Operation "Coronation" Thread 3

Last thread is reaching limit. Here's the summary:

On International Women's Day artist Kristen Visbal installed the statue seen here, a stronk young girl staring down the Wall St Bull to show how feminism and economics are bad or something.

Unfortunately, Kristen forgot to add the most important piece to the statue, a metal MAGA hat resting atop the little girl's head. But as we all know Sup Forums is the internet love machine, and we're here to help out in whatever way we can. Thus, Operation Coronation has commenced.

What we've learned:

> Statue is bronze, also likely hollow

> Magnets and welding are probably out of the equation.

> Using either some sort of glue (Sika Epoxy) is probably the best option, but due to the cold weather it may dry improperly

> Another option is "brazing" the hat on there

> Whoever is doing it should wear official looking gear and be in a group more than two people strong

> Ideally have another group nearby as lookout for cops

> Technically not illegal since the statue was installed without a permit in the first place

> Anyone who posts their email on pol is definitely law enforcement, so obviously create a throwaway email account and send them pictures of gore and copypastas making fun of the fact that the law enforcement agents assigned to watching Sup Forums are probably the bottom of the barrel and laughed at by all the other law enforcement agents> Statue is bronze, also likely hollow

> Magnets and welding are probably out of the equation.

> Using either some sort of glue (Sika Epoxy/JB Weld) is probably the best option, but due to the cold weather it may dry improperly. Need to figure out what works best in the cold.

> Another option is "brazing" the hat on there

Other urls found in this thread:


If doubles then I myself will print that 69 times at my school's free printer and throw copies all over the ground tomorrow.


We need upskirt photos of statue. Maybe stick a Comet Pizza sticker under her dress and photo it?

reroll numouno 2

Do it anyway
For the glory of Kek

Continued from last thread:

this is a good idea


Nah, lurk moar

OP from the last thread here. Do not wear vests, wear pro-hillary or BLM shirts, if you get caught pretend to break down in tears and say you were trying to frame trump supporters for a hate crime.

Didn't expect to grow a boner itt


If you're not going to print into the quadruple digits and then dump and scatter them in the vicinity of the actual statue then don't bother.

It's these doubles you wanted?

Need to get the shape of the metal hat just right or it will be easy to pry off due to the glue not being over the entire surface.

Bring Thermos bottles of hot wax on a cold night. Pour on the head. Remove the mold and any stray wax.

Carve MAGA hat from a block of wax. Fuse it to the wax scalp mold.

Make plaster negative of wax hat in case you fuck up the next step.

Forge bronze MAGA hat using lost wax process.

Test various glues to find out which one works best with your metals at low temps. Don't use a glue that can be easily removed by chemicals (i.e. acetone dissolves Krazy Glue). Can use metal plates for the test.

Glue a regular MAGA hat on top of the metal one?

Consider a spot weld bead along edge of hat. Maybe use a torch to melt the hat onto the head. Test it with glued sheets of bronze. Depends on metals, glues, logistical constraints, and legalities.

Scuff the statue's head with rough sandpaper right before applying metal glue. Whack with mallet after applying glue.

Use a bunch of anons with hard hats Hi-Vis and scarves. Go there in a common car with a "borrowed" plate or a fake dealer plate- KEK 1488? Pick up and drop off far enough from the city that there won't be surveillance cameras near the dropoff. Split up into getaway cars.

>Pol practicing jewry
but wouldn't we be contradicting ourselves?

Here friend. So you never need to ask again.

I literally work a few block away from the statue.
77 Water Street. I walk to Yips to buy food almost everyday at work. It's 1 block away from the statue.

I know the FiDi area very well. I will help with this mission! Who is in NYC? Who do i contact?



To defeat the jew you must become the jew

you need to get with the program, Belgium

these days we out-merchant the merchants

You tried this in the last thread, fuck off NYPD.

Also, how low on the chain are you that it's your job to watch Sup Forums? Did you have dreams of working on homicide or narcotics, but just couldn't make the cut?

Will this be the next big Sup Forums operation after HWNDU CTF?


Isnt one of you close enough to it to even take measurements

yes inshallah. may allah be with us.

top kek


First thing first we need anons to watch this at night to decide a time.
Work from there.

Cops and their obviousness *baka




Shill detected.

>hello there fellow incorrect politicians


here is the "permit"
If someone can edit it to make it more believable.

Oh shit, we got the Sand God blessing

a cute

Even if she is kill in the end, may she ascend to Sup Forums's pantheon like Tay

What a glorious plan!

Godspeed you magnificent bastards!

What do you think we are the fucking spec ops?
>brb pol just taking 7 different wax moulds and epoxys into my secret underground bronze smeltery/crime lab/glue testing facility.
Ill let you know what to use

Flags for ants?



Ah i tought we.. excuse me, Sup Forums could strike as something better as the kikes themselves, but i'll see how this merchanting rolls out

Its very crowded...

yea it's definitely a night time job.

Only during the day.

check out police radio stations(It's that even a thing anymore?) to see patrol time. check in the camera If there's any stationed patrol cops around

Tonight, or maybe now, someone should go get the measurements of her head

Daytime are normie hours
We come out at night

I'm really starting to like the chains idea.

