America is dead

The United States of America isn't what it once was. We're at 56% in terms of white rates, and the number takes a sharp decline month after month; It's rare to find someone of pure European ancestry. As everyone else is either a race-mixer or multi-European (mutt.), on top of that we're plagued with the South.

The South brings forward said mutts, rednecks, white trash, and the highest concentrated groups of Africans. Said Africans are then given a platform to preach their nonsense, yet most of White America listens for some innate reason, so they happily let their daughters race-mix and become washed up hollow sacks by 16.

All problems in the 21st century are directly caused by us: Destabilized Middle East, Arab Spring, Radical Islamic Terror, Government Surveillance, Radical Left / "SJW", and most damning; The Refugee Crisis.

The damage is irreplaceable but know that we did this. Let us be a shining example of what happens when the Jew gets in control, you could've listened.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's okay though. I expect most of you to outright ignore this post, perhaps even sage it, or declare me a member of some disinformation program.

You're the problem. As you're ignoring these problems with grandeur delusions instead of actively attempting to stop them.

Extremely liberal (2.5%) -- 1.61
Liberal (12.7%) -- 1.72
Slightly liberal (11.3%) -- 1.58
Moderate (39.9%) -- 2.14
Slightly conservative (15.6%) -- 2.03
Conservative (14.3%) -- 2.34
Extremely conservative (3.7%) -- 2.62

>Among whites, conservative-liberal fertility difference twice as large as Democrat-Republican difference

Let the white liberals die out, we don't need them. White conservatives are above the replacement rate and liberals aren't.

Daily reminder these fine gentlemen are considered as white in america and therefore america is still 56% white.

Who gives a shit about stability in the middle east or Africa! I sure don't, the ongoing war is just destroying them even more.

It's Europe's fault for letting them in, period.

The SJW left was literally what got Republicans in all branches of government

Drumpf BTFO!

Not even Donald can save us from the demographic disaster now. Unless the GOP manages to get such a hold on the government that the Dems are forced to become a lot more conservative, the next time a dem gets in office we will be irreparably non white.


You mean 67%?

And remember people who are basically white with Spanish names are marked as Hispanic and people with 1/8th black are called black

Stop falling into the progressive/Marxist playbook homo

its time to try to leave

and remember that white kids are already in the minority, and most of our immigration is non white

We should start paying white people to have kids. I don't get it, fucking is fun. No one seems to want to do it anymore.


Changing the immigration to merit based+ deportations

It disincentivizes minority immigration

If trump can make the econemy grow and real pace not anemic stagnation whites will have lots of kids and reverse the demographic change for decades over just a few years

Your same thought process is what lead to that destabilization in the first place, the theory that just because you don't happen to live in the same landmass as them, you're automatically superior.

>if i aint live there it aint happenin to me oorah!! hyuck hyuck


It goes without saying that the next president will be a democrat. You see, the American people cannot stand Republicans or any signs of Conservatism, instead they prefer Marxism. Their hatred for Trump is ridiculous, but that's al they know.

I'm just concerned is all. Yes, I'm the progressive for speaking truth about what's mocked up to be the greatest country in the world.

It's because of materialism and narcissistic tendencies as pushed by "Reality TV." We need a return to traditional, moral, conservative values where having a family with children isn't deemed (boring) and caring for ones "kin" is a "thing of the past".

Unites Shitskins of Amurika

The European "mutt" argument is bs. English people are a mix of French, Germanic, Nordic and Celtic people. French are Gallo-Celtic and Germanic. And so on and so on.

>Purity spiral: the post
We're in way too deep on the racemixing and immigration memes to get so hung up on pure blood. I'm a shitskin, a large number of Sup Forums posters are shitskins and mutts, but we share similar ideals, and as race lines continue to get more and more blurred I feel like that will become much more important soon

White kids are not the minority. Even you lump in all non-Whites together, they are a plurality still. And they don't even count the kids of whites and Hispanics as white, with that it goes up to like 70% since they're basically white.

We have a chance to reverse all this shot quit being so hopeless

Got /r9k/ if you want


Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.

anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food

Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)

Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits

Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children

Fuck off shill.


thats some serious denial

Shlomo tell your jew overlords to stop destroying the white race please

>he honestly believes Trump isn't going to change the voter laws to require mandatory IQ tests for citizens to obtain a Federal Logic License to be allowed to vote
I'm sorry your 2D checkers mind cannot see that we'll have true nationalist presidents, senators, and judges for the next 1000 years. It must be frightening to be you

