How is this allowed in American schools?
How is this allowed in American schools?
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They're dominated by leftists and left-leaning Teachers' Unions. It's that simple.
I had to write some essay about how great blacks are or some shit in school once (or about the evils of whites during apartheid), I cant remember exactly what it was, but my mom freaked out, called the teacher and ranted for about an hour, at the end I didnt have to do it.
your country isn't even trying anymore. stop pretending anyone adheres to this ideal of free speech and neutrality. Your country is fully on the leftist bandwagon and it won't change
Trump speaks at a 3rd grade level to reach as many people as possible. Yet somehow leftists are still unable to understand a single word he says. Hmm...
What's the problem?
Trump objectively insults many people, and the American people don't respect him... that's a fact. And Obama really was the first African American president, so what's the problem?? You faggots have gotten to the point that even when someone points out facts about your gay emperor, you complain about it, claiming that it's a "political view". When it's not. What's next? Is the sky being blue a political view?
Conservatives have turned every single thing into a political view, simply so they don't have to admit that maybe they were conned. It would be much easier to admit reality, but somehow you faggots are so cowardly that even that is too much for you. You are all killing your country, not fixing it. You should all kill yourselves, you useless cocksuckers.
>on them
Hopefully the teacher teaches correct grammar on them, their dad sure wont
Anything that goes into these idiots heads is instantly warped by the false realities they shroud themselves in.
wtf that's not the image I posted.
In 5th grade i got in trouble for yawning because the Teacher thought i was being offensive and this was like 2002. I can't imagine school now.
Adults with bad handwriting is so degenerate.
>ask teacher if you can use the bathroom?
>"I don't know, CAN you?"
>"may I use the bathroom"
I wish I could murder those cuck bastards I had to deal with
Jesus christ. Let's teach our children to be victims and make sure that they carry our chosen traumas around with them.
I didn't know the Commy Manifesto had printouts in the back
The last question is a lie. I'm still waiting for my black president. Obama is HALF black. Fucking half-milk fucker trying to act like he's full on black.
I remember in english or social studies class they tried to make me debate for something I didn't really give a shit about. Can't remember what it was, but I basically refused to do it.
Didn't even have to check the flag
It's not. One complaint to the principal would have the teacher getting his or her ass chewed out immediately if it were a public school.
Fuck you for yawning you disrespectful twat. No one wants to be there any more than you do
If you're not just being a typical leaf troll and actually think this is fine, then you're a fucking retard. This is blatant political indoctrination, and I can't believe that it's allowed. And it has nothing to do with "Trump worship-" I didn't even vote for him, and if the statements were pro-Trump & anti-Obama I would find this equally as offensive. Brainwashing our children is unacceptable
>Conservatives have turned every single thing into a political view
you actually believe this, don't you?
Ontario schools teach kids to give blowjobs in grade 6.
That's nothing. Did you pay attention to the history lessons on the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement?
>no 6 gorillion
Fake text
also in about 5th grade I got yelled at for making funny faces when I had something in my eye.
also I got sent to the principle because me and 2 other buys discussed which girl would such whose dick.
>gay emperor
only in my dreams, user
Why does that adult have such retarded writing and uneven circle drawing abilities
>spews bullshit
>gets called out on bullshit
The only promise I have is that you will hang right next to Trudeau.
I'm surprised your teacher didn't get a gang of apes to kill you and your whole family after that
To be fair, I wouldn't trust a principal to actually pass this complaint onto the teacher, they tend to be bluepill shills too
Suggesting how the President ought to speak is a statement of fact? No, faggot, that is a political opinion. Try harder, leaf
>says the guy who wants to legislate child penises and 2yr old girl vaginas
>says the guy who wants to force pastors at gunpoint to marry gays
>says the guy who wholeheartedly believes that me sexually identifying as a lobster makes me one and I should be given all the rights and privileges of one
Wew lad, snippity snappity, gimme your willie, you bigot, so I can snippity snappity
Weird, it's almost like white people are the majority of the population, you don't watch BET and chick flicks, or bank and shop in ghetto neighborhoods.
