When talking about American non-white problem i always mostly hear just the blacks, but they only make up about 15 % population and are technically as native as the whites there, but hispanics make larger amount and they keep coming everyday and have like 5 children each, shouldn't Americans be more worried about them than the "niggers"
When talking about American non-white problem i always mostly hear just the blacks...
In terms of threat level:
Hispanics>Blacks>jews>White liberals
Hispanics are out of control. If we can rack up some deportations than we can be saved.
Blacks are extremely criminal and dangerous and take tons and tons of taxpayer money. The good thing is they aren't growing past 12% of the population
Jews are the root cause behind liberalism but removing a few corrupt media execs is easier than changing the demographics of America.
White liberals are the reason whites are declining in population, and should be gone in some time.
murica is Mexican clay finngolian, you should go and tend to your beautiful miss helsinki.
Hey grease bag. Hispanics are awsome. Hard workers good food hot women nice people. Americans will look lile dominicans and puertoricans in 20 years and its bot a bad thing. Plus Latinos are the majority race of the Western hemisphear so its only natural usa becomes a latin nation
>Hispanics are awsome (sic)
Aside from being the biggest welfare leeches of all immigrant groups? The only way that welfare works is if the people taking the money eventually pay for it themselves. Otherwise, it's a debt against the futures of the children of the people who make the money (whites).
>so its only natural usa becomes a latin nation
Name one Latin American nation that's not a socialist hell hole full of corruption and debt/unfunded liabilities.
uruguay is pretty nice, although it is mostly white so that probably explains that
Blacks are a higher percentage than that, more like 30%.
Hispanics are a long-term political and demographic threat
Blacks are an immediate physical threat
Beaners get more respect because they can actually be decent people and good neighbors, but a country full of them equals a permanent turn to leftism and corruption and decay of institutions. Contrast that with blacks, who just ruin everything they touch right away. Niggers are like a reverse Midas.
>Otherwise, it's a debt against the futures of the children of the people who make the money (whites).
I forgot to add that when so many Hispanics come in and take so much welfare, taxes eventually increase to pay for it, and the availability of affordable housing also decreases, so new white families more and more often decide to not have children. Fewer white children = fewer tax cows to pay for Hispanic welfare use. The white birthrate decline is no big mystery. Immigration is a form of population replacement. For every new immigrant and immigrant child, there are going to be fewer and fewer white families able to have kids. With more Hispanic immigration, all that's going to happen is that America WILL turn into a Latin American country, and that will be the end of all the freedoms and quality of life that has made it such a great place historically.
It's about 12% nationwide, not counting mixed race, which is in the low single digits. In certain cities, it can be closer to 50%, though.
mestizos might be better than blacks but not much better
it's like asking whether you'd like the US to turn into mexico or the congo. sure, mexico is preferable but both would be a downgrade.
White liberals a.k.a. Jewish Marxist influence is the biggest threat. They don't get married, they're not Christian, they degenerate our youth, they pass authoritarian speech laws, and generally only choose policies that will result in the castration of white america.
I live in KS. Its the opposite. Hispanics are the dindus while the blacks are pretty good.
Weird. CA here
They're both bad, and hispanics certainly breed more. However, blacks commit far more crime (especially murder and rape), they smell worse, they're uglier, and they're more stupid.
I dont blame anyone for taking advantage of free goverment benefits. I worked as a cashier once and white ppl took out ebt cash and bought ciggeretts with them vs latins buying food. The goverment gives out easy welfare to keep the poor dependant on the system so they must do as the goverment says. Alot of latin nations are hell holes because the american cia did so much damage supporting drug dealers during the iran contra.
You greeks are worse than niggers all the fuckin pizza spots in south new england are greek and your pizza fucking sucks
everything is whitey's fault
Noones taking welfare, the system is just giving it out. How the fuck can you be mad at people taking free money? Be mad at your system not the people
Define hell hole, because I don't feel like I'm in one.
>However, blacks commit far more crime (especially murder and rape)
Not just murder and rape. Blacks commit almost half of the violent crime in America, despite being only 12% of the population. Especially, in my experience, the spontaneous, unprovoked violent crime. A white will chimp out when somebody starts a fight with him, but blacks have a tendency to chimp out for no obvious reason, although often it's after they've been doing drugs, which are like food and water to them.
They also are responsible for basically all of the property crime, in my direct experience, in the country. If you live in a neighborhood with any blacks, or near a neighborhood with any blacks, and you leave your car unlocked at night, then everything of any value will be stolen from the car by the morning. Sometimes, it only takes about 20-25 minutes, even in broad daylight, for something to be stolen out of an unlocked car. Depending on how deep into the jungle you park your car, you might lose your wheels and any easily salvageable parts from under the hood, too.