I know your feels user
I think Trump will do good for our country, but it'll only prolong the inevitable, collapse and Balkanization.
In truth, I hope it happens, so that a new nation might rise from the ashes of the old
I think we should start a "Northeast front"
Take Maine, New Hampshire, and maybe even Vermont if we can pry the dildo from there ass. Also take a portion of southern Quebec and Newfoundland.
Thenwe create a white nation.
t. American of European origin with Ethnically pure background

>counting """"white""""" Mexicans as white
Alright Mr. Rodriguez

You're a fucking mong. If we all become mixed mutts, then what do we have left? Nothing. There are no distinct cultures, languages, or anything of that sort because we've all meshed together in one disgusting abomination for the sake of "muh race dont matta mane we's all human beings man"

>Every crossing between two breeds which are not quite equal results in a product which holds an intermediate place between the levels of the two parents. This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to the parent which stands in the biologically lower order of being, but not so high as the higher parent.

>If Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such a case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile.

I believe so as well. I love this country, I can trace my origins in this country to around 1740. Yet at the same time, I don't think we can save something that's been rotting for decades upon decades.

I've heard of the whole Texas secession ordeal, hopefully that'll have a place on the ballot. I've been to Texas in the past and despite my distaste for the South, Texas is alright in my book. Wonderful people.

This. Most of europe are mutts. Being a white mutt is fine.

Sage for CIA black pill op

>next 1000 years
>implying the US as we know it will be around in 100 years

The Genocide, Eugenics and Birth Control movements were forced to completely re-make themselves after the Holocaust.

ie: away from hard genocide, to soft genocide

Returning to the root Malthusian hysteria, they repackaged their agenda as based on ‘over-population.’ Many, if not most, of the measures entertained prior to the Holocaust remained on the table for consideration. Only the reasons for implementing those measures were changed. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, calls for ‘population control’ increased in frequency and volume. See Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” as one example that made a dent in popular opinion.

But population control advocates understood that the scope of the problem they were presenting required government action at all levels. Thus, Richard Nixon was prompted to enact population control legislation (still in force today). In 1972, Nixon would call for a commission to ‘study’ the problem and present recommendations. This is known as the Rockefeller Commission Report.

The two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.

It's about population pacification and control.
It's all part of the mass dehumanisation program against humanity - pacifying them into a malleable mass of mindless sheep obedient to the State - no other allegience, not to race, not to sex, not to family, not to religion. Either you are with the state or you are a thoughtcriminal - that is the aim in end for the dehumanisation of the Western population

Bullshit. The absolute number of whites is not decreasing, its just that most of the annual increase in our population mostly comes from Latinos either moving here or reproducing. But there are still just as many white people around.

Those are for crime statistics, most of those guys would not be counted as white in the census.

I believe the nation is dead, we need to start anew. Have you read "The Ethnostate" by wilmot Robertson? I think you'd like it, some of his points are a bit autistic but he does have some good ideas in there as well.
>race mixing
I'm an Ethnically Pure white American, but I don't really see a problem with euro mutts in the US, before (((1965))) miscegenation between white Europeans was on track to creating a whole new white ethnic group in the US, a true "American people" as it were

I really do think we could get secession to happen if we started a movement, Texas has to many spics but I like them. I really want to meme a "Northeast Front" into reality though

Must read:

For the second consecutive year, white newborns were in a minority, figure it out

The "white babies" stat ignores all the hispanics who are European in ancestry. Not every Hispanic is a full Mayan 5'3 turd. And then there's the 75% white hispanics and so on who if they breedon't with whites create de facto pure white kids.

Asians typically breed amongst themsleves. Blacks abort kids mostly. As for the full Mayan turds, trump is kicking out as many as he can.


>The Gen Z race ratio is all that matters
Yeah, by ignoring all the other whites, huh. Of course

And most minorities are segregated into dense urban centers so who gives a shit. Geographically 95% of the country is majority white or white dominant.

Mexico is comprised of 15% of these European descended people, even still, they come from Mediterranean people, and they still don't mix well with Northern Europeans

You have to go back. Wet backs are not white and they will never be white. Even being from Spain is pretty iffy

You haven't been outside then have you? I've never been in a situation where I haven't been around non whites

Okay, let's start from the obvious. Multiple haplogroups does not mean miscegenation. Certain haplogroups are defined from mDNA, you only generally care about aDNA (Y-DNA). Most of europe, especially the Balkans have seen swaths of immigration, especially after the balkan wars, WWII and in our case, after the fall of the Albanian dictator at 1985.
The way the tests work is basically in EU and UN surveys that are controlled (gather data from provinces, the control being 10000, then simply sum it up for the national haplogroup quotas).
Finally, it's interesting that they dont flaunt their data on haplotypes, the number of alleles that are identical in the chromosomes of different geographical populations and most importantly how much of the similaries are simply due to genetic drift.
>t. greek intelectual

Because they fuck up the vote and then you'll get open borders and you'll be blacked at an even faster rate. Don't think you're safe. They'll keep trickling in.

