No where to run to Nazi fucks! Post neo-nazis getting their ass handed to them!
Neo-nazis getting beat!
Fuck off cunt. Post about politics, not political beatdowns. I intend to keep this board civilized.
Reddit go home.
Good, neo-nazi are degenerates. Real nazi are kind and honest.
>Intends to keep board civilized
>a board where everyone calls each other faggot and talks about beating black people.
Pick one.
At least they fight the shitskins, you're just a cowardly french cuck who won't do anything about it. Not even if Le Pen loses (which will be the final nail in the coffin, fyi).
this little blonde neo-nazi got her pussy torn by superior dick, soon after this photo was made
Racism isn't the same as violence, faggot
didn't he murder her?
this webm is why schools get shot up
If you think killing one or two niggers is useful you are in denial. Not only it increase the gap between bluepilled and redpilled people but it's a waste of goys since we are obviously outnumbered.
We should redpill as many people as we can and wait for the right time to strike once for all.
What he means by this is that Lauren southern had nigger jizz in her stomach approx 30 min after this was taken
And I would pull out my gun, fire a warning shot or two, and assist the person who was beaten up. I would protect the person. What the fuck is wrong with you? I'd only shoot at them if I were in danger myself.
Someone post Spencer getting wrenched
Back off VVD/PVV fag, you wouldn't do shit if a black man was raping you in your ass. You'd be too weak to fight him off. Now shoo shoo.
>xD it's funny because le ebil NAZI got punched!!!!
Political violence is retarded, no exceptions.
These neo-nazis legit beat the shit out of gay people. And the racism in this board is all about beating the shit out of black people, so the fuck you talking about?
they're all good boys, they didn do nuffin
Low. Tier. GOD
Fuck off nigger faggot.
>These neo-nazis legit beat the shit out of gay people.
Why is this bad?
>implying we leave our basements to beat anyone
Normalfags get out.
Racism stems from nothing, there is no reason at all to be racist.
They all deserve to die.
I have been awakened
OP here, okay no more. This shit is making me sick, I expected just a neo-nazi being a bitch and getting punched. Damn that guy got his head torn open!
>someone looking like that has the guts to claim to be a superior race
If you're not working out and keeping your body in a good shape, you're just a fucking subhuman.
He needs some milk
Always wondered where and why this happened? I know they all dindu nuffin and sheeittt, but does anyone have the skinny?
>(((Plastic surgery!)))
You mean stitches?
the blonde girl was a nigger too she just had dyed blonde hair.
probably stole a banana or something.
You uh
You got a bit lost there buddy?
Sage low-quality bait
a sign
I'm all for beating neonazis. Not for their political beliefs, but for being nerdy larping faggots role-playing as a failed version of what they're pretending to be trying to accomplish.
I don't know....I tried pausing the vid, looks pretty pale to me....
Tru, the punks and stormweenies need to be purged
You are literally just France turned 90 degrees
I've seen this get posted a lot. Did the woman die? Never bothered to find out.
Lightskin m8
She's got a ugly flat nigger nose.
no, it means shes getting plastic surgery to hide the scar because shes vain.
even with a wrench shit eating aunt tifa couldnt knock him out, lol.
Reminder that pic related is the inevitable fate of 50% of antifa subhumans.
The other half will get stabbed to death squeal like pigs while drowning in their own blood.
Every single antifa subhuman and commie will get hunted down and killed eventually.
isnt the girl getting dog piled a light skin nigger with a blonde wig?
Neo nazis are degenerate as fuck. They know nothing about National Socialism and don't care for its principles. It just started as a way to push back against non-white prison gangs.
she survived.
She didnt make a sound while getting beaten because she didnt want her kids to be scared and come down.
literally has an ANCOM tattoo.
This one is a classic
Didn't he kill that guy?
Agreed. Either we both die either we kill them so the answer is pretty obvious.
Yep, dude got 2 or so years in jail tho.
Beats Communists...Go fuck yourself
Jesus Christ that looks painful. Fuck happened to him?
I'd sooner fight for a Neonazi than the cucks in this thread.
He was Femens manager (the group that said "Fuck racism, fuck a foreigner!" and attacked priests), he went to Ukraine to recruit more mentally ill prostitutes to join femen and ended up getting his face stomped by 2 guys who were sick of their shit
He decided to become a subhuman communist.
I'm a spic and we hate niggers. SubHuman violent animals.
most of us don't identify with these people so you're not hurting our feelings but I see what you're trying to do
(((Political Scientist!)))
That is one swollen fuck-face.
Three nice digits in a row confirm.
why are leftist girls so beautiful
sometimes it makes me think we're on the wrong side...
Fuck off to reddit
Underrated meme
Fuck off, worthless leftist piece of shit. No matter how hard you signal against Nazi, you're non-white pets will still despise you.
No you wouldn't you god damn autist lmao
You don't fire warning shots. As an American you should know this. You only discharge your weapon if you feel your life is at risk. If you fire a warning shot courts could prove that you didn't think your life was at risk as you didn't move to protect your life. Same with aiming at extremities like arms or legs: you'll be charged as you could be shown to not have feared for your life for taking the time to aim at extremities.
Lets see the video of him getting suckerpunched or 5v1d
Libfags NEVER fight fair. They are coward snakes
Stop posting this ugly pigface
Fucking niggers
the antifa/junkie died 2 weeks later in his own home from cerebral hemorrhage
he was taken to hospital twice and cleared.
Where's my rake?
What's the cartoon on that tv?
How bout no, go kill yourself