What would happen in the USA if Trump was assassinated?
What would happen in the USA if Trump was assassinated?
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Sup Forumstards will pretend they will REALLY get out from their mother's basement to revolt
I'd grab my maga hat and a rifle and occupy the nearest federal building.
Then we'll ride the lightning
People will post on Sup Forums about how it's finally happening, and about how they're getting their guns. A week later everyone goes back to eating hot pockets and fapping to trap/JAV/blacked porn like they always do.
Pence would take over and electrocute all the gays.
Pence takes over & America returns to its regular scheduled programming.
Haha yeah everyone here is the same Sup Forums crowd of neets and virgins from 10 years ago its not like anyone who posts or lurks here has guns or lifts or trains and gives a shit
Mike "The electric fence" Pence will be your President.
Fuck that neocon piece of shit faggot (closeted)
The final crusade begins. Race traitors and shitskins will hang.
Wrong...I don't even like JAV porn.
What would happen on Sup Forums if OP wasn't a faggot?
Bah gawd they killed him! Those sick sons uv bitches killed him!
Hillary would queef shart triggering the apocalypse
libturds on twitter and tumblr and reddit celebrating as if they won a war
Donny boy! There are reasons
Not going to happen.
Trump wont get killed.
The ones people should be worried about being assassinated are congressmen. Gabby Giffords shooting showed just how easy it is to get at a congressperson.
Does this deserve it's own thread? Is this related to the topic? Does my ass itch?
Holy shit this Chinese plays magic the gathering
Daddy pence becomes Thor
Nobody cares about congressmen though. That's why none have been shot since.
The wall gets an electric fence.
You'd have to kill a lot of congressman to make a difference tho. And the only place where you find them all at once tends to be pretty secure.
I'd shitpost here like I've never shitposted before.
mike pence would have a gulf of tonkin
martial law better known as natsoc
Your mistake is assuming it would just be your average/pol/tard losing their shit with rage.
This is so fantastically true. As if getting rid of Trump would stop the agenda. Everyone should research the CFR and Trilateral Commission. There are reasons
Why CIA? Why would you like to know?
The heavens would rejoice for the Garden of Eden will finally be open again to all men.
Somebody cares about them since they wont show up to those town hall meetings which have little or no security whatsoever.
They're the ones who write the laws you like or don't like. You get a president for 8 years. A congresscritter/senator can stay in there until death. This is why I'm surprised
Seriously how would you react to Ryan, Chaffetz, McConnell, or Pelosi got taken out in a rooftop election?
I'm going full-blown malcolm /x/ while trying to remain on the side of true conservatives. I'm also from planet tinfoil, so fuck your relatives in secrecy for all I care.
Trump isn't the endgame. Never was the endgame. I've never seen anyone with a shrine dedicated to Donald Trump. The endgame is taking control of this country. The simpletons who focus all their energy on Donald Trump are missing the bigger picture. Look at the house and the senate.
Donald Trump I believe, wants what's best for Americans. Do I believe he is what is best for Americans? No, I'm anti-zionist, hate the federal reserve, hate Israel's terrorism against Palestinians, hate interventionism.
But I can't stand anarchists. You'll probably see me in the future.
I woukd throw a party with all my friends on campus and fuck women
He's the last bastion of hope for a non-cucked america.
But if it happens then maybe chaos will roam the streets.
Pence would be president.
Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for any other form of delivery any letter, paper, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Don't think you could take him out with a body shot, unless it was some serious firepower. You know they got bulletproof executive clothing? Don't even need a bulky vest. Could be sure it was a state actor if it really went down. PS don't shoot at heads of state.
Silent unrest I think but nothing that would reach the scale of it.
If Trump did get assassinated I think anyone who supported him or is ideas would be shown how much their thoughts and feelings don't matter, and that they would talk to anyone or help anyone who didn't share the same views. Everyone would become far more polarized than they are now, except if shit actually does go down no one would work with the other side.
Dramatic shifts may or may not occur (but kind of cool to see) would be the police leaving the inner cities, the military reluctant to deploy anywhere without a good reason, entertainment media would take a nose dive in ratings and split between right vs left and communities( possibly families as well) would split too, or at least be semi-hostile.
>baggy jackets and coats
I bet that wouldn't stop a 7.62. Or god forbid, a .50 cal. Our plates in the Army were rated for ONE shot from a 7.62. No guarantee for any protection from subsequent shots.
