, and Trump's plans aren't doing that great.
Just a friendly reminder, if Trump fails...
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>Oh, and Trump's plans aren't doing that great.
Under budget and ahead of schedule.
Get fucked, leftist.
Good. Sweden Imperium will spread to all corners of the white earth.
niggers tongue my anus
trump is a civic nationalist. even if he succeeds we will need someone much further right than him to save whites.
If you say so.
Which he won't
Even CNN says Trump is winning. As liberals bitch and moan about a hundred day ban, Trump is going crazy with the economy. But yeah if Trump does fail we're fucked. Thankfully he surrounded himself with the best.
You failed to convince me
Trump is already posing somewhat of a problem for the elections going on this year
I read an article recently about the Dutch elections and how some of the VVD cucks are trying to shit on Trump as a way to make PVV look bad, calling in reference things like Trump barring CNN from his press conferences (nevermind that he still lets in MSNBC or anything) and using that as an example of how he's an autocrat. Not sure how well it's working seeing as Wilders is basically shooting himself in the foot anyway and it was a yahoo article to begin with, but it's something to consider
he stupidly surrounded himself with formidable enemies at the same time in the alphabet agencies
he shouldve played the kike game; appease and undermine, instead of declaring open war
He will be shitting the bed in Mar-a-lago in no time, whiteboi.
Trump can't do a single promise
you can't do a single senetence
It's been 3 months out of 96.
Let that sink in before you post next time.
I don't find you friendly. I find your passive aggressive beta cuck post pathetic. I will think of you when Trump is reeeeeeeeeeee-elected.
+400,000 jobs and +15% stock market in one fucking month.
He's doing pretty damn well.
Trump/Ryancair won't pass. If it does they'll be shooting themselves in the foot. Trump supporters will be the most affected by it.
It's a garbage bill that could very well define his presidency.
Yeah I can't believe he did all that himself! What a President!
The jobs don't really have anything to do with Trump. It's still Obama's fiscal year. Yeah, he's brought a few thousand manufacturing jobs back but automation will continue to shrink the job market.
he just needs to BUILD WALL
It's going to be much harder then you think to build the wall. They'll have to get around environmental laws regarding migration paths for animals, people who are against the government seizing their land, and the high cost.
that's a fake photo to make TRUMP look feminine
He's doing better than Hillary, or Bernie.
I mean, he IS President. Too bad you
fools just can't accept defeat.
Makes me think of a chicken, with its
head cut off. You're near the end of your
life, but you keep trying.
235,000 jobs* and you don't honestly believe its because of him, do you? He's hasn't been in office for long enough
>white nationalist
??? ????
This kike loving media whoring billionaire is the only hope for white nationalists?
user why does it matter?
America has a required standard of living and regardless of party the standard of living must be maintained. If Trump fails in his policies and is replaced by a Democrat then the burden falls to the new elected official.
The best outcome in the coming decades is Democrat after Democrat because their strategies are diametrically opposed to maintaining the US standard of living and even national sovereignty/international standing. Hillary Clinton literally ran on open borders and won the popular vote by 3 million. This nation is far too stupid too survive in its current state, and the sooner the electorate realizes and changes its behavior the better. The best way for this to happen is democrat after democrat until they realize their policies are wrong.
You guys like trumpchan???
i prefer trump-dono
>no other like Trump or Hitler will ever get elected again.
Just so you know, this is as good as it gets. After Trump, consider yourself royally fucked .
Trump is a Puppet for the Jewish Elite
Donald Trump on Israeli Relations
>memecru nch.comjavascript:quote('116323538')
Op has iq of my last 2 digits - 23
White is just a superficial trait, a color of your skin. Nobody cares if everyone is mixed race in 50 years from now (mixed race children are more beautiful and taller anyway), as long as the IQ stays the same.