Would you die for Trump?
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>dying for a man
I'd die for no one but myself.
Fuck other people.
I would die for my country.
I'll kill for him so long as it's saracens or kikes
Keep the thread bumped with reasons why you would or wouldn't
For me modern society has left me feeling useless and alone in this degenerate hellhole and Trump is a beacon of light that just might put things in the right direction, and in the name of America and its future generations even the slimmest chance that it could happen is worth my life in a second
Only if he paid me to.
degenerate whore
The Eternal Teuton reveals why his country destroyed the world three times in a century.
Baron or Donald?
I wouldn't die for Trump or this 56% shithole Nation. Would fight for Nazi Germany though, despite the whole Anti-Slav sentiment.
Nothing in life is free. I have no reason give to give my life for a politician. If were hired to protect him it would be different.
Sadly I'd have died for Obama too. It's a symbol to the American people, not so much a man.
Depends on the cause
I didn't want to come up with a million poll options
Just think of it as "would you be willing to do it at all"
I would kill for Emperor Trump, I'm not planning on dying
There's no greater honor than dying for something you believe in. Trump isn't just a man. He's a symbol.
Anyone who would die for Donald is a retard, as long as he doesn't go full entho-nationalism.
Kill yourselves you neocon faggots.
This thread,
> Deep state trying to see if they can effectively do a "hard coup" against Trump and if there's people that will actually support him in a civil war.
I would die only for my wife and children. As any man should.
This. Or the rest of my family. Our country, in it's current state, is not worth dying for.
How is it hate speech if I'm just not submissive to others and value my own life from my own perspective more?
I can't do shit without being alive.
>Sadly I'd have died for Obama too.
this is what kills the white people
Why die for him when I can kill for him and do some real good?
Nobody ever won a war by dying for their country, but by making the other bastard die for his.
>Almost two thirds of this board would die for a man they don't even know
Cucked, really.
you'd do the same for somalia
Trump isn't hardcore enough. 99% chance he is just delaying the inevitable. Jews have destroyed every great civilization through racemixing and degeneracy. They will conquer/destroy the world eventually. Trump will go down as the biggest failure of all time because he currently has the ability to mobilize the people against the Zionist globalist threat by naming the Jew, but he's too much of a pussy.
said who?
me 2 bud
>62% yes
>62% white US population
This thread proves that there are a) lots of Russian bots on this board, b) there are lots of gullible sheep on this board, and c) there are people who would waste their lives to save a traitor
By all means, go ahead and off yourself.
>making fun of anyone but Germany
Unlike Obama trump would actually thank me.
>"Media" Whyte man saves Nazi leader what we have learned about racism.
Trump isn't a deity. He is maybe a great president, a great man but he isn't someone to be worshipped. We like Trump because we like what he does, not the other way around.
I'd even do it for the queen of england. She's 100% history which I revere.
Trump however, is a leader and that's why I'd do it for him. I'd have done it for George Washington too, but we haven't had a president worthy of that sacrifice in a long time. If you watch movies or read, surely you see how this is possible for people to feel this way
Well I'm not the one who wants to die for globalist Jews...
I would gladly give my life for my Jewish masters, for I am but merely a cattle here on this planet to work hard and sacrifice on their behalf.
Trump should just have the Treasury print United States Notes to pay for his infrastructure plan.
>United States Notes were issued directly by the US Treasury to pay for stuff.
>United States Notes were dollars that circulate along side Federal Reserve Notes.
>United States Notes exchanged 1-for-1 with Federal Reserve Notes by law.
>Federal Reserve Notes are issued by a private corporation: The Federal Reserve.
>The Federal Reserve lends Federal Reserve Notes to the Treasury/US Government.
>The Treasury/US Gov must pay back Federal Reserve Notes with interest to the private bankers/Fed.
>Borrowing Federal Reserve Notes creates enormous debts for the Treasury/US Government.
>Printing/spending United States Notes creates NO debt for the Treasury/US Government.
>The last president to try to print United States Notes was JFK. He was assassinated.
>Trump can have $1 Trillion of new spending on infrastructure with no debt!
>Yes, United States Notes are inflationary if you print too many.
>However, anything is better than being in perpetual debt to the private bank/Fed/hyenas.
Yeah but it would really depend on the situation.
If he said it was OK to start the Race War
Jesus died for us all, desu.
In a heartbeat.