Gender Studies AMA

I am a 27-year-old man who majored in Gender Studies. AMA.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can we see your penis?

Boxers or briefs?



Follow up question, WHY?

y tho?

What will your degree get you? Moral policing? HR Departments? Being paid to talk about bullshit that literally brings down capitalism and the west?

I'll have a #2 with no pickles. Supersized please, and a Dr. Pepper

Do you enjoy your work at Starbucks?

Is the Emasculation of White men the only way to end patriarchy in the West?

Are you the highest paid barista at your Starbucks job?


One BigMac please.

In another note, other than gender studies professor and moral busybody, what are your employment expectations?

I have a family member who has a Ph.D. in this field

- and I don't think anyone here wants to hear more liberal marxist-jewish subversion


why did you waste tousands of tousands of $$ when all it takes for people to know that your a fag is to dress like pic related

Followup to followup question, why not just get a degree in the humanities, learn all the same stuff, but actually be able to do some good with it?

In a scale from 0 to six million, how much do your regret it?

How do you remain motivated to study something so worthless?

>Makes an AMA on Sup Forums
>Does not respond to anybodies question

and what kind of job do you plan to get with those studies?

In Ireland? Where? Why?

Are you employed?

If so what do you do and how did your degree help you?

>1 post by this ID
Stop replying, dummies.

Did you know Feminism is a Jewish invention?

This shows how useless a gender Studies major is: cant even maintain a 4chin thread.

"The idea is to create new victimhood groups, then make them as vocal and radical as possible, emphasizing division / resentment / victimhood. Groups must be separate but ‘allied’. These groups could then influence cultural and societal change – far in excess of their actual importance or numbers within society."

(Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Political Correctness, Social Engineering, Weaponized Language)

What is gender studies.
Real question.


> Takes Gender Studies
> Doesn't reply to any questions

OP is faggot. I didn't need to major in Gender Studies to know that.

>1 post by this ID