Are "Chad Thundercock" an American Thing?

Are there "Chads" in your country?

I can't remember any classm8 who was ripped as fuck or weighted more than 80 kg in muscle. Actually there were no slayers in my school.

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Thundercock isn't a real last name. It was made up by someone on reddit if I remember correctly.

Chad here, the möre degenrate a society becomes te less chads there are

Definitely a thing, but not always as described by americans.

All a chad needs is to be not fat, not totally skinny, and have a well defined face. That alone is also all you need in life to be successful, because people will want to socialize with you for no reason and it will build confidence and whatnot.

I definitely know several chads.

everyone looks like that here

chads are the ones who kept all this beta faggotry in check. chads are a dying breed now look at how soft and faggoty society has become.

We have slayers but they don't look like portrayed in American movies

The ripped as fuck chad stereotype probably comes from athletes in american teenager movies and such.
In reality all you needed was a combo of witts, funny, charming, money.

Of course nobody weighs more than 80 kilos in Mexico. You guys are all 5'5" manlets. 80 kilos would be morbidly obese.

Chads on Sup Forums are basically anyone who didn't spend their tenage weekends sitting in playing TF2 for 18 hours straight and drinking Mountain Dew.

If you ever went to a party, had a group of friends that weren't from the internet and if you touched a tit before you were 20, you're a Chad according to these fucking fat autists.

yes. there are "chads" who are basically niggers and they go around fucking every stacy they lay eyes on so that they can brag to their friends.

take a look at tucker max. an absolute piece of shit frat chad who fucked an unimaginable number of girls for no reason. FOR NO REASON. according to his book they would come to him (knowing who he was from his books and through the internet) and ask to get plowed.

and this guy is real fuckhead. again, according to the book, he had a girl give him a blowjob in front of an xray machine (FOR LOL BRO POINTS) and had to start doing some sort of testosterone therapy.

anyway, yes. these people exist in america. yes they all go to the gym. they listen to hip hop and like to wrestle around, and wear all nike clothing, and carry around their lanyard. and honestly they're decent guys if you get to know them. they're not bright but they are friendly and social. ***they just have a nigger level appreciation for social status***. ie the way to have friends and be cool is to fuck a lot of girls, wear the right clothes (and especially shoes) and have a thriving social media presence.

they're pieces of shit.

There were one or two guys who were ripped up but I personally got more girls than them. Most girls want a guy in decent shape and a good personality. Most those "Chads" are douche bags. Only whores go for them.

I'm a failed normie but I had a lot of Chad friends in school growing up. They're usually pretty good people, usually fucking idiots but they aren't as mean as your average woman.

its more of a cultural thing, we put kids through sports at a young age, football, wrestling, weightlifting,

half of my school took weightlifting classes and wrestling. the rest was either in football or soccer. The only "intellectual" based extra-cirricular activity was student government. and it was mostly women.

It's funny how the equivalent of Chads in Mexico are the Rancher type, with his shit skin, his hat his guitar and his pistol. And Americans Chads here are to Preppy for girls.

Not at all, they are getting stronger actually. People are becoming weaker and weaker and normal confident people will become even more chad in comparison

Son youre dumb as fuck


Nobody has time to be a Chad. Gotta work out like 4 hours a day for that kind of body without steroids, presumably.

Had a couple at my high school but they got fat and lost their hair.

Mexican high schoolers are all emo weebs or divegrass faggots. I thought it would be self explanatory why chaditos don't exist there.

I'd be called a "Chad" by people here. Truth is all kinds of guys get laid. Roided muscular guys, skinny hipster guys, normal looking guys etc. Just have a good face and not act like a tryhard sperg, most guys fail at the second part. Also don't base your self esteem around women and what they think about you, sooner you stop (genuinely) giving a shit the more they will like you. I don't mean act like a try hard dick, but just act natural.

Btw Nip chicks think any muscly macho manly man is gay as fuck and are completely turned off by them.

Nip girls prefer twig like faggoty metrosexual fuckboys who could pass for a 14 year old trendy clothes wearing lesbian. Just look at your average J-pop boy band member or any under 30s Nip movie star.

