TrueConstitutionalConservatives™ are trying to oust gavin mcinnes of all people
Potential Gavin scandal incoming
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I've got Gavin's back 100%.
How can we take care of the Reagan Battalion?
I appreciate what Gavin has done towards making liberals cry but I will never sympathize with a man who pulled his pants down and spread his ass on a podcast.
I'm not Gavin a fuck.
Good the more of these faggot e celebs get rekted the more you Reddit cunts will fuck off back there. Retweeted it and sage.
Excellent. I was getting impatient over this happening. Drive him further down the rabbit hole.
He can go cry to his Indian wife about it.
Gavin says a bunch of shit that's true.
mfw when i got Gavin fired by uploading some vid while drunk, i didn't even turn my mic off and i'm not using headphones
Mcmurder mcCuckin
She's like 1/4th and his kids are 1/8th. Shut the fuck up you literal cuckold.
leave them alone. they're exposing shill who work against us. Milo was a faggot pedo. Gavin is a fucking shill
Says terrible things about jews. Meh
Shoves things up his ass on camera. Nah Im good
>but I will never sympathize with a man who pulled his pants down and spread his ass on a podcast
Yeah it's hard to be able to openly endorse someone so ridiculous without undermining the credibility of your argument.
Keep the gay shit in the privacy of your own bedroom, not on a public podcast ffs
At a certain point you have to take credit and responsibility for any dumb shit you say/do.
Gavin is at that point, he has to deal with the dumb shit his life is on his own.
>At a certain point you have to take credit and responsibility for any dumb shit you say/do.
Anyone who knows they are in the public light and still undertakes there antics just shows their lack of long term foresight and intelligence imo
Not to mention the make out session with milo, that was just icing on the cake for him being a complete write off
He's in it for the money, and he's stretched himself thin. Should have just kept a good goy and collected his shekels from Ezra Levant
How will he ever recover from this character assassination?
Reminder: @ReaganBattalion is run by Evan McMullin
He's literally a college chad who never grew up.
First good posters, we can dox that fuckers then take I from there.
The guys not realising this is the part of the #NeverTrump cuckservative movement trying to troll & fuck us so they can go back to losing gracefully to the left and collecting their paychecks (interesting how they only fight dirty when they're punching right).
They attacked Milo was just because he was the lowest hanging fruit (no pun intended) on the Trump tree.
Just like they went after Flynn, and now Sessions, first Milo (Or Spencer would count too), then Gavin.
Don't be stupid fucks (or listen to ctr faggots) and assume Bannon & anyone else threatening to them isn't on their list too.
Remember, they're not attacking Milo or Gavin because of whats wrong with them - but because of what they get right.
Just watched a video yesterday of Gavin interviewing Jared Taylor about black crime rates & he was making anti-Semitic jokes. Just sayin.
Jews did holodomor.
Bolshevism was a jewish cultural movement to dominate goyim.
The german revolution of 1918-1919 was the result of Jews trying to culturally dominate germany.
He was on a propaganda tour.
There are lots of bullshit holocaust stories that have been abandoned (Electric floor elevators, Crematorium ovens that were over 15x more efficient than modern crematoriums if the official numbers were true)
Gavin did nothing wrong.
We'll have to take out this guy... It won't be easy, he has a lot of high-level connections.
He's another one of those never married never seen with women cuckservatives like Lindsay Graham. He probably does this shit because (((they))) have the videos of him touching little kids at Comet Pizza.
Holy shit. Everyone watch the clip before spouting an opinion.
This isn't a repeat of the Milo bullshit. I expected McInnes to go after the Islamic punching bag while in Israel, not to become Jew-aware.
(((Rebel Media))) is cucking more and more for the "new establishment", they are showing signs fracturing, and Lauren Southern has left for reasons which are highly suspicious. This is a good sign.
Quit purity signalling, Sup Forumsacks.
Notice they havent attacked richard spencer?
Take notes newfags
>Lauren Southern has left for reasons which are highly suspicious.
Someone offered her money and she took it most likely. She thinks she's going to be on Fox News or something but they're just going to keep her on ice until they destroy Gavin and Infowars and then fire her.
>Notice they havent attacked richard spencer?
They concider Spencer already done because of Hailgate.
Their goal is to keep normie cucks from getting redpilled.
I've got tendies for the anons who take down the Reagan Batallion.
