quit being possessed by right wing ideology
Quit being possessed by right wing ideology
I'm a radical centrist. I'm possessed by knowledge and understanding and doubt.
I'm not. I actually disagree with banning abortion and the global warming denial, even IF global warming was proven false, I'd still want clean energy to be a thing we strive for. I'm also pro-union since I'm in one and I promise you, if we weren't then the company would abuse us big time.
There's a couple more things here and there I disagree with but as long as the left keeps pushing their anti straight, anti white and anti male agenda then I'm not going to vote for them.
This. Being centrist shows you aren't completely brainwashed by both sides and that you can criticize your beliefs, showing you aren't brainwashed.
>Supporting murder
I'm dancing to my own drum beat.
The shills and anti-Trump posters here seem hellbent on doing whatever it is they're doing, though.
But you don't seem *too* bad, I wouldn't even call you a shill. Everyone is entitled to their own way of thought and political beliefs, user. Remember that.
>anti straight, anti white and anti male agenda then I'm not going to vote for them.
Stop paying attention to the worst examples. The right has the same stupid extremist fucks. The left is at very least more economically literate
Most of those "murders" are niggers who would grow up to be murderers themselves you dumbass.
At least the right uses facts and data in their arguments.
gas the kikes race war now
They do? Because historically the right has been anti-racism/sexism/Ect you uneducated fuck.
Radical center = Stormfaging
You are a fuck boi
So does the left. Check your sources. Both sides have reasonable arguments for their viewpoints if you're actually willing to be impartial
On a utilitarian basis it's probably better to kill all niggers but do you want that?
Yea I don't know what that has to do with America post-WWII.
Another radical centrist here. Both left and right should be sent to re-education camps to be honest
Wtf I love centrism now
List ONE(1) factual based argument the left has made in the last 3 years. I'll wait, go ahead.
Nobody ever mentioned anything about WW2 you cuck.
>standing in the center of a conveyor belt
Says the man from one of the most brainwashed socialist countries on Earth
Neo-con "muh free market", "my overseas intervention", "muh fuck the environment", can go to hell.
Paleoconservatism for life.
>I want everything but nothing.
>I don't actually know how to fix anything.
>I don't want to offend anyone
>So i'll stay middle...
Go back to the goat farm with the rest of the centrists.
>allowing an external force to carry you away
who's the cuck now?
>falling for the left-right meme
>falling for the democracy meme
>take this test
>think I'm a radical centrist
>nope, just Hitler
most people here are just nationalist i think.
>nationalism =/= right wing
stop shilling the globalists
Centrism is a womanly archetype.
Oh, boy the radical centrists are flooding Sup Forums again. Better hide in my "I'm top left but not a faggot" bunker
(statist here)
>"I'm top left but not a faggot"
That's an oxymoron.
Most environmentalism is a meme though.
It's not murder if the being doesn't experience human sentience. Hence why killing animals is perfectly fine and legal.
It's only immoral to kill something with an IQ above 70.
statism is kinda closer to fascism than to communism and socialism, I guess. There's state capitalism, and then there's minarchism and some other shit no-one cares about.
Falling for the Evola meme.
What are you possessed by?
A person under anesthesia or sleeping isn't sentient either. Is that murder in your ethical system?
You don't have to be a centrist to understand opposing arguments and theories.
One post by this Id just realised and sage
Statism is ingrained into communism. Fascism is way to achieve a communist state.
>implying Jordan Peterson is not evolving to the upper right of the political compass
>not being a radical centrist
Using extreme political ideology to compensate for a small penis/being a manlet
>Ad hominem: the post
This is where I diverge from Peterson. He has some brilliant insights into psychology and its relationship to politics but this idea that the right need the left is nonsense. Right and left are products of the French revolution. In my view there is only one way in which a society will thrive and grow and that is to adopt natural law as a principle. People are unequal. Society is organically hierarchical. Conflict is inevitable. The left wants to enforce equality. It has to be enforced because it is not natural. It has to be held together through immense societal and political pressure because that is not the nature of man. And when you go against nature, ultimately, it will destroy you.
>Supporting killing innocent humans
> arbitrary definitions of human life.
It's bad because it kills the human. Killing someone isn't bad because it hurts or because the man knows he is being killed. It's bad because it ends the life.
> Oh, they next 80 years on this earth will only get valuable for you once I can no longer deny your humanity. Good thing that I have some more weeks to destroy these 80 years for you.
>claiming to be unbiased then acting like you're the bee's knees
you're so full of yourselves, I mean, jesus christ, haven't you had a single moment of self-reflection in your life?
You're basically liberals with infladed egos. Same cucked shit, same wishy-washy solutions to wishy-washy problems.
>List ONE(1) factual based argument the left has made in the last 3 years. I'll wait, go ahead
Raising taxes while decreasing spending is the only way to push down the national debt
Did I trigger you? lmoa
Based solely on this post, I can see that you're retarded
yes i'm triggered I forgot you were just shitposting
Nazis were socialists!
Nationalism, and Right-Wing politics make countries great!
Left-Wing retards, socialism, communism and marxism destroy them!
Take a look at Germanistan and Swedistan; Euro-shitholes that are never going to recover.
Not even the Right-Wing policies will save those shitholes now - good riddance too; i couldnt think of anything worse than weak allies. As you sow, so shall you reap.
Generally, when you migrate to a country; you wish to be a part of that nation, and culture, to learn about the heritage and the customs; the rats that are seeping into the EU have no desire to assimilate, or contribute to a society in no other way than rape, rape slavery(like those 1400 in England) acid attacks, FGM, and other degenerate shithole practices from the shitholes whence they came.
Or we could just send these socialist to Germanistan or Swedistan if theyre all for completely destroying a countries culture, heritage, customs and traditions; it will be nice to see the demise of German culture and Germany once and for all; bye bye Oktoberfest - atleast they wont have to deal with the declining attendees and rising sex crimes.
>"The only way to make the government rich is to make their citizens poor"
Wow, really made me think