Redpill me on bullying rising in today's society. Why is it always white kids killing themselves? Do (((they)) have something to do with it?
Redpill me on bullying rising in today's society. Why is it always white kids killing themselves...
white people are extremely fragile. that's why a simple movie like Get Out can push many of them to wanting racial genocide.
combination of thin skin and weak parents
>hold a bitch for a picture
>lost to suicide
I'm pretty sure if I reached into my desk right now and blew my brains out, I wouldn't be "lost" to anything. I intentionally shot myself, it isn't some accident. Why do these kikes word it so bad?
Although your thread is shit and you should kill yourself, OP. This isn't politics or news.
There is a rise in fragile personalities and too much weigth on one's point in the micro-society that is school.
nothing of value was lost to suicide
White teens kill themselves because we're not allowed to have homogenous societies, and the site of shit skins depresses us.
Foreigners are like a coil of dog shit in freshly fallen snow.
Facebook and instagram fucks with people's perception of reality and themselves, so when modern teens meet any sort of adversity they can't handle it and their weak minds collapse.
>1 post by this ID
give a hoot, don't pollute
>people want racial genocide because a black guy was the main character in a movie
this is legit giving me a headache
White people don't give a shit about your shit movie.
On the other hand, I have overheard blacks say "what if it's really like that."
Megakek !
There was always bullying, I'll let you guess (((why))) suicide rates are correlated with bullying.
>Losing to suicide
That seems like such a retarded statement.
It's like a fat person 'losing' to his appetite or something.
whites are brought up to be nice.
we need to be tougher.
It's not rising. Kids have always been bullies and some people just can't handle the bantz. My uncle told me that he knew like 7 kids in school who killed themselves.
Soon government will introduce a new law to control the internet and shiet. Coz you know, kids are dying
in all honesty kids should not be allowed to use the internet until they turn 21.
people were always assholes, but we (as a peer-group) are in our modern society so shallow beings that we feel better at other people's misery.
look at all those casting shows where people get roasted by the judges
if I had to guess, school is much harder now. with niggers it was bad enough, but now in the south and pretty much everywhere there is an influx of illegal spic kids. They group up and just bully the people there trying to learn. I had to deal with it for years from the blacks growing up. There's not much you can do, it's just a fact of current life. I can see how a kid who thinks it will never get better would do this though; no concept of mortality, no real life experience, just bullied into the dirt. It sucks, but that's what the people in charge have let happen. Invaded, assaulted and soon overrun.
Just look at Sup Forums
Our countries are being ruined but we make fun of each other for just who has it the worst.
My dad taught me to say "fuck you" instead of "I'm sorry."
All these cucked whites are raised by cucked parents to be cucks, and pay lip service to anyone who isn't white
Bullying isn't on the rise. Rather the kids are getting more and more wimpy. Today people kill themselves for dumb ass reasons. Kids see this and think "my life is so hard instead I will die and all the girls who didn't like me will feel sorry".
Bullying isn't really a problem the weak children need to man up.
nice digits. Yeah, it sucks, we shit on Sweden and Germany, but we aren't much better.
I wonder who is at fault...
Together we stand. Divided we fall.
kids wont man up when the only role models they ever had in their lives were women
>single mom
>female kindergarten teachers
>female elementary school teachers
>female high school teachers
also, schools practice an extremely warped and perverted kind of "justice" - a kid can get humiliated and treated like literal dogshit by bullies all day and nothing will ever happen. at most, some bully might get a figurative slap on the wrist or some retarded "dont do that!" speech from the teacher. and if the bullied kid ever tries to retaliate and beat up one of these shitheads, he will get punished to the max for "escalating violent behavior".
desu most of it is just harmless banter, i think it is the way how one can cope with the sureality of these batshit insane events.
>somebody beheads a person whilst shouting allahu akbar
>this has nothing to do with islam
the sane is deemed insane by the insane
People aren't connected to their families anymore. Nothing to live for if society makes you an outcast when this happens.
They never would have made it in life anyway.
>just harmless banter
Yeah I suppose.
>somebody beheads a person whilst shouting allahu akbar
>this has nothing to do with islam
Or like how the largest shooting in American history got like 3 weeks of news coverage and now they're calling for more refugees and trying to fuck over Trump's travel bans.
It's time to worry and do something about it though. It's there, it's in your face, and they are killing us. By reproduction or outright murder, something has to be done and we all have to tap into some primal survival shit to sort it out. I hope it happens. I don't even want to have a kid because I know what they'd be subjected to growing up in today's world.
This system was put in place by marxists.
It's a good system to cause conflict and to weaken the group.
You can't let the children organize themselves against a teacher or principal (and later against the leader or president). You have to make them weak so that you can brainwash them faster.
the bigger the Maelstrom of outright retarded progressivism becomes, the bigger the backlash will become.
there'll be certain that there will be a fascist renaissance in Europe in around 40-100 years if everything stays the same.
