What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
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kike who proposed his theories only to stunt mankinds race for FTL travel to distant planets
>I'm an insufferable Jew please rape my face.
Nationalism and racism go hand on hand. Pic related explains why having pride in your race is stupid and it can be applied to nations as well.
He meant that he was a kike and a communist.
that he is a level 30 jew
He stealed everything he did, that's so jew of him. He was just a 40s version of Hawkins, just a living meme.
Oh look it's another Jew trying to tell white Gentiles not to stick up for themselves.
>Mix together into one homogenous global race under the command of one world government, it'll be fun
Nah, nationalism is simply pride of your nation. Nation's can be ethnically diverse but culturally coherent and united, the only time there are problems is when too many foreign immigrants come at once in a short timespan
Einstein want really much of a polymath outside of physics. Bohr or Oppenheimer just as a couple examples were contemporaries whose opinion on social matters I would give more credence. They didn't get turned into memes tho so nobody gives a fuck what they had to say.
he meant that he was a great scientist who didn't know shit about politics
People like you keep racism alive & fully functional in everyday society.
What's it like to be the cause of racism? I mean you must feel like you have some power, perhaps it's addicting?
I have little respect for einsteins political views he was mosly ignorant on the central issues of his time
a kike being a kike.
he meant that he's a jew who's ok with nationalism and racialism as long as it's for jews. But against it for goys.
>What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
He means that nationalism is stupid and that people should worry group togheter based on their race, not their nationality.
He is talking about ww2 and how several white nations were killing each other when they could be focusing on dealing with the lesser races.
Better to catch the measles than cancer(communism), or (((AIDS))).
or was he ?
(Olinto De Pretto, an industrialist from Vicenza, published the equation E=mc2 in a scientific magazine, Atte, in 1903)
Says the jew
He was talking about WW1 and WW2.
Jews hate the idea of systems that topple them. They can't stand the concept that maybe the world has prospered without there money grabbing and intervention. A Jew will never have a home, he has multiple summer homes and mansions, but he will never truly have a home. Take away his persona and you see that they are just neurotic gypsies tainting the water.
His theory of relativity was recently disproven by a Dutch guy
>"nationality = race"
What's that hyphen for?
And that's why Mussolini was a total failure in everything he and his nation did during WWII.
Most of the scientists I know hate politics and want to stay away from it. In their view, there shouldn't be politicians at all - a very Marxist view, even thou they might not be aware of it. Besides, we don't really know if Einstein really said these things. For all we know, he was very busy with physics and he's respect for that, nothing else.
we should all listen to Albert Einstein because clearly he's the pope of all. Yes, he was a brilliant man in his own FIELD of what he studied in, but he was a theoretical-physicist, not a politician. This is the same fucking man who thought it would be a good idea to have the UN control nuclear weapons of each country.
He never said that. The amount of bullshit attributed to him is insane.
Me and him graduate from the same Alma Mater. he never said that nonsense
i doubt AE would support europe turning into africa
Jews have always been averse to nationalism because they have never had a rightful nation of their own.
If anyone was a failure it was Hitler, Hitler was the worst thing that could have happened for nationalism
A global government would be cool, you just have to cure all the self-sabotaging problems the various cultures of the world have first.
If we ever expand into a interplanetary species, I can't see the issues individual countries have being really relevant anymore.
>Sup Forumstard falling for a fake quote
Sup Forums is the facebook of Sup Forums
Pretty sure I'm not going to be convinced by his arguments for socialism either merely because they were from Einstein.
Also, (((Einstein))).
Einstein was more of a philosopher than a physicist. That said please read OPs picture is a complete lie
>Nation's can be ethnically diverse but culturally coherent and united
That mix never worked in history
He meant the blind zealotry people commit themselves to in the name of nationalism. The irrational antagonization of other nations and blindness to domestic issues. See football hooligans or skinheads.
That tribalistic irrational version of nationalism is pretty stupid. However, I think he didn't consider the idea of rational nationalism. Which is the belief in protecting the good aspects of ones culture. The nation is the organization which enshrines and protects the values and way of life that we find worthy of preservation.
Looked at this way, one doesn't "take pride" in things one has been handed and had no part in producing, but rather one is humbled by the values, way of life, and culture that has been entrusted to you.
We should defend western civilization not because it is the tribe we just so happened to belong to, but because it has produced the greatest art, the greatest standard of living, the best technology, the lowest crime rates and greatest wealth that has been the envy of the world for over 100 years.
That is the rational nationalism that is needed. Not this hooligan skinhead bullshit which gives nationalism a bad name.
>natar = birth
Your nation is your race. Kind of like patriotism and pater (father).
He wouldn't have been had he not been hindered by every rescue mission he had to provide for the Italians.
He meant that he is Jewish
Is this the same Einstein that was offered the chance to be the second President of Israel and only turned it down because he was on the verge of death?
The same Einstein who was a zionist before zionism was mainstream?
That Einstein?
So Israeli nationalism = good. Everyone else = bad.
How can Israel supporting jews keep up this cognitive dissonance?
"I'm a competent yet overrated theorist who "borrowed" much of my work without crediting those who actually made many of my discoveries possible."
C'est "stole" si c'est dans le passé.
The theory of general relativity was absolutely one of the most important advances in our understanding of the universe. Without his explanation of gravity, we'd still be using straight-up Newtonian physics.
No matter how genius he was in physics, he was still pretty autistic and his understanding of sociology was clearly pretty laughable.
I think it's important to make a distinction between patriotism and nationalism.
He credited every scientist whose shoulders he stood on. Anglo kike needs to fuck off and stop slandering superior swiss scientists
He meant to say you are highly unintelligent retard by posting stupid Einstein baby level trolling memes.
