Which European country has the best traditional music and why is it Ireland?
>brits need not apply
Which European country has the best traditional music and why is it Ireland?
>brits need not apply
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I like how the Irish sung Fenian "Rebel" songs even in your Army.
Irish "trad" is very big in Serbia as well.
And in AUs.
More like this
Im generally into the more upbeat stuff but man tears were close after watching your vid. Very nice Spain.
I don't know too much "upbeat stuff" other than "Come out you black and tans".
Here is a great one for depression : Spancil Hill
Back home in Derry, written by Bobby Sands:
Newfoundland has really good traditional music, but it's essentially just irish music since the entire island was settled by Irish and the Irish culturally dominate it even today.
Newfoundland music is honorary Irish music. Based Stan made damn sure of that.
Stan is Ontarian and his music was largely about Maritime Canada (Nova Scotia), not Newfoundland. Maritimes were Scottish, Newfoundland's Irish.
___ U
___ O
___ F I V E
Why do Americans all pretend to be 1/22 Irish?
Fair enough, I dont know shit about your geography
Just going off of based Uncle Stans lyrics is all
A Newfoundland sailor went walking on the strand
He spied a pretty, fair young maid and took her by the hand
"Oh will you go to Newfoundland along with me?" he cried
But the answer that she gave to him was "Oh no, not I."
>t. Tyrone
Because they're all faggots, like the Irish pretending to be white. No one likes the Irish because they're annoying as fuck
No problem, lots of people mix Newfoundland and Nova Scotian culture since they're both very celtic. One's just Irish and the other's Scottish though.
Unironically Tyrone was originally an Irish name before it was usurped. Ironically the average Irishman is pic related.
>no one likes the irish because they're annoying as fuck
>as he says in a thread of people liking irish music
But that's wrong you fucking faggot, Tir Eoghan was the Irish name. The anglo name is Tyrone.
>Because they're all faggots, like the Irish pretending to be white. No one likes the Irish because they're annoying as fuck
Found the spaghetti eater.
Those are people from Tanzania
Sweden is pretty up there, this music makes me feel homesick on a cultural level.
Another Jew trying to pit whites against each other
I finally realize why God made niggers black. Without melanin everybody can see how fucking ugly these things are.
>tfw that's always jarring in Rio Grande because the film takes place several decades before that song existed
For the thread:
Irish anthem is incredible.
Seizing this opportunity to post based Scottish music too
As a Newfoundlander I can confirm
Very nice. Svens need that music now more than ever.
Nords have earned their spot in this thread
I want to have this rendition of the parting glass playing at my funeral.
This always gets me so moved when I think about the people who I've lost along the way. I can only hope they are at peace.
Catalan folk music is basically lutes and guitars.
Here is our "anthem" which is somewhat folk, and rebel inspired.
>ill never receive a traditional irish toast to the other side
>my family will be charged 10k to put me in the ground
>music i hate will be played at my funeral
Here is some alboka, a traditional instrument from the Basque Country.
I never get how the Dubliners were able to produce so many masterpieces.
Luke Kelly had a 10/10 voice.
Whats with all the Ireland threads today?
Basically the whole world had Irish blood. You guys are never not relevant.
You should see my city, its a week long Irish celebration right now
Im feeling festive. This thread is a compliment, enjoy it.
And here a song with another traditional instrument called txalaparta, just some sticks and wood planks(in this case stone) and some vocals. Hope you enjoy anons, i love sharing music.
people are trying to absorb as much as they can about ireland before st paddys day
>Whats with all the Ireland threads today?
Paddy's day coming up, ya cunt.
This reminds me of Aguila Negra.
Ah, the traditional Soviet skinning song.
Top Iceland one
can't be bothered to look up anymore, but it's shocking what you can find out with a quick google search
Drunken sailor, first publication New London, Conneticut 1839
this is an old Canadian naval song, it literally has nothing to do with Ireland or the Irish
Johnny I hardly knew ye - First published in London in 1867 and written by Joseph B. Geoghegan, a prolific English songwriter
Heave Away My Johnnie from Captain Vickery of Minehead, Somerset, on August 21, 1907, and from the Watchet sailor John Short on April 21, 1914.
The Islander, about a man from Newfoundland, nothing to do with Ireland
Rolling down to old Maui, lyrics from the Captain and Joanna Colcord from Maine, nothing to do with Ireland or the Irish
the town I loved so well, literally written by an Englishman and is about the town he's from just south of Manchester
now this is what I call cultural appropriation
nuff said
Irish funerals aren't sombre affairs m8.
Mane why can't this be our "official" music instead of flamenco?
>Heave Away My Johnnie from Captain Vickery of Minehead, Somerset, on August 21, 1907, and from the Watchet sailor John Short on April 21, 1914.