They're being taught in schools that bullying and words are as damaging as physical violence. Claire Fox covers this in a small book called 'I Find That Offensive'. It describes the UK but these trends have been imported from the US.
Basically schools are full of representatives of anti-bullying charities whose sole purpose is to make kids think they are being bullied way more than they are. Previous generations didn't have this indoctrination and are more resilient.
Combine this with the explosion in divorce, single parent homes and feminized boys and fathers and you have this result.
Pink Floyd reference if so good job
Jesus that get. Kek confirms it is pink floyd reference.
Because nigger suicides aren't news-worthy.
This. Disconnection from ones family is the source of today's insanity. By design of course; isolated people are easier to control than groups that have stong bonds.
When SHTF the people who care about you are your family members as they have a interest in your genes surviving
'Diversity is our strength' is not a statement about race or ethnicity it's a statement from a politicians point of view where diversity in their governed populace is the politicians strength since no individual is strong enough to oppose the politician
If they taught boxing in schools there woudnt be a bullying problem.
This. Actual bullying is something more along the lines of constantly harassing someone and using physical violence. You know like the bully that steals your lunch money all the time. But nowadays any time you get you get your feelings hurt is considered a "bullying" incident.
>All successful blacks are in reality whites who have taken over black bodies to keep us down. This explains their uncle tom mentality.
It would be epic if we could make all those Yakub worshippers believe that.
Natural selection at work
Probably pussy libshits would only be emotional enough to do something like that
Nothing of value lost
No. Everyone has a breaking point.
I live in Commiefornia and our school district is exactly this backward. Teachers who actually care are cucked by district policy and aren't allowed to do ANYTHING that may hurt a disruptive student's fee fees other than call the parents.
Niggers are too retarded to suffer trauma from bullying.
Censorship has become kind of a big deals in public school recently to counter "bullying". I remember at my school we had a PSA discussing how we couldn't use the word "retard". Disciplinary action would occur if you said it. WTF.
One of the major causes is that schools want kids to be total pussies. By making them total pussies, it would be easier to brainwash them when it comes time to talk about politics in high school.
For example, my son goes to a charter high school that is partly a propaganda machine for the political left. About a couple weeks ago, my kid tells me that the school held an anti-bullying assembly, with them trying to stop kids from saying "retard", as it might offend people with autism. My son is red-pilled for the most part, so he is thankfully not indoctrinated.
I'm going to find a new school for him.
You're neglecting the impact of social media in how kids feel about themselves. It used to be that even if school was hard, when you got home you were relatively safe. Now bullying and legitimate harassment can follow you everywhere-and then you say stop going on social media, but the next day your friend is describing what so and so said about you on a public forum. It's incredibly difficult to escape that kind of pressure and you're all imbeciles if you attribute children committing suicide entirely to some innate weakness. The social game has changed.
It's not that bullying is rising so much as adults are refusing to let kids solve disagreements on their own. It's an important part of development that's being snuffed out and being replaced a foundation for lifelong dependence on authority and societal approval.
When the people you're brainwashed to believe unquestionably tell you your whole life you are a valuable and flawlleas snowflake while many of your peers bully you it's as if you are suddenly awakened to your own inadequacies. Children no longer have the tools to cope with life's pain and this is why suicide is on the rise.
>it might offend people with autism.
Autistic people are offended by everything. If school starts at 8:02 instead of 8:00 they'll throw a fit.
Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes
Bullying isn't increasing. Inability of children to handle it is. Society, schools, parents are no longer raising children to be resilient and in fact punish children who defend themselves while in turn doing nothing substantial to help the bullied.
literally pic related
It's funny and scary at the same time.
The new generation just entering the workforce have been raised to think crazy aggressive fragility is how you interact with people. Somebody wrote an e-mail about me to the CEO of my last company. It was 11 pages long. He wrote it because I told him he'd missed a deadline and it wasn't good enough.
I imagine the ones coming up behind them will be even worse.
The weak should fear the strong
School kids shouldn't even be on social media. It totally warps their sense of self and creates horrible little narcissists. Especially in girls.
>wrote an e-mail about me to the CEO of my last company. It was 11 pages long.
As if any CEO has the time to read 11 pages of rage and crying about being treated unfair.
Leftist feminist corruption of the school system has made it so white kids cannot fight back back. If they talk back, the school says they're racist. If they fight back they get suspended or expelled because of zero tolerance. Schools won't adequately discipline minority bullies because the school does not want to be seen as racist.
Seriously where does this happen? Inner-city schools? Because I grew up in a cow town and went to a ~1000 enrolled district and I saw barely anything that a well adjusted child shouldn't be able to handle. Are there schools I don't know about where people are being shoved in their lockers and getting swirlies? Enlighten me.
Their parents did not instill the confidence in them to stand up for themselves, Nobody swings back anymore.
