Last thread is reaching limit. Here's the summary:
On International Women's Day artist Kristen Visbal installed the statue seen here, a stronk young girl staring down the Wall St Bull to show how feminism and economics are bad or something.
Unfortunately, Kristen forgot to add the most important piece to the statue, a metal MAGA hat resting atop the little girl's head. But as we all know Sup Forums is the internet love machine, and we're here to help out in whatever way we can. Thus, Operation Coronation has commenced.
What we've learned:
> Statue is bronze, also likely hollow
> Magnets and welding are probably out of the equation.
> Using either some sort of glue (Sika Epoxy) is probably the best option, but due to the cold weather it may dry improperly
> Another option is "brazing" the hat on there
> Whoever is doing it should wear official looking gear and be in a group more than two people strong
> Ideally have another group nearby as lookout for cops
> Technically not illegal since the statue was installed without a permit in the first place
> Anyone who posts their email on pol is definitely law enforcement, so obviously create a throwaway email account and send them pictures of gore and copypastas making fun of the fact that the law enforcement agents assigned to watching Sup Forums are probably the bottom of the barrel and laughed at by all the other law enforcement agents> Statue is bronze, also likely hollow
> Magnets and welding are probably out of the equation.
> Using either some sort of glue (Sika Epoxy/JB Weld) is probably the best option, but due to the cold weather it may dry improperly. Need to figure out what works best in the cold.
> Another option is "brazing" the hat on there