This, he is actually starting to get redpilled about the Jews
I used to think that he was a cool dude,and even enjoyed listening to him. Saw this, went what the fuck, and haven't listened to him seriously since. Except for the Joe Rogan podcast but that was only a 1/4th serious
>I've got tendies for the anons who take down the Reagan Batallion.
The Reagan Batallion is taking down alt-lite cucks.
Did you see him redpill that feminist "comedian" on her show? I don't know where to find the video
Gay boy cuckinnes
>Our mission is to promote conservatism. if you're a pedophilia defender, racist, antisemite, & latch on to our movement, we will expose you.
This faggot think he's somebody
Maybe we should find out if he is in fact somebody
plz shills, make an effort
(((Ezra Levant))) must pay large one-time bonuses every time Gavin agrees to humiliate his white self by participating in scripted degeneracy like this.
I wonder how much he offered Lauren Southern to start dating the Somali rapefugee employee. Obviously it wasn't enough.
>how do we kill the messenger
we don't?
>plz shills, make an effort
Quality reply.
Please tell me how it's a bad thing a Homosexual, black dick loving, Jew named Milo was taken down a bad thing?
Milo and Gavin are there to attract the normies away from the alt-right, which you must be doing as well if you support Milo and Gavin.
As much as I hate the alt-liter degenerates we need them. You can't get from Point A to Point C without passing Point B. We're not going to wake up to a state that promotes cultural and racial homogeneity overnight.
holy shit, you are as obvious as your attempts at "memes"
fucking disgusting people, shills, low quality
There is no middle ground faggot.
You're either for the leftist Jew order or you're not.
I want to see their list
They are targeting conservatives and ruining their career one by one. You are right. I don't care about Milo, Gavin and all the others. They probably don't either. I care about it because it's an attack on conservatives and Trump. On freedom and democracy.
They are organized, funded, crazy, protected. Right now, they are also scared, and willing to destroy anyone and anything to hurt us.
How do we fight them effectively?
>Please tell me how it's a bad thing a Homosexual, black dick loving, Jew named Milo was taken down a bad thing?
Because he helped to bring down SJWs and trannies. An anti-SJW liberal is still closer to the redpill than an SJW.
Death to all Jews and Niggers
you will never be convincing no matter how much you try to adopt our stances, you might not realise, or maybe you do, but there's an obvious disconnect when you adopt in defense of fucking Reagan Batallion
you dumb fucking kike
>latch on to our movement
No seriously, any guesses here? Just a libshit in disguise trying to bust new media up or something more sinister?
>I'm alt-right
>b-but a gay nigger loving Jew is okay
Fuck off alt-lite cuck faggot
>egads! An entertainer did stupid shit for entertainment!!
With milo they could destroy him because he was breaking into the mainstream. Gavin's a known moscreant who's already been blacklisted in a way
Tl;dr no ones gonna care
The people behind Reagan Batallion are 10 times more cucked than Milo or Gavin you gullible retard.
things that were never said or implied
now you're betraying yourself in full
They must be mighty cucked since Milo and Gavin are the biggest cucks ive ever seen
Sup Forums needs a go fund me to hire some P.I.s to tail Mayor McCheese. This dude has tons of dirt. Can we start some pedo child bride mormon rumors about him? Any compromising photos? Fuck Shias stupid flag weaponized autism needs to be pointed toward the breakfast brigade.
>have a pretty sweat gig at some jew run conservative place
>see all these memeing faggots on twitter
>want to "rule in hell" and start his own little empire
>throw away your career by trying to appeal to stormfags who already hate you and will continue to hate you no matter what by just telling them what they want to hear
If Gavin does get buttfucked by this "scandal" he deserves it for being retarded.
a global mesh network of dust-sized self-replicating nanobots capable of audio/video spying and clandestine assassinations which executes orders received from our C&C servers
He is not wrong.
A little Jew-bashing here and there is good
Otherwise, Jews would think they're special
This motherfucker even hates Sheriff Clarke
has to be a troll
>This motherfucker even hates Sheriff Clarke
>defending a nigger
You're alt-cuck too.
I'm not alt anything. Are you trying to make enemies friendo :^) Your starched khaki slacks might not be able to hands more shit stains
>they havent attacked richard spencer?
Is that a joke?
Do you hate Trump too? Because if you can't see that Reagan Battalion is an obvious anti-Trump operation you might be clinically retarded.
You prefer people like mcmuffin to Gavin and Southern?
Fuck off, Gavin doesn't work against us in any way. He is redpilled and hiding his power level by saying all this stuff about the holocaust. He only says he doesn't believe it to dodge consequences. Not everyone needs to be openly redpilled, having someone like Gavin is an asset not a liability.