White kids are just pussies, its not really their fault. They just didn't grow up in a era that demanded more of them. Everyone gets treated like they are special. They grow up to realize reality doesn't work that way, it reflects poorly back on to them because they weren't prepared.
Yes, it is your parents fault if you turned out to be a faggot. Pretty much. Go kill them.
>Somebody wrote an e-mail about me to the CEO of my last company. It was 11 pages long. He wrote it because I told him he'd missed a deadline and it wasn't good enough.
Man what the fuck. Actual autists are better at interacting with people.
It's no better for boys. Self-centered pricks is what you get, with little to no sense of their sourroundings.
The outcome of this, for the most part, is suicide and/or mass shooting.
This. Bullying used to get handled by fisticuffs. Now, if you hit your bully, you will get suspended if not expelled and thrown in jail.
They need to start teaching skills on how to cope with stress. This would help everyone.
This, if a kid gets in trouble for bullying the parents should go to jail.
100% group mentality, group thinking is keeping people divided & anything astray is considered nazi related.
Therefore bullies.
But kids need to be bullied, kids have to deal with adversity.
You raise a kid under a rainbow & in our technological age, kids don't even have to drive anymore.
So losing your fundamental abilities of what it takes to live as a human, build, kill, eat, drink & forever you are crippled .
You already rely on other people to keep you alive.
>use I grew up in a cow town and went to a ~1000 enrolled district and I saw barely anything that a well adjusted child shouldn't be able to handle. Are there schools I don't know about where people are being shoved in their lockers and getting swirlies? Enlighten me.
Big cities probably. Niggers, spics and arabs are too violent.
A bunch of 8 y/o's mofos that already have beard.
Please have cancer, hillary isn't politics but everyone does it
>it's da kids
No retards, even leaders lose their shit over this. Trump freaks the fuck out when SNL trolls him.
Anyone over 21 should be banned from the internet
Social media has further divided the gap between people with higher social status and lower social status at pretty much all points in life. For kids it's the popular kids getting tons of "Likes" or "Retweets" or what is popular now, for older people it's Tinder making every one night stand with high social status guys a few clicks away.
You're clearly wimpy. You're weak and need to man up. Even strong as dictators do this. Lincoln was actually a very tough guy but lost his shit when a newspaper he respected wrote said mean things about him
Er medium sized business with 60 staff. He read it but he didn't give a shit.
Girls are more prone to narcissism and peer pressure. I'm not advocating boys being on social media either.
I scarcely think it's any better for adults. Very glad that facebook started when I was leaving university. I really can't imagine how shit it would be being a teenager today.
Funnily enough that was exactly my reaction.
I don't think bullying is increasing. In fact, i think it's decreasing.
At least where I'm located the schools are inundated with anti-bullying propaganda. I'm positive what we are seeing is a combination of both: bullying being brought out into the open through public social media, and weakly raised children treating everything like it's the end of the world.
Society (white society in particular) has become progressively more pussified, and i'm sure it's planned to some degree.
Not to mention that suicide and mental illness are in vogue atm; So much so that being a crazy person is actually considered a status symbol now.
this is true
social media is cancerous enough in adults, but exposing children to it really brings out the absolute worst in them
This, and the perceived punishment for standing up for themselves. These cucked liberals see fighting back as anti-social, uncivilized behavior, but see the bullies as misguided and in need of education. I taught my kids that if they're bullied, to fight back. Even if you lose the fight, you gain some modicum of respect for making the effort. If you don't, you're just a pussy.
Think about the fact that "transgender" suicide rates are exponentially higher than that of normal people (41.6% vs 4.6% attempted suicides). Transgenderism has only recently been accepted as a "healthy sexual orientation" by mainstream society for a handful of years. Previously it was identified by mainstream psychology as an actual disorder(mainstream knowldedge know, i know, but still)
stfu pussy
What a time to be alive, am I right?
You would have to be willfully blind to ignore the fact that there has been a major surge in the number of people (mostly impressionable adolescents) claiming to be some form of trans-whatever the fuck is new and unique these days.
I thought it was still listed as a mental disorder.
This this this. In middle school (02-05) an administrator even said that rule was garbage and did more harm than good. She said don't tell anyone her opinion but she thought student's should fight back for future self respect purposes and the school should butt out since they are only promoting the bullying with no repercussion in that sense.
Why would a bunch of kids decide that they want to identify as their opposing sex, a dog, a used oil filter, you might ask? Fucking mainstream consumer media is telling everyone it's not only acceptable to be a trans-fuck, but it's actually way cooler than being a normal straight person. It has been happening for quite sometime with homosexuality(see: every movie with a gay supporting character or shit teen media like GBF)
Look at me, I'm sad! Look at me I'm dea...
DSM-5 reclassified gender identity disorder(GID) as something now called "gender dysphoria." It's not considered a disorder anymore by mainstream psychiatry.
Long story short: Parents have decided to step aside and let mainstream society raise their children into pussies.