There is no hard-and-fast rule as to what percentage of blacks in a neighborhood makes it go bad. The only thing I can say is this -- around blacks, never relax.
In your dreams you fucking spic, have you not been paying attention to how quickly white nationalism is being normalized? Imagine in 10 years.
Well, I drive for Uber and I had a guy from Sao Paolo the other week tell me that his car needs to have bulletproof panels built into the doors or else there's a risk of catching a stray bullet while driving.
African american percentage of the population hasn't increased since the 80s yet they are a threat to your ''race''
Hispanics are ACTUALLY victims of bad living conditions and poor policies. Unlike blacks, when you improve conditions for Hispanics, they are good citizens.
I like blacks better when comparing functional ones of each. I like black people when they're working, normal people. I think they're candid and funny. Hispanics just get on my nerves. They're weirdly racist against whites when we never did anything to them except give them a first world country to live in.
>commit almost half of the violent crime in America
To each other.
There is a problem with the system, but the fact is that whites who go on welfare will typically improve their situation eventually, or their kids will make more money and take less welfare than them. The opposite is usually true with Hispanics. The welfare system is bad, but it wouldn't have broken if only whites used it.
>technically as native as the whites there
White liberals are the biggest threat. Everything else is because of them and because of them you cannot even start fixing the problem.
Well they do kill a lot of us directly, and they breed with our women and then desert them, leaving families with mixed grandbabies.
Why are you worried of some half-natives taking back the land on other side of the world in a completely predictable event? Aren't you Finnish? Stop diluting nationalism to "whites" like it meant something and worry of our own shit.
There is a lot of cross-racial black on white crime. It's just a coincidence that most victims of violent crime are also black because they live in close proximity to other blacks. People forget that some whites live in those neighborhoods too.
fuck off, all Europeans have solidarity with each other.
>half-natives taking back the land
The majority of Mexicans were victims of the Aztec Empire, not citizens. They've been conquered and lost their lands multiple times already. There's no "taking back" for them.
Ever watch th tv show hoarders? Fuckin gross poor whites disgusting house get cleaned out by hispanic contractors. You know how many trailer parks are full of lazy hony boo boo types that dont do shit all day collecting? Go to walmart on the first and look at the customers. The blacks are either "swaged" out or just lile their white counter parts wearing pajamas in public and smell like wet ciggeretts. At least the hispanics are dressed casualy when they go out and dont dress like fucking eye sores or wear so much expensive shit you can tell they are seeking attention
>To each other.
Not exclusively, and that has to be dealt with.
>were victims of the Aztec Empire, not citizens.
*descendants of victims of the Aztec Empire, not descendants of citizens.
>Hispanics are ACTUALLY victims of bad living conditions and poor policies. Unlike blacks, when you improve conditions for Hispanics, they are good citizens.
No, they are not. The ones who are of European stock might make something of themselves, but those aren't the ones crossing the border. The mestizos are worthless on a genetic level.
Shut up your canadian. Your people are represent but the trailer park boys white trash douche bags. The french canadians are ok
>Hispanics dress better than some whites
That's not an argument as to why they or their children are supposedly able to pay all the unfunded liabilities that they create by coming into our country in droves with their entire extended families, average IQ of about 84, and taking a shitload of welfare.
You are not European, you are white.
We need to kill the "black population isn't increasing" meme. If their population was actually not increasing then their percentage of the population would be dropping like the white percentage. Instead you're seeing it stay the same which means there's millions of new black and mixed race people being born. I'm forever convinced Blacks are the most immediate racial threat to Whites. Eventually Whites could only have a 2:1 population advantage over Blacks -- which is game over.
>Hispanics are ACTUALLY victims of bad living conditions and poor policies. Unlike blacks, when you improve conditions for Hispanics, they are good citizens.
Ah, the old myth of how poverty leads to crime. It's actually the other way around. Criminality and savagery lead to poverty.
White = European, now fuck off if you do not feel obviously you do care and do not want whites to have solidirity with each other, we are one race.
cut welfare and they all drop like flies, remove benefits for single mothers.
Thats bullshit. Get just one hispanic freind and i gurentee you will meet their family and freinds and will be treated like your one of them. Their not like most boring lame white ppl that get around and talk about work they have very good hospitality if you treat them like freind and not a hispanic person
I live in south florida and Cubans are pretty based desu
Overall, the proportion to the population at large is staying the same, and since the national population is growing, of course the black population is also increasing. I think what most people mean when they talk about black population is the proportion of blacks to the humans.
No white has ever died to a nigger before?
French are ok?