Nothing lasts forever.

OP, what is the purpose of this thread? Everyone knows that we have a serious problem. That's not even in dispute.

If you want to make a positive contribution by suggesting ways to change things, then please do so.

Otherwise, if all you're doing to attempting to demoralize people, then I would kindly request that you please kill yourself at your earliest convenience.

Piss off cunt, I've had the same thoughts as OP and every time I've tried to talk about it here I get Civic Nationalist cuck holds and Shills.
This conversation needs to happen, where do we go post America?

>Multiple haplogroups does not mean miscegenation
Yes it does. We're talking about "white mutts" here. That is a mixture of different european people. Europe has seen a shitload of immigration and most of its population is mixed in some way across different ethnicities. But that's fine. There's nothing wrong with being a German and Brit mix or something.

HURR DURR THE J000000ZZZ!!!111!!!

Fucking nigger take responsibility over your own weakness. Good that we Czechs are not as stupid as you dumb American trash who ruined the world and gave up their land to animals only to then instead of trying to take responsibility and change just shout "THE J000ZZ!!1! D1D 1T" while soiling yourself! You fat pathetic excuse for a human being! YOU DID THIS TO THE WORLD! THE AMERICAN KEK DID THIS!

If white Southerners and Jews had been in control of the United States for one hour in my lifetime:

>America would be great again
>Israel would be an empire stretching from Cairo to Baghdad with a glorious Temple at its centre in Jerusalem
>there would be nothing left of our African and Muslim problems but mass graves and piles of highly radioactive rubble.

Then you live in LA or some shithole. Rural and suburban America is still extremely white.

American Cuck*

Wasn't referring to just mexicans. There's other Hispanic groups with more European ancestry.

I doubt that leaf.

Retards like you guys are why we always lose arguments and political poweR

>muh race war
>mug pure ethnicity

Figure your shit out

Yeah, and that is the problem. Kids brought up by liberals rebel and become conservatives and vice versa.

>suburban America
Lived in NOVA for most of my life, VERY vibrant is all I'll say
I live in CT now, place sucks cock and on top of that they import inner city nogs to go to the schools here
Pic related is from said school, which is majority white, this is theIS history curriculum, just a pissing match of who was more oppressed by the straight white male

>Traffic officers writing down the race of someone is how we determine racial makeup

End result is a slightly tanner but still white dominant group. We will be fine. I know half Puerto Rican girls who are full white phenotypes. Hispanic but white. Pink nipples and all. Trump is kicking out enough of the Mayan types and let's hope they stay out.

My bad

Mostly a meme. Your political views strongly trend with your parents.

I know they are cringey as fuck but honestly I see no other way to actually continue civilisation without the creation of a white ethno state. I wish the alt right wasn't just autistic spergs but on that point they are right.

This, only the non-whites from Africa and the Middle East get counted as white in the US census

I'm a retard because I don't follow your definition of white? You do realize that our govt counts people from North Africa as white Caucasian right?

Yeah I live in Fairfield county and unless I specifically go to a minority neighborhood im not going to see many. And that's in an urban region. I never encountered full sjw bullshit like that in school. Seems suspect... in college maybe they'd slew white male privilege bullshit but not k-12. Nova is near super heavily black cities. Not shocked there's blacks.

Evidently you still dont get it. Multiple haplogroups present in a nation does not equal miscegenation. Most european nations have extensive ghettoes of different populations. The natives and the immigrants do not interbreed.
Case in point, you have high concentration of R1a in greece, when you control for the haplotypes and alleles present per province you end up with a figure that clearly shows they are concentrated in small pockets of the countly.
Then you have the E3b that is from mitochondrian DNA and extremely old (pre-Bronze Age) that is irrelevant to race specific genetics, but they still include it.
Then you have J2 that is defined by autosomal DNA and that's the relevant haplogroup and it's still extremely old, but they underepresent it in european surveys. Same goes for R1b and G.
I repeat, if you go after specific data that focuses on aDNA and more specifically the alleles themselves in the chromosomes you can readily ascertain that there's virtually no miscegenation.
Dont fall for it, they are doing their best to normalize it, but it's not happening naturally. We are not evolutionarily predisposed to miscegenate.

>multi-european mutt

what did he mean by this?

I'm German/Irish, but American for >4 generations. what does that make me?

like my father always say:

"hitler didn't kill all das juden because letting some few alive would let us know why he killed them in the first place"


>implying holohoax is real

It makes you American, welcome to the club
I was absolutely disgusted whenI saw it. I'll grant you that, NOVA is known for its demographic cuckholdry, and most of the South as well

The moral relativistic culture is worse than the racial aspects. We just keep going deeper into it.

