He is antagonizing NATO through being rude. He is antagonizing Russia in Syria. What does this man want?
What is his end game?
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He just wants to win the referendum. Doesn't give a shit if he turns his country into a shithole.
He just want to stay in the power. In order to do that he has to win the referandum. All this bullshit has actually nothing with foreign policy.
Sad, Turkbro. You were the one non-fucked Muslim country.
He's a dictator, what he wants is obvious.
He just apologizes after in secret but makes sure it doesn't go public.
We were just another shitty muslim country after all. Ataturk ruled with ironclad but after its death it's gone back to being another arab-lover country.
That's all there was to it.
The real question is, how long can he keep doing what he wants before something happens?
He has a strong base, most likely he will rule and do whatever he wants to do until he is too old to it anymore.
I´m not talking about Turkey, i´m talkig about everyone else.
>Based memes
How many layers of manipulation is this?
What's the Ring in this analogy? Putin's cockring?
>Not realizing Jews want us to fight
I hate bluepilled nu Sup Forums.
>dumbfuck roaches still vote for him
Turks in germany operate like that.
Super racist, extremely antisemite but quick to call other people nazi when it suits their agenda to play the victim.
The lack of backbone in turks is revolting.
according to r-dog we (dutch) are nazi remnants and fascists
yay us
i actually think he is trying to get "relatively wealthy and educated" turks to come back to turkey
Can someone explain to me why most of the Turks support Erdogan even though he's seen as a dictator?
Turks helped you against the Spanish.Check mate.
He wants to become a dictator who rules with unquestioned power isn't that obvious? I normally wouldn't give a shit except he desires of European clay.
>>He is antagonizing NATO through being rude. He is antagonizing Russia in Syria. What does this man want?
>>He's a DICK, and he's trying to look more important than he actually is.
he doesn't know what he wants... his parents were first cousins...
He's trying to rile up nationalist fervor so that they vote Turkey Yes on his sultan referendum.
He's an imperialist, all he seems capable of doing lately is pushing the cost and blame for everything that happens onto others. He gets the glory, everyone else pays for it.
>R.T. Erdoğan
kek. Erdoğan is our hero
Nice troll
Religious Demagogue.
He is golum with an micky mouse accent
t. cuck kemalist
no he is handsome, total chad and our hero
You know what happend to those who oppose him ? They got killed or arrested.
The whole coup was to remove any opposition in the guverment and any institution. Any public voice agains him was silenced.
Plus some turks actually believe he is the next great leader of their country because he stood up agains USA trying to destroy Turkey.
Little they know that if CIA actually wanted Erdogan gone, he would be gone and nobody would know how it all happend. They woudn't make a theatre out of it .
Plus he align himself with the nationalists who hate kurds and his intervention in Syria was to gain more support from them.
He knew how to play the card islamist always play : I'm agains foreign intervention.
I see, keep on shitposting then.
>implying there is an endgame
Just a dumb T*rk saying whatever crosses his mind and generally being unpleasant
It was in your hands to keep going Attaturks way. The whole western world would have supported you. Everybody benefits from a strong, non islamic shithole Turkey
Caption this.
And think.
They are in love.
They divorce their partners.
They are getting married.
Their wedding planned at the both cities Berlin and İstanbul.
World in shock.
All the world leaders goes to wedding.
Wow it could be historic.
I'm sure that Merkel in love with him and he probably likes her. :)
End game is to attack Israel and get obliterated at Megiddo
Oh please, I have compiled a list of Euro newspapers praising Erdogan and criticising seculars for being autocrats and how they "cant handle democracy" before he revealed his power level.
This guy was forced on us because he promised the US to help with the Iraq war, he didn't even deliver on that. Now we're stuck with it.
Do you think Erdogan wants like Caliphate level islamization, or just a referendum and couldnt care less where the country goes?
Also whats with this thing ive been hearing where he wants oversight or something over the judiciary in your country? I know people have commented that hes trying to get de facto dictatorial power, what did they mean by this?
If that happened, they will worship him as a martyr.
No, his death should be uneventful and he should be forgotten forever.
I doubt he actually, sincerely gives a shit about Islam. He's not even Turkish, he's Georgian. He only wants power. He's manipulating people's religious feelings for political power.
Won't making these kinds of posts get you arrested? Didn't somebody go to jail for shitposting this on Facebook?
Are you in danger now?
how many proxys do you need to survive posting here?
I hope he wins and be a full on dictator.
Sup Forums posts can't be used as evidence in any court because they are Anonymous and temporary, they expire.
The guy who posted that image did so in his personal Twitter account, with his literal Name and Surname on it.
Makes sense. So whats the deal with this new thing hes trying to push to get some sort of unilateral governmental control? Whats the deets if u no
The culture war stuff being taken to its extreme, the way you can always rally your cult by pointing to external threats, the paranoia etc. about Erdogan actually kind of scares me about Trump
And then he attacks Europe and we can nuke Turkey?
