Start dating Transgenders.
Start dating Transgenders
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Shes pretty qt desu
I would tb.h
fuck I mean not date though
Riley is an acclaimed author, writer of several fantasy novels, and known scholar who studied creative writing and anthropology.
I'd fuck one if no one would find out.
Would never date though.
Boyinaband with makeup?
No, thats clearly a girl fucking teafag
>Not even passing
That's gay. Actually worse than gay, gay and mentally disturbed.
IT has a penis.
Too bad "she's" a lesbian
Riley is a fucking retard. all hail blaire white
I presume this is day one of his transformation
>start being gay
>implying being gay is a choice
Why don't gays just turn straight then, they'll have fewer problems
>scroll by thread
>start dating teenagers
>wait what?
>look at pic
>reread op
>how about no
>European """"""""""""""""""""males""""""""""""""""""""""
>grows out hair
>keeps male voice
i am le woman now
>faggot's trying to pretend that ugly dude is a legitimate woman
to be honest? Id fuck the tranny
>hi bro do you like the new me tehee~
Being gay is a fetish
maybe when he's in full cosplay and i have at least 2.0 ppm of alcohol inside me
kidnapp and sell to pizza comet
No thanks, I'm satisfied with treating them as mentally ill sexual objects you can pay once in a while for sexual services.
Date? fuck no.
This one could blow me though.
Man larping as a women is a retard.I like this other dude in a skirt though because he shares some of my political beliefs
I'm as straight as you can get, and I hate faggots. My son came out as gay and I told him I didn't want him living under my roof anymore. He moved in with his sister and he's dead to me. But I have no shame in saying that I visit TS escorts and have blown my load many times in their tight asses. I even have a couple of beautiful TS babes who do dom work and they throatfuck me, let me rim their holes and come all over my face. This has nothing to do with being gay. They are women with penises. The penis itself is not male, it's attached to a woman.
A PENIS IS A PIECE OF MEAT. A piece of meat does not affect my sexuality. Do you let someone call you a pervert if your penis touches a pork chop? No. It wouldn't mean you were a porcinesexual.
A penis is flesh. A beautiful lady having a different shape of flesh will not change my sexuality. No matter how many of them I let inside me or how many I beg for their seed. I don't need to be called gay by narrow minded busybodies. How come this concern for policing sexuality only happens to straight men.
For sake of fuck, DO YOU REALLY THINK GEORGE MICHAEL WAS IN HOUSES IN LONDON HAVING SEX WITH LADYBOYS he could afford it but no he was a gay he liked men he would never be with a transgoddess because he realised they were women. Maybe if he would have avoided all gay activity and stayed with traps he would still be with us today, the dirty faggot God rest his soul
>transition male to female
>still attracted to females
Real talk Sup Forums.
If the tranny is passable do you really care?
This things always gives me the herbs cause it kind of looks like me if I lost my marbles and started acting like a girl
I'm cared Sup Forums, am I looking into the future?
>dat adams apple
relax yo
No thanks I'm straight.
Didn't even transition man, he just fucking crossdresses.
go back to /lgbt/ faggot
anzu is a cis female
'2 parts-per-million' you'd be dead Adolf.
>If the tranny is passable do you really care?
I guess it would depend more on how attractive he is without makeup.
fuck trannies and the cotton ceiling
I'd hate fuck her so hard, dude.
why is Sup Forums so fucking obsessed with traps?
sauce? asking for a friend
Daily reminder that trannies are abominations and should be treated accordingly
what more might one expect from a swede
zero alcohol tolerance detected
he has stubble you fucking downer
I raped some transgenders in my early day.
wasn't to bad, treat them like the dirt they are & go on my merry way.
I don't do it anymore but I wanted to experience it all at a very young age.
Because most of them are more feminine than 90% of modern women?
No I don't care. It's a dude, I'm not gay, his appearance is irrelevant.
Blaire is amusing because she goes against everything that libtards expect from a tranny today. He's still mentally ill tho.
>fucking THIS is gay
Literally what?
Unless you're Mike Pence fuck off.
That was literally the gayest thing I've ever read. You fuck guys in the butt, lick ass and let them blow a load on your face and you think you are straight? Fuck off man.
I wish this was real. Good try though.
Because Sup Forums is mostly comprised of jaded dejected men who have no illusions that women are worth the effort.
But people get horny and people get lonely.
is that a fucking horse?
serious question: are trannies a common sight in your country? I've never personally seen a single tranny, and I live in one of the bigger cities in Poland.
If you think fucking someone with a Y chromosome isn't gay you are almost as brain damaged as the tranny whose load you swallow.
Probably a chink
>1 post by this id
Report the bot, stop replying you dumb faggots.
why do you think it is called homoSEXual and not homo-appearance-ual
at least we can agree on one thing, beady-eyed anglo
You're retarded bots were making snapchat nudes threads
I suspect this too, a bunch of closet homos who pick a more "acceptable" alternative.
I've been lonely and horny, still never felt the urge to fuck a man. And as wretched as modern woman are, I'm not sticking it in a surgically altered freak.
Fuck man, just fap to porn or get a whore, why sink this low?
Sausage eating boche
no, I wouldn't. but a real actually passable trap is like a hay in a needle stack. expect to get pricked before finding what's right
>having anal sex with this
>look down
>cock flopping around dripping precum
And you don't think that would be gay?
Dennis isn't even trans. He's probably just LARPing as trans to get that SJW pussy.
It's not gay so long as the cock is smaller than yours.
>If the tranny is passable
Don't click that link nigga
You'll regret it
>If the tranny is passable do you really care?
can't even tell the difference
I'm a fag. I'm fine with that.
that adam's apple...
I want to cum in her boipussy.
We are talking about fucking now. It must be dry as fuck.
Stop being a Faggot.
Well, Sup Forums?
>traps aren't passable, they said
>i'd never fuck a trap, they said
Mike Pence was wrong.
they all guys ffs it's obvious as fuck, you aren't fooling anyone
t. recovering trap addict
reddit copypasta
now THERE'S a pretty lady, classic good looks
who 8 all the qt 3.14s?