Can he win? Is he going to Make The Netherlands Great Again?

Can he win? Is he going to Make The Netherlands Great Again?

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Yes. His numbers are already improving and he is on his way of becoming the most popular party. Especially with this filthy roach chimpout problem were dealing with.

Fuck yes.

The left will burn.

You tell me.

I really wish he wouldn't sport that Brock hairstyle.



If France can do it, Geert Wilders can too!


Member the Crossroads.
Never forget!

he is a boss. his latest video, telling the turks to get out of the EU is based.
If he wins, islam will fall, and we will win europe. If not, it will be a sad day, and europe will be lost forever.

He's much better looking than Brock though.

Alle Turken terug naar Turkije
Hmmmm, guys, I'm worried.
/polder/ shills FvD but according to polls FvD stands no chance and PVV is losing it's voters.

His MOM is Indonesian.

He needs a reality check jew ass licker.

Don't worry these polls are fake just like the American polls were a couple of months ago.

I'm more worried about PVV losing their votes to FvD.
I too prefer FvD but objectively they stand no chance.

Most likely yes, thanks to the Turks

There has always been a 'Wilders' effect where people tell the pollsters they will vote for X while they vote for Wilders instead.

Remember Trump's sub 30% chance of winning

hes racist so fuck him

The PVV has no chance of forming a coalition, but they are the biggest party in the Netherlands right now.
Several parties have taking some of Greet's anti-islam rhetoric, which means public opinion has already shifted enough for the parties to notice.

PVV will have a very large presence in the Tweede Kamer, but what's important right now is to start building upon this momentum. FvD is perfect since their economic policies are actually right (unlike the PVV's) and they are taking a very mature and well-spoken stance that can reach a much wider audience.

Remember his 3% chance of winning?

np he hate moroccans

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but most of Europe does.

I hope. Same with France. But after Austria I have my doubts. Why are we Europeans so cucked?

Erdogan just gave him the win

fuck yes, im putting money on his party

Haven't all the parties confirmes they were going to collude against him if he gets the most votes?

>the Mayor of Amsterdam is a Muzzie
It's too late for Europe, isn't it?

Well with the Roaches kicking off it only helps him, I hope he does make it though

This Roach incident sure happened at the perfect time.

Geert Wilders is a Mossad Agent

Geert wilders is a zionist shill

Zionist Extremeists funding geert wilders

Coldenhove Calergi Plan for white genocide is being enacted by Gerrt wilders

The Fake dutchman zionist shill geert wilders

Geert wildes embraces his jewishness in america

Geert is apart of zionist warmonging against islam

Zionist hatemongering

Not entirely sure, I err on the side of low expectations and I'm assuming he'll make big gains, but the centrists who co-op his message will remain in power thanks to moderates.

A win would be huge though, could easily lead to the dominos falling.


>There is a giant jewish conspiracy to flood the west with immigrants and muslims
>The jews are funding an anti-islam and anti-immigration politician

Make up your minds stormfags.

He travelled to Isreal and Arab countries in his youth and got redpilled. Ive travled there too, and you really like Israel when you see the contrast to it's muslim neigbours. It is the only working democracy in the middle east.


oh wait!

>Jewish puppet: yes
>Muslim puppet: no
>Socialism/Communism puppet: yes
>For sovereign European states: yes

3/4 ain't bad. If you're not sucking the cut Israel cock then you're never going to win an election, goyim.

>Socialism/Communism puppet: no*
>For sovereign European states: no*
my autism knows no bounds in making small typos

If Geert or le pen comes to power Europe (and Britain) will enter a chaotic state...Most likely? Economic collapse of the entire thing. They'll block immigration and inflation will make their currency worse. Ironically I suspect they will end up becoming immigrants themselves. No. Macron and other moderates are the way forward.

He will not be a PM, even if he wins.


He will, if he wins 76 seats

>Can he win
>Is he going to Make The Netherlands Great Again?
No. Dutch politics are designed to mantain establishment parties in power, and since no one wants to cooperate with him, he'll be able to do little until they transform him into an average sellout.

in a perfect world:
- PVV: 35
- FVD: 15
- 50plus 10
- SGP: 8
- VNL: 5
- CU: 5
78 / 150 = majority

>PVV: 35
Might actually happen but doubt it

>FVD: 15
They'll get 6-8 max

>50plus 10

>SGP: 8

>VNL: 5

>CU: 5

The dutch are the saltiest people on earth. Anytime you see their flag on Sup Forums they are angry at America. The netherlands will never be as relevant as the U.S, China, or other European powers. Their "golden age" is represented by conquering what is now indonesia, an island country with hundreds of ethnic tribes, none of which have ever accomplished anything significant. As much as people laugh at France for being surrender-monkeys, remember that the Dutch are just a welcome mat on France's doorstep in the eyes of Germany. Even the lost British and French empires have done everything 10 times better than you. You are dirt. No, you are less than dirt. You are a dog's filth left on the bottom of a dead kraut's boot. You ridicule all countries above you because you think that your words are worth something, that nations of all sizes which can trample you in an instant might hear your pathetic shrill all the way up on their world's stage. Windmill niggers are the betas of western europe. Kill yourself, but before you do that, tell everyone in your god-forsaken country to do the same.