Trump's best defense is a competent Secret Service. They scan any venue before he arrives, and they put places on absolute lockdown. When Obama came to my old hometown, there were strange men in suits on every floor of my office building, even though the president was a mile away.
>What would happen in the USA if Trump was assassinated?
year of the long knives.
These are fine assertions, although I think the unrest will be a lot more significant than the broad stroke you painted. There will certainly be radical outlashes; and subsequent protests will most likely be met with violence. As if we don't already witness violence at protests to begin with, I think it will be magnified.
We'll find out on the Ides of March.
yeah that's true. Especially considering the converts from last elections. I cannot even imagine the grudge and I'm one of them. People who voted for Obama and received nothing, told time and time again that something will be done about it only for nothing (good) to happen at all, would no doubt go ballistic over the assassination. As if being ignored, then slandered and then told through someone else's execution that their opinions don't matter would ever make things better,
i think revolting by shitposting everything you see in the internet is more horrible
it might be scary as shit
congressmen sell out for mere thousands of dollars every single day, this is why nobody bothers to threaten them with physical violence. look at the tpp fiasco. they were literally willing to sell out the entire country for merely 10 grand a piece. For the price of a liberal arts college degree you could probably bribe a congressman to simply fabricate a government job for you with a sweet retirement plan. People dont realize how big of a prostitute the average congress person really is.
>Trump is assassinated by some antifa SJW refugee loving cuck
>Pence becomes the 46th President of the United States.
>BLM, Antifa, and most SJW groups are now considered domestic terrorism groups
>Pence turns fruits into vegetables like Jesus turned water into wine.
>Libs are like wtf I love Trump now (because the only time they're actually honest about conservatives is when they're out of power)
>Church and State become one.
>Islam becomes illegal
>2018 Dems get a majority in the House and the Senate
>2020 Dems lose the white house
>2024 Dems win the white house
>2026 Republicans take a majority in the House and Senate
>2028 Republicans lose presidential race
>2032 Republicans win the white house
All the while nothing actually changes.
Yes, it's almost like we are coerced into taking sides. The left/right paradigm. Great post.
Unrelated to yours I just want to say that anyone who declares war on American citizens should expect to be met with retaliation. No, a helicopter ride isn't sufficient. You know who I'm talking about. You will be seen at the next.
Civil war. Not joking
I would masturbate
yep i don't have any of those im a simple moisture farmer
guns? WHAT?! no...
do i lift? WHAT?! no...
do i give a shit WHAT?!
The fuck?!
I already knew of the "The End of the World" Trackdown episode, but hadn't seen the July 1990 issue of Heavy Metal.
That's *really* fucking weird, man.
As for the Illuminati cards, I've seen them used for every president since they were published.
We have already infiltrated your movement
>fat chick
>apple shit
Those are known as "SJWs" or "Normies". All 1st world nations are plagued with them.
add schumer and youve got a deal
Of course. Downplay all the radical outlash that will happen. Do you honestly think in a country that the majority voted for Trump would just laugh it off and say ok, well Pence is president now. And by Majority, I mean majority. If it wasn't the MAJORITY, then yeah, your 2 states would have decided the outcome, but the MAJORITY of states said "eat babies on live tv" vs "our country is our country"
>implying everyone who voted for Trump would die for him
>implying Trump's support hasn't dwindled since taking office
wew lad
So as for your scenario...
>a few hardcore Trumpcucks attempt to start civil war
>get easily squashed
>nothing of value is lost
I'd happily fight in a civil war. Pretty sure most of Sup Forums would too.
Fuck off, Shill.
Sup Forums is a board of peace first off. Never have we attacked anyone physically and got our rocks off because of it. This is a leftist new-age psychology that involves order out of chaos. The only problem is we see thru your ordered chaos.
Deep sadness followed by white-hot rage
Mad. I don't know why
You don't get it, we've been waiting for the happening and the day of the rope since before trump. We have enough weapons to restart the fucking crusades.
by that logic 70M Americans voted against Hillary as well
The ride would get a lot more bumpy
I would just start assassinating traitors, i.e. liberals and minorities. For those that don't understand, Trump was our last ditch effort to have demands that protect our people met peacefully. If the left cannot lose democratically with even one iota of dignity, then it is literally war and it will be them who declared it. We've been pretty clear about this for a while. If anything leftists spout matters to them then they should make assassination and violence with Trump supporters/alt-right an absolute toxic idea, instead, we have "Punch a Nazi" and "Fascists don't get Free Speech!" "This is War!" "Become Ungovernable!" "On the concept of white wounding" and huffingtonpost.com
I mean, go ahead. Make my day. Leftists being actual enemies of the state is my wet dream so I'm not at all put off by the increased violence from the left. The Cuckservatives are the ones that don't want a civil war because they are altruistic cucks happy to give up the future of their civilization because they think Jesus is coming back. Go ahead and punch them and piss them off too. This can only end well for me.
