Race is a social cons.....
Race is a social cons
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*runs confirmation bias.exe*
What is with this not fininshing sentences shit? God you fucks are so unoriginal
LOL shows horrible pictures of gross whites in emotional moments vs made up pro pictures of niggers with OBVIOUS WHITE FEATURES. At least ops pic is somewhat comparable although still bias.
Niggers are so fucking ugly this faggot had to post pictures of quadroons to find ones that didn't look completely like gorillas.
>pregnant gorilla nigger.jpg
Finns are the true master race on this planet
>opposite ends of the earth
>Cherry picking
I shouldn't be surprised anymore. Slide thread
you're like the Edward R Murrow of Sup Forums
What did he mean by ....
>be sami
>eat reindeer balls
Thought she was from Sweden.
Dö din jävel
i love you
>missing teeth is a white feature, somehow
>dirty teeth too
>shitty make up and fake brows too
you made OP pic look like the most unbiased thing ever in comparison
that's a child you pedo scum
True Ugrian friend coming. Lets make Lappland Ugrian again.
Damn why you gotta pose abbo's, see enough of them trying to steal my fuel every morning
The fact your choices for 'black' women in your image are clearly 50%+ White says it all.
>has tits
>is a child
North Americans...
Finland is our uli uli uli bro tier.
Our uralic brothers.
They love their country as we do and they will defence it in anyway.
*Deployed retard payload*
>tfw part sami
Rather herd reindeers than prep bulls Sven.
16 in that picture. 22 today
It's my distant Sami and Finnish ancestry that makes me get up in the morning.
Plural of reindeer is reindeer.
Stop chewing khat, Mohammed.
Sami and Finns are a lot more masculine than Nordcucks
Lapland is whiiiteeee
Sami thicc
So if a 13 year old girl has tits, it's ok to fuck her? That's your fucking logic, europedo
...truct. good Drumpfy retards are learning
Those perfect teeth and genuine smile....
QT as hell too bad Saamis here(including me doesnt look like those)
>what is irony
I'd give anything for a Saami gf.
Are our Sami more unmixed than Swedish ones, I always hear the meme that Norwegians are somehow more mixed with Sami from Swedes.
No abo has ever been attractive. Not a single one. And those black women you're showing are attractive only because they possess that specific combination of features which are exclusive to white people: a narrow nose, straight hair, fairer complexion, medium-sized lips and open, non-Asiatic eyes.
>TL;DR - You just proved that brown folks are ugly
That's just bullshit from swedes, they've always thought of themselves as better than all the other nordics.
Which is why their inevitable downfall from their own naivete is all the more delicious - couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of cunts.
ENOUGH who is that she looks really good.
Me on the left
All Saamis in Sweden are blonde litterally 80% of them.
though maybe due to the heavy Norweginization process(19th century to late 1970's )there are a lot of Norwegians who are actually Sami without even knowing it.
And the more mixed ones(South and Coastal Sami) started identifying as Norwegians, unlike the more remote North Sami who kept most of their culture intact.
Yes it is, see cash me outside girl.
Stealth rare doesn't know perfect teeth
That only applies to american blacks, like american whites because you eat so much disgusting shit that fucks up your DNA.
Seriously this is just Swedes larping
Step up your game Sweden
Literally 10/10.
I'd say 6/10 being fair
Both of your country have the prettiest girls in the world. Stop being retarded. All your girls are 10/10
I just prefer brunettes