>teenage boys are now disciplined for having sexual fantasies
This timeline, mang
Adults with poor grammar are retarded as fuck
Collapse of America when?
Brb, mixing up my powdered bleach solution with Dew for a refreshing new take on life
>trump is a meanie
>dis is fakt
>Obama is gawd king and it was HER TURN dis is fakt 2
Are these "just facts" too?
I know exactly what textbook that is from, its from an Ap world history textbook from the final chapter, which is meant to be about the world after world war 2s, cultural and economic side. Furthermore, no teachers I know actually teach that chapter, and usually stop at the world war 2 chapter, because that chapter isnt even on the AP test. tl;dr its something taken out of context from a unused chapter
18 y/o senior reporting in
>be 8th grade, middle school
>hardass liberal history teacher
>if you asked her to eat dirt that blacks pissed on she'd happily agree
>always spouted passive aggressive insults about politics and current issues
>at one time, she started talking about the wage gap
>said something like "i get paid less than (male teacher name) even though I do the same work"
>sperg in the classroom, this guy who was obsessed with cartoons and clearly had something socially wrong with him, pipes up
>"You know the wage gap doesn't exist right"
>he and the teacher engages in an allout war
>a war to stop the wage gap
>i join in
>"are you sure you get paid less, or are you just saying that?"
>"do you know how that's calculated?"
>"have you heard of simpson's paradox?"
>the 70 cent jew strikes back, it becomes world fucking war 2
>literally takes up about 5-10 minutes of class time
>months later
>final quarter
>class is watching some sort of documentary
>we have to get our parent's permission before watching it because it's super scary :((((((
>hand the teacher the slip
>"oh no user, you're not going to watch the documentary"
>"your mother didn't sign this correctly"
>"do it again"
>slip is literally the same as everyone else's
>signed perfectly
>bring in a new slip the next day, making sure everything is perfectly signed
>"this isn't correct"
>"i'm sorry user, you're going to have to do an alternative assignment"
>everybody else is watching the documentary while I'm sitting in the teacher break room with some sperg (not the same one as before)
>mfw i have to sit here for the next three days with this guy and 3-page summarize the documentary I'm not allowed to watch
Damn white supremacist band aids always making microaggressions.
top kek
fucking women m8, really passive fucking aggressive 24/7
Fails to mention how Reagan brought down interest rates as well. If it weren't for him my parents wouldn't have been able to buy their first house.
the shittyest part is that the teacher was told of it by another boy in the class who heard us. a girl I can kind of get, or if the teacher herself heard us, but a guy going to the teacher because other boys are talking about girls?
probably gay
Oh most teachers don't use it so that makes it OK to have in there? Of all the changes in culture and economics between WW2 and today Silent Spring and the Law of the Sea Convention merit mentioning? The global economic crisis of 2008 is in but the others are out? The fall of the Soviet Union is completely ignored?
That one picture is an indication that the rest of the book is garbage.
Not if it includes other men, goy
Nice projection, shit stain.
Sounds like you know that your declining "nation" is in free fall and it flares your impotent rage seeing that America won't be taking that route.
Stay mad goat fucker.
it isn't
if you see something like that and bitch to the administration, they'll discipline the teacher or at least tell them not to do it again
schools are quite sensitive to upset parents
The fall of the union is its own chapter. Just because I said world war 2 was the final chapter that teachers taught, doesnt mean that there are chapters that are chronologically ahead, but behind chapter wise. Chapters 16 and 17 are the rise and fall of communism/the soviet union in general
>White British
>Yes (British history)
>All of them did
>I am part of the ethnic majority of this country and it's statistically obvious I will see more people who look like me than I will see minorities. Deal with it.
>Can you find a band-aid that matches your skin color?
Nigger I just want the shit that keeps me alive to STAY IN MY FUCKING BODY. God damn.