>muh Einstein
>le E=2 something
kike blood always shows
You can't say this about him because EVERY scientist does this. There hasn't been a scientist dating back to Gauss who didn't do this.
He meant that nationalism is bad for white goys and good for non-whites
A jew/cuck has never criticized a non-white nationalist movement, ever
Always kikes.
Nope he did not.
He was as much swiss as I am.
Swing and a miss.
That one jew did more for mankind than thirty generations of you worthless self-styled "ubermensch",
He meant to btfo Sup Forums
It means that Jews can't infiltrate and subvert nationalistic countries.
>Frog faggot trying to take credit for other countries efforts
Color me surprised
He meant "I have never met a pack of africans in my life"
He was thinking Nazis when he said that. There is nothing wrong with nationalism
Men was an international superstar.
He traveled everywhere, he's words will always have weight, because he gave us hints about things that even today we can't reach.
He ain't dumb cause he's a meme.
>A kike defending globalism
Oy vey
Le epic "if I'm smart all niggers must be smart" meme
>We should defend western civilization not because it is the tribe we just so happened to belong to, but because it has produced the greatest art, the greatest standard of living, the best technology, the lowest crime rates and greatest wealth
>That is the rational nationalism that is needed. Not this hooligan skinhead bullshit which gives nationalism a bad name.
Wrong on all accounts. Europe only bloomed due to internationalism and expansive enterprise.
Literally multinational corporations made Europe great, nationalism is a great hindrance. A juvenile disease indeed.
t. ethnocentric, Germanic hating Jew
He didn't want an Israeli state.
>I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from the practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power
What were they advertising originally? I bet it was some of dem programs.
>my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders
Read again
>my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism
He was redpilled and knew a Jewish state (Israel) was a bad thing.
And he rejected quantum mechanics completely.
And just because he was good at physics doesn't mean we should take everything else he ever said as the truth
>wrong on all accounts
>provides no counter argument
It bottles the mind...
Jews are parasites.
"Take a look at these guys! Those lice-infested beards! The dirty protruding ears..."
Take a look at these creatures!" screams Fritz. "Those sinister Jewish noses! Those lice-infested beards! Those dirty protruding ears! Those crooked legs! Those flat feet! That dirty, greasy clothing! Look at how they move their hands! How they haggle! And these are supposed to be humans?"
"And what type of human?" opines Karl.
"They are criminals of the worst sort." He describes their mercantile trade and how they, once they have accumulated enough money; rid themselves of their dirty clothing, cut off their beards, delouse themselves, put on fine clothes and pretend they weren't Jews.
"In Germany they speak German and pretend as if they were Germans. In France they speak French and pretend as if they were Frenchmen. In Italy they want to be Italians, in Holland they want to be Dutch, in America they want to be American and so on. This is how they spread around the world."
Fritz laughed about this and said that nonetheless a Jew can always be exposed as one.
Karl nods: "Of course, you can recognize them if you use your eyes. However, sadly there are still those who fall for the Jewish swindle."
Fritz answers: "Not me! I know the Jews! I even know a poem about them":
Once upon a time they came from East,
Dirty, lice-infested with empty pockets!
But after a few years
They had made it!
Now they wear fine clothes
And want no longer to be Jews
So keep your eyes wide open and remember it well:
Once a Jew - always a Jew!
He died before the rise of modern Islamism and Jihadism. Which coincidentally, is the reason we can't have the type of global society liberals dream of. If you really want that type of society, why don't you deal the real problem? The sad truth is that we still need nationalism and culturalism to defend ourselves against injustice systems that seek domination and deny individual freedom.
>extremely mixed
>most powerful country of all time
The cognitive dissonance is strong in you.
the wandering jew, would not understand, that national borders are equivalent to areas of thought, in the individual mind. Einstein is essentially saying, that there is one answer to all equations. Many nations and cultures are a bulwark against the inbreeding of human thought.
>Taking an autistic jew serious
Implying that atomic theory began in Einsteins mind. How much more wrong could you be. Implying that one area of advancement in the development of civilization trumps another. Wrong again. The ability to bond ceramic material to steel has touched more peoples lives, than atomic theory ever has, for instants.
He was a socialist which isn't bad, but he was a german jew helping fight against Germany. Of course he thinks that, nationalism itself isn't bad, Nazis were just one instance of nationalism. He was a triggered jew
I'm Jewish
>Men was an international superstar. He traveled everywhere
Really? When in his life did he meet a pack of africans?
>Be burger
>Doesn't understand argumentation
Einstein wasn't always right faggot, he was just another autist.
This was during the time when he needed help from his colleagues but war broke out and he couldn't communicate with people now in opposite sides of the war. Einstein was only thinking about HIS Science and nothing else (Kinda selfish)
>first year pre-med
To be fair, he never would have made it through anyway.
I know as a fact that he was on spain.
You do realize he was subversive kike as well
That's fine. There are more than enough white doctors. I don't need to be treated by a nigger.
sage. This is pretty shitty bait
He's a Jew and German (who barely even qualify as a country) to boot. What else do you expect?
(((he))) was keeping the shoah going!!
Implying that great explorers, and colonists, did not proceed forth in the name of God and country. Implying that great economies were not built in the name of nationalist pride. Implying that competition between nations didn't lead adventurous men to risk hypothermia, and even death to get to an uninhabitable continent of frozen, wind swept rock, at the ends of the Earth. You are delusional, indeed.
Fake and gay
>A Jew who had to flee Europe criticized nationalism
He meant:
>Blood and soil (israel) for me,
nation of immigrants for thee
liberals still dont understand that niggers =/= blacks.