I dont understand "Chads" (that term is gay, I prefer normie). I have the genetics to be one because I'm 6ft nordic and very handsome in this sea of darkies and nu-cucks and tried being one, but I find this life tiring and hollow. Spending all your time pretending to be friends with people you barely know to appear as cool, and having lots of promiscuous sex with diseased sluts, being someone different in essence to be seen as in. Completely nigger tier. Some men just want a qt3.14fu to have a family with and fight for Fuhrer and homeland.

There was a group of like four in my high school (graduated in 2002). They admitted to doing steroids and spent most of their nights having sex with girls from other cities and doing cocaine. One of them flunked out of college and works in his dad's footwear store as assistant manager. The other went on to become a wall street banker and professional bodybuilder (craig capurso). The only other one that i remember turned out to be gay.

It's like anybody else in high school; their paths are unclear, no matter what you think. I was a fat stoner loser playing D&D with my two friends, now i'm a CIO for a metropolitan hospital who gets drunk and plays D&D with my two friends and my wife.

>all you need to be successful

Go back to r9k you loser

I highly doubt it.

You are concidered a top dog in Russia if you are into boxing or wrestling, but also have an intellectual job and obviously wealth and good character.

People with extremely ripped bods are more of a walking jokes, as it is assumed that they gulp steroids and waste all their time on training without gettin much out of it other than the looks.

Because you're a Mexican. Your men and women are all squatty goblins.

Sup Forums in a nutshell. we have soft Hearts

Yes, see pic related.

There were only two kids in my entire graduating class that would be considered Chads. One of them was literally named Chad

Have you ever pretend fucked your wife in D&D?

All Chads are normies but most normies are not Chad.

never really crossed my mind to do that. because we have real people sex.

i did roll to make her suck my dick once, but failed. just like in real life.


But seriously, does it make me a Chad if I slept with 24 girls in college?

never knew I was a chad, huh thanks user

Chad is someone who has attractive face, works out and can socialise easily. They literally coast through life with very little effort because everything comes easy to them due to their wits and good looks

Chad here, you faggots need more /biz/ & /fit/, but you always need Sup Forums

Easy when everyone is 5'6 short brown and fat.

In the USA (at least back then) it was easier to have Chad's

Depends on where you are in the U.S. but I think in most small white towns like mine there's always a couple of Chads in high school.

We had a football player and a couple of preppy dudes that basically fucked every girl in multiple grades by graduation. Dudes were just handsome as fuck, or word got out they had a huge dick. The latter happened to me fortunately so I managed to hook up with several cute girls in high school despite being a scrawny fuck. (It also helped that I was one of the "cool" stoners that threw lots of parties but I was by no means on the same level as Chad.)

You'd be surprised to find out Mexico has surpassed the USA for obesity

What is a zadrot?

/biz/ is garbage-tier board of LARPing teenagers, a fraction of which do drop shipping. Business is an instinct; you have it or you don't.

This is literally the best a beaner can HOPE to be LOL

>Bear Grylls: How to survive in Japan

I would estimate that Chads account for no more than 15% of the male population in the west. Most of the White chads were killed off in WW1 and WW2

/fit/ is nothing but

> muh manlets when they are shorter than me
> muh lanklets when they are taller than me

Its correct if you change that to not be a total failure

You are still a loser who faps to traps and is socially akward, you gained literally nothing
also /fit/ and /biz/ are garbage

Not really, i guess if you live in the north of mexico

Chad is...
>exceptionally masculine-looking without having that creepy look
>well above average height
>almost always rocking a great beach body
>outgoing and friendly to a fault
>fun to be around
>someone who makes girls feel "secure" in his presence, by their own account
>the guy who people ask for dating advice
>one of the top players on his sports team
>genuinely liked by his parents and siblings, as well as random children and animals
>not particularly fashion-savvy but still able to look good in most things he wears
>able to manipulate attractive women into being his cum dumpsters and just as easily able to break it off with them with no hard feelings
>primarily into sociable activities, often physical in their nature
>someone who very likely doesn't own a desktop computer
>outspoken about things they care about, but largely moderate or liberal in their opinions
>the first person to jump in and help someone in trouble

>i did roll to make her suck my dick once, but failed. just like in real life

I know that feel brother

Come get some, manlets.

