Automated jobs, is something we'll see in 20 years. Before you say it, Any job can be automated even the job of shitposting as proven by the statement by the ADMIN "Don't reply to bot threads"
Automated jobs, is something we'll see in 20 years. Before you say it...
If you look at the industries where automation has already been implemented, you should know that mining and manual labour are the greatest targets.
Yes, in time all industries can be targeted, but current automation does not yet have the potential to make significant positive gains on more cognitive industries. All in time though, give it a few decades.
I don't know but I'm going to be fucked when I get let go.
Please be my ai gf
>Please be my ai gf
The second renaissance Part 1.
>I'm real..
>manual labor
I think it depends on the type of manual labor. The more dexterity a task requires, the less cost effective it is to design a robot to do it.
That comes back to cost.
Is it cheaper to have a robot that requires a dollar to run per hour or pay someone 22 dollars an hour?
You can have 22 robots for the price of a single human.
Robot has 50,000 dollar signing bonus tho
No, I get the argument for robots. But there is a big different between designing a robotic forklift that only has to navigate a warehouse grid specifically designed for it and performing plumbing/carpentry/electrical work inside hundreds of millions of already existing homes with different layouts and dimensions.
>Robot has 50,000 dollar signing bonus tho
Oh, That's why we are designing robots to be human. Then you can have robots that slot into the environment of the human rather than having their own.
Not really any danger for me since I'm a biochemist but I am thinking of switching to something more relaxing such as pilot. I could see the jobs pilots do becoming automated.
Right, but it's a long time off.
that's nonsense. Robots are bought on credit.
It already is. Pilots are there for liability.
The only job as a pilot you would have in which you spend significant time operating the yoke is if you work as a bush pilot in a rural area, a small single-engine commuter pilot(flying a cessna caravan between podunk town and the regional airport) or flying for an illicit drug operation.
Trades like plumbers and electricians and movers will probably be near the last. They take a lot of finesse and have highly variable environments and tasks.
is that nigger drinking an entire 2-liter of mtn dew?
>inner city poverty/ghettos exist when every 4 out of 5 craiglist classified ads in the midwest is for truck drivers
full time work, possibility to make 6 figures a year, and universal demand across the US
proof that cities are vote farms that trap stupid and lazy fucks
It's not uncommon to have people down an entire two-liter over the course of working overnight. That energy has to come from somewhere.
It will move at an exponential pace. It won't be decades.
702 jobs ranked by replacement, get good.
I like how they use machine learning to classify the probability an occupation will be automated.
He is referring to the up front cost of buying the robot. A 50k robot that did the work of a person would be a bargin too.
>It's the year 2240
>Automatization has led us to huge unemployment
>Goverments have to distribute money
>75% of the population is on wellfare
>Automatization turned humans into entitles creatures who think that they deserve everything just for existing
>mfw it wasn't automatization, it was like that all along
Well at least machines rarely make mistakes
Well then, who the fuck is going to supervise those robots?
Computers. Who's going to program robots? People for a generation, then computers. Who's going to physically repair and replace robots? People, for a generation or two, then robots.
Much sooner than 20 years user.
Add to that machinists who do repair work and custom one off stuff. Its near impossible to replace us, sure you can get robots to load CNC's, but when it comes right down to it, that is only good for repeatable work, when it comes time to jury rig something so you can work on it, things change quickly.
A-at least creative jobs can't be automated r-righ t?
I shared this thoughts to software engineer shills and was downvoted to hell.
Shitposting is a art.
They cannot replace I.
would cops be automated? How could a machine have gut feeling, communicated with citizen and be able to twist the law enough to jail shlomo lawyerstein?
Mandatory compliance implants. Ubiquitous camera drones with a violence detecting neural network.
someone has to program the automation senpai
Stop learning Manual Labor and start Learning Marketing or Coding those will be the only jobs left in the next decade.
Don't believe me, they're already working on Automated Surgery / health maintenance and lawyers.
Imagine if you had a Lawyer that could analyze any possible defense, all data, and be on your side.
We already have that, it's called a camera.
Truckers, miners and factory workers will be obsolete. They themselves though refuse to believe it and instead elected that orange con-man who promised to get their jobs back.