Is there not a conflict between Zionist Jew, mostly right wing, and International Jew, mostly left wing?

Well that's a bit unpleasant.

I was expecting this pasta

hence the "perfect world"

I would even say the _best_ timeline would be both PVV and FVD 40 votes, with based Thierry as PM.

Wat zyde gy tot my, gy kleine duyvelspecht? Ik beveel ge er kennis van te neemen dat ik met lof ende goedkeuring een kaapersbrief heb gehad van Willem van Oranje ende betrokken ben geweest by talryke geheyme offensieven tegen Alva en de zyne, en zelfstandig meer dan drie honderden Spanjolen heb omgelegd. Ik ben gehard by den Katergeuzen en ben den beste schutter onder den Nederlandsche vlag. Ge bent niet meer dan myn zoveelste doelwit. Ik zal u uyt myne gewest verwyderen met een nauwkeurigheid die de wereld nog nimmer aangechouwen had. Let op myn verdomde woorden! Gy denkt dat ge deze leuhgenpraat aan my kan verkoopen per postduyf? Gy had tweemaal moeten denken, cattengehspuys! In dezen tyd dat ik deze missive opstel, stuur ik opdracht naar myn geheymen samenstel van verspieders ende vloerduyven, verspreid door den Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden en wordt dezen postduyf gevolgd, dus ge kunt zich maar beter voorbereiden op den storm, rabaut. Den storm die het bedroevenden klyne ding dat gy uw leven noemt weg zal vaagen. Gy bent dood, kind. Ik kan overal, ten alle tyden zyn ende ik kan ge op zeven honderden wyzen doden, ende dat is slechts met myne bloten handen. Niet alleen zyt ik veelomvattend geoefend in den ongewapenden krygskunst, maar alsmede heb ik het voltallige arsenaal der watergeuzen ter myner beschikking ende ik zal dat benutten om uwer lamlendigen achtereinde van het vastenland te vagen, gy klynen schobbejak. Als gy had geweten wat voor eene goddelooze vergelding uw 'geestige' missive teweeg zou brengen, had ge misschien op uwen tong gebeten. Maar dat kon ge niet. Gy deed het niet ende nu zult ge de tol betalen, gy verdomde smeerkanis. Ik zal furie over u schyten en gy zult er in verzuypen. Ge zyt dood, hoerenzeune.

>Best Outcome
Wilders wins. Starts deporting Moroccans and Turks, restores common sense and national pride in the Netherlands. This will produce a ripple effect which will also influence german elections this year.
>Worst Outcome
Wilders wins, but the other political parties are not willing to work with him, thus blocking the government. Chaos ensues.

Sources please for his numbers.

lol mate i can think of way worse outcomes, trust me

Autism detected


i hope they boot them out, that is bullshit. very sorry for netherlands, many such cases. so sad

>Geert Wilders (born 1963) is a Dutch politician and is leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV), the third-largest political party in the Netherlands, which he founded in 2004.

Wilders is best known for his anti-Islamization views which have made him a controversial figure in the Netherlands and abroad.

>In 2009 the anthropologist Lizzy van Leeuwen revealed Wilders’ Jewish roots in an article in the newspaper “De Groene Amsterdammer“. [1] According to the article Geert Wilders’s maternal grandmother Johanna Meijer who married his grandfather Johan Ording, has been stated to have been from a wealthy Jewish familiy. [1] Which will make Wilders mother Maria Anne Ording a Jew and Geert Wilders himself a Jew according to Jewish Law. [2]

>Wilders grandfather is stated to have been camp commander at an infamous post-WWII Dutch camp Fortes Honswick for “Nazi” collaborators who were tortured. [3]

>Geert Wilders has since his youth developed an emotional bond with the Jewish state and has visited Israel at least more than 40 times. As a youngster he went there to work in the Kibbutz, a socialist experiment of collective farming. He felt completely at home upon his arrival in Israel. “It felt like I had been there before,” he says. [4] He supported himself by working long hours in a bread factory and had an abortive relationship with a Jewish girl.

>Gert Wilder is married to his second wife the Jewish Hungarian diplomat Krisztina Marfai. [5]

Gert Wilders ties to Zionist State of Israel:

>In the past twenty five years Geert Wilders has visited Israel on numerous occasions, where he says he has met former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert personally. [6] He had a very warm relationship with Ariel Sharon for example, whom he still admires. “Sharon was demonized in the West, too, but he was a great politician, and I take an example from him,” Wilders emphasizes. [7]

>At one point, Wilders wanted to move to the State of Israel because he believed one could, as opposed to the Netherlands, ‘work for your own money’. [6] Wilders in his youth worked in bread factories at a Kibbutz/Moshav in Israel. With the money he earned, he traveled through Israel and some nearby countries. In 2003, Wilders stated: “The past years I have visited many interesting countries, from Tunisia to Turkey and from Cyprus to Iran, but nowhere I have that special feeling of solidarity that I always get if I set foot on the Israeli Ben Gurion Airport.” [6]

>Wilders is one of the most ardent and loud of Israel’s supporters in Europe, and contrary to many others he does not bother to hide this. He had even insisted on including in the platform of the new Dutch government the intention to improve relations with Israel.