I was researching online about powerful women in history, since the current meme is women were in shackles until the Jews set them free in the 60's, and I know even one of my female ancestors ran a bank about 100 years ago.
The website I found was just like this image: no bank presidents, no doctors or statesmen, just 90% activists, plus a few scientists no one can ignore. These SJWs have infested everything.
How is this allowed in Japanese schools?
You should have had the balls to take it to the administration.
And let them know she accused them of Sexism for paying her less than a male teacher and discussing his/her pay with students.
She'd have been the one out of class for several days.
Paid of course because teachers unions protect worthless old cunts. But still.
>multiple statements stating that presidents' laws are fair
>last statement literally states that individuals' wants are less important than well-being of the nation
I'm not saying I disagree with the last statement, but holy fuck if that isn't indoctrination.
your mum sounds awesome
I bet it isn't any different here
Wish I did. But there's never a shortage of them, so hopefully someone does.
>I don't know, CAN you?
>Sounds like you know that your declining "nation" is in free fall
of course, thanks to your country since you came here and implemented your shitty ideas on a defeated country
in any case projection, of all things, it was not.
if there is a place on this earth even more leftist than europe it would be your country
I had to take a class that brought that subject up of bandaid color. I never thought about it before and for a minute I thought maybe it was because certain races bought bandaids more than others. But recently I tried a bandaid on and realized it matches no ones skin color and sticks out like sore thumb.
"bu- but trump is right"
I'd like to beat up those retards
Lots of teachers get off on one-upping their students. It especially amuses me when college professors feel good about themselves after debating their students - who are basically still teenagers.
>Raise your hand for 10 minutes
>Teacher moves on without calling on you
Every time
Just once I wish I had the balls to piss on their desk after that.
There is also the fact that a dark band-aid would fail to alarm the wearer if the wound was still bleeding.
>Your country is fully on the leftist bandwagon and it won't change
>implying Hillary is president
The chart is titled "A Map of Time", which you said is concerning the cultural and economic side of the world post WW2. Do you think the entries on that chart are a good representation of the topic? Again, just by looking at that chart alone, I can tell the rest of the book is garbage.
>no mention of civil rights movement
>no hippies or counterculture
>no EU
>no breakup of Yugoslavia
>but make sure Friedan gets an entry
Let me guess, there are at least 2 chapters about muh 9 gorillion
Well the fed funds rate was 0 for most of obamas presidency so i dont think thats a favorable comparison for reagan
They take it more seriously when a parent shows up before class and drags the teacher by her hair into the office.
The issue is they mentioned a bad thing about one party, and a good about the other. If it was one for one it would have been fine. The clear bias is the issue.
>you should feel bad about being white in a white country
Fucking hell m8.
>implying you know what a yawn is
>implying you can eaisly control it.
>ask teacher if you can use the bathroom?
>"I don't know, CAN you?"
>audible sigh "may I use the bathroom?"
>"Fuck You"
went to the principals office after a stop in the bathroom, he told me not to waste his time with this bullshit :->
Tldr lol. Keep on projecting you bitchy little whiner.
Reading some titles from a textbook I used to have for English (these are all chapters/whole sections of the book):
Finding Common Ground
The Struggle for Freedom
The Bonds Between Us
Those are out of 6 sections of the book
>Conservatives have turned every single thing into a political view,
this is actually a good activity in disguise, it attacks the "omniwhite" idea.
White children will answer with their individual races, not "white," german, etc.
Blacks will answer black.
That is what develops retards like this.
I have shit-tier handwriting. Do you know why? I'm not, nor ever have been an extremely poorfag so I can afford a computer. There is not a single important thing that I do not type up.
That and my hands involuntarily shake. But that's a side note.
You go to school in central California?
>class is watching some sort of documentary
Was this actually pic related?
i can't go a single day without having murder fantasies about jumping the leaf border and slaughtering canadians en masse
day of the rake soon.
>"oh no user, you're not going to watch the documentary"