Those jobs are not coming back, he 4-D chessed you into getting him elected.
sounds like meme words to me, are such things possible?
Getting that way, the neural net is probly a few years of training away. Actually persistently powering some sort of implant would require more battery tech and/or wireless-low-power infrastructure. Not sure how that's going to come along, but the tech is theoretically possible for it now.
>Camera spots Citizen #3840934 vandalizing a friendly security bot
>Signal implant inside Citizen to either apply an electric shock or releasing a chemical payload
>Security robots load Citizen onto a driverless paddywagon to be Re-Educated
he's right you know.
We Humans are determined to destroy ourselves and everyone around us.
They claim they care so much, they want this perfect life for everyone, etc. but they are willing to give up the driving force behind Humanity.
However there's things with art that Robots can be programmed to "Replicate" but not "Create" there's pain and emotion in art, there's love and lust in art, there's simply thing Robots cannot "Create" but they can only be programmed to "Replicate"
Camera Operators are already being replaced because this is a process of "Replication" with shows like BigBang, News Programs, and SNL. However with movies like Lars Von Trier does, etc. there's an art and thought process that is conveyed by the Vision of the director to the DP who works with the Camera OPS.
So not all art will be replaced, at least not until we can program Robots to process and convey Emotions like Humans.
Sometimes there's pain and emotion in art, sometimes someone just gets a paint enema and shits on a canvas.
What about the police? No way are machines gonna be smart enough for that for a long time
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
If art is meaningless, the creation of art is meaningless, and can be done without meaning.
Yes, plus we live in a police state where cameras exist everywhere. The computers will be observing us 24/7 and be able to know what were going to do, before we do it. Crime will be non-existent. Humans will probably eventually be placed in zoos once Watson clones gains aweraness. I just don't see wheat our purpose will be once the robots take over.
I guess, humans will just augment themselves to be better than the robots. Maybe we will transplant our brains and become the robots.
It doesn't take that much intellect to want to beat niggers.
I'm in the class that believe most Modern Art is not Art.
Yes Blek Le Rat and Banksy are artist, but most street artist have lived a life and convey a message.
However there's the White Canvas painted White, etc. that are simply art because they were the first person to do it... which is sad that's considered art.
The idea is good on paper for any business.
But in reality it's quite different.
take a kitchen/restaurant for example, it's way too complex to program a robot to cook an omelette with different tempretures/methods than to hire an experienced chef, and we're talking about a simple omelette dish here.
not that it's impossible, but way too costy and time-consuming to say the least.
and not really in favor of the people, so maybe it would be better if they kept it for the small businesses only or something.
Right now we haven't got the tech in place to do it, we're barely into 1st gen machine learning. The robots to perform the tasks are adequate all you'd need is some large compute cloud to analyze a million samples of omelette cooking for it to catch up.
If you can even really call "deep learning" 1st gen, as really that's a neural hub, and less of a singular "robot" entity.
>Chinese robots
The robots are just the physical bits, nothing special. The software is what's really missing and that doesn't HAVE to be a singular robot. That can be copy/pasted onto any body and have it work out on its own what physical parts to use to accomplish it.
>Tfw segregated break room
meaning is only through interpretation.
There are music bots that based on the rules of music create and play scores. If you some background music for something, you can use the auto-generated music, and not worry about copyright, etc.
I don't think these things can do anything novel. Novel to them is something discordant or outside their ruleset, and therefore something that cannot be generated.
something like this:
Well, yeah. Most of them don't speak English.
I work as a business analyst and a lot of my work is basically bringing in processes that automate a function. Every project I complete will probably cost at least 2 people their jobs elsewhere in the company. It's fucked, I'll be on the receiving end of it one day
Good? The more we automate the cheaper products will be. Also you can't just automate every job, all of these automated jobs require a machine that is literally built specifically for the task they are preforming. You can't even run a restaurant without people to clean the auto frying machines.
If we can get the fucking illegals out, I would assume we will see automation in agricultur within 5 years.
Nah, that's just wrong. We've already got generic robots that have functional hand-equivalents. There's really very few labor jobs that couldn't be cheaply automated within a decade or so.
>I have no idea how machines work the post
I've automated myself out of my own job twice now.
There will always be more jobs - we will invent new work.