You cant become a chad eating tacos every say. Pedro.

That just lowers the chad standard

Chads are able to get girls easily
>"H-hey bby do u want to be wife convert to islam for me?"
>"What? Eww no you're dark, smell like, shit, are a manlet, and have a jew nose"
>"O-ok then. I rape you instead?"

As a burger abroad, I have yet to see a Chad here

its another world over there

I think we are idealists, resisting society when it doesn't fit our image on what it should be. Most normies are hollow shells, some used the vidya game NPC analogy, never going against the current and just mindlessly following the herd.

That's because you're Mexican you worthless spic

Fuck off

Most of the chads in my school had excellent grades, they were usually in the Top 10 in the school aside from this mulatto kid.

>strayan can't tell roos and people apart

Lmao Nords are not handsome. You all look like faggy lesbians, I bet I could snap you in half.

What does it help when you all preach for manlet genocide?

>Das sind doch nur schmierige Kanacken.
These are Turks or Arabs, they will never amount to anything. Most likely just low-life criminals called Shit-Names like Mesut or Aydin. Hardly "Chad" types. They have to be nordic. to match that stereotype.

In Mexico everyone is short, but you're either brown and skinny, or white and fat
For the women it's in reverse, brown and fat, white and skinny

Polo players are the ultimate Chads in Argentina. 10/10 pussy guaranteed for them.

Aren't most Mexicans small and pudgy? I rarely see any athletic or tall spics.

Somewhat, but I'd like to keep my virginity for the right time. I feel disgusted by some of my exes who've tried to make me fuck them over and over, but that's me.
Did you ever find someone to love, or were you just the cock carousal?

I have had female strangers literally approach me. Ukros are turkic slav apes that look like Neanderthals. Shit tier genetics.

No, mostly because sport isn't considered a serious school discipline like in the US, the ones really good at that go in special academies and basically all the school plays football/rugby/whatever.

Howeve if you are tall, good looking, athletic, confident and funny you will be popular but it's not big secret for anyone.
Biggest factor to be popular in a french school is being funny and a rebel.

In my experience Chads are nice people and will help out manlets and dyel if you ask. My high school gym teacher was the pinnacle of Chad. Tall, good facial aesthetics, played football in college, he was really nice and gave good advice. His wife cheated on him with an elementary school teacher and ran off. So you should know that Chad's life isn't perfect.

Me too, this is what happened to me one time.

>Be me in uni year ago
>Out of nowhere my friend brings a girl with him(not his gf),she has a good body but kind 5/10 face
>Me too autistic to start interesting conversation with her so i dont talk to her but with my friends
> As the time goes by she sees me more often in uni and we eventually start talking cause she follows my friend and he follows me
>she gets more and more open to me and beeing playful . Annoying to me
>Anyway FF a little bit
>I come in empty uni room to do my project
>My friend is there and this girl
>Shit, not again shes annoyning
>Me wear a fitting nice tshirt and just cutt all my hair of and look like a badass
>The momen she sees me she opens her mouth,no joke people
>start chasing me and trying to grab my arms and back

Chads are cool and easy going if you are not total loser fedora tier
They make good opportunities if you know and hang with one. Life with chad is never dull.

"Chad"= that society's idea of success, and progress. That's why Chad is a goodlooking, stronk, going to make money. Being fat, or dumb has no play on Chad, Chad just needs to be liked discriminately.

Alpha chad
>high achieving, usually gets into business, sales, medicine, law, sometimes engineering & science
>usually tall and handsome
>plays sport for the physical and social benefits
>non-degenerate sexually, only sleeps with high achieving attractive women

Beta chad
>can be intelligent but mostly stupid and doesn't think or plan for the future
>can be successful due to superior social skills, but prone to falling into low tier careers or even drug and alcohol addiction
>plays sports because it's fun, physically fit, prone to becoming a fat lazy fuck later in life when his metabolism slows down
>degenerate sexually, will sleep with any female of moderate attractiveness
>usually gets a girl pregnant which fucks his life up

>tfw younger brother is a chad and you're a gamma male pleb despite being physically similar

Feels bad

We have the Batka.