Correction: Not many see thru the ordered chaos. Some are part of it. They are part of the left/right paradigm. It's surprising to see in some cases.
The American people, one way or another, will forget about all politics, they won't care who is in office, they will tell you straight to your face if you fuck with America, you're gonna die.
Marxists can't win; American Military hates you. Police hate you. Businesses hate you, Firemen hate you, congress hates you. Literally nobody is on your side that can do anything.
They won't assassinate trump because pence is much, much more potent/dangerous
>We have enough weapons to restart the fucking crusades.
What, your jam'o'matic AR-15's?
A slew of fagishly "stylish" handguns?
Grandpa's 12 gauge?
The .30-06 neatly stored in the gunrack of your pickup?
Oh, I'm sure the military will have a real tough time handling that hardware. Better brush up on your teleportation and gorilla warfare skills while you're at it.
And 92,671,979 voted for no one.
>Oh, I'm sure the military will have a real tough time handling that hardware
>implying Pence isn't already running the government
However you want to derive your numbers, that 60+ million vs. 60+ million.
Most who voted for Trump are family men/women and will have no interest in picking up arms.
All who voted for Hillary favor protest signs over guns so it will certainly be like shooting fish in a barrel.
The moment the shit goes down, I'm heading to New York, its a very target-rich environment and that shithole has needed cleaning out for decades.
Yeah, a nation full of guns isn't so problematic until the military gets involved. I'm sure they are going to side with people who openly declared war on the civilians. Why wouldn't they side with terrorists? If you honestly think that's how it will play out I have an igloo to sell you in South Florida.
Sup Forums is one of the few places that isn't full of anime trap loving cucks
Shitlibs riot in celebration. And then we kill them all.
>Then we'll ride the lightning
Hmm I don't trust him in the slightest he's the lbj to jfk
I would head to South Dakota where my girlfriend's parents live and have tons of guns. There we'll probably all gear up and meet up with other groups of angry people and head towards Wall Street and DC. And that's when it truly begins. Thats when we finally at last Make America Great Again (Trademark)
sauce pls
absolutely nothing
people are docile
it'll be business as usual
>Implying that my Adam Arms AR-15 jams.
>Implying Glocks are stylish
>Implying I would choose .30-06 over .308 or .338 LM
>Implying the military will side up with communist hippies that deny amendment rights and literally killed their commander and chief and cheered for BLM that murdered over 100 cops last year, (The highest on record, normally 30 cop deaths per year)
Holy shit, you are shit tier bait or leftists are more out of touch with reality than I thought.
jesus, i'm thankful my nation is violent, i'm thankful that my country isn't being pussified to no end, i'm glad everybody has some fear of machete wielding cholos at night.
At least we are not a pathetic fat blob with no spine.
Once we shoot Trump we need to round up all the Trumpcucks and shoot them too, and then we seize Washington DC and redistribute the property of the oligarchy.
desu if a conservative Congressman got limited we might just get a cuck to become a martyr, and Donald could go full Nationalist mode. Especially if it's a terrorist (brown) or somebody.
The Judaya have begun to realize that Trump is a wild card in office and they will be unable to control him in any effective way to achieve their goals. They will most likely attempt to construe some bullshit legal reason to have Trump as well as his constituents out of office, or try to assassinate him and his successors in line in order to place their own puppet in office while the chaos ensues, as everyone will be too busy with the ensuing riots and etc to care or take action.
we'd get a christian caliphate by way of mike pence
Speak for yourself
Right wing death squads.
There is a chain of command, if Trump is killed Pence becomes president. Anyone who revolts against the government will become the target of the military. The military isn't going to abandon the government just because the president you liked was assassinated.
You cucks are delusional.
By seize you mean this?
Pence becomes president, marshal law declared, all liberals, non-whites and gays in Fema camps. 10 000 people gassed daily.