I should add, I dont really know what's going on in the US, there could very well be miscegenation there, but I havent studied it. I know for a fact that Brazil has been mongrelized and you can even see the shift in relatively "real" time, in essence in the last ~30 years.
The only nation in europe that's had relatively recent shifts is Turkey (if you can even consider it in europe per se.)

Your a black pilled faggot, you just like losing so you can't even enjoy a little victory with Trump

>no culture bo language

Fuck off you faggot. We speak English and we have an American culture, if you don't like that we still have plenty of WASPs you bitch.

I don't believe you. It's true that there are general trends (iberian vs nordic, vs germanic or something), but I don't think that there is a such thing a a "pure german" or "pure polish" or something. I've never seen any data that would suggest that. Now to be clear I'm not saying that it's natural to full on out race mix (of course not), but an iberian mixing with a germanic is not unusual.

>we still have american culture

And what is American culture? Is it being the world police, sticking our nose places it doesn't belong?

Are you serious? I lived in a rural town and the one black nigger hanging on the street surprised me cause I never saw too many.

guns and burgers

ur a faget

We aren't there yet, we just elected Trump and you faggots are still preparing the Fallout shelter.

Our culture was replaced long ago by (((them))) with materialism, consumerism, and self indulgence

We're no where close to being out of the woods and you know it

>It makes you American, welcome to the club


Even among White Americans, there are still noticeable regional differences. We basically have our own 'ethnicities' within the country.

The issue is that the Rust Belt and New England are full of Whites who are extremely ethnically mixed (one person might have roughly equal amounts of German, Polish, Irish, Italian, French, English, etc. ancestry). However, these folks never want to admit that there are any regions of America which aren't 'White melting pots.'

Doesn't mean we don't have a culture, you nihilistic fagit

>implying multi-European is a bad thing

You don't know shit about history, do you?

also going bankrupt over medical bills and using loads of prescripted drugs

If we have it then name it. You delusional faggot.

eat shit yankee

But those are beginning to fade away with he interconnectivity of highways and the likes of, people move around the country for jobs now, I moved from the south to the north for example

And how do you know that KIKE?

and is the same happening in ISRAEL or are you getting free Gibs for marrying?

>blonde and green eyes
>rich and succesful business owners


Says the American that is
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>something something native American

I know it might be hard for a redneck to understand but Nationality =/= race

How do we fix this?

t. Pablo

I hear you. It's true. We are fucked unless something very dramatic occurs. If whites drop down into the 40-50% range I will most likely move my family to a more white country.

>Mexican with Germanic features
You fucking mongoloid
The 15% of Mexicos population that is still European come from Spain, a Mediterranean people, not that they aren't white, they are, but they don't mix too well with Northern Europeans
That projected description you gave of me actually describes what a Mexican of European descent

Me, I'm ethnically pure, Irish

Yeah, but lets be honest user. A lot can change in a few years. Did anyone expect Trump? I mean just 3 years ago, everyone would expect another cuck like Romney or McCain and now here we are with a real chance at Nationalism and Donald fucking Trump! The real estate magnate. Who knows what he can do in 4 (8) years.

Hollywood (inb4 Jews, there are plenty of Goyim films that are a staple of American culture) are own music, (inb4 Negroes, it is what it is). American pop dominates the world. We have our own literature, but this is just generic Americana stuff. On a local level, we have State culture, and local culture within states. Own accents, own heritage, and own history, depending on where you're from, and what you're people have done. You're the delusional self hating fagit.

Okay let me try a little harder. Intermixing in the Bronze Age obviously does not count. That's what I am getting at.
For example, E-M215(Y-DNA) is a major haplogroup that was virtually nonexistant in europe. 20000 years ago it was present in africa. 10000 years ago it branched out to eventually morph to what we have now as E1b1b1 that's present even in europe in small concentrations. You cannot call that miscegenation, still it happened well before the cataclysmic event after the ice ages. But you have people claiming that europeans have african DNA because there's trace concentration of this aDNA haplogroup.
R1a haplogroup that's the dominant scandinavian haplogroup presently has its origins in Middle east and central Asia, over 20000 years ago. The highest concentration presently is still in Russia and central Asia.
Then you move on to the neolithic Era and you see that the concentration morphs even further and it normalizes slowly.
Miscegenation is forceful, evolution of alleles in chromosomes over the span of dozens of thousands of years is evolution at work.

Not really confusing stuff.

People here always refer to the crime stats... so, basically they are all skewed, but in a way that non-white crime is actually even WORSE.