drop truth bombs on me!
You're sexy
No one loves you
Diversity is shit.
yes I do and if that retard pedophile is having problems to to kill herself, I help.
Your Country if fucked you whale piss drinking faggot
The Elites and Jews create sexual stimuli non stop in order to keep the system running
sounds far away, but read what sigmund freud wrote, and a few others, you will understand then
basicially they stimulate your sexual urge, yet forbidding you, to fullfil your sexual urges
freud also said, depression occurs when you cant act out your sexual urges or agression
and look at our society, its exactly whats happening
depression, is also like sexual forbiding a method to get you working like animals
just look at what they are doing with porn, "you have to be the perfect man, fuck for hours etc"
its all so you cant live out your sexuality
creating erectile dysfunction, depression, and keep on adding those sexual impulses in forms of media and social constructs, just so you have that urge, work more, and cant break out of this circle
humans = ants
The Lizard people shall be purged from Earth
The material world is a sort of Matrix and your attachment to it is what keeps you from escaping.
Whites are dying out and National Socialism is the only way to save your race
You were an accident.
Nothing makes any sense
Islam is the only thing that can reverse the downward trend of white births
mossad created ISIS
Pens size women do tend to find bigger better.
I think many people still live out their sexualities, even though they're bombarded with contrary expectations and false "ideals."
Are you suggesting that the non-stop bombardment of sexuality in entertainment and media changes our sexualities?
The flood of normies to Sup Forums coincides with the same time period the board started going full Trump.
Israel denied so it must be true
The USA will devolve into a Brazil-tier shithole within your lifetime while Canada remains a desirable, well-educated country with long life expectancy and a middle class.
We fought the wrong people in 1945
White women go for black men
takolukas actually eat cup ramen.