Hey guys, Hapa here

Hey guys, Hapa here.
Do I look white?

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Absolutely not, get fit and marry an asian woman OP

hell nah

I'm less than a quarter asian, dad was hapa mom was full norwegain. I have light brown hair and more green hazel eyes. Only asian part is my dick and my nose which looks like yours but wayyy less bulbous.

no. you look asian.

Keep telling yourself that in the mirror happa

Why are there only Asians working at Panda Express

Why do half Asians half whites look retarded

That chink hat ain't helpin

Works at panda express! Hahahah

tbqh they look smarter then your average arab.

they're losers

delet, i look like a young gert wilders but with hazel eyes and chinkish nose

pic related


You do not look white but at least you have somewhat light skin to work with


White enough, lad. It's the act that counts, though.

No you look Asiatic

Thats the problem with so called "white" americans most are mutts.

hispanic detected.

the act counts but it doesnt makes you HuWhite.

take off the retarded glasses and hat user then we'll see

We repeat you dont look white.
you look asian.
we will not lie to ourselves to please you.


top lel
Actually, I'm Anglo-Celtic, lad. My blood on this land goes back to before the country even existed.

>1 post by this ID
Go back to delivering Chinese food you faggot OP.
How is this thread still up?