The spaces under her arms, to chain a metal MAGA on.


This, someone head out and measure that statue tonight

yall need to keep in mind this may be a honeypot by a letter agency.

just keep an eye out.

Nice try but I'm not NYPD or any sort of LE.

My office really is at 77 Water St. and I voted for Trump. Not that it matters in NYC.


Too easy senpai. Trips at least for something like this.

Then go get measurements
Otherwise fuck off NYPD

ah fuck. what we do now. how can they harm one of us.



Someone take screenshots os the user measuring her on link, all for the glory of Kek, of course.

Of course. It's a highly visible place with easy arrestability.

Maybe they're recruiting agents from our ranks?

But on the other hand merely TALKING about it causes liberals to waste their time countering it. It's a win-win.

>77 Water S

Good, then do it yourself, but stop trying to meet up with other anons, because that's exactly what a law enforcement agent would want.

After work go pick up some of , get a MAGA hat, wait until early morning, and go to town.

Mfw newfag and finally a part of pol history

honey pot for what?
gluing an article of clothing on a metal statues?
fuck off shill

Welcome user, and remember, you're here forever

I might be wrong, but I've heard this statue was meant to be for a week only. You need to hurry up. (btw. sorry if I repeat someone, I don't follow this thread)

Quiet down Finnish newfag, you need to learn.

This is a really solid plan! I'm up to do this tonight, I can get all required materials, just meet me down behind the bull statue and we can commence. Praise Keek!!

Rule number 1, you'll get banned for this post.


Fuck off FBI

Stfu zika nigger

Here's how it works here at Sup Forums, officer. usually, an user will post information (i.e, the dimensions of the faggy fucking statues you niggers are protecting) and other anons will VOLUNTARILY act on it. I know that the idea of a voluntary society is a hard concept for a New Yorker to understand.

Im not

Sure, I will go take some pictures tomorrow and measure the head.

I just had a thought.

Any fabricators wanna weigh in on this idea:

Is it possible to crimp or swage the hat on with a hydraulic press? Almost certainly going to need to be a custom jig. Or using air hammers.

Suppose the hat is made of bronze. Embedded within the brim of the hat, are two conical spikes made of hardened steel. Maybe the spikes aren't needed.

Slap hat on, fit the hydraulic press, crimp it on, steel spikes dig into statue's head.

Or maybe two anons can use air hammers like how rivets are made, to drive the hat spikes into the statue.

a flimsy excuse to arrest you is all they need. Doesnt even have to be something serious.

Thanks Patriot Act.

Quit saying that your gonna do it, JUST DO IT. These Ops have to be loose and fluid so no FBI prick can stop it

Moloch, cuckoldry, idolatry, both?

This post is a law enforcement agent.

Moreover, it's a law enforcement agent whose job is to monitor Sup Forums. Which means it's probably one of the fattest, most autistic, worst with women, least intelligent, or all the law enforcement agents.

Or maybe it's not, in which case do it yourself.

I spoke the truth.
It's sexualizing children with an animal, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
I'm not a fucking SJW, but this is a new low, I even got a warning for false report, is that a joke?

We should probably take this to another board where there are more handy people.

/out/ maybe?

Ok, wear a gas mask connected with surgical tubing to a big helium tank just so we know you're serious.

Heads up guys, got a fresh PsyOp directive straight from Central Strategic Meme Command:

You are NOT to refer to the statue as "Fearless Girl". You will only refer to the statue as "Fearless White Girl". By emphasizing the ethnicity we weaken support from browns and the backlash will bring more WF to our side.


I can assure you I'm not FBI, friend! I just think that statue is stupid and would love to have some help bringing it down!

Reiterating idea to use a metal band that is snugly fit when at room temperature so that it shrinks in the cold and clamps on.

Just have to measure and then the rest of the prep work can be done out of sight and out of mind.

yeah lets doe et ! XDDDD

hot glue. Just like Sup Forums does to their waifu figures.

Glad to check Sup Forums today

Good luck anons


fucking fbi normie, reeeeeeeeee!!!


Oh gee friendo thanks a million buckaroonis pal ol' buddy ol' boy.

Seriously why are you on desk duty? Is it because you're terrible in social situations or are you too out of shape to pass the physical tests required to be a real cop?

Dam, take notes children

We are getting aid in this from other boards.

Old and busted. Nobody gives a shit about her anymore.

Hi duderinos! if this my memepost gets 5 upboats meet me at the bull just next to the police car, i'll b waiting ;) xD i'm not any kind of government authority btw

>what is The Pumpkin Pantsu

Go back to BRchan, bolsominion

Does it NEED to be a metal hat?

Why not just glue a regular MAGA hat onto her?

I could literally do this saturday if it's just gluing a regular hat onto the statue.

Also, getting away with this will be very easy. It really won't take very long to just walk up, apply some epoxy, set the hat down firm and walk off. All you need is a few friends to watch your back and distract any security that came by

Dude I am not involved with law enforcement, fuck those guys! I work in the city and I hate this bullshit statue!