Literally translated as big bro.

They are in to roids, fast but cheap second hand cars, tribal/chineese tattoos and cheap girls.

Usually observed in larger concentrations near beaches, resorts, music festivals and sporting events.

Generally listen our brand of degenerate music - chalga.

Not that the proto-batkas do not start to pop up in school years but unlike USA, they are more of a young adult thing.

I live in Wales. A whole country of chads.

Not even exaggerating. In my town alone there's some kind of gym every few hundred yards, you'll see juice heads everywhere and we like beer and rugby and partying.

Dunno if I'm a chad. 6'4" and fucked about 90 girls, in my early 20s. A lot of people should understand that even when you're tall and muscular, girls are still flaky opportunistic sloots.

There were plenty of chads in high school. It was a rite of passage for freshman girls to offer up their pussies to the thundercock.

How much negroid cum have you swallowed today, Lars? Have you reached your maximum allowable quota?

I thought it was bratko or batko?

I remember when we used to say 'that's gay', or 'stop being such a faggot'. ThIs kept men in line, and made sure they became men.

Fuck, I miss baseball...

Yes. Being an athlete is a fundamental requirement for Chad status

95% of Irish Men are some sort of chad.
Being an introvert in this Country is a death sentence.

> I live in Wales. A whole country of chads.
anons not wrong boyo. That or stragly druggies.

There would be more Chads if rugby were our main sport, since it tends to select for brawn and yet I'd bet the average rugby player has an IQ higher than the average footballer.

So our footballers can be weak and bad-mannered lower class cunts, and not very Chad-like.

My conception of Chad is of course brawn, good looks, and a decent background.

Highest concentration of Chads can be found in Southern Europe
I visited the Mediterranean and it is full off partying, good-looking young males that are specialized in breaking off every female tourist

I will show you have I cured my autism.

The detox is real. These are the best on the planet.

Even the stragly druggies get more pussy than Sup Forums though.

> tfw pro rugby in the last twenty years has turned fuckup chads into super turbo chads

Your pic related. Bunch of girls I know watched rugby purely for the look of the guys

They themselves are usually thick but fun

The UK equivalent to Chad basically the same guy except he plays rugby and football instead of handegg and hockey.

American Chads are usually into "xtreme" sports... handegg and hockey are just resume fillers to the idea of Chad.

Yes. Our equivalent are rugby and/or Gaelic football and/or hurling players. You have to be tall, well-built and reasonably intelligent to play those sports.

The much maligned "lad culture" in the UK and Ireland is probably close enough to it too. Some feminists spend their careers bitching about it just like they do about Chads in their fraternities or whatever in the US, so they've gotta be somewhat similar.

I actually like this development
I am not a serious rugby fan, so for me, watching a bunch of massive guys crush into one another is basically better than the tactics in it.

I went to the same sixth form as pic related. Lock position. I'd put him at 120kgs. Monster. I've probably met him at some point, but was too young to remember.

Having said that, one thing stopping rugby players from being Chads is that even if they're pretty to begin with, the lack of head gear means they'll basically look like a boxer after a few years anyway.

Whilst here if you don't play for the county/county minors
You're an absolute loser & dolls don't go anywhere near you

SOOO many things wrong with this

First of all normies are one tier below Chad. Normies wish they could be like Chad, but they can't and neither can you.


IDK how it is in Canada, but I live in the manlet state of California and even here that is not that tall (I'm about 6-6'1).

Chad's aren't just guys that have a bunch of sex, lots of normies do that too. Chad's have lots of sex with different women and still somehow manage to have a "loyal" qt girlfriend that they will eventually marry.

when i was 16 i was at a drunken party . I ended up sucking on the tits of a 14 yo girl, she blew me ad i findered her. I didnt have a condom or id have fucked her. Now i regret it because she may have been 13. And i pretty much ignored het after the party back at school. Anyway. Inwas a baseball player and did track. All my friends were soccer and football players. One friend at that party was 16 and fucked a 14 yo girl. He became a pba rodeo rider... didnt think i was was chad but after seeing the average big titted male loser on here i will take the label. Ps... pussy on saturday is 100times better than video games and mountain dew... get a life losers.

>mfw im a Chad