Fuk u
He will basically choose who rules the courts, the Parliament will be rendered useless, and he can have his own political party despite having to be a President with no party affiliation.
It's as close to dictatorship as you can get in a Parliamentary Republic.
What's the referendum on, whether it's better to fuck goats or young boys?
The elephant in the room of Middle East politics:
The first Muslim country to crack Muhammad's code will become the de facto capital of a resurrected Islamic caliphate. A destination of many pilgrims. Likely candidates to be able to pull this off are in Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Russia, Syria, among others.
Cracking Muhammad's code will completely upend the Middle East political scene because it completely upends modern day Islam.
Cracking Muhammad's code means you understand Jesus taught how to directly interface with aliens (angels) and Muhammad was another more modern example of what happens to someone after they make contact with those aliens (angels).
What will emerge will be a unified Christian-Islamic alliance and war in that region grinds to a halt.
What's Erdogan doing? Trying to re-dignify Islam on the one hand, on the other he's dealing with the near term need to be exclusionary to atheists and non-believers.
It's a bastardized version of the American system :
> He will choose all the ministers himself without parliament/senate approval. Even the number of them is not specified, so he can appoint anyone he wants.
> He will appoint almost all the judges without parliament approval. Guess who will judge him if he fucks up ? The judges he appointed.
> In theory he can't pass any laws that contradict with the laws parliament passed. However, because he is the leader of the party and there is no pre-election mechanism, all the representatives in the parliament will be the ones he chose as well and no one will dare to challenge him.
Dunno why there're no memes from Terraformars.
It's full of cockroaches action.
Here a based European dealing with a turkroach.
was tsatsiki/cacik invented by kemal atatürk? YES Or YES
Nah. Roaches survive the nuclear explosions.
We need to do this the old way. With a nice "intervention" from all the European countries .
no end game... he's just being a turk
This pic is hilariously accurate
i hope he becomes a full dictator lol
who cares about turks world would be better without turks
Don´t make me jizz!
He won't destroy the country, he'll just make it worse.
>Islamic Turks are better than Secular Turks
Nice logic aussie.
KEK this is next level memery
turks are never good islamic or secular
ya'll the same... roaches
I get you turkbro
Israel wants to sow strife among all of the goyim so they focus on each other instead of (((them)))
I'm tall, /fit/, big dick, smart and funny. Cons: borderline personality, haven't settled on a career yet, white women are cunts, marriage is extremely tough to nail down. People don't want to compromise anymore.
WW3 inc.
how can we trigger him into it?
Europe & USA were openly supporting Erdoğan for the first 10 years or so
A good ole fashoined lynching
Interestin... bra tell me more and shiiiieht.
He is a neo-ottoman. His end-game is a new caliphate.
Erdogan just called us a banana republic.
Fuck off cunt
You are a turk and probably a muzzie so just off yourself
Obama also cockblocked Erdo from entering Kobani helping the kurds.
Not a muzz. You go off yourself greek seed.
With some luck, to get booted from NATO and start a civil war with 10 million roaches dead.
You guys are all the fucking same. I'd take two nukes on where I am at the moment just so the world is rid of roaches
He was supposed to be 'our' guy but betrayed the west at some point when he started jailing half the army and stuff.
he is committing a suicide by cops
with cops being NATO or Russia or Both
>m-muh greek/kurd/armenian etc.
Now let's watch the low impulse nigger work his way through all the ethnicities while trying to articulate a response
Your politicians were too stupid to realize an Islamist can't be a democrat.
They fell for taqiyya and it wasn't even 7D master-taqiyya. All the signs were there, you just ignored them.
turkish front ww3
Mmhhmmm... sounds like just the perfect replacement for Saddam Hussein.
So when can we get tactical?
he is so fuckin stupid, everybody knows you're the cheese country
He also called the 'international community' to sanction you. Denmark, Austria and Switzerland also called off rallies made by turk politicians. The EU vice president also cheered your country for challenging Turkey.
>Hurr durr I'm a self hating piece of shit
Great argument. Kill yourself degenerate
Our undercover agent will take care of Erdogan.
Are there any fresh polls about referendum after this incident?
> Projecting this much
There is nothing in there to suggest that piece of shit
>Ruigì Erdiocane
Funny image as well
Bullshit. It is well documented that the 60s and 80s coup d'etats were orchestrated by the CIA/Operation Gladio. These two events by themselves caused a massive anti-Kemalist backlash.
He doesn't give a shit about getting a caliphate. The day religion hinders his ability to rule, he would start preaching the importance of secularism.
He was supposed to be your guy until he saw that he actually didn't need to play along andthe EU didn't intend to give anything to Turkey except scraps from the table, let alone full membership.
You are right. I would hate myself if I was a subhuman roach
He's garnering support among his followers by acting stronk he wants to be Sultan. He knows America/Nato aren't gonna do shit, Turkey is strategically too important. Russia isn't gonna do shit either, even if they wanted to NATO would stop them.
>not a greek/kurd/armenian/turk
>living in Turkey
Either using a proxy or is a troll. Either way, fuck off.