Show yourself out stormfag
they probably even fuck you girlfriend for free eh?
Their not taking welfare, it is given to them. Dont HATE on someone taking FREE money. Thats what makes USA the best country ever. Even the poor are rich
You should look into the stats on interracial rape in the United States.
Wrong, over 50% of our blacks are immigrants since 1965. There were only a few hundred thousand slaves.
Funny, dads leaving the picture is such a cross culture black phenomenon that immigrant families are all split up too, but they blame it on slave culture and whites.
We ain't got jack shit to do with motherfucking Etheopeans. They just come here for welfare and our current welfare causes the optimal poor black income to be for divided households, since single mothers get more money. Our current welfare state breaks up black families, not slave culture.
Just saying, we can look at immigration records and it's pretty clear where the growth rate came from. So they aren't as whites. Like a third of them now were brought here by us.
>the person who can find the ugliest or most tacky photo of a cherry-picked sample from the race he hates is the winner of the argument :^)
I do not think you really want to go down this road.
Thats what happens when someones correct, you deflect and change the subject. Canada aint shit.
That's a lie. The government doesn't go door to door handing out welfare. You need to go to the appropriate office, fill out applications, sometimes meet with interviewers, and even then, meet certain criteria over a prolonged period of time.
I don't know all the numbers of African immigrants, but if what you say were true, then wouldn't we expect the Muslim population in America to be a lot higher than the 0.9% that it is today? (at least according to Wikipedia).
If white people were better than hispanics then whites would not have created the juggalo subculture
Id rather live in the worst hispanic 3rd world shithole for a year in the middle of the jungle with flying roaches the size of birds then live with juggalos for a day
>don't hate someone because they're scavenging scum
All of your posts lead me to believe you are either a spic or you are a young white moron who lives in a state with a large beaner population and since some of them are your "friends" you are having an existential crisis when it comes to pointing out the problem with them as a people.
Either way, eat a dick.
I don't really understand juggalos. Are they just lower class whites who like face tattoos? Or are they some kind of criminal group? I don't get it
Why are you so triggered you spic
Yes. But if the White percentage is shrinking in proportion to the Black percentage what's the difference? There's a de-facto percentage and real number increase. Bottomline is the only way we solve the demograhic issue is through white, two parent families having 3-5 children again. If not, say hello to the Estados Unidos of America.
Whites on welfare look like this
Hispanics on welfare look like this
Blacks on welfare look like this
>Mexicans on welfare
>on welfare
None of this is an argument against .
Whats the difference between a black and a pizza.
A pizza can feed a family of 4
Hispanics work hard niggers do not.
Hispanics have criminals too but there is also a very strong traditionalist christian element.
Generally white people marry other white people. Even "white" Hispanics marry whites. The white skin color isn't going anywhere there are just genes being assimilated into the population.
White people will always need their berry-pickers, window washers, and cleaning lady's.
TLDR;Hispanics work, White marry whites, and niggers are criminal scum.
user is a confirmed taco maker...
stupid greasy asswipe - get the fuck out of my country and take your worthless bean eating friends with you
It always amazes me when liberals actually expect cops and military that are my personal friends to take this dude's side over mine in a civil war. Lmao Out of touch morons. White liberals are the worst people alive. If you want ghettos and refugees, then lead by example and integrate them into your neighborhoods and schools first so you know what the south is bitching about, if you agree that those areas suck, then how about not endorsing policy to grow them.
These "People" aren't human. They are smart monkeys that learn association with sounds that mimic human speech. Their stupidity is really hard to fathom until you are face to face with it and see them larping about being gods and calling Jews and whites baby eating aliens and how their organs are "melonated" and worth hundreds of billions. They just know affirming or condemning sounds and repeat any words they hear. Their arguments are beyond stupid.
Even in defense jobs around "educated" niggers, I've heard them talking in the break room and it went something like this:
TV: Obama promises to bring in more Syrian Refugees
Nigger 1: We done owe it to them for colonization
Nigger 2: yeah, Monroe doctrine, know what I'm sayin?
Nigger 3: Das Right, day needz medicine N shit.
None of them know what the others are referencing, but they know they are pro whatever Obama is doing because the TV presented it as emotionally sensible.
US did not colonize Africa
Syria is not in Africa so neither did Europe
No white countries could possibly owe Syria anything.
Monroe Doctrine was to prevent any further European colonization into the new world for our national security.
The Monroe Doctrine has nothing to do with "Doctoring" or "Medicine and shit"
These apes all had masters degrees and their conversations were dumb as hell. Furthermore, they are unreliable employees that hunt and peck keys, start disputes with anyone that criticizes them, and they basically never do any work.