>when bleeding heart liberals become "conservatives" and takes down two fags so Sup Forums likes them
Daily reminder that no true conservative engages in the same tactics the left does
This is clearly a divide and conquer situation
Chill out gavin ffs
I do hate Trump because he is pro-Jew and a cuck.
I prefer David Duke, Richard Spencer or George Lincoln Rockwell if he was alive.
a literal cuck attacked him, not some coordinated effort
He's easy street, they dont even need to think about him
Gavins account is now suspended.
One must know when to make convenient alliances and coalitions
Otherwise, you will continue to chase the impossibly high standards you've set and ruin any chance of gaining ground. Quit the purity spiraling.
we're dealing with a legit shill
there's no cornering them, not really - they're shameless, low quality people; if the term "goyim" was to represent anyone, then it's people like that who have no qualms about making the world worse in the most pathetic way possible
Lindsey Graham approves!
>The media didn't attack him
>Jewish terrorists didnt try and run his family out of Whitefish with extortion
Nigger go back to plebbit
>Richard Spencer
Stopped reading there
How old are you, 14?
This isn't the same as pedophilia, it wont work. No one will give a shit.
You just don't get it. Also, alt-right is a term pushed by CNN and Hillary
>I prefer David Du
This is how I know your some retarded memeing nupol faggot.
>You just don't get it. Also, alt-right is a term pushed by CNN and Hillary
You're a god damn idiot alt-cuck retard.
Richard Spencer started in fucking 2010.
I really couldn't give less of a fuck. Gavin shoved a dildo up his ass on a live stream to show how cool he was and Jews have written article after article after article after article after article saying white people should be killed and not allowed to breed. So both groups can go fuck itself, and the "Reagan Battalion" is clearly the work of Bill Kristol and McMuffin.
Clarke is based, you double nigger
Daily reminder: Evan McMullin is run by a Jew named Bill Kristol.
>not white
You're part black so I understand why you would think that.
Daily reminder that we must do all we can to support everyone associated with the movement, from the hardliners to the moderates, even if we don't agree with 100% of what they say or do.
Daily reminder the left is on its deathbed and will use all the divide and conquer tricks it has at its disposal to try and divide us.
>this serious
>Comes into this thread doing nothing but sowing discord
Hello CIAnigger
If you don't stick things in your butt it's because you are secretly a faggot.
Y'all don't even know about the prostate nut.
You have to hold onto your dick so it doesn't fly off and zip around the room.
Our secret political weapon is JOE ROGAN.
Joe is going to come out in favor or Don and our ideology soon. He's been playing the long con just wait and see.
What do you guys think of my Joe Rogan theory?
How is him saying something atisemtic supposed to burn him? I don't think they understand what they're doing at all. A good majority that are on the right hate pedos, they also hate jews.
check dr. William Luther Pierce
People really need to be educating themselves on classic conintepro. These old faggots like McMuffin and his kike trotskyite neo-con overlords still think its the 1960s and 70s. They are using the same moves the used then to DnC , smear, blackmail etc when legit nationalist type movments and resistance began. The blacks in the 60s and 70s tried to organize and were infiltrated and destroyed. They are attempting the same thing. Research cointelpro faggots.
If you can't trust a Morman CIA agent who can you trust huh?
Yeah, watch the latest interview of her on the (((Rubin report))) (although he's done interviews w/ Milo & made a video for Prager U recently called 'why I left the left' so...) she talks in depth about the Muslim situation in Europe - stopping short of taking out line of course - but it's amazingly obvious she only stops there because you can tell she can't give a moderate/alt-lite answer - either she's on the verge of being repilled or she is already and just can't sugar coat so gets tongue tied. If Gavin comes over a little more we might have something. They'll further the alt-lite to a more redpilled position and it'll jam that overton window wide open.
This. They're systematically taking us down. Count the bodies; Spencer, Flynn, Milo, who's next? Conway? Gavin? Bannon (God forbid).
Wanna work on something?
They do think they're special. God's chosen in fact.
But 'alt-right' became a household name once Hillary Clinton said it during that public speech
Before 'alternative right' was just one of a myriad of names to umbrella-label the junk drawer of various political ideologies like Dark Enlightenment/Neoreaction, Manosphere, Paleoconservative, NatSoc, Mussolini and Mosleyan Fascism, Techno-Commercialism, Monarchists, etc.