>“I am very glad that Israel is the only country mentioned by name in the platform; this will get it the needed attention,” he said “We are Israel’s best friends and we will support it in any way possible.” [7]

>Furthermore, Wilders has made some proposals in the Dutch Parliament inspired by Israel. For example, Wilders supports implementing Israel’s administrative detention in the Netherlands, a practice heavily criticized by human rights groups, which he calls “common sense”. [8]

This is a desperate shilling attempt

>Geert Wilders holds the same view towards Iran as does Israel’s Likud government who see Iran as their enemy. “Iran is the biggest geopolitical threat to Israel, to the stability of the Middle East region, Europe, and the whole world,” Wilders says.

>As the Likud government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has called for military action against Iran at UN. So does Wilders supports military action against Iran. “If Israel decides it has no other option but to strike Iran militarily in order to defend itself against this existential threat, I will understand,” Wilders said. [7]

>Geert Wilders is a Zionist who weekly visits the Israeli embassy and and has ties to Israeli government. Currently his being investigated for his ties to Israel and their possible influence on his loyalty by AIVD the Dutch intelligence and security agency. [9]

you know most of Sup Forums makes fun of and secretly admires israel. it has nothing to do with jews, kikesucker

Oh you know they don't want Geert to win if they have to start resorting to "He's connected to jews! You must hate him!" Meme

fuck off kike shill


We know you are either CIA, a jew or a muslim

The age of """"""politicians"""""""""has ended, the time for twitter shitposting leaders has just begun.

>pol likes israel

fuck off kike shill

Hey Netherlands, how are Dutch responding to the Turks' bullshit? Is it 'Wilders is right' or more 'whichever cuck is in power now is handling this just fine'?

where did you placed your bet bro?


shills trying to slide the thread again. just ignore them.

do it geert. deport em all geert

What is so great about Israel? Is it even a first world country?

In your Alternative Mind you Alt fag, go suck rabbi's dick


there are no sources. Wilders hasn't got a chance in hell. Amsterdam and other hyper-liberal cities will keep him out of power, you know it to be true.

it's how the west indirectly fucks with everyone in the persian gulf for 70 years? the military stills runs israel everyday, the rest is a parlor show
and they intimidate their neighbors with nukes, and have an active sub program? lol it is amazing

fithy kike shilling for his kike politican wanting to "wage war with islam"

How were yesterday's events taken by the general Dutch public? Are they mostly enraged or calm and deascaleting like our spineless scum politicians?

yes, you know Sup Forums so well, just call people kikes and they will shut up on the topics (((you))) dont want discussed.

nice try mohammad

Geert Wilders Says Turkey Not Welcome in EU

Geert Wilders is a Mossad Agent

Geert wilders is a zionist shill

Zionist Extremeists funding geert wilders

Coldenhove Calergi Plan for white genocide is being enacted by Gerrt wilders

The Fake dutchman zionist shill geert wilders

Geert wildes embraces his jewishness in america

Geert is apart of zionist warmonging against islam

Zionist hatemongering

Geert was saying things like fuck off etc.
People are enraged and agreeing with Wilders, atleast a huge part of the general public.
Rutte is scared and told them to fuck off as well. Full damage control.

the time approaches Mohammad

so he has the jew support?

Should I bet 500€ on PVV to win?

He might become the ruling party, yes.

>shilling for a filthy jew trying to start a war with islam broadly

Pretty hard to tell at this point, it's VVD (again) or PVV.
Wait until the predictions at Tuesday.

fuck off kike shill

go suck bibis cock

No Islam is trying to start a war with us. We're just going to give it to them. Just like we did centuries ago.

but tomorrow at 6PM the pool is closed, until then I can place my bet


Thread theme:

This is better

pls start war of total global Muslim eradication. It wouldn't even be a fight.

He better, or else I'm boycotting Aquafresh forever.

>His numbers are already improving
Just this morning, a new poll came out saying he's down three seats compared to last week. The PVV is now firmly behind the VVD (cuckservatives). You can say polling is bad, but:
1) In the Netherlands polling has always been fairly accurate, with most polls getting 140 out of 150 seats rights in their predictions for the actual elections.
2) These are not individual polls, this is a poll trend that's been going for months.

Its so cute when you shills are scared

this really doesn't even remotely look like the guatemalan flag

how rude

This has never been true in the Netherlands. If anything, the PVV polls extraordinarily high outside of election seasons but then makes a tumble when the normies start paying attention to politics.

You'd better not fuck this up Nethercucks.