>The Islander, about a man from Newfoundland, nothing to do with Ireland
Did you read my post you retarded faggot? My post specifically said it was Newfoundland traditional music and about Newfoundland things. The style of music/subgenre of folk is specifically Irish, however, and Newfoundland is extremely Irish in culture and tradition, it's not cultural appropriation when the place was literally built up, and settled by Irishmen.
Here's some ebin jouhikko/talharpa playing.
>"The Town I Loved So Well" is a song written by Phil Coulter about his childhood in Derry, Northern Ireland. The first three verses are about the simple lifestyle he grew up with in Derry, while the final two deal with the Troubles, and lament how his placid hometown had become a major military outpost, plagued with violence.
Yeah, shocking what you can find out with a quick google search.
heave away is an English tune anyway, if you think these kind of naval shanties are Irish your fucking retarded
my bad your right, I didn't even look that one up, I saw the title and mistook it for dirty old town
>Brit Bong trigger cause it's St.Patrick's day
Thread is about folk/traditional music. Nothing specific about Ireland.
>your fucking retarded
>admits he isn't even reading the titles of shit he's claiming are English
It's time to stop posting, Billy.
>no-one has posted seamus ennis yet
you fucks need to stop listening to meme irish music
le has Irish flag, le says Brits need not apply
don't need to look at most title to tell that it's just another pogues-dubliners rip off
>Don't need to look
That'd be more believable if you hadn't already embarrassed yourself, you twat.
The instrumentation is very Irish however, and the lyrics used come from the Irish version rather than the Anglo version. It's an anglo folk song that was very popular in Ireland and Newfoundland.
>brits need not apply
I think it was a joke.
Britain and Ireland don't have a monopoly on folk music.
>embarrassed myself
my list comprises of 6 embarrassments to the celtophone autismo sphere
it's been modernised, but that's a typical sea shanty, me johnnies is British naval term, seeing as it's such a popular name here, my Grandpa was in the British navy all his life he knows this song
some Johnny related sea shanties
>celtophone autismo sphere
Add that to the list of embarrassing shit you've said.
some english folk music
the truth hurts paddy?
>irish thread
>comes in and posts english music
Could you be more triggered.
Is this what you do with your spare time since they knocked down your Twadell caravan?
This isn't an Irish thread. It's a folk music thread.
I bet you're the type that chokes on your cumachino when someone calls Patrick's day 'Patty's Day'
Well, in my opinion most spanish people(as in Andaluces,MadrileƱos...) take Euskadi as part of Spain when it's convenient like land and education but the basque culture is definetly isolated, history you know, both sides are assholes and i must say i don't like flamenco either.
Nice id btw fellow user.
tune mate
spanish women are made for anglo men
Nope just correcting a incorrect person who tried to use a historical name as a why to slander my people but ended up making a mockery of himself :^)
confused why I'm posting on Sup Forums, fuck off newfag
this is one of the most beautiful things i've ever heard ;_;
Imagine actually being you right now.
half of your island is british mate
like it or not you are one of us regardless of how much you play hard to get
You're thinking of Dirty Old Town.
Why can't we all get along and shit on europoors together, lads?
You guys can try all you want, no music will ever be as beautiful as this:
Listening to this song is like have God whispering in your ears.
Phil Coulter is a Pogues rip off? I didn't know they were around in 1973.
And Dubliners rip off? I think it might have something to do that he was a producer for the Dubliners. Also if you think The Town I loved So Well sounds like a Dubliners song, your ears are musically retarded my friend.
you'd be 5 inches taller
you'd have to have a 6 inch bigger dick with more girth
a lot more muscle mass
and a harem of women awaiting your every move, I'm afraid you wouldn't last long in my shoes
I corrected myself, learn to read the thread
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evidently potato fags get BTFO'd so often it's considered spam
>5 inches taller
Guarantee you're a 6'2" king of the manlets.
wrong, but nice try internet hard nut
>The anglo name is Tyrone
That's rich coming from an English speaking Anglo nation who gets all its cultural and linguistic influence exclusively from the Anglosphere.
>He's even shorter than that
>calling someone an "internet hard nut" after declaring yourself a big, huge, tall, strongman with a harem of women
Utter state of you.
Really makes me think.
No really, there's something about that induces reflection in me. If a person had come and started singing on top of that it would have ruined it but left to it's own, it's great.
>He's even shorter than that
>Utter state of you.
the utter state of you failing for my bait
>I-I w-was just p-pretending
Yeah, you said that already m8, That's what I'm mocking you about, remember?
No I don't remember, what the fuck are you talking about you babbling fool
>if I just keep pretending, maybe he'll think I was just pretending this whole time
So sad.
haven't got a clue what your talking about now, this is now a Cluedo thread, role play as your favourite character and help discover the mystery of the point this autistic poster is trying to string together at my feet