The strong amount of hate for hard working nice family oriented people on welfare because they are hispanic. Go hate on a group that deserves it. Dont hate on the people that construct the buildings in your country for cheap, clean your bathrooms and schools making them nice to go to every morning and theres much moor. For the most part Hispanics are good people that bring positivity to the usa and get shit on and they contribute alot people dont think about.
Wow I never thought I would see a burger who knows about my country, let alone say nice things about it on Sup Forums.
Thanks burgerbro
fuck you.....
Blacks went to war with us while the Hispanics that are here have done nothing to deserve to be in this country
Illegals never paid taxes for the roads
Illegals never paid taxes for the schools
Illegals never paid taxes for the hospitals
Illegals never paid taxes
They are like leeches, taking, taking taking but not paying into the system
They are greedy fuckers whose own country doesn't want them
>White people will always need their berry-pickers, window washers, and cleaning lady's.
This is really misleading and kind of a dangerous way to think. Even in white countries, the menial, low-paying jobs have their place. These used to be one of the main way that young people developed a work ethic and saved a little bit of money to buy a car and pay their college tuition. And even though whites are much more intelligent than Mexicans by about 15 IQ points on average, there are always going to be stupid whites who are unable to perform in high-skills work. When the average white IQ is 100, that still generally means that 50% of the white population have IQ's that are
There was this house a few miles away from where I grew up that was a Juggalo house. It was like 15 white trash people that must have pooled their money and bought it. They looked like your typical Juggalos, but all in all they were nice people. Thing is, they would fucking die all the time. Like every month they would die and a new "In Memory" funeral bumper sticker would turn up on their windows. It got to a point that more Juggalos there appeared to be dying than the house even originally held. Anyway, there was a huge female Juggalo that lived there. Not unlike the one in this pic, but way more durable looking, and she was the survivor. As best as I could tell, this house was a Juggalo "hive" and she was the queen. I think what would happen is they would feed her Faygo like royal jelly, or maybe Faygo was even a byproduct of her like bees and honey, hard to say, but what she would then do is develop an ovipositor and birth live-young Juggalo drones that would age and mature to adulthood at a rapid rate in order to serve the hive. Wherever they are, they aren't at that house anymore. I can only assume once the hive reached sufficient size or perhaps was even destroyed, they migrated somewhere else so no one would become overly suspicious like I did.
>niggers are technically just as native
My family was here since the 1700s fagland.
I can tell you failed maths
Their all dressed like working humble people prooving my point. Not like whites and niggers that look like fuckin asshole bums that use all their money on drugs or douchebags that spend all their money on new cloths and sneakers.
Don't forget chinks are the fastest growing minority group in the US now and are pretty much buying every business and property they can get their hands on in Cali, Washington and Oregon. They are also quickly becoming the majority on University campus's across the country.
For illegals doesn't the rate for major welfare jump up to 55% and "any welfare" is at 77%?
Anyone have that graph?
Jese Fucking Christ
You stupid fucking chimichanga
You still don't understand the difference between "Their" and "They're"
Get the fuck out of my country before I shove a bald headed eagle up your greasy hispanic ass
The usa did colonize africa. The usa created the ACS american colonization society and gave african slaves the african countiry libera to live and pursue freedome. First African American President Joseph Jenkins was president of liberia born in the usa
This, Hispanic illegals must end. We cannot support their greedy slug asses anymore. The US isn't the world's charity.
Illegals need to be deported. People that just send all their money to Mexico piss me off. However there are lots of hardworking legal Hispanics here.
no, but I have this graph
So far, all you've said is the following:
>Mexicans dress better than whites
That's totally unrelated to anything that I said, and a t-shirt and jeans is called modest or casual dress, not dressing "nice."
>welfare isn't taken, it's given
That's a pointless distinction the truth of which is arguable at best. So what if you use a different word? It doesn't change the fact that Mexicans receive the welfare at a much higher rate than whites.
Do you actually have any arguments against what was said in or are you just going to keep repeating those two ridiculous non-arguments?
>US dis not colonize africa
I couldn't care less if they're dressed in 3-piece suits.
You're shitskinned people are nothing but tax sponging leeches. Fuck your mud colored kin.
This. Also, many of these illegals get more back on their tax returns then they pay in because they have so many dependents. This one illegal fuck I used to work with would get back about 8k on his return because of tax credits and would only pay around 2k throughout the year.
>and are pretty much buying every business and property they can get their hands on in Cali, Washington and Oregon.
This is mostly because foreign real estate is one of the only ways that Chinks can park large sums of money without the Chinese government confiscating it. It's one of the main drivers of property prices in Canadian cities.