What does Sup Forums think about Serbia?
What does Sup Forums think about Serbia?
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Great nation
I'm from Serbia and even I don't think about Serbia.
Most charismatic people, give me more of them here. I haven't met one that isn't a super redpill master. They're very.. what the word... conscious.
I have been to Serbia a few times, I love it.
I hope you guys go back to your former glory, your government is ruining you.
I work with some Serbbros. Good people.
Occupied country, USA colony, charing to accept "Western values" human rights, russhing to join EU that is clearly falling apart, people are more and more denouncing faith and our traditions and accepting western culture. There are some remnants of "old Serbs" but we disapear as a people more and more and geting lost in consumerism, we fell under the globalization. We will rebel or perish soon.
Our historian described curent Serbia and its people in these words perfectly:
"All that was good of Serbs died heroically in World War 1, these filth you see around you, that baths in corruption are descendants of deserters and cowards"
Our historian describes
North Serbia (ex Hungary)?
Awesome place, great people
South Serbia and Sanjak?
Drop the gas bombs
and that's that.
gr8 m8's,but give back outlands kthx bye
this. People are shit
>abandoning faith
A good thing really. Organised religion is a heresy against the uncaring Maker.
>accepting western culture
Eastern culture includes shitholes like: Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus,... All in all, the worst western countries are still better than the best eastern ones.
Hello Finland
Yup lets be Europeans m8, "Refuges welcome" do you have slightest idea how are they gonna solve refuges problem when our countries join EU, you can take a guess. Brits didnt exited for nothing and France is preparing soon, nobody wants that filth in their backyard.
Spit me in the face if they dont deport everything into our regions!
Does that shield in the flag represent Byzantium?
Also why does it have a crown when Serbia is a Republic?
Good nation.
Removes kebab'n'shit.
Most Serbian posters on Sup Forums are absolute cancer though.
That image better applies to Israel
Two of their posters are cunts
slavs should go back to Russia, Muslims should go back to Turkey and Romanians should get their sacred clay back.
>Literal mongoloid
Bog je Srbin
Crown and shield are actualy from our medieval times when our king was married to Byzantiens princess, daughter of Demetrios I Kantakouzenos, we recieved most of our culture from them, also our Capitol in that time was built under Byzantium influence theres ton of that shit on Wikipedia you can dig it up if you are bored but this is short summation.
Byzantine influence made Slavs Orthodox and not Catholic
I only think of one thing
There all CTR
North Serbian here, I dislike South Serbia and Sandžak as well. Fuck them.
Gotta love the Serbian war songs from Yugoslav wars
division of Bosnia when?
Terrorists and niggers
>A Serbian calling Serbians niggers and terrorists
Wew, lad.
go away nigga
After Kosovo left I heard there was another part of Serbia proper that still had a majority Albanian population, somewhere in the south, that didn't get to secede or become part of Serbia. They even formed their own guerilla militia but I guess they were too late to join the Kosovo independence bandwagon. Heard they also wanted to erect a memorial to the fallen guys and the Serbs wouldn't let them, so they started chimping out and destroying Serbian gravestones and monasteries for no reason. I wonder what the future of that little part of Serbia will be. Is Serbia going to get smaller again?
oy vey
>didn't get to secede or become part of Serbia
Damn I'm high, my bad, meant Kosovo
We bombed the wrong country.
>Sup Forums nigger cattle messing with terry
>savage blodthirsty braindead retards larping as a wannabe germans calling someone a nigger
>1000 years a part of one of the most developed and prosperous empire still couldn't learn and do shit and excel themselves beyond stable boy number 3
>left behind by Slovenia by light years in every aspect of life
when will you apologize to nips?
LEL the get Muslim parts!
ćevapčići i ajvar
VERY fine ćevapčići i ajvar
didn't read
van-testvér feleségül?
Vietnam was a huge mistake too. Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the other hand were the best options at that time.
Fuck those gooks
>Is Serbia going to get smaller again?
>will the race war happen?
>will the europe remove kebab
absolutelly YES
Do you have sister to marry?
Preševo and Bujanovac. It's a very small area, and half the population lives in Kosovo anyway.
They fought during the Kosovo war, but got BTFO in 2001 because Dubya didn't support them.
The thing with that monument to their separatists was, they erected it in Bujanovac, which is a multi-ethnic Serb-Gypsy-Albanian population, so people complained and the Serbian government had it removed from the town square. They later moved it to some local mosque, and there was no chimping out afaik.
didn't think you would
but if you did, instead of larping as a wannabe kraut, you wouldn't have been total massive full on faillure
>history and times goes on and on and croats never learn nor do create anything meaningfull
fred frize heh
no, I'm a one-child guy
It's sad to see autists on both sides shit on each other instead of focusing on the true, civilizational enemy that is Islam.
