What happens in this country?

What happens in this country?

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Walls get built

Reverse Trianon now


fuck off we're full

Hungary will be a superpower in the next 20 years.

Hungary is a shithole full of gypsies

Well that didn't take long.




I went there once. They have very nice castles and monasteries. Climate is also just right.

Here we go again...


>What happens in this country?

Hot girls and a Mudslimes not welcome sign

Sounds alright tbhfamb

>hot girls


good stuff

I aways respected hungarians.
They are a somewhat unique people here in europe and not afraid to do their thing independently of EU mandate

>What happens in this country?

White ethnostate.

Are Hungary and Austria still friends?

I would say our relations are "ok". But Austria has a left wing chancellor so it's a bit strained at times.

fuck off jew

ur not white Atilla, u came from the steppes

Hungary is actually really nice, I thought it'd be an ex-Soviet shithole but it's much nicer than Poland in that fashion

If the language was easier to learn I might move there after the UK dies

I thought you guys still loved each other

come home, hungary man

Moldova taci, tu esti sora mai mica si retardata a Romaniei

good food and whores

Go back to MONGOLIA, you fucking HUNS!!

Relations are fairly neutral

>independently of EU mandate
It's Germany's fault the EU mandate is CRAP!

Fences being built and people riding horses chasing cultural enrichment

It`s a magical place

Make Transylvania hungarian again.

>be Romania
>backwater where empires go to die
>kebab imports cartwheelers from India
>population replaced by gyppos
>suddenly jealous of Hungarian success


A government thats highly corrupt but is so based in it's anti-muslim stance that it makes up for it.
t. friend that lives there whom I'm trying to help into the US

Slavic people eating spaghetti and meatballs




Romania is the world's AKM factory. As far as I know that's the entire reason that country exists now, so the rest of the world can enjoy AKM rifles.

They eat spicy food and have great women.


reminder, you will never date a hungarian chick

Being caught between bitter and hostile states for all of our history.

Now Western Europe wants to fuck us over with mudshits after stealing what little economy we had. If shit goes down in Europe it's gonna start here because we are backed into a fucking corner. We have no choice but to fight the commies and kikes head-on.

It'll be great but we'll probably get nuked by Israel or Macron led France in the name of "diversity".

At least we'll die white.

P.S.: We love you Poland, sorry about the EU election shit. But If I recall correctly Tusk's competitor stepped back. So it was either him or some other random kike. Please don't be so upset.


t*rk invasions

horse archers

I am not my country
in fact I don't like the EU
so complain elsewhere

> corrupt goverment
> increasing anti-islam sentiment

Who does that remind me of....

We're actually okay.
But the only thing you're known here for is really skilled gardening.
Also, why did you let the Chinese conquer Burghas? It went to shit man.

I always feel the romanians are always butthurt about the hungarians but the hungarians don't give a fuck about romania

I hate Bulgaria now!
You slavs better go back to Mother Russia.

>used to have really good football players but now not so anymore
>weird language

t. friend sounds like a kike, given that the current government got elected because it was actually less corrupt than previous goverment. Still not too good, but any fuckhead who complains specifically about corruption is some stupid asshole or kike. Probably both.

Checked, and those things are tasty as fuck

Its the opposite

Here, have some (You)-s for the hard try

You should visit the threads about Romania more.

hungarians arent Aryans, they come from Asia like gypsies

Almost no niggers and sandpeople. Even Budapest and other big cities are mostly white. There are some gypos and romanians around tho.

t. Hungatian who's going back soon

stay there traitor man

Daily remider that hungayrians arent white

Try and stop me

Make Pannonia romanian again
>btw Sup Forums is for white nationalists, no niggers allowed

says blacked: the country

challenge accepted


can he do it?

and can you?

Hungary is a shithole full of gypsies

romanian street gypsy from a stolen iphone reporting in.

>conquer Burghas
it was not our fault acutally

I've met few hungarians , totally cool dudes.

You hate us since forever , anyway...

ok magyars it was fun but seriously you have to go back to your home we are sick of you

Reminder that Romanians were exiled from the land of the designated shitting streets.
Hungarians are bros.

Reminder that Spaniards were civilized by Moors.
Literally by niggers



Romanians are descendants of roman warriors were stationating in Dacia. Gypsies have come later.

Moors were anyone who followed islam. No civilization considered niggers as human. Northern Africans are mediterranean.

>fairy tales are real now
bitch please we are schythian huns who are from the mag system then

Fried bread with sour cream and cheese on it.

Ate 3 of them at the castle, fucking lovely.

>the mag system

Hungarians were part of the Proto-Finnic Khaganate and migrated westwards after the Finno-Korean Hyper War to escape Jackie Chan's wrath

Before that my dude we were actually travelling across worlds because in 1000000000000000000 bc there were bridges that connected them so we pretty much KHANATED space too


>tfw when the chances of a finno ugric united khanate have been low and will be in your lifetime
why even live?

Massive paprikash spills

It's one of the easiest languages to learn, it just has very steep learning curve.

I have to go there for work for a few weeks this year. Is it even worth learning some Magyar to be polite? Or will it just infuriate the locals

>It's one of the easiest languages to learn
Says who..?

>A native Hungarian speaker
oh nevermind

It's logical, the only real difficulty is the vocabulary.

And pronunciation

and grammar

Lots of DOTA players from that place.

It is mostly written as it sounds, so as long as you know either you know both, and its not like we have so many different sounds than latin languages.

Copious amounts of hardcore pornography gets made.

Ferenc you are full of shit

>no genders
>only 3 tenses: past, present, future
>written as it sounds
>few exceptions

You can learn it from wikipedia even.

No genders is what makes it hard. Not even kidding. In polish everything, literally everything has got a gender. I don't know how to use english it the correct way, because natural for me is to call "a spoon" as she and "a fork" as he.

easiest language

Lots of anime!

How is that a problem, it's not like you can mess it up. Everything is just 'ő', for people or 'az/ez' for things.

No one actually speaks like that.

>No one actually speaks like that.
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