Conflict of civilizations is a reality, and we are wasting time, energy, resources and nerves with this "muh cetnici muh ustase" dick waving
You took the bigger chunk.
Shut up nigger.
We don't even have a Jewish population here. Also, all of our money goes to the South and they're simplying draining the North. So fuck off.
Also, this.
I meant simply. I fucked up.
sry but Tuzla or old name Soli is croatian clay
Gib Jajce, Donji Vakuf and Travnik.
My grandparents migrate from there during ~50
We learned lesson in Kosovo, even if we take it by force, lets face it, nobody would go to live there, now we take only teritories with Serbs already living there.
Standard great Serbia is dead meme, we dont breed like Albanians
to be more fair
ethnic areas populated with croats and serbs should go to each acordingly but kebab areas should be divided by 50% / 50%
UDBA niggers
>Be me
>Be Croat/Serbia hybrid
>Be a Chetnik sympathizer
>Love both Serbia ,and Croatia
>Love to kill commies
Oh boi....Dis gon' be gud
Lame, annoying, god complex
also old croatian clay if it's just me i would give you just Podrinje, but i'm too generous.
Yea, you definitely received the Cyrillic alphabet and Slavic religious texts from Byzantium. It must have been a coincidence also that at the time your country was annexed by us.
Serbs are the biggest fucking normies ever.
You wont find a more wretched hive of chads and normies.
All they care about is sitting in coffee shops all day long, every single day, even when they're suppose to be working in broad daylight.
Even if someone is what is to be considered introverted, "nerd", keeps to himself, THEY STILL go to coffee shops like the biggest normies ever, drinking coffee and talking about nothing, and posting that shit on instagram.
Fuck this gay country.
Daj ne davi, samo da podavimo muslimane prvo, raskusuracemo se lako posle. Podelimo se ko ljudi, napravimo zid izmedju nasih drzava i cao vidimo se, bolje da ne pricamo nego da se napusavamo, pun mi kurac vise...
to be more fair
all serbitches must be eradicated in bosnia. mudshits too. serbitches are chronic land-grabbing orcs.
Absolute degenerates. Most of us are illiterate, we have the same mentality as Turks. In fact, the Serbs here are probably the only mildly educated ones there are.
Well please tell me more about great serbian accomplishments. You're twice the shithole we are so I understand the butthurt.
>started ww1
>get raped for centuries by turks
>managed to fuck up the whole balkans
>lost war to every neighbor fighting peasants while having an actual army
>muh great serbia, gets bombed
See? It's so easy to talk shit.
There isn't a single croat living there for the last 100 years. Clay based on what?
>they're simply draining the North
Idiot, you need the buffer down south and its getting weaker and smaller and less effective every decade. What you gonna do, use Danube as a border wall? Yeah, that really helped Austro-Hungarians when you came from the mountains.
remove kebab , nice people
I don't like the crown, big govt turns me off
Eagle looks to cartooney, needs to be more fierce/scary looking
I like the cross with the 4c's
Fuck off, they produce some of the best sks models on the market.
fucc my int name didn't change
You literally sound like a 40+ year old person commenting on political Facebook posts. Let's face it, you know young people are either skipping school/college or are unemployed given the high unemployment rate.
Oy vey
Well that just proves that South Serbia is a shithole. Also, North Serbia is proof that European diversity can work. I feel bad about Germans, though. They were great.
lol, I live just above the factory where those are made.
There's way too many Serbs per capita on this board, if you consider that Serbia only has about 8 million people or so.
Maybe, it's just that one CTR Serb spamming though.
>mfw i just realized i met Nedjo Kostic few years ago
jbt, sada su neke stvari tek jasne...
Serbia is nice. No kebabs.
>Implying there is kikery in hating barbarian scum
we felt for the bait
Lucky you, how hard is it to own one legally?
Can I join the party?
They need to be nuked. They cause too much shit
I'm 20-something and I don't have Facebook, I agree with him.
Does that make it better?
Alo indijanac ovo je Sup Forums /pol, samo cheap banther i shitposting, idi na reddit pa siri ljubav i yugonostalgiju!
>says the burger
Oh, come on, no one even likes Četniks. Fuck off.
No, but you're entitled to your opinion.
'Jugoslavija je bila dobra' je normie-tier meme.